Merge null bld.infs for hwrmhaptics.
(object Petal
version 43
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charSet 0)
(object Design "Logical View"
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defaults (object defaults
rightMargin 0.250000
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root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View"
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logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View"
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logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "CActive"
quid "426E386F0244")
(object Class "CSystemStarter"
quid "426E3BE90031"
documentation "System starter main controller class"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "426E3BE90032"
supplier "Logical View::CActive"
quidu "426E386F0244"))
realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
(object Realize_Relationship
quid "426E47E702A2"
supplier "Logical View::MStartup"
quidu "426E46A1033E"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "Start"
quid "426E3BF1037D"
result " "
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "RunL"
quid "426E405F011B"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "RunError"
quid "426E406502F0"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "DoCancel"
quid "426E406A01A8"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "RequestNotify"
quid "426E407D0283"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CSystemStartup"
quid "426E41EA011B"
documentation "CSystemStartup"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "428A242802B0"
supplier "Logical View::MStartup"
quidu "426E46A1033E"))
realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
(object Realize_Relationship
quid "426E483900FC"
supplier "Logical View::MStartup"
quidu "426E46A1033E"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetNextStateL"
quid "426E43F5030F"
result "MStartupStateInfo*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iFs"
quid "426E44A30189"
type "RFs")
(object ClassAttribute "iReader"
quid "426E44A80244"
type "CResourceFileReader*")))
(object Class "CResourceFileReader"
quid "426E4B66008F"
documentation "CResourceFileReader"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetStateInfoL"
quid "428A1D9C0389"
result "MStartupStateInfo*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "LsSession"
quid "428A1DB502CD"
result "RApaLsSession&"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "Connect"
quid "428A1DEE0212"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "FindFirstStateEntryL"
quid "428A1E0B003D"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ReadStateInformationL"
quid "428A1E22036A"
result "CSystemStartupStateInfo*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ReadCommandListL"
quid "428A1E3F00D9"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aCommandListId"
type "TUint32"))
result "CommandListType"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ReadDllInfoL"
quid "428A1EAE0128"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aReader"
type "TResourceReader&"))
result "MStartupCommand*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iFs"
quid "428A1EEE0147"
type "RFs")
(object ClassAttribute "iResourceFile"
quid "428A1F02003D"
type "RResourceFile")
(object ClassAttribute "iState"
quid "428A1F220260"
type "TInt32")
(object ClassAttribute "iAppUiSession"
quid "428A1F340250"
type "REikAppUiSession")
(object ClassAttribute "iLsSession"
quid "428A1F4C02FC"
type "RApaLsSession")))
(object Class "CStartupState"
quid "428882C00309"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "StartL"
quid "428883060164"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "DoCommand"
quid "4288831B01A2"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aCommand"
type "MStartupCommand&"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iStateInfo"
quid "42888369003B"
type "MStartupStateInfo&")))
(object Class "MStartupStateInfo"
quid "42888401023E"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "StateId"
quid "428884340386"
result "TUint8"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "Name"
quid "42888466027D"
result "TPtrC"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "GetCommandList"
quid "4288848302FA"
result "CommandListType"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "Count"
quid "428884A3021F"
documentation "Get a count of the number of commands in the list"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "NoOfRetries"
quid "428884D60135"
result "TNoOfRetries"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
quid "4288858A020F"
result "TActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "GetCommand"
quid "428885B50377"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aIndex"
type "TInt"))
result "MStartupCommand*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "TBootModeMapping"
quid "428886F8003B"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetResourceFileName"
quid "4288871703D5"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aBootMode"
type "TUint")
(object Parameter "aResourceFileName"
type "TDes&"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CAppStarter"
quid "4289DD02005C"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "StartProcess"
quid "428B28F60114"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "StartAppL"
quid "428B290602E9"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iAppInfo"
quid "428B29340347"
type "const MStartupAppInfo*")
(object ClassAttribute "iProvider"
quid "428B29590347"
type "MApaLsSessionProvider")))
(object Class "CSystemStartupAppInfo"
quid "4289DD86002E"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "428A227501F3"
supplier "Logical View::MStartupAppInfo"
quidu "428A219C0166"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "SetFailOnError"
quid "428A22A003D7"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aFail"
type "TBool"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetStartMethod"
quid "428A22D60252"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aStartMethod"
type "TInt"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetTimeout"
quid "428A22E501B6"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aStartType"
type "TInt"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetStartType"
quid "428A22F10291"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetViewless"
quid "428A22FD00AC"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aViewLess"
type "TBool"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetStartInBackground"
quid "428A23090233"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aStartInBackground"
type "TBool"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetNoOfRetries"
quid "428A231A008D"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aNoOfRetries"
type "TNoOfRetries"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CSystemStartupStateInfo"
quid "4289DF6203A8"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "428A23AA0158"
supplier "Logical View::MStartupStateInfo"
quidu "42888401023E"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iNoOfRetries"
quid "428B29A40183"
type "TNoOfRetries")
(object ClassAttribute "iActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
quid "428B29BB01A3"
type "TActionOnStateTransitionFailure")
(object ClassAttribute "iStateId"
quid "428B29E00388"
type "TInt")
(object ClassAttribute "iName"
quid "428B29F10136"
type "HBufC*")
(object ClassAttribute "iCommandList"
quid "428B2A06008B"
type "CommandListType")))
(object Class "CDllStarter"
quid "428A1ABE00F9"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "Execute"
quid "428A1AD1009B"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aCallerStatus"
type "TRequestStatus&"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iDllInfo"
quid "428A1B0B000E"
type "CSystemStartupDllInfo*")))
(object Class "MApaLsSessionProvider"
quid "428A1B7E008B"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "LsSession"
quid "428A1B940195"
result "RApaLsSession&"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "MStartup"
quid "426E46A1033E"
|Retrieves the next stage that the system needs to move into
|for example 'critical static'
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetNextStateL"
quid "426E46E50189"
result "MStartupStateInfo*"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CSystemStartupDllInfo"
quid "428A1C3E00D9"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "SetDllName"
quid "428A1C530250"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aDllName"
type "const TDesC&"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetOrdinal"
quid "428A1C5C002E"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aSetOrdinal"
type "TUint8"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetFailOnError"
quid "428A1C62034A"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aFail"
type "TBool"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetNoOfRetries"
quid "428A1C6A0166"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aNoOfRetries"
type "TUint8"))
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetDllBuffer"
quid "428A1C71008B"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iDllName"
quid "428B2C4C0257"
type "HBufC*")
(object ClassAttribute "iOrdinal"
quid "428B2C5C01AB"
type "TUint8")
(object ClassAttribute "iFailOnError"
quid "428B2C6D013E"
type "TBool")
(object ClassAttribute "iNoOfRetries"
quid "428B2C7B02F4"
type "TUint8")
(object ClassAttribute "iDllBuffer"
quid "428B2C8D020A"
type "HBufC8*")))
(object Class "MStartupAppInfo"
quid "428A219C0166"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetPath"
quid "428A21B001F3"
result "TPtrC"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "GetArgs"
quid "428A21CB000E"
result "TPtrC"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "StartMethod"
quid "428A21D900E9"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "TimeOut"
quid "428A21EA00D9"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "FailOnError"
quid "428A21FA000E"
result "TBool"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "StartType"
quid "428A2209003D"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ViewLess"
quid "428A22170241"
result "TBool"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "StartInBackground"
quid "428A222603D7"
result "TBool"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "NoOfRetries"
quid "428A2239008B"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "aFail"
type "TBool"))
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CStartupSplashScreen"
quid "428A23DD00BC"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "StartSplashScreen"
quid "428B2B02031E"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0)
(object Operation "KillSplashScreen"
quid "428B2B18012A"
result "TInt"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Private"
uid 0))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iStartSplash"
quid "428B2B3C0273"
type "TBool")
(object ClassAttribute "iSplashPath"
quid "428B2B54007F"
type "HBufC*")))
(object Class "CMultipleWait"
quid "434E70FB02C2"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "Execute"
quid "434E7118011D"
result "void"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Association "iReader"
quid "426E4B970060"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "426E4B9A008F"
supplier "Logical View::CResourceFileReader"
quidu "426E4B66008F"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "426E4B9A0090"
supplier "Logical View::CSystemStartup"
quidu "426E41EA011B")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "4288868E0125"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "4288868F026D"
supplier "Logical View::MStartupStateInfo"
quidu "42888401023E"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Reference"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
quid "4288868F027D"
supplier "Logical View::CStartupState"
quidu "428882C00309")))
(object Association "iDllInfo"
quid "428B25AA02DE"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
quid "428B25AB0251"
supplier "Logical View::CSystemStartupDllInfo"
quidu "428A1C3E00D9"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "iDllInfo"
quid "428B25AB0261"
label "iDllInfo"
supplier "Logical View::CDllStarter"
quidu "428A1ABE00F9"
is_principal TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
quid "428B2764012E"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iAppInfo"
quid "428B276500E0"
label "iAppInfo"
supplier "Logical View::MStartupAppInfo"
quidu "428A219C0166"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
quid "428B276500E1"
supplier "Logical View::CAppStarter"
quidu "4289DD02005C")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
quid "428B277D013E"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
quid "428B27800005"
supplier "Logical View::MApaLsSessionProvider"
quidu "428A1B7E008B"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Reference"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
quid "428B27800015"
supplier "Logical View::CAppStarter"
quidu "4289DD02005C")))
(object Mechanism @1
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Object "starter"
quid "42848A14022E"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "42848AB802BA"
supplier "state"
quidu "42848A9F0124"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "StartL"
quid "4288B0D0006A"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "3"
ordinal 2
quidu "428883060164")))
(object Link
quid "4284A17D00B7"
supplier "RProperty"
quidu "4284A1660328"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "Get( ..., bootmode)"
quid "4284A17D00B8"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1"
ordinal 0)))
(object Link
quid "4284A353026C"
supplier "RDmDomainManager"
quidu "4284A34501EF"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "AddDomainHierarchy(KDmHierarchyIdStartup)"
quid "4288B01B0319"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2"
ordinal 1))))
class "Logical View::CSystemStarter"
quidu "426E3BE90031"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "state"
quid "42848A9F0124"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B01E01D0"
supplier "systemstartup"
quidu "4284B0070346"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "NewLC(bootmode)"
quid "4284B01E01D1"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "4"
ordinal 3))))
class "Logical View::CStartupState"
quidu "428882C00309"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "RProperty"
quid "4284A1660328"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "RDmDomainManager"
quid "4284A34501EF"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "systemstartup"
quid "4284B0070346"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B03303C6"
supplier "systemstartup"
quidu "4284B0070346"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "ConstructL(bootmode)"
quid "4284B03303C7"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "4.1"
ordinal 4)))
(object Link
quid "4284B09E0217"
supplier "mapping"
quidu "4284B079006F"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "GetResourceFileName"
quid "4284B09E0218"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "4.1.1"
ordinal 5
Operation "GetResourceFileName(TUint, TDes&)"
quidu "4288871703D5")))
(object Link
quid "4284B2F70088"
supplier "iReader"
quidu "4284B2DF029A"
messages (list Messages
(object Message " NewL(resourcefile, ...)"
quid "4284B2F70089"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "4.2"
ordinal 6))))
class "Logical View::CSystemStartup"
quidu "426E41EA011B"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "mapping"
quid "4284B079006F"
class "Logical View::TBootModeMapping"
quidu "428886F8003B"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "iReader"
quid "4284B2DF029A"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B341033C"
supplier "iReader"
quidu "4284B2DF029A"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "ConstructL(resourcefile)"
quid "4284B341033D"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "4.2.1"
ordinal 7))))
class "Logical View::CResourceFileReader"
quidu "426E4B66008F"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)))
(object Mechanism @2
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Object "starter"
quid "4284B4B203E1"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B4DB02BA"
supplier "systemstartup"
quidu "4284B4CE021D"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "GetNextStateL"
quid "4284B4DB02BB"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1"
ordinal 0
Operation "GetNextStateL( )"
quidu "426E43F5030F"))))
class "Logical View::CSystemStarter"
quidu "426E3BE90031"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "systemstartup"
quid "4284B4CE021D"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B520000F"
supplier "iReader"
quidu "4284B50D029E"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "GetStateInfoL"
quid "4284B5200010"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1.1"
ordinal 1
Operation "GetStateInfoL( )"
quidu "428A1D9C0389"))))
class "Logical View::CSystemStartup"
quidu "426E41EA011B"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "iReader"
quid "4284B50D029E"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "4284B5530061"
supplier "iReader"
quidu "4284B50D029E"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "ReadStateInformationL"
quid "4284B5530062"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1.1.1"
ordinal 2
Operation "ReadStateInformationL( )"
quidu "428A1E22036A")
(object Message "FindFirstStateEntryL"
quid "4284B86501AC"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1.1.2"
ordinal 3
Operation "FindFirstStateEntryL( )"
quidu "428A1E0B003D")
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @49
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @54
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Parent_View @55
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label " NewL(resourcefile, ...)"
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label "AddDomainHierarchy(KDmHierarchyIdStartup)"
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origin (175, 688)
terminus (1152, 688)
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title "Reading State Information from SSC"
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @76
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @82
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @84
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Parent_View @85
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @89
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Parent_View @90
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terminus (1126, 600)
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label "ReadCommandListL(aCommandListId)"
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label "NewL(appInfo, ...)"
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Focus_Entry @86
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location (1170, 510)
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location (1185, 945)
nlines 1
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label "[type == EStartupProcess]")
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location (1965, 1005)
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size 8)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @108
location (1827, 945)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 2
max_width 240
label "Type could be app/DLL etc")
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fill_color 13434879
width 300
height 132)
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location (2040, 1140)
font (object Font
size 8)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @109
location (1902, 1080)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 2
max_width 240
label "Repeat for each command")
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terminus (1544, 1335)
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terminus (2399, 705)
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location (1687, 1756)
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label "SetCommandList(CommandList)"
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client @79
supplier @87
Focus_Src @80
Focus_Entry @89
origin (975, 1800)
terminus (2399, 1800)
ordinal 9)))
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mechanism_ref @3
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title "Executing commands for one state"
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origin_y 0
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underline TRUE)
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Parent_View @116
location (165, 225)
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @117
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underline TRUE)
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Parent_View @118
location (480, 225)
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @120
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @121
location (480, 640)
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y_coord 0
Nested TRUE))
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location (795, 225)
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underline TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @122
location (795, 225)
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @123
location (795, 400)
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Nested FALSE))
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underline TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @124
location (1125, 225)
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annotation 1
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Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @126
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Nested FALSE)
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @129
location (1125, 1185)
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height 60
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Nested TRUE))
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underline TRUE)
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Parent_View @130
location (1455, 225)
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annotation 1
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Nested FALSE))
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underline TRUE)
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Parent_View @132
location (1845, 225)
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annotation 1
Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @133
location (1845, 1395)
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Nested FALSE))
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underline TRUE)
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Parent_View @134
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Nested FALSE))
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quid "426E373D03B2"
title "Deployment View"
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value FALSE)
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value FALSE)
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value FALSE))
quid "426E373D03B1"))