Merge fix for bug 2620.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <ssm/ssmstatepolicy.h>
#include <ssm/ssmconditionalcallback.h>
class CSsmCommandListResourceReader;
Startup state policy plug-in for GSA. This is a polymorphic dll.
Implements MSsmStatePolicy to initialize, prepare and return command list using CSsmCommandListResourceReader.
Implements MSsmConditionalCallback to decide whether to include a command in a command list or not.
For internal use, implements a fallback mechanism to launch 'sysstart.exe' when static command list for 'start-up' state is not found.
This is required during migration from 'sysstart' to 'ssma start-up' and is not required for writing a new 'start-up' state policy.
@see MSsmStatePolicy
@see MSsmConditionalCallback
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CGsaStatePolicyStartup) : public CBase, public MSsmStatePolicy, public MSsmConditionalCallback
IMPORT_C static MSsmStatePolicy* NewL();
//from MSsmStatePolicy
TResponse TransitionAllowed(const TSsmStateTransition& aRequest, TSsmStateTransition const* aCurrent,
TSsmStateTransition const* aQueued, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void Initialize(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
void InitializeCancel();
void PrepareCommandList(TSsmState aState, TInt aReason, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
void PrepareCommandListCancel();
CSsmCommandList* CommandList();
TBool GetNextState(TSsmState aCurrentTransition, TInt aReason, TInt aError, TInt aSeverity, TSsmState& aNextState);
void Release();
// from MSsmConditionalCallback
TBool ConditionalCommandAllowedL(CResourceFile& aResourceFile, TInt aResourceId);
void ConstructL();
TBool TransitionSupported(const TSsmState& aRequestedState) const;
void GetCommandListPath(TUint aBootMode, TDes& aCmdListPath);
TInt GetBootupCountL();
TInt iHardwareReason;
TInt iSoftwareReason;
TInt iSubStatesCount;
TUint16 iRequestedSubState;
TBool iLaunchSysStart;
TBool iLaunchSysAgt2SrvAndWServ;
RArray<TInt> iSubStates;
RArray<TSsmState> iCurrentlySupportedTransitions;
CSsmCommandListResourceReader* iCommandListResourceReader;
RFs iFs;
// Possible panic codes within Startup policy
enum TStartupPanicCodes
Panic when command list resource reader is NULL
EInvalidResourceReader = 1,
Panic when Main state supplied is not 'ESsmStartup'
Panic when ConditionalCommandAllowedL is called for a command which hasn't implemented conditional_information
Panic on Emulator (__WINS__) instead of moving to Fail state when CLE returns an error during the execution of a command with a severity other than ECmdIgnoreFailure.
Fail policy would issue a re-start(TPowerState::EPwRestart) which is not supported on emulator. On H4hrp a re-start is issued by Fail policy.
Substate for transition is not found in the command list id.
File for persisting reboot counts not found