DEADHEAD: Closing redundant branch - superseded by a616a19c9ce0 which includes fix for 2620 only as fix for bug 2631 is included in Nokia drop.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <barsread.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <e32modes.h>
#include <startup.hrh>
#include <hal.h>
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <startupproperties.h>
#include "resourcefilereader2.h"
#include "SystemStartupStateInfo.h"
#include "StartupCommand.h"
#include "startuputilprovider.h"
#include "BootModeMapping.h"
#include "appstarter2.h"
#include "DllStarter.h"
#include "StartupSplashScreen.h"
#include "initapparcserver2.h"
#include "SystemStartupDllInfo.h"
#include "multiplewait2.h"
#include "amastarter.h"
#include "SysStartDebug.h"
#include "sysstartpanic.h"
const TUint KEntryPointIndex = 1;
/** Read splash screen information from the resource file and return an object
that can start/kill it
MStartupCommand* CResourceFileReader::ReadSplashScreenL(TResourceReader& aReader)
TBool kill = static_cast<TUint16>(aReader.ReadUint16());
HBufC* path = aReader.ReadTPtrC().AllocLC();
CStartupSplashScreen* command = CStartupSplashScreen::NewL(!kill, path);
CleanupStack::Pop(path); // "command" takes ownership of path
return command;
/** Read app arc server initialisation information from the resource file
and return an object that can start it
MStartupCommand* CResourceFileReader::ReadAppArcInitL()
return CInitAppArcServer::NewL(*iStartupUtilProvider);
/** Read in the fields of the MULTIPLE_WAIT command in the SSC.
Create a CMultipleWait object containing the list of deferred commands encountered
since the last MULTIPLE_WAIT command.
MStartupCommand* CResourceFileReader::ReadMultipleWaitInfoL(TResourceReader& aReader, CommandList& aDeferredList)
// Read values from the SSC
TInt timeout = aReader.ReadInt32();
TInt fail = static_cast<TUint16>(aReader.ReadUint16());
// Create a CMultipleWait object to hold the data to be used during
// the command execution.
CMultipleWait* waitCommand = CMultipleWait::NewL(aDeferredList, *iStartupUtilProvider);
// Populate the command with the values just read from the SSC.
// Check that the fail_on_error value is valid.
if ((fail != EIgnoreCommandFailure) && (fail != EPanicOnCommandFailure))
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Invalid fail_on_error value of %d"), fail);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidMultipleWaitFailOnError);
return waitCommand;
MStartupCommand* CResourceFileReader::ReadAmaInfoL(TResourceReader& aReader)
TUid id = TUid::Uid(aReader.ReadUint32());
CAmaStarter *command = CAmaStarter::NewL(id);
return command;
/** Read DLL information from the resource file and store in an object to be
used during dll function invocation
MStartupCommand* CResourceFileReader::ReadDllInfoL(TResourceReader& aReader)
// Read the main START_DLL_INFO fields from the SSC (static start-up
// configuration) file.
TPtrC dllName = aReader.ReadTPtrC();
TUint8 ordinal = aReader.ReadUint8();
TInt fail = static_cast<TBool>(aReader.ReadInt16());
TUint8 retries = static_cast<TUint8>(aReader.ReadUint8());
// Additional validation
if ((fail != EIgnoreCommandFailure) && (fail != EPanicOnCommandFailure))
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Invalid fail_on_error value of %d"), fail);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidDLLFailOnError);
if (ordinal == 0)
DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Invalid ordinal value of 0"));
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidOrdinal0);
// Store the information to be used later during function invocation
CSystemStartupDllInfo* dllInfo = CSystemStartupDllInfo::NewLC();
dllInfo->SetOrdinal( ordinal);
// Read the DLL custom data link from the START_DLL_INFO struct
TUint32 dllDataLink = aReader.ReadUint32();
// Validate data link value
if (dllDataLink == 0)
DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Invalid custom_dll_data_link value of 0"));
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidDataLink0);
// Store the data found under the dllDataLink structure into a buffer
// for custom processing by licensee (See CDllStarter::Execute)
// The above read a resource into a heap descriptor and put a pointer
// to that descriptor onto the cleanup stack. Therefore this must now be
// popped off the stack.
// Create a command using the DLL info retrieved.
CDllStarter* command = CDllStarter::NewL(dllInfo);
// Pop dllInfo of the stack
return command;
// Standard Symbian factory functions/destructor
CResourceFileReader* CResourceFileReader::NewL(TInt aBootMode, RFs& aFs)
CResourceFileReader* self = CResourceFileReader::NewLC(aBootMode, aFs);
return self;
CResourceFileReader* CResourceFileReader::NewLC(TInt aBootMode , RFs& aFs)
TFileName resourceFile;
TBootModeMapping mapping;
mapping.GetResourceFileName(aBootMode, resourceFile, aFs);
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: using resource file %S"), &resourceFile);
CResourceFileReader* self = new (ELeave) CResourceFileReader(aBootMode, aFs);
return self;
delete iStartupUtilProvider;
// Public functions.
/** Gets information about the next start-up state. This involves reading the state information
and constructing the command list for this state.
MStartupStateInfo* CResourceFileReader::GetStateInfoL()
return ((iState < NULL) ? NULL : ReadStateInformationL());
// Private functions
CResourceFileReader::CResourceFileReader(TInt aBootMode, RFs& aFs)
: iFs(aFs), iBootMode(aBootMode)
iMaxStartupMode = -1;
void CResourceFileReader::ConstructL(const TDesC& aResourceFile)
iResourceFile.OpenL(iFs, aResourceFile);
iStartupUtilProvider = CStartupUtilProvider::NewL();
void CResourceFileReader::FindFirstStateEntryL()
HBufC8* dataBuffer = iResourceFile.AllocReadLC(KEntryPointIndex);
TResourceReader reader;
iState = reader.ReadInt32();
/** Read state information from the resource file
CSystemStartupStateInfo* CResourceFileReader::ReadStateInformationL()
if (iState == 0)
CSystemStartupStateInfo* stateInfo = CSystemStartupStateInfo::NewLC();
HBufC8* dataBuffer = iResourceFile.AllocReadLC(iState);
TResourceReader reader;
TUint8 id = reader.ReadUint8();
// Validate state id field. State id can be any int except for the
// currently reserved values.
if ((id == EReservedStartUpState1) || (id == EReservedStartUpState2) ||
(id == EReservedStartUpState4) || (id == EReservedStartUpState5))
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Invalid state id of %d"), id);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidStateId);
// Store the state id value.
TPtrC stateName = reader.ReadTPtrC();
TUint32 commandListId = reader.ReadUint32();
iState = reader.ReadInt32(); // Link to next state.
// The retries field specifies how many times to re-attempt
// state transition in the case of failure
TNoOfRetries noOfRetries = static_cast<TNoOfRetries>(reader.ReadUint16());
// Validate field and store
if ((noOfRetries != ERetry0) && (noOfRetries != ERetry1))
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Invalid no_of_retries_on_failure value of %d"), noOfRetries);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidNoOfRetries);
// The next field specifies what should be done on a state transition
// failure - ignore or panic
TActionOnStateTransitionFailure actionOnStateTransitionFailure =
// Validate field and store.
if ((actionOnStateTransitionFailure != EIgnoreFailure) && (actionOnStateTransitionFailure != EPanicOnFailure))
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Invalid action_on_failure value of %d"), actionOnStateTransitionFailure);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidActionOnFailure);
if (iState == 0)
// Just read the last state info - make sure that we don't try to
// read any more.
iState = -1;
CommandList commandList = ReadCommandListL(commandListId);
return stateInfo;
/** Read the command list from the resource file
CommandList CResourceFileReader::ReadCommandListL(TUint32 aCommandListId)
CommandList commandList;
// Some of the commands will be deferred apps or processes (i.e. it is not
// checked that they have completed until a MULTIPLE_WAIT command is issued).
// Create a list of these commands so they can be referred to from a
// CMultipleWait object.
CommandList deferredList;
HBufC8* dataBuffer = iResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aCommandListId);
TResourceReader reader;
TUint16 commandListCount = reader.ReadUint16();
for(TUint i = 0; i < commandListCount; ++i)
const TStartupCommandType type = static_cast<TStartupCommandType>(reader.ReadUint16());
MStartupCommand* command = NULL;
switch (type)
case EStartupApp:
case EStartupProcess:
case EStartupApp2:
case EStartupProcess2:
reader.Rewind(sizeof(TUint16)); //CStartupProperties need to read the struct from start
CStartupProperties* appInfo = CStartupProperties::NewLC(reader);
if (appInfo->RecoveryMethod() == ERestartOSWithMode)
command = CAppStarter::NewL(appInfo, *iStartupUtilProvider);
CleanupStack::Pop(appInfo); // ownership passed above
// If the command has a start_method of EDeferredWaitForStart
// in the SSC then it needs to be added to the current deferred
// list. This will be passed to a CMultipleWait object once a
// MULTIPLE_WAIT command is encountered.
if (command && (appInfo->StartMethod() == EDeferredWaitForStart))
case EStartupSplashScreen:
command = ReadSplashScreenL(reader);
case EInitAppArcServer:
command = ReadAppArcInitL();
case EStartupDLL:
command = ReadDllInfoL(reader);
case EMultipleWait:
// A MULTIPLE_WAIT command should only be provisioned in the SSC
// if there are preceeding deferred commands.
if (deferredList.Count() == 0)
DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysStart: Resource File Reader extra multiple wait command in SSC"));
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EExtraMultipleWaitCommand);
// A list has been built up of any processes/apps with a start_method of
// EDeferredWaitForStart. Pass this list as parameter so that a
// CMultipleWait object can be created which has access to this list.
command = ReadMultipleWaitInfoL(reader, deferredList);
// As processing continues more deferred command may be encountered
// along with a subsequent MULTIPLE_WAIT struct. Reset the deferred list
// so that the next set of deferred commands can be stored.
case EStartupAMAStarter:
command = ReadAmaInfoL(reader);
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Resource File Reader unknown command type %d"), type);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidCommandType);
if (command)
// Any deferred commands must be followed by a MULTIPLE_WAIT command within
// the same state. Therefore at this stage all commands in the state have been
// processed so the deferred list should be empty.
if (deferredList.Count() != 0)
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EMissingMultipleWaitCommand);
return commandList;
void CResourceFileReader::ValidateRestartMode(TInt aStartupMode)
#ifndef __WINSCW__ // HAL::Get(EMaximumRestartStartupModes...) is only supported in H4
// check that the startup mode is valid, first retrieve max startup mode if not retrieved yet
if (iMaxStartupMode == -1)
TInt err = HAL::Get(HALData::EMaximumRestartStartupModes, iMaxStartupMode);
if (err != KErrNone)
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Failed to get max startup mode err = %d"), err);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EMissingMaxStartupMode);
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: HAL max startup mode = %d"), iMaxStartupMode);
if (aStartupMode > iMaxStartupMode)
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysStart: Invalid failure_recovery_startup_mode %d"), aStartupMode);
PanicNow(KPanicResourceFileReader, EInvalidStartupMode);