Bug 1782 - GCC-E compilation error. Make friends with whole classes instead of private and protected methods.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header of the CHWRMHaptics class.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <hwrmlogicalactuators.h>
#include <hwrmhapticsobserver.h>
#include <hwrmhapticsactuatorobserver.h>
/** Minimum magnitude value. */
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude = 0;
/** Maximum magnitude value. */
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude = 10000;
* Minimum device priority.
* To be used with SetDeviceProperty().
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMinDevicePriority = 0;
* Maximum device priority.
* To be used with SetDeviceProperty().
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMaxDevicePriority = 15;
/** Minimum strength value. */
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMinStrength = 0;
/** Maximum strength value. */
const TInt KHWRMHapticsMaxStrength = 10000;
* The class used to control the device's haptics feature.
* The Haptics API provides the ability to control the device's haptics feature.
* The API provides methods for receiving the current status and effect
* completion of the haptics. The API provides synchronous and asynchronous
* versions of playing methods due to the nature of effect playing
* where multiple calls may be made to play effects.
* Synchronous methods are provided for other API functionality.
* They will block the calling client during their execution.
* The API is meant for all applications which need to control the
* device's haptics feature.
* The API consist of the class CHWRMHaptics and related observer classes:
* MHWRMHapticsObserver and MHWRMHapticsActuatorObserver. If the client
* requires up-to-date status information, it can be achieved by deriving
* the client from MHWRMHapticsObserver or MHWRMHapticsActuatorObserver or
* from both and providing a callback pointer(s) of the implementing class
* for the NewL() method.
* @code
* // ===================================================================
* // Usage example 1:
* // - Setting the license key.
* // - Playing a periodic effect
* // - Preconditions:
* // - Haptics feature must be enabled by the system.
* // ===================================================================
* #include <hwrmhaptics.h> // link against hwrmhapticsclient.lib
* #include <hwrmlogicalactuators.h> // enumeration of logical actuators
* TInt minPeriod( 0 );
* TInt effectHandle( 0 );
* TInt suppAct( 0 );
* CHWRMHaptics* haptics = CHWRMHaptics::NewL( NULL, NULL );
* haptics->SupportedActuators( suppAct );
* if( EHWRMLogicalActuatorDevice & suppAct )
* {
* haptics->OpenActuatorL( EHWRMLogicalActuatorDevice );
* }
* else if ( EHWRMLogicalActuatorAny & suppAct )
* {
* haptics->OpenActuatorL( EHWRMLogicalActuatorAny );
* }
* // 3rd party developers can obtain the license key from Forum Nokia
* _LIT8( KLicenseKey,"_this_value_must_be_32_in_length" );
* User::LeaveIfError(
* haptics->SetDeviceProperty(
* THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes::EHWRMHapticsLicenseKey,
* KLicenseKey ) );
* // --> now playing effects is possible
* CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect periodicEff;
* periodicEff.iDuration = 5000;
* periodicEff.iMagnitude = 5000;
* periodicEff.iPeriod = minPeriod;
* periodicEff.iStyle = CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsStyleSharp;
* periodicEff.iAttackTime = 250;
* periodicEff.iAttackLevel = 10000;
* periodicEff.iFadeTime = 250;
* periodicEff.iFadeLevel = 0;
* haptics->PlayPeriodicEffect( periodicEff, effectHandle );
* // ... something happened in the application and it has lost focus
* // so stop the effect immediately
* haptics->StopPlayingEffect( effectHandle );
* // ================================================================
* // Usage example 2:
* // - Loading effect data from a file and playing effects from the
* // loaded data.
* // - Preconditions:
* // - license key is set
* // - Recommended usage style:
* // - Effect data file can contain definition(s) of periodic
* // effects, magsweep effects or a combination of these basic
* // types called timeline effects, which call basic effects in
* // sequence thus forming new more complex effects.
* // - Load the effect data once in the client application.
* // - Play effects from the loaded data using the effectIndex
* // ================================================================
* // Use S60 FileSystem to load the effect data file to a buffer
* ...
* // Effect data has been read into a descriptor by the user.
* // Load the effect data to be used by the haptic subsystem.
* TInt fileHandle( 0 );
* User::LeaveIfError( haptics->LoadEffectData( data, fileHandle ) );
* TInt effectIndex = 0;
* TInt hapticsStatus = haptics->PlayEffect( fileHandle,
* effectIndex,
* effectHandle );
* hapticsStatus = haptics->DeleteEffectData( fileHandle );
* if( KErrNone != hapticsStatus )
* {
* // do some error handling...
* }
* delete haptics;
* haptics = NULL;
* @endcode
* Common error codes returned by the Haptics API methods.
* KErrArgument Argument is invalid, e.g., malformatted effect data, or too
* large magnitude value.
* KErrAccessDenied The license key is not set when trying to use some
* haptics method.
* KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory available for the method to
* complete.
* KErrNotReady Initialization has not been done properly when trying to use
* a haptics method.
* @lib hwrmhapticsclient.dll
* @since S60 5.1
class CHWRMHaptics : public CBase
* Defines the paramaters used in a magsweep effect.
* Used by
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* ModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect(),
* GetMagSweepEffectDefinition().
struct THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect
* Duration of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* To specify an infinite duration, the effect duration
* should be set to a value returned by InfiniteDuration().
* For a finite duration, the effect duration is clamped to a value
* from 0 to the value returned by GetDeviceCapability()
* for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEffectDuration capability type.
TInt iDuration;
* Magnitude of the effect.
* The effect magnitude is clamped to a value from
* KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude.
TInt iMagnitude;
* Style of the effect.
* Can be one of THWRMHapticsEffectStyles.
TInt iStyle;
* Attack time of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* The attack time is clamped to a value from 0 to the value returned
* by GetDeviceCapability() for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEnvelopeTime
* capability type.
TInt iAttackTime;
* Attack level of the effect.
* The attack level is clamped to a value from KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude.
TInt iAttackLevel;
* Fade time of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* The fade time is clamped to a value from 0 to the value returned
* by GetDeviceCapability() for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEnvelopeTime
* capability type.
TInt iFadeTime;
* Fade level of the effect.
* The fade level is clamped to a value from KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude inclusive.
TInt iFadeLevel;
* Defines the parameters used in a periodic effect.
* Used by
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* ModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect(),
* GetPeriodicEffectDefinition().
struct THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect
* Duration of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* To specify an infinite duration, the effect duration
* should be set to InfiniteDuration().
* For a finite duration, the effect duration is clamped to a value
* from 0 to the value returned by GetDeviceCapability()
* for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEffectDuration capability type.
TInt iDuration;
* Magnitude of the effect.
* The effect magnitude is clamped to a value from
* KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude.
TInt iMagnitude;
* Period of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* The period is clamped to a value returned by GetDeviceCapability()
* for EHWRMHapticsMinPeriod capability type to the value returned
* by GetDeviceCapability() for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEnvelopeTime
* capability type.
TInt iPeriod;
* Style of the effect.
* Can be one of THWRMHapticsEffectStyles.
TInt iStyle;
* Attack time of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* The attack time is clamped to a value from 0 to the value returned
* by GetDeviceCapability() for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEnvelopeTime
* capability type.
TInt iAttackTime;
* Attack level of the effect.
* The attack level is clamped to a value from KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude.
TInt iAttackLevel;
* Fade time of the effect. Unit is milliseconds.
* The fade time is clamped to a value from 0 to the value returned
* by GetDeviceCapability() for the EHWRMHapticsMaxEnvelopeTime
* capability type.
TInt iFadeTime;
* Fade level of the effect.
* The fade level is clamped to a value from KHWRMHapticsMinMagnitude
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude.
TInt iFadeLevel;
* THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes enumeration
* Use SetDeviceProperty() to set properties for the haptics
* and GetDeviceProperty() to get properties currently in use.
enum THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes
* License key property. Usable with SetDeviceProperty() only.
* Use const TDesC8& overloaded version of the method.
* Setting this property to a valid license key unlocks the haptics
* subsystem in the device. Setting this property to an invalid
* license key locks the haptics in the device (for this client).
* The haptics in the device are locked from clients by default.
* When haptics is locked, all haptics related operations on the
* device, except for setting the license key and closing the device,
* fail.
* Haptics must be unlocked on a per instance basis.
EHWRMHapticsLicensekey = 0,
* Property used to set/get the priority for effects to played for
* the given haptics instance (i.e., for the given client).
* Use TInt overloaded version of the methods SetDeviceProperty()and
* GetDeviceProperty() to use this property.
* Different haptics instances can use different priorities
* on the same physical device. The priority determines which haptics
* instance's effects are played when multiple haptics instances
* are attempting to play effects at the same time.
* The default priority is DefaultDevicePriority().
* Priority values can range from KHWRMHapticsMinDevicePriority
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxDevicePriority.
* GetDeviceProperty() returns a value inside
* TInt& aDevicePropertyValue in the range of
* KHWRMHapticsMinDevicePriority
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxDevicePriority. If the client has not set
* the EHWRMHapticsPriority property GetDeviceProperty() returns
* a value of DefaultDevicePriority().
* Property used to disable effects for the client's haptics instance.
* Use TBool overloaded version of the methods SetDeviceProperty() and
* GetDeviceProperty() to use this property.
* When this property is set to true, any playing effects are
* immediately stopped and subsequent requests to play
* effects are ignored. Applies to the calling client's
* haptics instance only. When this property is set to false,
* subsequent requests to play effects are honored.
* The default value for this property is false.
* A property that reduces/increases the magnitude of all effects
* for a particular haptics instance.
* Use TInt overloaded version of the methods SetDeviceProperty()and
* GetDeviceProperty() to use this property.
* Strength values can vary from KHWRMHapticsMinStrength ("mute")
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxStrength.
* The default value for EHWRMHapticsStrength is
* KHWRMHapticsMaxStrength. If the EHWRMHapticsStrength property is
* not set, the default value is used.
* When reducing/increasing the magnitude of the effects by setting
* the EHWRMHapticsStrength property, it only applies to the haptics
* instance of the client which called the function. If there is a
* second haptics instance held by the same or a different client,
* it is not affected by the setting of the EHWRMHapticsStrength
* property of the first client's haptics instance.
* Modifying the EHWRMHapticsStrength property of the haptics instance
* does not affect currently playing effects, only effects played or
* modified after calling the SetDeviceProperty() method using the new
* EHWRMHapticsStrength value.
* A property that reduces/increases the magnitude of all effects
* for all haptics instances (whole device).
* Use TInt overloaded version of the methods SetDeviceProperty()and
* GetDeviceProperty() to use this property.
* Strength values can vary from KHWRMHapticsMinStrength ("mute")
* to KHWRMHapticsMaxStrength.
* The default value for Master Strength is KHWRMHapticsMaxStrength.
* If the client does not set the EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength property
* of the haptics instance, the default value is used.
* When reducing/increasing the magnitude of the effects,
* EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength property affects all playing effects on
* all haptics instances (whole device).
* This means that all the haptics instances, held by other
* clients are affected by the setting of EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength
* property of the first client's haptics instance.
* The client which wants to set the EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength
* property must have a haptics instance that has a maximum effect
* priority.
* The haptics client instance must set itself to a maximum priority
* by calling SetDeviceProperty() using EHWRMHapticsPriority property
* type and KMaxDevicePriority value before changing the
* EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength property's value.
* Note: A licensee license key, provided to licensees only,
* changes the EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength property.
* A call to SetDeviceProperty( EHWRMHapticsMasterStrength, aValue )
* always returns KErrAccessDenied for haptics instances that are
* not using a licensee license key.
* Device's capability types.
* Use TInt& aDeviceCapabilityValue overloaded version of the
* method GetDeviceCapability() unless otherwise mentioned.
enum THWRMHapticsDeviceCapabilityTypes
* Device category. See THWRMHapticsDeviceCategory enumeration defined
* later in this API header for possible values.
EHWRMHapticsDeviceCategory = 0,
* The maximum number of nested repeat bars supported for Timeline effects.
* Any repeat bars nested beyond this level are played only once.
* Number of vibration actuators present in the device.
* Actuator type See THWRMHapticsActuatorType enumeration defined
* later in this API header for possible values.
* Number of effect slots.
* The number of effect slots represents the maximum number
* of simple effects that can play simultaneously.
* If an attempt is made to play more than this number of effects
* at the same time, some of the simple effects do not play.
* Supported effect styles, stored as a bitfield. See
* THWRMHapticsSupportedEffectStyles enumeration defined later in this
* API header for possible values.
* Minimum period for Periodic effects.
* Maximum period for Periodic effects.
* Maximum duration for MagSweep and Periodic effects measured
* in milliseconds.
* Supported effect types. Stored as a bitfield. See
* THWRMHapticsSupportedEffectTypes enumeration defined later in this
* API header for possible values.
* Device name.
* Use TDes8& aDeviceCapabilityValue overloaded version of the
* method GetDeviceCapability().
* Maximum start time or fade time in milliseconds for
* effect envelopes of MagSweep or periodic effects.
* Version number of the physical haptics player in the device in
* hexadecimal format.
* The format is OxMMNNSSBB, where MM is the major
* version number, NN is the minor version number,
* SS is a special build number and BB is the VTMP build number.
* For example, for the hexadecimal format 0x02000053 the version
* number is 2.0.83
* Maximum size in bytes of effect data (buffer) that can be played
* on a non-tethered device.
EHWRMHapticsMaxEffectDataSize = 14
* Device category.
enum THWRMHapticsDeviceCategory
EHWRMHapticsVirtual = 2,
EHWRMHapticsEmbedded = 3,
* Bitmask for effect support.
* To be used to analyze value returned by GetDeviceCapability().
enum THWRMHapticsSupportedEffectTypes
EHWRMHapticsSupportPeriodic = 1,
EHWRMHapticsSupportMagSweep = 2,
EHWRMHapticsSupportTimeline = 4,
EHWRMHapticsSupportStreaming = 8
* Effect types
enum THWRMHapticsEffectTypes
EHWRMHapticsTypePeriodic = 0,
* Bitmask for supported effect styles.
* To be used to analyze the value returned by GetDeviceCapability().
enum THWRMHapticsSupportedEffectStyles
EHWRMHapticsSupportSmooth = 1,
EHWRMHapticsSupportStrong = 2,
EHWRMHapticsSupportSharp = 4
* Effect styles
* Used to specify Periodic or MagSweep effect style when calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* ModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect() and
* ModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect().
enum THWRMHapticsEffectStyles
EHWRMHapticsStyleSmooth = 0,
* Actuator types.
* To be used with GetDeviceCapability().
enum THWRMHapticsActuatorTypes
* Eccentric Rotating Mass actuator
EHWRMHapticsTypeERM = 0,
* Linear Resonant actuator
EHWRMHapticsTypeLRA = 2
* Effect states.
* As returned in a call to GetEffectState().
enum THWRMHapticsEffectStates
EHWRMHapticsEffectNotPlaying = 0,
* Two-phased constructor.
* Use this method for creating a haptics instance with callbacks.
* @param aHapticsCallback Pointer to callback instance. Can be NULL.
* @param aActuatorCallback Pointer to callback instance. Can be NULL.
* @return A pointer to a new instance of the CHWRMHaptics class.
* @since S60 5.1
IMPORT_C static CHWRMHaptics* NewL(
MHWRMHapticsObserver* aHapticsCallback,
MHWRMHapticsActuatorObserver* aActuatorCallback );
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C static CHWRMHaptics* NewL(
MHWRMHapticsObserver* aHapticsCallback,
MHWRMHapticsActuatorObserver* aActuatorCallback,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Method for opening a logical actuator for use.
* This method must be called before using any other methods of this class,
* except when using GetXXX methods.
* The Haptics API supports a limited number of instances of CHWRMHaptics
* class.
* If all instances are currently in use, the next attempt to call
* OpenActuatorL() from any client fails.
* Applications should not use more instances than necessary as this
* may prevent other applications from instantiating the CHWRMHaptics
* class.
* @param aActuator Enumeration of the type of logical actuator the client
* wants to use.
* @leave TInt KErrNotSupported, if the used logical actuator is not
* supported by the system.
* @leave TInt KErrAlreadyExists, if the used logical actuator is already
* opened.
* @leave TInt KErrInUse, if some other actuator is already opened.
* @leave TInt KErrArgument, if aActuator is not valid enumeration value.
* @see THWRMLogicalActuators for a list of usable actuators.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual void OpenActuatorL( THWRMLogicalActuators aActuator ) = 0;
* Method for getting a bitmask value of supported logical actuators.
* Developer needs to evaluate the returned bitmask against
* THWRMLogicalActuators enumeration values to know the
* supported logical actuators.
* @param[out] aActuators Bitmask of supported logical actuators.
* @return TInt KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMLogicalActuators for a list of usable actuators.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt SupportedActuators( TUint32& aActuators ) = 0;
* Reserves haptics feature exclusively for this client.
* A higher priority client may cause lower priority client reservation
* to be temporarily suspended. The suspended client does not get
* any notification about suspension. If haptics is already reserved
* by a higher or equal priority client, reserving still succeeds,
* but reservation is immediately suspended. When the reservation
* is suspended, playing effects do not actually cause the effects to be
* played.
* Note: Unless the client has instantiated the Haptics API with the status
* observer, it does not receive any notifications about the fact that its
* effects are not actually played by the physical player when the client
* has been suspended by a higher priority reservation.
* Note also that even if haptics is reserved by some client, a higher
* priority client succeeds in playing its effects.
* Calling this method is equal to call ReserveHapticsL(EFalse),
* i.e. foreground status is always used to control further reservations.
* However, this is a future feature, and not implemented in current version.
virtual void ReserveHapticsL() = 0;
* Reserves haptics feature exclusively for this client.
* A higher priority client may cause lower priority client reservation
* to be temporarily suspended. The suspended client does not get
* any notifications about suspension. If haptics is already reserved
* by a higher or equal priority client, reserving still succeeds,
* but reservation is immediately suspended. When the reservation
* is suspended, playing effects does not actually cause the effects to be
* played.
* Note: Unless the client has instantiated the Haptics API with the status
* observer, it does not receive any notifications about the fact that its
* effects are not actually played by the physical player when the client
* has been suspended by a higher priority reservation.
* Note also that even if haptics is reserved by some client, a higher
* priority client succeeds in playing its effects.
* @param aForceNoCCoeEnv (Note: This is a future feature, and not
* implemented in current version. You can think of
* it ETrue always.)
* If EFalse, then reservation requires that
* this client has the keyboard focus at the time of
* reservation and haptics is automatically
* released and re-reserved based on the keyboard
* focus status of this client.
* This also implies that CCoeEnv::Static() != NULL
* is required.
* If ETrue, the client does not require CCoeEnv to
* be present nor does it automatically reserve or
* release haptics by depending on the foreground or
* background status of the client. Only trusted
* clients are allowed to set this flag to ETrue.
* The client application is considered trusted if
* it has a priority defined in haptics policy file.
* The policy files can be modified by S60 licensees.
* @leave KErrAccessDenied Parameter aForceNoCCoeEnv is ETrue
* and client is not trusted.
* @leave KErrBadHandle Parameter aForceNoCCoeEnv is EFalse
* and no CCoeEnv present.
* @leave KErrNotReady Trying to reserve while on background and parameter
* aForceNoCCoeEnv is EFalse.
* @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure.
virtual void ReserveHapticsL( TBool aForceNoCCoeEnv ) = 0;
* Releases haptics feature if it was previously reserved for this client.
* If this client has not reserved haptics feature, does nothing.
* If haptics is on when it is released and no other client has a suspended
* reservation, haptics is stopped.
virtual void ReleaseHaptics() = 0;
* This method retrieves the current haptics status.
* @return THWRMHapticsStatus indicating the current haptics status
* @see THWRMHapticsStatus
virtual MHWRMHapticsObserver::THWRMHapticsStatus HapticsStatus() const=0;
* Sets a property of the haptics.
* Some properties affect all haptics instances, some only
* the current instance of the haptics. More about that can be found
* in THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes.
* @param[in] aDevicePropertyType Property type for the
* property to be set.
* @param[in] aDevicePropertyValue Value of the property to set.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes for a list of valid property types
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt SetDeviceProperty( TInt aDevicePropertyType,
TInt aDevicePropertyValue ) = 0;
* @overload
virtual TInt SetDeviceProperty( TInt aDevicePropertyType,
const TDesC8& aDevicePropertyValue ) = 0;
* Gets a property value of the haptics.
* @param[in] aDevicePropertyType Property type for the property to get.
* @param[out] aDevicePropertyValue Reference to the variable that
* receives the requested property
* value of the device.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsDevicePropertyTypes for a list of the valid property
* types.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetDeviceProperty( TInt aDevicePropertyType,
TInt& aDevicePropertyValue ) = 0;
* @overload
* @return KErrNone if successful,
* KErrArgument if the length of the given string is less
* than MaxPropertyStringLength(),
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual TInt GetDeviceProperty( TInt aDevicePropertyType,
TDes8& aDevicePropertyValue ) = 0;
* Gets a capability value of the haptics.
* @param[in] aDeviceCapabilityType Capability type of the
* capability to get.
* @param[out] aDeviceCapabilityValue Reference to the variable that
* receives the requested capability
* value of the device.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful,
* KErrNotReady if no actuator has been opened,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsDeviceCapabilityTypes
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetDeviceCapability( TInt aDeviceCapabilityType,
TInt& aDeviceCapabilityValue ) = 0;
* @overload
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful,
* KErrNotReady if no actuator has been opened,
* KErrArgument if the length of the given string is less
* than MaxCapabilityStringLength(),
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual TInt GetDeviceCapability( TInt aDeviceCapabilityType,
TDes8& aDeviceCapabilityValue ) = 0;
* Retrieves the status of an effect (playing, not playing, paused).
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the effect which must have been
* obtained by calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* PlayEffect(),
* PlayEffectRepeat() or
* CreateStreamingEffect()
* @param[out] aEffectState Pointer to the variable that receives
* the status bits of the effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsEffectStates for a list of valid effect states.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectState( TInt aEffectHandle, TInt& aEffectState ) = 0;
* Creates a streaming effect.
* Client calls CreateStreamingEffect() to create a new streaming
* effect and gets a new handle for it; it should use that effect handle
* to play a streaming sample by calling PlayStreamingSample().
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the streaming effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt CreateStreamingEffect( TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* Plays a streaming sample given in the parameter defining the effect.
* Streaming sample can only be played after calling
* CreateStreamingEffect() and by using the effecthandle it returns.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the streaming effect to play.
* @param[in] aStreamingSample Reference to streaming sample data
* containing the definition of
* the effect to play.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayStreamingSample( TInt aEffectHandle,
const TDesC8& aStreamingSample ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayStreamingSample( TInt aEffectHandle,
const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Plays a streaming sample with a time offset given in the parameters
* defining the effect.
* Client calls CreateStreamingEffect() to create a new streaming
* effect and gets a new handle for it; it should use that effect handle
* to play the streaming sample with this method.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the streaming effect to play.
* @param[in] aStreamingSample Reference to streaming sample data
* containing the definition of the
* effect to play.
* @param[in] aOffsetTime For aOffsetTime values that are greater than 0,
* playback is delayed for aOffsetTime
* in milliseconds.
* For aOffsetTime values that are less than 0,
* sample playback begins in offset time
* in milliseconds into the current sample.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayStreamingSampleWithOffset( TInt aEffectHandle,
const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
TInt aOffsetTime ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayStreamingSampleWithOffset( TInt aEffectHandle,
const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
TInt aOffsetTime,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Destroys a streaming effect previously created in a successful
* call to CreateStreamingEffect().
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the streaming effect to destroy.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt DestroyStreamingEffect( TInt aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* Modifies a playing MagSweep effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the playing MagSweep effect
* to modify. The handle to the effect must have
* been obtained by calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayEffect() or
* PlayEffectRepeat().
* @param[in] aEffect Reference to a struct defining the effect parameters.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt ModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect( TInt aEffectHandle,
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void ModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect( TInt aEffectHandle,
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Modifies a playing periodic effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the playing periodic effect
* to modify. The handle to the effect must have
* been obtained by calling
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* PlayEffect() or
* PlayEffectRepeat().
* @param[in] aEffect Reference to a struct defining the effect parameters.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt ModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect( TInt aEffectHandle,
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void ModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect( TInt aEffectHandle,
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Load effect data defined in effect data buffer (obtained e.g. from a
* file containing the effect data).
* @param[in] aData Reference to allocated effect data buffer.
* @param[out] aFileHandle On return contains a handle to the passed
* effect data. This handle is haptics specific,
* i.e., it is not a file system handle but just
* a handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrArgument if the effect data is invalid.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt LoadEffectData( const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aFileHandle ) = 0;
* Delete loaded effect data referenced by file handle.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to file.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt DeleteEffectData( TInt aFileHandle ) = 0;
* Delete all loaded effect datas.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt DeleteAllEffectData() = 0;
* Plays an effect defined in loaded effect data buffer.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of the effect to play. The index of the
* effect must be greater than or equal to 0 and
* less than the number of effects returned by
* GetEffectCount().
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayEffect( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayEffect( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Repeatedly plays a Timeline effect defined in loaded effect data buffer.
* The current implementation of PlayEffectRepeat() repeats only
* Timeline effects. If the given effect index refers to a simple effect,
* PlayEffectRepeat() ignores the aRepeat parameter and plays the
* simple effect once. In that case, PlayEffectRepeat() behaves
* like PlayEffect(). PlayEffectRepeat() does not return a warning
* when requested to repeat a simple effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of the effect to play. The index of the
* effect must be greater than or equal to 0 and
* less than the number of effects returned by
* GetEffectCount().
* @param[in] aRepeat Number of times to repeat the effect. To play the
* effect indefinitely, set aRepeat to
* InfiniteRepeat(). To repeat the effect a
* finite number of times, set aRepeat to a value from
* 0 to InfiniteRepeat() - 1.
* The effect can be repeated at most
* InfiniteRepeat() - 1 times.
* Setting aRepeat to 0 plays the effect once (repeats
* the effect zero times) and is equivalent to calling
* PlayEffect().
* To stop the effect before it has
* repeated the requested number of times or to stop
* an effect that is playing indefinitely, call
* StopPlayingEffect() or StopAllPlayingEffects()
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayEffectRepeat( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TUint8 aRepeat,
TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayEffectRepeat( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TUint8 aRepeat,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Plays an effect defined in effect data buffer.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aData Reference to effect data buffer containing the
* definition of the effect to play.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of the effect to play. The index of the
* effect must be greater than or equal to 0 and
* less than the number of effects returned by
* GetEffectCount().
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrArgument if the data is invalid.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayEffect( const TDesC8& aData,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrArgument, if the data is invalid,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayEffect( const TDesC8& aData,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Repeatedly plays a Timeline effect defined in effect data buffer.
* The current implementation of PlayEffectRepeat() repeats only
* Timeline effects. If the given effect index refers to a simple effect,
* PlayEffectRepeat() ignores the aRepeat parameter and plays the
* simple effect once. In that case, PlayEffectRepeat() behaves
* similarly to PlayEffect(). PlayEffectRepeat() does not return a warning
* when requested to repeat a simple effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aData Reference to effect data buffer containing the
* definition of the effect to play.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of the effect to play. The index of the
* effect must be greater than or equal to 0 and
* less than the number of effects returned by
* GetEffectCount().
* @param[in] aRepeat Number of times to repeat the effect. To play the
* effect indefinitely, set aRepeat to
* InfiniteRepeat(). To repeat the effect a
* finite number of times, set aRepeat to a value from
* 0 to InfiniteRepeat() - 1. The effect can
* be repeated at most InfiniteRepeat() - 1
* times.
* Setting aRepeat to 0 plays the effect once (repeats
* the effect zero times) and is equivalent to calling
* PlayEffect().
* To stop the effect before it has
* repeated the requested number of times or to stop
* an effect that is playing indefinitely, call
* StopPlayingEffect() or StopAllPlayingEffects()
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrArgument if the data is invalid.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayEffectRepeat( const TDesC8& aData,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TUint8 aRepeat,
TInt& aEffectHandle )=0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrArgument, if the data is invalid,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayEffectRepeat( const TDesC8& aData,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TUint8 aRepeat,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus )=0;
* Plays a MagSweep effect given in the parameters defining the effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffect Reference to a struct defining the effect parameters.
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @see THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayMagSweepEffect(
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect,
TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayMagSweepEffect(
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Plays a Periodic effect given in the parameters defining the effect.
* Synchronous method returns when the haptic command has been evaluated
* and the return value is valid.
* @param[in] aEffect Reference to a struct defining the effect parameters.
* @param[out] aEffectHandle Reference to the variable that receives
* a handle to the playing effect.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @return TInt KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client.
* @see THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PlayPeriodicEffect(
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect,
TInt& aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* @overload
* @param[out] aStatus Request status. On completion contains:
* KErrNone, if successful,
* KErrInUse when haptics is reserved for a higher or
* equal priority client,
* otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
virtual void PlayPeriodicEffect(
const CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect,
TInt& aEffectHandle,
TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
* Pauses a playing effect.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the playing effect to pause.
* The handle to the effect must have been
* obtained by calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayPeriodicEffect() ,
* PlayEffect() ,
* PlayEffectRepeat() or
* CreateStreamingEffect().
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt PausePlayingEffect( TInt aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* Resumes playback on a paused effect from the point where
* the effect was paused.
* Depending on the available slots, it is possible that all simple
* effects from a paused effect data buffer or streaming sample cannot
* be resumed. The API returns success when it is able to play one of
* these simple effects.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the paused effect to resume.
* The handle to the effect must have been
* obtained by calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* PlayEffect(),
* PlayEffectRepeat() or
* CreateStreamingEffect().
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt ResumePausedEffect( TInt aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* Stops a playing effect.
* @param[in] aEffectHandle Handle to the playing effect to stop.
* The handle to the effect must have been
* obtained by calling
* PlayMagSweepEffect(),
* PlayPeriodicEffect(),
* PlayEffect(),
* PlayEffectRepeat() or
* CreateStreamingEffect().
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt StopPlayingEffect( TInt aEffectHandle ) = 0;
* Stops all playing and paused effects of a haptics instance.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt StopAllPlayingEffects() = 0;
* Get a number of effects defined in a loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[out] aCount Number of effects in the effect data buffer.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectCount ( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt& aCount ) const = 0;
* Get the duration of an effect defined in a loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Effect for which the duration is wanted.
* @param[out] aEffectDuration Reference to the variable that receives
* the requested effect's duration value.
* Duration is in milliseconds.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectDuration ( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectDuration ) const = 0;
* Gets the index of an effect defined in a loaded effect data buffer
* from the name of the effect.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectName Name of the effect for which the index is wanted.
* @param[out] aEffectIndex Reference to the variable that receives
* the requested effect's index value.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectIndexFromName ( TInt aFileHandle,
const TDesC8& aEffectName,
TInt& aEffectIndex ) const = 0;
* Gets the type of an effect defined in loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of an effect for which a type is wanted.
* @param[out] aEffectType Reference to the variable that receives
* the requested effect's type value.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectType( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TInt& aEffectType ) const = 0;
* Gets the name of an effect defined in a loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of an effect for which a name is wanted.
* @param[out] aEffectName Reference to the variable that receives
* the requested effect's name. Note that the
* descriptor's size must be at least the size
* given from MaxPropertyStringLength().
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetEffectName( TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
TDes8& aEffectName ) const = 0;
* Gets the parameters of a MagSweep effect defined in a loaded effect data
* buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of an effect for which a definition is
* wanted.
* @param[out] aEffect Reference to the variable that receives
* the effect definition.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetMagSweepEffectDefinition(
TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect ) const = 0;
* Gets the parameters of a periodic effect defined in a loaded effect data
* buffer.
* @param[in] aFileHandle Handle to the loaded effect data buffer.
* @param[in] aEffectIndex Index of an effect for which a definition is wanted.
* @param[out] aEffect Reference to the variable that receives
* the effect definition.
* @return TInt KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
* system-wide error codes.
* @see THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect for effect definition.
* @since S60 5.1
virtual TInt GetPeriodicEffectDefinition(
TInt aFileHandle,
TInt aEffectIndex,
CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect ) const = 0;
* Gets the value that represents infinite repeats. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Value that represents infinite repeats. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt InfiniteRepeat() const = 0;
* Gets the value that represents infinite duration. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Value that represents infinite duration. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt InfiniteDuration() const = 0;
* Gets the maximum length of an effect name stored in a loaded
* effect data file. Method may be used only after an actuator
* has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Maximum effect name length. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt MaxEffectNameLength() const = 0;
* Gets the maximum device name length. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Maximum device name length. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt MaxDeviceNameLength() const = 0;
* Gets the maximum capability string length. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Maximum capability string length. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt MaxCapabilityStringLength() const = 0;
* Gets the maximum property string length. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Maximum property string length. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt MaxPropertyStringLength() const = 0;
* Gets the maximum streaming sample size. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Maximum streaming sample size. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt MaxStreamingSampleSize() const = 0;
* Gets the default device priority. Method may be used
* only after an actuator has been opened successfully.
* @return TInt Default device property. KErrNotReady, if
* an actuator has not been opened.
virtual TInt DefaultDevicePriority() const = 0;