// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <remcon/remconbearerbulkobserver.h>
#include "bearermanager.h"
class CRemConBulkServer;
class CRemConMessage;
class TBearerSecurity;
class MRemConBearerBulkInterface;
class TClientInfo;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBulkBearerInterface) : public CBase, public MRemConBearerBulkObserver
Bearer manager construction.
@return Ownership of a new CBulkBearerInterface object
static CBulkBearerInterface* NewL(CRemConBulkServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
void BulkClientAvailable(const TRemConClientId& aClient);
void BulkClientRemoved(const TRemConClientId& aClient);
/** Send a message over a specific connection and return the result
immediately. */
TInt Send(CRemConMessage& aMsg);
@param aBearerUid The bearer with which to check the security policy with.
@param aMessage The message to check the policy against.
@return non-zero if the security check passes, zero otherwise.
TBool CheckPolicy(TUid aBearerUid, const TClientInfo& aClientInfo);
CBulkBearerInterface(CRemConBulkServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
void ConstructL(CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
void StopBearers();
private: // from MRemConBearerBulkObserver
TInt MrcbboDoNewCommand(const TRemConAddress& aAddr);
TInt MrcbboDoNewCommand(const TRemConAddress& aAddr, const TRemConClientId& aClient);
TUint MrcbboDoNewTransactionId();
void MrcbboDoCommandExpired(TUint aTransactionId);
TInt MrcbboDoSetAddressedClient(const TRemConAddress& aAddr, const TRemConClientId& aClient);
TInt MrcbboDoRemoveAddressing(const TRemConAddress& aAddr);
private: // utility
#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
void LogBearers() const;
void NewCommandL(const TRemConAddress& aAddr, const TRemConClientId& aClient);
MRemConBearerBulkInterface* BearerIf(TUid aUid) const;
private: // unowned
RArray<CBearerManager::TBulkInterfaceInfo> iBearerIfs;
RHashMap<TRemConAddress, TRemConClientId> iAddressedClients; // Stores client id by RemCon addr
private: // owned
TUint iRunningTransactionId;
TSglQueIter<TBearerSecurity> iSecurityPoliciesIter;
private: // unowned
CRemConBulkServer& iServer;