Re-merge null bld.infs for hwrmhaptics.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include <startupproperties.h>
#include "appstarter2.h"
#include <startup.hrh>
#include "startuputilprovider.h"
#include "SysStartDebug.h"
#include "sysstartpanic.h"
// Standard Symbian factory functions
CAppStarter* CAppStarter::NewL(CStartupProperties* aAppInfo, CStartupUtilProvider& aProvider)
CAppStarter* self = CAppStarter::NewLC(aAppInfo, aProvider);
return self;
CAppStarter* CAppStarter::NewLC(CStartupProperties* aAppInfo, CStartupUtilProvider& aProvider)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aAppInfo != NULL, PanicNow(KPanicAppStart, ENULLPropertiesPassed));
CAppStarter* self = new (ELeave) CAppStarter(aAppInfo, aProvider);
return self;
delete iAppInfo;
CAppStarter::CAppStarter(CStartupProperties* aAppInfo, CStartupUtilProvider& aProvider)
:iProvider(aProvider), iAppInfo(aAppInfo)
// Public member functions
/** Implementation of MStartupCommand interface.
@see MStartupCommand.
void CAppStarter::Execute(TRequestStatus& aCallerStatus)
aCallerStatus = KRequestPending;
TPtrC appFileName = iAppInfo->FileName();
TPtrC args = iAppInfo->Args();
TParsePtrC parser(iAppInfo->FileName());
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("SysStart: starting %S %S"), &appFileName, &args);
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt tried=0;
if (iAppInfo->StartMethod() == EDeferredWaitForStart)
// Start process asynchronously, iCommandStatus will be checked at MultipleWait
// and monitoring will commence afterwards if required
TRAP(err, iProvider.StartSafe().StartL(*iAppInfo, iProcess, iCommandStatus));
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Attempted %S with StartMethod()==EDeferredWaitForStart"), &appFileName);
// Start process synchronously for EWaitForStart and EFireAndForget case
TRAP(err, iProvider.StartSafe().StartL(*iAppInfo, iProcess, tried));
DEBUGPRINT4(_L("SysStart: Attempted %S %d times, result: %d"), &appFileName, (tried + 1), err);
// Start monitor if required
if (KErrNone == err && iAppInfo->Monitored())
const TBool KEvenIfAlreadyDead = ETrue;
TRAP(err, iProvider.SysMonSessionL().MonitorL(*iAppInfo, iProcess, KEvenIfAlreadyDead));
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("SysStart: Attempted to monitor %S, result: %d "), &appFileName, err);
TRequestStatus* callerStatus = &aCallerStatus;
User::RequestComplete(callerStatus, err);
CStartupProperties& CAppStarter::AppInfo()
return *iAppInfo;
RProcess& CAppStarter::Process()
return iProcess;
TRequestStatus& CAppStarter::CommandStatus()
return iCommandStatus;
void CAppStarter::Release()
delete this;