Bug 1782 - GCC-E compilation error. Make friends with whole classes instead of private and protected methods.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of tracing functions for SysLangUtil module.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <e32debug.h>
#include "syslangutiltrace.h"
#endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT( KModuleName, "SYSLANG" );
_LIT( KOverflowStr, "..." );
_LIT( KTraceFuncFmt, "%S # %S" );
_LIT( KTraceSeparator, " # " );
_LIT( KAssertionFmt, "%S # Assertion failed: file=%S, line=%d" );
_LIT( KFatalMemAllocFailure, "SYSLANG # Memory allocation failure during tracing" );
const TInt KTraceBufLen = 128;
typedef TBuf<KTraceBufLen> TTraceBuf;
const TInt KFileNameBufLen = 64;
typedef TBuf<KFileNameBufLen> TFileNameBuf;
#endif // _DEBUG
#if defined _DEBUG && defined __SYSLANG_TRACE__
_LIT( KTraceFuncExitFmt, "%S # %S finished" );
_LIT( KTraceFuncExitRetFmt, "%S # %S finished with %d" );
_LIT( KTraceCallerFmt, " (caller thread: %S)" );
const TInt KFuncNameBufLen = 64;
typedef TBuf<KFuncNameBufLen> TFuncNameBuf;
#endif // _DEBUG && __SYSLANG_TRACE__
#ifdef _DEBUG
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TTraceOverflowHandler ) : public TDes16Overflow
public: // Functions from base classes
* Handle descriptor ovewflow.
virtual void Overflow( TDes16 &aDes )
aDes.RightTPtr( KOverflowStr().Length() ).Copy( KOverflowStr );
#endif // _DEBUG
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
#ifdef _DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AssertTraceFunc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AssertTraceFunc( const TDesC8& aFile, TInt aLine )
TTraceOverflowHandler overflowHandler;
TFileNameBuf name;
name.Copy( aFile.Left( KFileNameBufLen ) ); // Change it to 16-bit descriptor
TTraceBuf buf;
buf.AppendFormat( KAssertionFmt, &overflowHandler,
&KModuleName, &name, aLine );
RDebug::Print( buf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TraceFunc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TraceFunc( TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ... )
HBufC* fmtString = HBufC::New( KTraceFuncFmt().Length() +
KModuleName().Length() +
static_cast<const TDesC16&>( aFmt ).Length() );
if ( fmtString )
TPtr ptr( fmtString->Des() );
ptr.Append( KModuleName );
ptr.Append( KTraceSeparator );
ptr.Append( aFmt );
VA_LIST list;
VA_START( list, aFmt );
TTraceOverflowHandler overflowHandler;
TTraceBuf buf;
buf.AppendFormatList( *fmtString, list, &overflowHandler );
RDebug::Print( buf );
VA_END( list );
delete fmtString;
RDebug::Print( KFatalMemAllocFailure );
#endif // _DEBUG
#if defined _DEBUG && defined __SYSLANG_TRACE__
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FuncEntryTrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FuncEntryTrace( const TDesC8& aFunction, TBool aPrintCaller )
TTraceOverflowHandler overflowHandler;
TFuncNameBuf name;
name.Copy( aFunction.Left( KFuncNameBufLen ) ); // Change it to 16-bit descriptor
TTraceBuf buf;
buf.AppendFormat( KTraceFuncFmt, &overflowHandler, &KModuleName, &name );
if ( aPrintCaller )
const TName caller = RThread().Name();
buf.AppendFormat( KTraceCallerFmt, &overflowHandler, &caller );
RDebug::Print( buf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FuncExitTrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FuncExitTrace( const TDesC8& aFunction )
TTraceOverflowHandler overflowHandler;
TFuncNameBuf name;
name.Copy( aFunction.Left( KFuncNameBufLen ) ); // Change it to 16-bit descriptor
TTraceBuf buf;
buf.AppendFormat( KTraceFuncExitFmt, &overflowHandler, &KModuleName, &name );
RDebug::Print( buf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FuncExitTrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FuncExitTrace( const TDesC8& aFunction, const TInt aReturnValue )
TTraceOverflowHandler overflowHandler;
TFuncNameBuf name;
name.Copy( aFunction.Left( KFuncNameBufLen ) ); // Change it to 16-bit descriptor
TTraceBuf buf;
buf.AppendFormat( KTraceFuncExitRetFmt, &overflowHandler,
&KModuleName, &name, aReturnValue );
RDebug::Print( buf );
#endif // _DEBUG && __SYSLANG_TRACE__