// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Remote Control client side.
#include <remcon/clienttype.h>
#include <remcon/messagetype.h>
#include <remcon/playertype.h>
#include "operationinformation.h"
#include "remconserver.h"
class TRemConAddress;
The abstract base class for RemCon session handles.
class RRemCon : public RSessionBase
Connect the handle to the server.
Must be called before all other methods (except Version and Close).
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
Connect the handle to the server.
Must be called before all other methods (except Version and Close).
@param aClientType The type of client player
@param aClientSubType The sub-type of the client player
@param aName The name of client player
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt Connect(const TPlayerType& aClientType, const TPlayerSubType& aClientSubType, const TDesC8& aName);
Getter for the version of the server.
@return Version of the server.
IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
Sends a message (command or response) to the remote device.
@param aStatus TRequestStatus for asynchronous completion.
@param aInterfaceUid The UID of the interface to which the message
@param aOperationId The ID of the message. RemCon needs to know this,
separately from the arbitrary data, so it can (a) match up any incoming
response to this client (if the message is a command), and (b) match this
message up to the target (if this message is a response).
@param aNumRemotes On success only, the number of remotes the message was
successfully sent to (at the bearer level). If the message is a command
from a connection-oriented controller, then on success aNumRemotes will be
1. [For consistency, this pattern holds if the message is a response, even
though the information is redundant.] If the message is a command from a
connectionless controller, then aNumRemotes will be zero or more,
depending on what the TSP said should be done with the message and how
many of the TSP-nominated bearers successfully sent the message.
@param aData Data associated with the message.
IMPORT_C void Send(TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
TUint& aNumRemotes,
TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
const TDesC8& aData = KNullDesC8());
IMPORT_C void SendNotify(TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
const TDesC8& aData = KNullDesC8());
IMPORT_C TInt SendUnreliable( TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
const TDesC8& aData = KNullDesC8());
Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding Send operation.
@return KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt SendCancel();
Receive a message (command or response) from the remote device. Note that
RemCon server queues both commands and responses so that none are ever
thrown away just because the client didn't have a Receive outstanding when
they arrived.
@param aStatus TRequestStatus for asynchronous completion.
@param aReceivePackage A struct containing the received message.
@param aData Data associated with the message.
IMPORT_C void Receive(TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TRemConClientReceivePackage& aReceivePackage,
TDes8& aData);
Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding Receive operation.
@return KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt ReceiveCancel();
Getter for the current set of connections in the system (not just those
associated with this session). The client is responsible for cleaning up
the collection- the addresses are on the client's heap.
@param aConnections A collection of remote addresses, representing all the
currently extant connections. Must be empty when this function is called.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt GetConnections(TSglQue<TRemConAddress>& aConnections);
Notification for changes in the set of connections.
This completes whenever the set of connections changes in some way.
If they wish to know what specifically changed, the client must call
GetConnections and do their own analysis of the results from that.
Changes to the connection history of the system are logged internally so
that the client will not 'miss' any changes by not reposting the
notification quickly enough. However, if more than one bearer-level
connection change occurs in the server before the notification is reposted
by the client, then the following notification completion may 'cover' more
than one actual state change.
@param aStatus TRequestStatus for asynchronous completion.
IMPORT_C void NotifyConnectionsChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding
NotifyConnectionsChange operation.
@return KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyConnectionsChangeCancel();
Tells the server in which APIs the client is interested. The server
will only deliver incoming commands of these APIs to the client.
@param aNumAPIs The number of APIs to be registered
@param aAPIs A concatenated string of UIDs for the interfaces present.
@return The error code returned from the server.
IMPORT_C TInt RegisterInterestedAPIs(const TDesC8& aAPIs);
Marks the start of heap cell checking in the server's heap. In release
builds, just returns KErrNone.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt __DbgMarkHeap();
Checks that the number of allocated cells on the server's heap is correct.
The server is panicked if not. In release builds, just returns KErrNone.
@param aCount The expected number of allocated heap cells.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt __DbgCheckHeap(TInt aCount);
Marks the end of heap cell checking. Checks that the number of heap cells
allocated since the last __DbgMarkHeap() is aCount; the most common value
to pass here is zero. In release builds, just returns KErrNone.
@param aCount The expected number of allocated heap cells.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt __DbgMarkEnd(TInt aCount);
Simulates memory allocation failure in the server. In release builds, just
returns KErrNone.
@param aCount The number of allocations after which memory allocation
should fail.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt __DbgFailNext(TInt aCount);
@param aType The type of the session.
RRemCon(TRemConClientType aType);
private: // utility
TInt DoConnect();
TInt SetClientType();
TInt SetClientType(const TPlayerType& aClientType, const TPlayerSubType& aClientSubType, const TDesC8& aName);
private: // owned
const TRemConClientType iClientType;
Used by Send.
TPckg<TUint> iNumRemotesPckg;
TPckgBuf<TOperationInformation> iOpInfoPckg;
Used by Receive.
TPckg<TRemConClientReceivePackage> iReceivePckg;
TPckgBuf<TPlayerTypeInformation> iPlayerTypePckg;
The concrete session class for RemCon controllers.
Controller sessions are connectionless when opened. This means that addressing
of commands is done by the Target Selector Plugin (TSP). A controller may
alternatively be connection-oriented, which means that addressing of commands
is done using a member of the server-side session which specifies a connection
to a remote device. [NB Just because a session 'points to' a connection in
this way does not means that the connection necessarily exists at the bearer
level or at any other level.]
To make a controller session connection-oriented, call GoConnectionOriented.
On success, the session's remote address member will have been set to the
requested remote address.
To make a session connectionless again, use GoConnectionless. On success, the
remote address member will be null, indicating that the TSP will be used to
address our commands.
To control bearer-level connections, use ConnectBearer and DisconnectBearer.
Note that real connections may, depending on the bearer, be torn down by the
remote end outside of our control. Use GetConnections (and the associated
notification) to get information about the current state of the real
connections. Note however that the client is not _required_ to be interested
in this level of control as RemCon is responsible for making sure the required
connection exists at the bearer level before sending the message. The level of
control mentioned is provided to the client so that it can, for instance,
ensure adequate responsiveness of the first command sent.
ConnectBearerCancel and DisconnectBearerCancel merely cancel interest in the
corresponding request. They do not change the state of the system, bearers,
connections, or member data in any other way. They operate as pure Symbian OS
asynchronous cancel methods.
class RRemConController : public RRemCon
IMPORT_C RRemConController();
Makes the session connection-oriented. On success, the given connection
data will be used for sending commands.
@param aBearerUid The UID of the bearer to use.
@param aData Optional bearer-specific connection data.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt GoConnectionOriented(const TRemConAddress& aConnection);
Makes the session connectionless. On success, the TSP will be used for
sending commands.
@return Error.
IMPORT_C TInt GoConnectionless();
Establish a bearer-level connection using the information supplied in
@param aStatus Used by the server to indicate completion of the request.
IMPORT_C void ConnectBearer(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding ConnectBearer
request. Does not affect the state of the bearer-level connection.
@return KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt ConnectBearerCancel();
Triggers bearer-level disconnection of the connection specified in
@param aStatus Used by the server to indicate completion of the request.
IMPORT_C void DisconnectBearer(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
Cancels interest in the completion of an outstanding DisconnectBearer
request. Does not affect the state of the bearer-level connection.
@return KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt DisconnectBearerCancel();
The concrete session class for RemCon targets.
class RRemConTarget : public RRemCon
IMPORT_C RRemConTarget();