Re-merge null bld.infs for hwrmhaptics.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Haptic service implementation.
#include <s32mem.h> // RDesReadStream
#include <hwrmhaptics.h>
#include <hwrmhapticsobserver.h>
#include <hwrmlogicalactuators.h>
#include <hwrmhapticscommands.h> // adaptation interface
#include <hwrmhapticspacketizer.h>
#include "hwrmhapticsclientserver.h" // panic codes, service ID
#include "hwrmhapticsserver.h" // default case in ExecuteMessageL
#include "hwrmhapticsservice.h"
#include "hwrmhapticspluginmanager.h"
#include "hwrmhapticsreservationhandler.h"
#include "hwrmhapticscommondata.h"
#include "hwrmhapticstrace.h"
#include "hwrmhapticspluginrequestdata.h"
_LIT( KPanicCategory, "HWRMHapticsSService" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CHWRMHapticsService* CHWRMHapticsService::NewL(
CHWRMHapticsPluginManager* aPluginHandler,
CHWRMHapticsReservationHandler* aReservationHandler,
CHWRMHapticsCommonData& aHapticsCommonData,
const RMessage2& aMessage )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::NewL()" ) ) );
CHWRMHapticsService* self =
new ( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsService( aHapticsCommonData, aMessage );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aPluginHandler, aReservationHandler );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::NewL - return 0x%x" ), self ) );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService()" ) ) );
// Cleanup haptics just in case regular cleanup failed
if ( iPacketizer )
delete iPacketizer;
iPacketizer = NULL;
// Complete any pending requests
while ( iTransactionList->FirstItem() )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService() - Deleting request %d" ), iTransactionList->FirstItem()->TransactionId() ) );
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData* data =
iTransactionList->RemoveFirstItem() );
if ( data->RequestMessage().Handle() )
// Check that this request is not first one of a split request
if ( !data->CommandSplit() ||
!CheckForMessage(data->RequestMessage().Handle()) )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService() - Canceling pending message" ) ) );
data->RequestMessage().Complete( KErrCancel );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService() - Split request, not canceling message yet" ) ) );
TRAPD ( err, iPluginManager->CancelCommandL( data->TransactionId() ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService() - Cancelling Command (transid: %d) failed: %d" ), data->TransactionId(), err ) );
delete data;
// Destroy transaction list
delete iTransactionList;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::~CHWRMHapticsService() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles Haptics requests.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL(0x%x)" ), aMessage.Function() ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iPluginManager,
User::Panic( KPanicCategory, EPanicBadHandle ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iReservationHandler,
User::Panic( KPanicCategory, EPanicBadHandle ) );
if ( aMessage.IsNull() )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - NULL message!" ) ) );
User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
TBool completeMessage( EFalse );
switch( aMessage.Function() )
case RMessage2::EDisConnect:
// send command to close actuator, if actuator has
// been opened (i.e. packetizer exists)
if ( iPacketizer )
SendMsgToPluginManagerL( aMessage );
case EHWRMHaptics:
case EHWRMHapticsBridgeCommand: // flow through
// send haptics message
SendMsgToPluginManagerL( aMessage );
case EHWRMHapticsPlayEffect:
// check if suspended
if ( iSuspended )
// no effect playing, just complete the message
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - Haptics suspended; Play not executed." ) ) );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
else if ( iReservationHandler->IsReserved( this ) &&
iReservationHandler->ReservedPriorityHigher( iSid ) )
// haptics has not been reserved for some other client with
// higher (or equal) priority, notify caller with an error code
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - Haptics Reserved!" ) ) );
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
// send play effect -command forwards to plugin manager
SendMsgToPluginManagerL( aMessage );
case EHWRMHapticsOpenActuator:
// get actuator type
THWRMLogicalActuators actuator =
static_cast<THWRMLogicalActuators>( aMessage.Int2() );
// open the plugin to send the message to appropriate actuator;
TBool created = iPluginManager->OpenPluginToActuatorL( actuator );
// reset packetizer instance
if ( iPacketizer )
delete iPacketizer;
iPacketizer = NULL;
iPacketizer = CHWRMHapticsPacketizer::NewL( actuator );
// if plugin was not created, it already exists. Inform client
// about the last status of the plugin.
if ( !created )
iHapticsCommonData.NotifyActuatorEvent( actuator, iSession );
// send the open device message;
SendMsgToPluginManagerL( aMessage );
case EHWRMHapticsCleanup:
// complete as there is no ProcessResponse for this
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
case EHWRMHapticsReserve:
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L("CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMReserveHaptics") ) );
ReserveHapticsL( aMessage );
// Since using dummy messages for freeze state restores, need complete always.
completeMessage = ETrue;
case EHWRMHapticsRelease:
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L("CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMReleaseHaptics") ) );
// Since using dummy messages for default state restores, need complete always.
completeMessage = ETrue;
case EHWRMHapticsSuppActuators:
// get the supported logical actuator types from
// the plugin manager
TUint32 types = iPluginManager->GetSupportedActuatorInfo();
// write the supported types to aMessage
TPckg<TUint32> actuatorInfoRetPckg( types );
TInt err = aMessage.Write( 0, actuatorInfoRetPckg, 0 );
// complete the message
aMessage.Complete( err );
case EHWRMHapticsSetLicenseProp:
// The license key is set automatically if it is given as empty
// string and if LicenseAutoSettingAllowed check succeeds.
// The actual license key setting occures in lower layer,
// here it is enough to create new command message.
// check license key length
if ( aMessage.Int1() == 0 )
// check if automatic license key setting is allowed
// for the calling client
if ( iPluginManager->LicenseAutoSettingAllowed( aMessage ) &&
iPacketizer )
// create buffer for new request data
HWRMHapticsCommand::RHWRMHapticsReqData reqData;
// client is allowed to get automatic license key setting,
// create new command package
TInt err = iPacketizer->EncSetPlatformLicenseKeyReq(
reqData );
// write new request data to request message, if creating
// it succeeded
if ( err == KErrNone )
aMessage.Write( 0, reqData, 0 );
// send message to plugin manager
SendMsgToPluginManagerL( aMessage );
case EHWRMHapticsStatusNotification:
// store the message. It will be completed only
// when the haptics/actuator status for this client changes
// (thus the command should always be asynchronous on the
// client side)
iHapticsCommonData.AddStatusObserver( aMessage );
case EHWRMHapticsGetStatus:
// get the current status value for this client
MHWRMHapticsObserver::THWRMHapticsStatus status =
iHapticsCommonData.CurrentStatus( aMessage.Session() );
// write the status to message
TPckg<MHWRMHapticsObserver::THWRMHapticsStatus> statusPckg( status );
TInt err = aMessage.Write( 0, statusPckg, 0 );
// complete message
aMessage.Complete( err );
// Cannot identify the message, panic the client
aMessage.Panic( KPanicCategory, EPanicIllegalFunction );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ExecuteMessageL - return 0x%x" ), completeMessage ) );
return completeMessage;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles Haptics requests responses.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::ProcessResponseL( TInt aCommandId,
TUint8 aTransId,
const TDesC8& aData )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ProcessResponseL(0x%x, 0x%x, <data>)" ), aCommandId, aTransId ) );
if( aCommandId == HWRMHapticsCommand::EHapticsCmdId )
TInt contextErr = CompleteRequestL( aTransId, aData );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ProcessResponseL - CompleteRequestL ret = %d" ), contextErr ) );
// Leave if there is error in context
User::LeaveIfError( contextErr );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ProcessResponseL - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Suspends haptics.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::SuspendResource()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::SuspendSubResource()" ) ) );
iSuspended = ETrue;
// notify client that haptics for it has been suspended
MHWRMHapticsObserver::EHWRMHapticsStatusSuspended, iSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::SuspendSubResource - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resumes haptics.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::ResumeResource()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ResumeSubResource()" ) ) );
iSuspended = EFalse;
// notify client that haptics for it is now available
MHWRMHapticsObserver::EHWRMHapticsStatusAvailable, iSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ResumeSubResource - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancels outstanding request by completing the RMessage2 and removing data
// from transaction list.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::CancelRequest( TUint8 aTransId )
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData* data =
iTransactionList->FindTransaction( aTransId, ETrue ) );
if ( data && data->RequestMessage().Handle() )
data->RequestMessage().Complete( KErrTimedOut );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHWRMHapticsCommonData& aHapticsCommonData,
const RMessage2& aMessage )
: iHapticsCommonData( aHapticsCommonData ), iSid( aMessage.SecureId() ),
iSession( aMessage.Session() )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CHWRMHapticsService()" ) ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CHWRMHapticsService - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::ConstructL(
CHWRMHapticsPluginManager* aPluginManager,
CHWRMHapticsReservationHandler* aReservationHandler )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ConstructL(0x%x)" ), aPluginManager ) );
if ( !aPluginManager )
User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
iPluginManager = aPluginManager;
iReservationHandler = aReservationHandler;
iTransactionList = new( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsPluginTransactionList();
// set this session to the common data for storing the client
// specific status information
iHapticsCommonData.AddSessionL( iSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ConstructL - return " ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Completes request. Subclass calls this from ProcessResponseL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequestL( TUint8 aTransId,
const TDesC8& aData )
// return value
TInt contextErr( KErrNone );
// find transaction data
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData* data =
iTransactionList->FindTransaction( aTransId, ETrue ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
if ( data && data->RequestMessage().Handle() )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequestL - iRequestMessage.Handle() ok." ) ) );
// data storage for the protocol version and error code
CHWRMHapticsRespData* respData =
CHWRMHapticsRespData::NewLC( KErrNone, KNullDesC8 );
// internalize data using stream reader
RDesReadStream reader( aData );
CleanupClosePushL( reader );
reader >> *respData;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader );
// status filled in message decoding
TInt vibeStatus = KErrNone;
// decode data, if no error
if ( respData->ErrorCode() == KErrNone )
if ( data->RequestMessage().Function() == EHWRMHapticsBridgeCommand )
// bridge command handling
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequest - inside EHWRMHapticsBridgeCommand case:" ) ) );
DATADUMP_TRACE( _L("CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequest - (EHWRMHapticsBridgeCommand case) - data dump "), respData->Data() );
// write error code and response data
TPckg<TInt> vibeDummyCodePckg( KErrNone );
data->RequestMessage().Write( 1, vibeDummyCodePckg, 0 );
data->RequestMessage().Write( 2, respData->Data(), 0 );
// decode the message and send it to the callback service
CDesC8ArraySeg* decodeArray = NULL;
TRAPD( err, decodeArray = iPacketizer->DecodeMessageL(
respData->Data(), vibeStatus ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequestL - Return msg decoding, err = %d" ), err ) );
for ( TInt i = 0; err == KErrNone &&
i < decodeArray->MdcaCount(); ++i )
// write data back to client
err = data->RequestMessage().Write(
KHapticsMessageResponseArgsOffset + i,
decodeArray->MdcaPoint( i ), 0 );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequestL - Data writing err = %d" ), err ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( respData );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequestL - calling iRequestMessage.Complete()") ) ) ;
data->RequestMessage().Complete( vibeStatus );
// transaction data not found
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CompleteRequest - No transaction data found!" ) ) );
contextErr = KErrBadHandle;
// cleanup data
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
return contextErr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks transaction list if specified message is in any transaction.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHWRMHapticsService::CheckForMessage( TInt aHandle )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CheckForMessage - Checking for message: 0x%x" ), aHandle ) );
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData* data =
iTransactionList->FirstItem() );
TBool retval( EFalse );
while ( !retval && data )
if ( data->RequestMessage().Handle() == aHandle )
retval = ETrue;
data = static_cast<CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData*>( data->NextItem() );
return retval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cleans up haptics.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::CleanupHaptics()
if ( !iCleanupDone )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CleanupHaptics()" ) ) );
// release haptics in case this client has made the reservation
iSuspended = EFalse;
// remove priority of the client from reservation handler
iReservationHandler->RemovePriority( iSid );
// remove this session from the common data
iHapticsCommonData.RemoveSession( iSession );
iCleanupDone = ETrue;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::CleanupHaptics - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles Haptics requests.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::SendMsgToPluginManagerL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Create new data (TransId is updated later, commandId is not important)
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData* data( NULL );
if ( aMessage.Function() == RMessage2::EDisConnect )
data = new ( ELeave )
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData( RMessage2(), 0, 0, EFalse );
data = new ( ELeave )
CHWRMHapticsPluginRequestData( aMessage, 0, 0, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
if ( aMessage.Function() == RMessage2::EDisConnect )
// form from Disconnect message actuator closing request
RBuf8 closeBuf;
CleanupClosePushL( closeBuf );
User::LeaveIfError( iPacketizer->EncCloseDeviceReq(
iPacketizer->DeviceHandle(), closeBuf ) );
HBufC8* reqData = closeBuf.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &closeBuf );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::SendMsgToPluginManagerL - Disconnect actuator") ) );
// created buffer is deleted in the request data object
data->SetRequestData( reqData );
// command to plugin manager
TUint8 transId = iPluginManager->ProcessCommandL(
*reqData, this );
data->SetTransactionId( transId );
// read message data into a heap buffer
HBufC8* reqData = HBufC8::NewL( aMessage.GetDesLength( 0 ) );
TPtr8 dataPtr = reqData->Des();
TInt err = aMessage.Read( 0, dataPtr, 0 );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::SendMsgToPluginManagerL - aMessageRead err = %d"), err ) );
// created buffer is deleted in the request data object
data->SetRequestData( reqData );
// command to plugin manager
TUint8 transId = iPluginManager->ProcessCommandL(
*reqData, this);
data->SetTransactionId( transId );
// data still needed, do not destroy, just pop
CleanupStack::Pop( data );
// Add data to list
iTransactionList->AddTransaction( data );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reserves haptics.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::ReserveHapticsL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ReserveHapticsL()" ) ) );
// Reserve the haptics
TBool noCoeEnv = aMessage.Int0();
TBool suspended = iReservationHandler->ReserveL( iSid, noCoeEnv, this );
// if reservation became the affective reservation, inform all other
// clients that haptics is reserved
if ( !suspended )
MHWRMHapticsObserver::EHWRMHapticsStatusReserved, iSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ReserveHapticsL() return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Releases haptics.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMHapticsService::ReleaseHaptics()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ReleaseHaptics()" ) ) );
// get info is haptics currently reserved for this client
TBool activeReservation = iReservationHandler->ActiveReservation( this );
// release reservation (removes, if this has a reservation)
TBool reserved = iReservationHandler->Release( this );
// if haptics is still reserved for another client, notify client
if ( reserved )
MHWRMHapticsObserver::EHWRMHapticsStatusReserved, iSession );
else if ( activeReservation )
// haptics was reserved for this client, but there are no more
// reservations --> inform all clients, which have been blocked
MHWRMHapticsObserver::EHWRMHapticsStatusAvailable, iSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsService::ReleaseHaptics() return" ) ) );
// End of File