* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Channel class of Orientation SSY
#include <sensrvdatalistener.h>
#include <sensrvchannelinfo.h>
#include <sensrvorientationsensor.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "SsyChannel.h"
#include "SsyTrace.h"
#include "Ssyeventtimer.h"
#include "OrientationCRListener.h"
#include "OrientationConfiguration.h"
class CSensrvChannelFinder;
class CSensrvChannel;
class MSendDataCallBack;
class CSsyOrientationEventTimer;
class TOrientationConfiguration;
class TAngleAndTimerConfig;
class CSsyOrientationCRListener;
class CSensorDataCompensator;
* TRotation
enum TRotation
ERotationAboutXaxis = 0,
* CSSYOrientation class
* Orientation calculation and sensorserver client class for orientation ssy.
* @lib orientationssy.lib
* @since S60 5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSSYOrientation ) : public CBase,
public MSensrvDataListener,
public MSendDataCallBack,
public MCenRepCallBack
* State of the timer
enum TTimerState
EUninitialized = 0,
public: // From CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
* C++ constructor.
* @param aChannelType Identifies the type of the channel
CSSYOrientation( const TSensrvChannelTypeId aChannelType );
* Destructor
virtual ~CSSYOrientation();
* Second Phase Consructor
void ConstructL();
* Create configurations for angles and timers
void CreateConfigurations();
* Used for creating configuration for angle definitions
* @param aConfigurationForState the configuration to set.
void SetConfigurationForState(
const TOrientationConfiguration&
aConfigurationForState );
* Used for getting configuration for angle definitions
* @param aOrientation to get.
* @param aConfigurationForState that is returned.
void GetConfigurationForState(
const TSensrvOrientationData::TSensrvDeviceOrientation aOrientation,
TOrientationConfiguration& aConfigurationForState );
* From MSensrvDataListener. Indicates data is available in the receiving buffer.
* @param aChannel Channel which has received the data
* @param aCount Number of data items received
* @param aDataLost Number of data items lost
void DataReceived( CSensrvChannel& aChannel,
TInt aCount,
TInt aDataLost );
* From MSensrvDataListener. Data listening failed.
* @param aChannel Channel that received error
* @param aError Error cause
void DataError( CSensrvChannel& aChannel,
TSensrvErrorSeverity aError );
* Returns a pointer to a specified interface - to allow future extension
* of this class without breaking binary compatibility
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
* @param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
void GetDataListenerInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid,
TAny*& aInterface );
* Open channel to sensor server. Used by the channel object.
void OpenChannelL();
* Close channel from sensor server. Used by the channel object.
void CloseChannelL();
* Start listening a channel from sensor server. Used by the channel object.
void StartListeningL();
* Stop listening a channel from sensor server. Used by the channel object.
void StopListeningL();
* Register to get data from the sensor server. Used by the channel object.
* @param aChannel Channel object where to receive data
void GetDataFromHardware( CSSYChannel* aChannel );
* Gets max data rate from accelerometer SSY
* @param aProperty Contains search criteria for property. On
* completion, contains found property information. This
* property is set to read only as it is not owned by orientation
* SSY.
void GetMaxDataRateL( TSensrvProperty& aProperty );
* Calculate device rotation based on the received data.
* @param aAxis1 This is Z-axis when calculating X- or Y-axis rotation.
* X-axis when calculating Z-axis rotation.
* @param aAxis2 This is Y-axis when calculating X- or Z-axis rotation.
* X-axis when calculating Y-axis rotation.
* @param aRotation Defines the third axis
* @return Rotation of calculated third axis
TInt CalculateDeviceRotationInDegrees(
const TInt aAxis1,
const TInt aAxis2,
const TRotation aRotation );
* Calculates the spherical coordinates from the acceleration vector.
* @param aAxisX X Axis of the vector
* @param aAxisY Y axis of the vector
* @param aAxisZ Z axis of the vector
* @param aZenithAngle The zenithe ange of the vector.
* @param aAzimuthAngle The azimuth angle of the vector.
* @return Standard Symbian error codes.
TInt CalculateSphericalPolarCoordinates(
const TInt aAxisX,
const TInt aAxisY,
const TInt aAxisZ,
TInt& aZenithAngle,
TInt& aAzimuthAngle );
* Calculate device orientation based on the received data.
* @param aZenithAngle the calculated zenith angle.
* @param aAzimuthAngle the calculated azimuth angle.
* @return The device orientation.
TSensrvOrientationData::TSensrvDeviceOrientation CalculateDeviceOrientation(
const TInt aZenithAngle,
const TInt aAzimuthAngle );
TBool IsOrientation(
const TInt aZenithAngle,
const TInt aAzimuthAngle,
TInt aCorrectionToState,
TInt aCorrectionToState1,
TInt aCorrectionToState2,
TInt aCorrectionToState3 );
// @see MSendDataCallBack
void SendDataAfterTimer();
* Channel type.
TSensrvChannelTypeId iChannelType;
* Orientation ssy channel. Not owned. Pointer is assigned
* in GetDataFromHardware function.
CSSYChannel* iChannel;
* Sensor server channel finder.
CSensrvChannelFinder* iChannelFinder;
* List of channelinfos.
RSensrvChannelInfoList iChannelInfoList;
* Sensor server channel.
CSensrvChannel* iSensorChannel;
* Previous TSensrvOrientationData.
TSensrvOrientationData iOrientationEvent;
* Current state of orientation.
TSensrvOrientationData iCurrentOrientationState;
* Previous TSensrvRotationData.
TSensrvRotationData iRotationEvent;
* State of the timer
TTimerState iTimerState;
* Pointer to the timer instance, owned
CSsyOrientationEventTimer* iEventTimer;
* The array of orientation that is calculated
RArray<TInt> iOrientationArray;
* The configuration for the current state.
TOrientationConfiguration iConfigForCurrentState;
* The array containing the different configurations.
RArray<TOrientationConfiguration> iConfigArray;
* Pointer to central repository, owned
CRepository* iRepository;
* Pointer to the CR listener object, owned.
* This is used only for test application. The testing flag must be
* defined in order to use this.
CSsyOrientationCRListener* iCRListener;
* Boolean indicating is received data first one
TBool iFirstDataReceived;
* Sensor compensator.
CSensorDataCompensator* iCompensator;
#endif // __SSYORIENTATION_H__
// End of File