// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// ROM include file for Remote Control system.
#ifndef __REMCON_IBY__
#define __REMCON_IBY__
REM *** The following iby files are always included, whether bluetooth is
REM *** supported by the device or not.
#include <ecom.iby>
// If __BT_DEBUG__ is defined pull in debug versions of the
// RemCon DLLs regardless of the ROM type
#ifdef __BT_DEBUG__
define BT_DIR UDEB
REM *** The following dlls are client side dlls. They are always included
REM *** in the ROM, whether bluetooth is supported by the device or not, so
REM *** that client applications can link against them regardless.
// Client side
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconcoreapi.dll System\Libs\remconcoreapi.dll
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconinterfacebase.dll System\Libs\remconinterfacebase.dll
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconclient.dll System\Libs\remconclient.dll
// An extension API (outer client side) supporting track name and absolute
// volume APIs.
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconextapi1.dll System\Libs\remconextapi1.dll
// DLL containing types used by more than one server-side subcomponent.
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remcontypes.dll System\Libs\remcontypes.dll
REM *** Now for things which should only be included if the device
REM *** supports bluetooth, to save ROM space...
REM Feature BLUETOOTH is not in this ROM (remotecontrol.iby)
// Server
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconserver.exe System\Programs\remconserver.exe
// Base DLL for bearer plugins
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconbearerplugin.dll System\Libs\remconbearerplugin.dll
// Base DLL for target selector plugins
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remcontargetselectorplugin.dll System\Libs\remcontargetselectorplugin.dll
// Base DLL for converter plugins
file=ABI_DIR\BT_DIR\remconconverterplugin.dll System\Libs\remconconverterplugin.dll
// The concrete Target Selector Plugin.
#include <tsp.iby>
#endif // __REMCON_IBY__