author Peter Fordham <>
Sun, 23 May 2010 17:54:58 -0700
changeset 26 4b9f782dce8f
parent 0 4e1aa6a622a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 1782 - GCC-E compilation error. Make friends with whole classes instead of private and protected methods.

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#include <e32base.h>
#include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
#include <remcon/remconinterfaceif.h>

class MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver;
class CRemConInterfaceSelector;

Client-instantiable type supporting sending TrackInfo API responses.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRemConTrackInfoTarget) : public CRemConInterfaceBase, 
								            public MRemConInterfaceIf
	Factory function.
	@param aInterfaceSelector The interface selector. The client must have 
	created one of these first.
	@param aObserver The observer of this interface.
	@return A new CRemConTrackInfoTarget, owned by the interface selector.
	IMPORT_C static CRemConTrackInfoTarget* NewL(CRemConInterfaceSelector& aInterfaceSelector, 
		MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver& aObserver);
	/** Destructor. */
	IMPORT_C ~CRemConTrackInfoTarget();

	Sends a response to a 'get track name' command.
	Only one response per target session can be outstanding at any one time.
	@param aStatus Used by RemCon to indicate completion of the send request.
	@param aTrackName The track name.
	@param aError The response error.
	@panic USER 23, if the length of aTrackName is greater than 58 Characters. 
	IMPORT_C void GetTrackNameResponse(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
		const TDesC& aTrackName, 
		TInt aError);

	Sends a response to a 'get artist' command.
	Only one response per target session can be outstanding at any one time.
	@param aStatus Used by RemCon to indicate completion of the send request.
	@param aArtist The artist.
	@param aError The response error.
	@panic USER 23, if the length of aArtist is greater than 58 Characters. 
	IMPORT_C void GetArtistResponse(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
		const TDesC& aArtist, 
		TInt aError);

	Sends a response to a 'get track duration' command.
	Only one response per target session can be outstanding at any one time.
	@param aStatus Used by RemCon to indicate completion of the send request.
	@param aDuration The duration.
	@param aError The response error.
	IMPORT_C void GetTrackDurationResponse(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
		const TTime& aDuration, 
		TInt aError);

The following section of code is included to allow internal back to back 
testing of this component within Symbian Software Ltd. It will only be 
compiled in specially configured test builds. It will never be available 
in any release and so should never be used outside of Symbian owned test 
	This method is only available in specially configured test builds and will 
	not be found in any released code.
	IMPORT_C void SetTrackNameResponse(TRequestStatus& aStatus,
		TInt aError);

	This method is only available in specially configured test builds and will 
	not be found in any released code.
	void HandleSetTrackName(const TDesC8& aData);		

	@param aInterfaceSelector The interface selector.
	@param aObserver The observer of this interface.
	CRemConTrackInfoTarget(CRemConInterfaceSelector& aInterfaceSelector, 
		MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver& aObserver);

private: // from CRemConInterfaceBase
	TAny* GetInterfaceIf(TUid aUid);

private: // from MRemConInterfaceIf
	void MrcibNewMessage(TUint aOperationId, const TDesC8& aData);

private: // unowned
	MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver& iObserver;

private: // owned
	// For operation-specific data.
	TBuf8<KMaxName> iOutData;
	// not used by this class, but required for calling RRemCon::Send ...
	TUint iNumRemotes;
