Bug 1782 - GCC-E compilation error. Make friends with whole classes instead of private and protected methods.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <s32strm.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <barsread2.h>
#include "ssmcommandparameters.h"
#include "cmdsetpandskey.h"
#include "ssmdebug.h"
#include "ssmpanic.h"
Used to create an instance of CCmdSetPAndSKey class, from given parameters.
This method is used by SsmCommandFactory to create a command.
@param aSeverity The severity of the command
@param aCategory The UID that identifies the property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key, i.e. the key that identifies the specific property within the category.
@param aValue The new property value.
@param aPriority The priority of the command in the list
@return A pointer to an object of type CCmdSetPAndSKey.
CCmdSetPAndSKey* CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(TCmdErrorSeverity aSeverity, const TUid& aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue, const TUint16 aPriority)
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey(aSeverity, aCategory, aKey, aValue, aPriority);
return self;
Used to create an instance of CCmdSetPAndSKey class, from given parameters.
This method is used by SsmCommandFactory to create a command.
@param aSeverity The severity of the command
@param aCategory The UID that identifies the property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key, i.e. the key that identifies the specific property within the category.
@param aValue The new property value.
@return A pointer to an object of type CCmdSetPAndSKey.
CCmdSetPAndSKey* CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(TCmdErrorSeverity aSeverity, const TUid& aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue)
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey(aSeverity, aCategory, aKey, aValue);
return self;
Used to create an instance of CCmdSetPAndSKey class from a read stream.
CSsmCommandList::InternalizeL() uses this method to construct a command from stream.
@param aReadStream Read stream containing data through which object can be created
@return A pointer to an object of type CCmdSetPAndSKey.
CCmdSetPAndSKey* CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey();
return self;
Used to create an instance of CCmdSetPAndSKey class from resource.
@param aCommandParameters Object data from a resource file
@return A pointer to an object of type CCmdSetPAndSKey.
CCmdSetPAndSKey* CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(TSsmCommandParameters& aCommandParameters)
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey();
return self;
Used to create an instance of CCmdSetPAndSKey class from CCmdSetPAndSKey object
Must be used only by CLE
@param aCmdSetPAndSKey CCmdSetPAndSKey reference
@return A pointer to an object of type CCmdSetPAndSKey.
CCmdSetPAndSKey* CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewLC(const CCmdSetPAndSKey& aCmdSetPAndSKey)
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey(aCmdSetPAndSKey.Severity(),aCmdSetPAndSKey.Category(),
CCmdSetPAndSKey* self = new (ELeave) CCmdSetPAndSKey(aCmdSetPAndSKey.Severity(),aCmdSetPAndSKey.Category(),
return self;
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::ConstructL(const CCmdSetPAndSKey& aCmdSetPAndSKey)
iConditionalResourceId = aCmdSetPAndSKey.ConditionalInformation();
if (iConditionalResourceId != 0)
Returns the version of the BIC
@return The maximum supported version of the BIC
TInt CCmdSetPAndSKey::MaxSupportedVersion()
return (static_cast<TInt>(ECmdSetPAndSKeyVersionWithPriority));
return (static_cast<TInt>(ECmdSetPAndSKeyInitialVersion));
Execute this command
@param aStatus The TRequestStatus which is completed when value is set either
with KErrNone or with error value.
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::Execute(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
aStatus = KRequestPending;
iExecuteRequest = &aStatus;
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
Releases resources associated with this BIC
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::Release()
delete this;
Cancels the BIC
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::ExecuteCancel()
//cancel the outstanding request
//and complete the request with KErrCancel
Returns the type of the BIC
@return Type of BIC
TSsmCommandType CCmdSetPAndSKey::Type() const
return (ESsmCmdSetPAndSKey);
Externalises the configuration of the BIC
@param aWriteStream A write stream to write BIC data to
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::RunL()
TInt err = RProperty::Set(iCategory, iKey, iValue);
DEBUGPRINT3A("Value %d is set with err : %d", iValue, err);
if (KErrNotFound == err)
DEBUGPRINT1A("key not defined");
//try to define
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S0(KWritePolicy, RProcess().SecureId());
DEBUGPRINT1A("Defining key");
err = RProperty::Define(iCategory, iKey, RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
DEBUGPRINT2A("Key defined with err : %d", err);
if (KErrNone == err)
DEBUGPRINT1A("Property defined, setting it again");
// and set it again
err = RProperty::Set(iCategory, iKey, iValue);
DEBUGPRINT2A("Value set with err : %d", err);
//complete the request
Cancellation of an outstanding request.
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::DoCancel()
// This command need not to cancel as iStatus is always completed before it's SetActive()
Complete the command request with aError. It gets called when RunL leaves.
@param aError Error code with which RunL has left.
@return KErrNone, as error is handled in this function.
TInt CCmdSetPAndSKey::RunError(TInt aError)
DEBUGPRINT2A("CCmdSetPAndSKey::RunError called with reason %d", aError);
return KErrNone;
Overloaded constructor
@param aSeverity The severity of the command
@param aCategory The UID that identifies the property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key, i.e. the key that identifies the specific property within the
@param aValue The new property value.
@param aPriority The priority of the command in the list
CCmdSetPAndSKey::CCmdSetPAndSKey(TCmdErrorSeverity aSeverity, const TUid& aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue, const TUint16 aPriority)
: CSsmCommandBase(aSeverity, aPriority), iCategory(aCategory), iKey(aKey), iValue(aValue)
Overloaded constructor
@param aSeverity The severity of the command
@param aCategory The UID that identifies the property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key, i.e. the key that identifies the specific property within the
@param aValue The new property value.
CCmdSetPAndSKey::CCmdSetPAndSKey(TCmdErrorSeverity aSeverity, const TUid& aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue)
: CSsmCommandBase(aSeverity), iCategory(aCategory), iKey(aKey), iValue(aValue)
Default constructor.
Constructs the object through read stream.
@param aReadStream
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::ConstructL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
Constructs an object from resource file.
@param aCommandParameters Object data from a resource file
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::ConstructL(TSsmCommandParameters& aCommandParameters)
RResourceReader& reader = aCommandParameters.MainReader();
const TSsmCommandType type = static_cast<TSsmCommandType>(reader.ReadInt16L());
SSMLOGLEAVEIFFALSE(type == Type(), KErrNotSupported);
const TInt version = reader.ReadInt16L();
SSMLOGLEAVEIFFALSE(__COMPARE_VERSION(version, CCmdSetPAndSKey::MaxSupportedVersion()), KErrNotSupported);
iSeverity = static_cast<TCmdErrorSeverity>(reader.ReadInt16L());
iCategory = TUid::Uid(reader.ReadUint32L());
iKey = reader.ReadUint32L();
iValue = reader.ReadInt16L();
iPriority = (version > ECmdSetPAndSKeyInitialVersion) ? reader.ReadUint16L() : KDefaultCommandPriority;
Configures the BIC using data contained in a ReadStream
@param aReadStream A read stream containing BIC data
void CCmdSetPAndSKey::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
iSeverity = static_cast<TCmdErrorSeverity>(aReadStream.ReadInt16L());
iCategory.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iKey = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iValue = aReadStream.ReadInt16L();
iPriority = aReadStream.ReadUint16L();