* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Sensor server client-server API.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <sensrvchannelinfo.h>
#include "sensrvdefines.h"
#include "sensrvtypes.h"
* Data holder class for ESensrvSrvReqAsyncChannelData return values.
* @since S60 5.0
class TSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountsRetval
TSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountsRetval(TInt aDataItemCount,
TInt aDataLostCount)
: iDataItemCount(aDataItemCount),
* Amount of data items written to message
TInt iDataItemCount;
* Amount of data items lost due buffer overwrite
TInt iDataLostCount;
* Data holder class for ESensrvSrvReqStartListening parameter values.
* @since S60 5.0
class TSensrvStartListeningParameters
TSensrvStartListeningParameters(TInt aDesiredBufferingCount,
TInt aMaximumBufferingCount,
TInt aBufferingPeriod)
: iDesiredBufferingCount(aDesiredBufferingCount),
* The minimum desired count of items in each request.
* Count must be less than half of the buffer size assigned
* to channel.
* Count less than one or count over maximum means maximum
* allowed count is used.
TInt iDesiredBufferingCount;
* The maximum count of items in each request.
* Count must be less than half of the buffer size assigned
* to channel and more than iDesiredBufferingCount.
* Count less than iDesiredBufferingCount or count over
* maximum means maximum allowed count is used.
TInt iMaximumBufferingCount;
* Buffering period in milliseconds.
* If buffering period is very short, it can
* easily be affected by system load.
* This value will be converted into 32-bit microseconds
* value on server side, so maximum period is 30 minutes.
* Period over maximum means maximum period is used.
* Zero or negative period means no buffering period is used.
TInt iBufferingPeriod;
* Data holder class for ESensrvSrvReqAddConditionSet parameter values.
* @since S60 5.0
class TSensrvAsyncConditionRetval
TInt aConditionSetId,
TInt aConditionId )
: iConditionSetId(aConditionSetId),
* An identifier for condition set which was met. Must be unique within
* currently active condition sets for this client.
TInt iConditionSetId;
* An identifier for the specific condition that was met.
* If multiple conditions in a set were met by the same data,
* only the first match is indicated here.
* Must be unique within currently active conditions for this client.
TInt iConditionId;
// Package buffers for return values
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountsRetval> TSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountsRetvalPckgBuf;
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvStartListeningParameters> TSensrvStartListeningParametersPckgBuf;
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvAsyncConditionRetval> TSensrvAsyncConditionRetvalPckgBuf;
typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TSensrvTIntPckgBuf;
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvChannelInfo> TSensrvChannelInfoPckgBuf;
typedef TPckg<TSensrvProperty> TPropertyPckg;
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvProperty> TPropertyPckgBuf;
typedef TPckgBuf<TSensrvChannelChangeType> TSensrvTSensrvChannelChangeTypePckgBuf;
// Message slot constants
const TInt KSensrvChannelIdSlot(0); // Channel id must always be in slot zero.
const TInt KSensrvQueryChannelsQueryParametersSlot(0);
const TInt KSensrvQueryChannelsChannelInfoArraySlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvQueryChannelsCountSlot(2);
const TInt KSensrvOpenChannelBufferSizeSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvOpenChannelDataItemSizeSizeSlot(2);
const TInt KSensrvStartListeningParametersSlot(1); // Used for data and condition listening
const TInt KSensrvAsyncChannelDataBufferSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountSlot(2);
const TInt KSensrvGetPropertyPropertySlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvGetAllPropertiesPropertyArraySlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvGetAllPropertiesPropertyCountSlot(2);
const TInt KSensrvSetPropertyPropertySlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncPropertyDataPropertySlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAddConditionSetDataSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvRemoveConditionSetIdSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncConditionMetReturnDataSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncConditionMetReturnIdSlot(2);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncChannelChangeInfoSlot(0);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncChannelChangeTypeSlot(1);
const TInt KSensrvAsyncChannelSearchParamsSlot(2);
// Completion codes for the property set success indicator notification
const TInt KSensrvErrPropertySetAvailable(-500000);
const TInt KSensrvErrPropertySetPossible(-500001);
const TInt KSensrvErrPropertySetUnavailable(-500002);
* Opcodes used in message passing between client and server
* NOTE: If TSensrvServerRequest enumeration is changed,
* Sensor Server's policy defined in sensrvserver.h must also be
* checked and changed correspondingly, if necessary.
enum TSensrvServerRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Channel listening and property getting operations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Query channels
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelInfoPckgBuf instance containing required channel properties.
* 1 - out - TDes8 indicating the data area where fetched channels are written to.
* Note: Client must reserve enough space to contain all returned channels.
* If there was not enough space, information in array is not valid,
* and must be requested again with larger buffer.
* The count parameter indicates the actual channel count in that case.
* 2 - out - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf, Count of returned channel infos.
* Errors:
* KErrBadDescriptor - Invalid data descriptor for returning data
* KErrOverflow - Not enough space to return all found channels.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Open a channel for the client
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel to open
* 1 - out - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf Maximum client buffer count
* 2 - out - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf Actual channel data item size
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - Invalid channel id or channel handler creation failure.
* KErrAlreadyExists - Session already has channel open.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Close a channel for the client
* Channel must be opened.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel to close
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No channel with that id found.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Start listening for a channel.
* Channel must be opened.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in - TSensrvStartListeningParameters specifying
* listening parameters.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrAlreadyExists - This client is already listening for this channel.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Stop listening for a channel.
* Channel must be opened and listened to.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open and listened channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Request data from a channel.
* Channel must be opened and listened to.
* This request is asynchronous.
* Parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - out - TDes8 indicating the data area where fetched data is written to.
* 2 - out - TSensrvAsyncChannelDataCountsRetvalPckgBuf
* Actual number of returned items and lost items.
* Rest of data area is invalid.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open and listened channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrBadDescriptor - Invalid data descriptor for returning data.
* KErrOverflow - Not enough space to return data. All out parameters are invalid.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Get a channel property value synchronously.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in/out - TPropertyPckg, returned properties for a property.
* Name of the property(iPropertyId)
* and channel data type index number (iItemIndex)
* are transferred inside TSensrvProperty towards server.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrArgument - Property doesn't exist.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Start listening for a channel property changes.
* Channel must be opened and listened to.
* This request is asynchronous.
* Parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - out - TPropertyPckgBuf, changed property.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Stop listening for a channel property changes.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Get all channel properties.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - out - TPtr8 indicating the data area where changed properties are written to.
* Note: Client must reserve enough space to contain all returned properties.
* If there was not enough space, information in array is not valid,
* and must be requested again with larger buffer.
* The count parameter indicates the actual property count in that case.
* 2 - out - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf, Count of returned properties.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Add a condition set for this channel.
* Channel must be opened.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in - TDesC8 Externalized CSensrvChannelConditionSetImpl
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrAlreadyExists - This set is already active.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Remove a condition set for this channel if one is found.
* Channel must be opened.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf identifying the set to remove.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with specified id
* for this client found.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Start listening for condition set.
* Channel must be opened.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in - TSensrvStartListeningParameters specifying
* listening parameters. Maximum count doesn't
* really matter in condition listening, as
* long as it is at least as much as desired count.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrAlreadyExists - This client is already listening for this channel.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Stop condition listening for a channel.
* Channel must be opened and listened to.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open and listened channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Request condition met notifications from a channel.
* Channel must be opened and conditions listened to.
* This request is asynchronous.
* Parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - out - TDes8 indicating the data area where triggering data value is written to.
* 2 - out - TSensrvTIntPckgBuf Id of returned set
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open and listened channel with that id for this client found.
* KErrBadDescriptor - Invalid data descriptor for returning data.
* KErrOverflow - Not enough space to return data. All out parameters are invalid.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Start listening for new and removed channels.
* This request is asynchronous.
* Parameters:
* 0 - out - TSensrvChannelInfoPckgBuf Channel information.
* 1 - out - TSensrvTSensrvChannelChangeTypePckgBuf, Indicates if channel was removed or added,
* value must be one of those defined in TSensrvChannelChangeType enum.
* 2 - in - TSensrvChannelInfoPckgBuf Search parameter.
* Errors:
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
* Stop listening for a channel changes.
* If not listening, still completes without error.
* parameters:
* None
* Errors:
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Property Writing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Set a property value.
* parameters:
* 0 - in - TSensrvChannelID identifying the channel
* 1 - in - TPropertyPckg, property to be set.
* Errors:
* KErrNotFound - No open channel with that id for this client found, or property
* does not exist.
* KErrPermissionDenied - Client capabilities do not match proprety set requirements.
* KErrArgument - Property value is not valid.
* KErrCancel - Request was canceled
* KErrNotReady - Plugin is not in loaded state
* KErrNoMemory - Not enough memory to fulfill request.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server shutdown,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Shuts down the server gracefully.
* This function can only be issued by test framework (KSensrvTestFrameworkUid).
* parameters:
* None
* Errors:
* KErrPermissionDenied - Invalid client SID
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// End of enum
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Indicates end of enumeration values.
* Only used in security check and is not supported
* as a real operation.