Merge null bld.infs for hwrmhaptics.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: PSM Settings handler
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "psmsettingshandler.h"
#include "psmconfigstorage.h"
#include "psmbackupstorage.h"
#include "psmcenrepstorage.h"
#include "psmtrace.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPsmSettingsHandler* CPsmSettingsHandler::NewL( const TPsmsrvMode aMode )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::NewL()" ) ) );
CPsmSettingsHandler* self = CPsmSettingsHandler::NewLC( aMode );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::NewL - return 0x%x" ), self ) );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::NewLC
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPsmSettingsHandler* CPsmSettingsHandler::NewLC( const TPsmsrvMode aMode )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::NewLC()" ) ) );
CPsmSettingsHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CPsmSettingsHandler( aMode );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::NewLC - return 0x%x" ), self ) );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::CPsmSettingsHandler
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPsmSettingsHandler::CPsmSettingsHandler( const TPsmsrvMode aMode ) :
iMode( aMode ),
iCurrentMode( aMode )
// Nothing to do
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::ConstructL()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ConstructL()" ) ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iFileSession.Connect() );
// Create storage files
iConfigStorage = CPsmConfigStorage::NewL( iMode, iFileSession );
iBackupStorage = CPsmBackupStorage::NewL( iMode, iFileSession );
iCenRepStorage = CPsmCenRepStorage::NewL( iMode, iFileSession );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ConstructL - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::~CPsmSettingsHandler()" ) ) );
delete iConfigStorage;
delete iBackupStorage;
delete iCenRepStorage;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::~CPsmSettingsHandler - return") ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupAndGetSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupAndGetSettingsL(
RConfigInfoArray& aPsmConfigArray, TUint32 aRepository )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupAndGetSettingsL()" ) ) );
// Change settings from normal config storage
iConfigStorage->InitStorageL( aRepository );
ChangeSettingsL( aPsmConfigArray, aRepository, *iConfigStorage );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupAndGetSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::GetCurrentSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::GetSettingsL(
RConfigInfoArray& aPsmConfigArray, TUint32 aRepository )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::GetCurrentSettingsL()" ) ) );
// Get current settings from normal config storage
// Use own storage in case PSM mode is ongoing by some plugin
if ( EPsmsrvModeNormal == iMode )
// Normal mode, get current settings from backup storage
CPsmBackupStorage* backupStorage = CPsmBackupStorage::NewLC( iMode, iFileSession );
backupStorage->InitStorageL( aRepository );
backupStorage->GetConfigurationL( aPsmConfigArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( backupStorage );
// PSM mode, get current settings from config storage
CPsmConfigStorage* configStorage = CPsmConfigStorage::NewLC( iMode, iFileSession );
configStorage->InitStorageL( aRepository );
configStorage->GetConfigurationL( aPsmConfigArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configStorage );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::GetCurrentSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupSettingsL(
const RConfigInfoArray& aPsmConfigArray, const TUint32 aRepository )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupSettingsL()" ) ) );
if ( EPsmsrvModeNormal == iMode )
ERROR_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupSettingsL() - Not allowed in normal mode - LEAVE" ) ) );
// Backup is not allowed in normal mode
User::Leave( KErrWrite );
// Use own storage in case PSM mode is ongoing by some plugin
CPsmBackupStorage* backupStorage = CPsmBackupStorage::NewLC( iMode, iFileSession );
backupStorage->InitStorageL( aRepository );
backupStorage->BackupConfigurationL( aPsmConfigArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( backupStorage );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::BackupSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::Compare
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPsmSettingsHandler::Compare(
const TPsmsrvConfigInfo& aSource,
const TPsmsrvConfigInfo& aTarget ) const
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::Compare()" ) ) );
TBool returnValue( EFalse );
if ( ( aSource.iConfigId == aTarget.iConfigId ) &&
( aSource.iConfigType == aTarget.iConfigType ) )
// Check type and copare values
switch ( aSource.iConfigType )
case EConfigTypeInt:
returnValue = ( aSource.iIntValue == aTarget.iIntValue );
case EConfigTypeReal:
returnValue = ( aSource.iRealValue == aTarget.iRealValue );
case EConfigTypeBuf:
returnValue = ( aSource.iDesValue == aTarget.iDesValue );
returnValue = EFalse;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::Compare() - return" ) ) );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeSettingsL(
RConfigInfoArray& aPsmConfigArray,
TUint32 aRepository,
CPsmStorage& aConfigStorage )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeSettingsL()" ) ) );
TInt err( KErrNone );
// First, get current settings
RConfigInfoArray currentSettings;
CleanupClosePushL( currentSettings );
iBackupStorage->InitStorageL( aRepository );
iBackupStorage->ListCurrentSettingSetL( currentSettings );
// Check currently owned settings and compare those to the new ones
RConfigInfoArray settingsToBackUp;
CleanupClosePushL( settingsToBackUp );
for ( TInt i = 0; aPsmConfigArray.Count() != i; i++ )
TBool found = EFalse;
for ( TInt a = 0; !found && currentSettings.Count() != a; a++ )
found = Compare( currentSettings[ a ], aPsmConfigArray[ i ] );
if ( !found )
// Add new settings to backup
settingsToBackUp.Append( aPsmConfigArray[ i ] );
currentSettings.Append( aPsmConfigArray[ i ] );
// Get new values from config
if ( EPsmsrvModeNormal == iMode )
// Restore to normal mode, initialize backup storage
iBackupStorage->GetConfigurationL( aPsmConfigArray );
// Moving from power save mode to another power save mode
iBackupStorage->BackupConfigurationL( settingsToBackUp );
aConfigStorage.GetConfigurationL( aPsmConfigArray );
if( aPsmConfigArray.Count() == 0 )
err = KErrNotFound;
// Check for missing values and get those from backup
RConfigInfoArray settingsFromBackUp;
CleanupClosePushL( settingsFromBackUp );
for ( TInt i = 0; currentSettings.Count() != i; i++ )
TPsmsrvConfigInfo& currentInfo = currentSettings[ i ];
TBool found = EFalse;
TPsmsrvConfigInfo newInfo;
for ( TInt index = 0; !found && aPsmConfigArray.Count() != index; index++ )
newInfo = aPsmConfigArray[ index ];
found = ( newInfo.iConfigId == currentInfo.iConfigId );
// Check was setting found
if ( !found )
// not found, get setting from backup
settingsFromBackUp.Append( currentInfo );
currentSettings.Remove( i );
// Setting found, update values
currentInfo = newInfo;
// Finally, get remaining settings from backup
if ( settingsFromBackUp.Count() )
iBackupStorage->GetConfigurationL( settingsFromBackUp );
iBackupStorage->UpdateCurrentSettingSetL( currentSettings );
// Close backup storage
// add settings from backup to settings
for ( TInt i = 0; i < settingsFromBackUp.Count(); i++ )
aPsmConfigArray.Append( settingsFromBackUp[ i ] );
// Cleanup config arrays
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &settingsFromBackUp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &settingsToBackUp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ¤tSettings );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL()" ) ) );
// First resolve the CenRep config files
RPassiveConfigList passiveConfigs;
CleanupClosePushL( passiveConfigs );
iCenRepStorage->ListPassiveConfigs( passiveConfigs );
const TInt configCount( passiveConfigs.Count() );
// Loop found passive configs
for ( TInt i = 0; i < configCount; i++ )
RConfigInfoArray psmConfigArray;
CleanupClosePushL( psmConfigArray );
const TUint32 repository = passiveConfigs[i];
iCenRepStorage->InitStorageL( repository );
if ( EPsmsrvModeNormal == iMode )
// Moving to normal mode, get passive config set from baskup storage
iBackupStorage->InitStorageL( repository );
iBackupStorage->ListPassiveConfigSetL( psmConfigArray );
// Get configuration set
iCenRepStorage->ListPassiveConfigSetL( psmConfigArray );
// Change values
ChangeCenRepSettingsL( psmConfigArray, repository );
// close storage
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &psmConfigArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &passiveConfigs );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL(
RConfigInfoArray& aPsmConfigArray, TUint32 aRepository )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL()" ) ) );
// First read current values from CenRep
TUid cenRepUid = { aRepository };
CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( cenRepUid );
TInt setCount( aPsmConfigArray.Count() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < setCount; i++ )
TPsmsrvConfigInfo& info = aPsmConfigArray[i];
switch ( info.iConfigType )
case EConfigTypeInt:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Get( info.iConfigId, info.iIntValue ) );
case EConfigTypeReal:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Get( info.iConfigId, info.iRealValue ) );
case EConfigTypeBuf:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Get( info.iConfigId, info.iDesValue ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL() - Unknown type LEAVE" ) ) );
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
// Get new values from storage
TRAP_IGNORE( ChangeSettingsL( aPsmConfigArray, aRepository, *iCenRepStorage ) );
// Get new count
setCount = aPsmConfigArray.Count();
// Write new values to CenRep
for ( TInt j = 0; j < setCount; j++ )
TPsmsrvConfigInfo& info = aPsmConfigArray[j];
switch ( info.iConfigType )
case EConfigTypeInt:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Set( info.iConfigId, info.iIntValue ) );
case EConfigTypeReal:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Set( info.iConfigId, info.iRealValue ) );
case EConfigTypeBuf:
User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Set( info.iConfigId, info.iDesValue ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL() - Unknown type LEAVE" ) ) );
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
// Cleanup CenRep
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::ChangeCenRepSettingsL() - return" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPsmSettingsHandler::SetMode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsmSettingsHandler::SetMode( TPsmsrvMode aMode )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::SetMode()" ) ) );
// Store previous mode
iCurrentMode = iMode;
// Store mode
iMode = aMode;
// Update mode to storage handlers also
iBackupStorage->SetMode( aMode );
iConfigStorage->SetMode( aMode );
iCenRepStorage->SetMode( aMode );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "PSM Server - CPsmSettingsHandler::SetMode() - return" ) ) );
// End of file