// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
//all the constant value needs to be in a separate file
//Care should be taken not to define the exported data in the same source file
//in which they are referred, lest the compiler inline's it. If inlined, the
//data cannot be patched. Hence, the definition of data must be put in a
//separate source file and they must be referred in other source files by
//using 'extern' qualifier
Patchable data used in the Sysutil framework. This patchable data should be
set to the drive letter of the MMC drive, in the range as specified by
TDriveNumber enumeration. See sysutil.cpp for further details of the scheme
used to configure this constant.
@see TDriveNumber
SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL will use this specified drive to report
on the disk levels.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilDefaultMMCDrive = -1;
Patchable data used in the Sysutil framework. Threshold for
disk space critical level for a RAM drive.
SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL, SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL or
SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL will use this level to determine if the
disk level has reached the critical threshold. See sysutil.cpp for further
details of the scheme used to configure this constant.
#ifdef __WINSCW__ // Set to valid value for WINSCW as no patching supported.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilRamDiskCriticalThreshold = 65536;
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilRamDiskCriticalThreshold = -1;
Patchable data used in the Sysutil framework. Thres
SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL, SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL or
SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL will use this level to determine if the
disk level has reached the critical threshold.. See sysutil.cpp for
further details of the scheme used to configure this constant.
#ifdef __WINSCW__ // Set to valid value for WINSCW as no patching supported.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilOtherDiskCriticalThreshold = 262144;
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilOtherDiskCriticalThreshold = -1;
Patchable data used in the Sysutil framework. This patchable data should be
set to the drive letter of the FFS drive, in the range as specified by
TDriveNumber enumeration. See sysutil.cpp for further details of the scheme
used to configure this constant.
@see TDriveNumber
SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL will use this specified drive to report on
the disk levels.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilDefaultFFSDrive = -1;
Patchable data used to turn off sysutilsetup.exe for the version APIs. By
doing this caching of the version information will be turned off. This means
the configuration files will be read each time the SysUtil version information
APIs are called. Off/disabled is the default platform value to ensure backwards
compatibility with earlier SysUtil implementations.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe = ETrue;
Patchable data used to turn off sysutilsetup.exe for the device type
information API. By doing this two things will happen. Firstly, caching of
the device type information will be turned off. This means the configuration
files will be read each time the SysUtil device type information API is called.
Secondly, the ability to use a plug-in will be disabled. This will limit the
configuration of the device type information API to only the configuration
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilDisableDeviceTypeInfoSetupExe = EFalse;
Patchable data used to enable the ability of SysUtil to find it's text files in
the 'C:\versions\' folder rather than 'Z:\resource\versions\'.
Once enabled the test paths can be switched on by setting a P&S property to
ETrue in the system category (KUidSystemCategory) with a key of 0x10285B40.
If the test paths are switched on then any of the TXT files, INI files and
plug-in can be placed on the system drive and will be used instead of the
equivalent files on the Z drive.
This constant also turns on the ability to use the -delete flag with
SysUtilSetup.exe. This flag tells SysUtilSetup.exe to delete the Version
and Device Type Information Publish and Subscribe properties.
#ifdef __WINSCW__
// Set to valid value for WINSCW since cannot patch WINSCW builds
// as there is no security threat posed by enabling this under the emulator.
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilTestModeEnabled = ETrue;
EXPORT_C extern const TInt KSysUtilTestModeEnabled = EFalse;