author William Roberts <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:28:00 +0100
changeset 33 cd4c4043c641
parent 0 4e1aa6a622a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Server-side sub-session base class


#include "AsyProxyAPI.h"
#include "AccSrvConnectionController.h"
#include "AccSrvServerModel.h"
#include "AccSrvQueueObserver.h"//MQueueObserver
#include <e32base.h>





class CAccSrvMainSession;


*  Base class implementation for all server side sub-session.
*  AccServer.lib
*  @since S60 3.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAccSrvSubBase ) : public CObject,
                                      public MQueueObserver
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Destructor.

    public: // New functions

        * Handles received messages from client. This function is pure virtual
        * so all subclasses must implement it.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMessage Client request.
        * @return void
        virtual void DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage ) = 0;

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMsgID     Message in question.
        * @param aErrorCode Error Code of the operation.
        * @param aUniqueID  Unique ID of the Generic ID in question.
        * @return ETrue if the message was consumpted by a observer.
        *               Call-back order must be renewed after consumption
        *               if further call-backs are needed.
        virtual TBool CompleteMessageL( TMsgID aMsgID,
                                        TInt aErrorCode,
                                        TInt aUniqueID );

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * This is meant for NotifyProcessCommand() completion.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aCmdn Type of command in question.
        * @param aTrId Transaction Id of the operation.
        * @param aASYCommandParamRecord  Data for NotifyProcessCommand() completion.
        * @param aPtrBuf Pointer to CBufFlat buffer where CAccPolObjectCon object
        *                is externalized to.
        * @return ETrue if the message was consumpted by a observer.
        *               Call-back order must be renewed after consumption
        *               if further call-backs are needed.
        virtual TBool CompleteProcessCommandL( TProcessCmdId aCmdn,
                                               TInt aTrId,
                                               TASYCommandParamRecord& aASYCommandParamRecord,
                                               TPtr8* aPtrBuf=NULL );

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * This is meant for GetValue() and SetValue() type of operations.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMsgID       Message in question.
        * @param aCmdResponse Value of the operation, used in GetValue()
        *                     type of operations.
        * @param aErrorCode   Error Code of the operation.
        * @param aTrId        Transaction Id of the operation.
        * @return void
        virtual void HandleValueMessageL( TMsgID aMsgID,
                                          TAccValueTypeTBool aCmdResponse,
                                          TInt aErrorCode,
                                          TInt aTrId );

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * This is meant for GetValue() and SetValue() type of operations.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMsgID       Message in question.
        * @param aCmdResponse Value of the operation, used in GetValue()
        *                     type of operations.
        * @param aErrorCode   Error Code of the operation.
        * @param aTrId        Transaction Id of the operation.
        * @return void
        virtual void HandleValueMessageL( TMsgID aMsgID,
                                          TAccValueTypeTInt aCmdResponse,
                                          TInt aErrorCode,
                                          TInt aTrId );

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * This is meant for GetValue() and SetValue() type of operations.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMsgID       Message in question.
        * @param aCmdResponse Value of the operation, used in GetValue()
        *                     type of operations.
        * @param aErrorCode   Error Code of the operation.
        * @param aTrId        Transaction Id of the operation.
        * @return void
        virtual void HandleValueMessageL( TMsgID aMsgID,
                                          TDesC8& aCmdResponse,
                                          TInt aErrorCode,
                                          TInt aTrId );

        * From MQueueObserver
        * Called when Queue passes message completion handling to registered observers.
        * This is meant for GetValue() and SetValue() type of operations.
        * @param aMsgID       Message in question.
        * @param aTrId        Transaction Id of the operation.
        * @param aPtrBuf      Value of the operation, used in GetValue()
        *                     type of operations.
        * @param aErrorCode   Error Code of the operation.
        * @return void
        virtual void HandleValueMessageL( TMsgID aMsgID,
                                          TInt aTrId,
                                          TPtr8* aPtrBuf,
                                          TInt aErrorCode );                                          
    protected: // New functions

        * C++ default constructor.
        CAccSrvSubBase( CASYProxyAPI* aSession,
                        CAccSrvConnectionController* aConnectionController,
                        CAccSrvServerModel* aServerModel );

        * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
        void ConstructL();

        * Updateds iFlags parameter in client side.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @param aMessage Client request.
        * @param aFlag    This bit is turned to zero.
        * @return void
        void Write( const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aFlag );


    public:     // Data

    protected:  // Data

        // Handle to Connection Controller
        CAccSrvConnectionController* iConnectionController; //Not owned

        // Handle to Server Model
        CAccSrvServerModel*          iServerModel;          //Not Owned

    private:    // Data

        CASYProxyAPI* iProxy; //Not Owned

    public:     // Friend classes

    protected:  // Friend classes

    private:    // Friend classes



// End of File