// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <remcon/clientinfo.h>
A list of clients a message with the given transaction ID was delivered to,
that hasn't yet been responded to
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMessageRecipients): public CBase
@return Ownership of a new CMessageRecipients object.
static CMessageRecipients* NewL();
@return List of clients to which the message was delivered
TSglQue<TClientInfo>& Clients();
@return Iterator over a list of clients to which the message was delivered.
@note Pointers returned by the iterator will be const TClientInfo*
TClientInfoConstIter& ConstIter();
@return The transaction ID of the message that was delivered
TUint& TransactionId();
Removes and deletes the specified client from the list of clients this message was delivered to.
Called when the client responds to the message
void RemoveAndDestroyClient(const TClientInfo& aClientInfo);
TSglQueLink iLink;
TSglQue<TClientInfo> iClientInfo;
TSglQueIter<TClientInfo> iIter;
TClientInfoConstIter iConstIter;
TUint iTransactionId;
A list of CMessageRecipients, for storing the list of messages that haven't yet
had a response sent to the bearer and which clients each was delivered to
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMessageRecipientsList): public CBase
@return Ownership of a new CMessageRecipientsList object.
static CMessageRecipientsList* NewL();
@return The list of messages and which client each was delivered to.
TSglQue<CMessageRecipients>& Messages();
@return Iterator over the list of messages
TSglQueIter<CMessageRecipients>& Iter();
Removes and deletes a message from the message recipients list with a specified transaction ID
Called when the response is sent to the bearer, or the last client has responded.
void RemoveAndDestroyMessage(const TUint aTransactionId);
@return pointer to a CMessageRecipients object with a specified transaction ID, or NULL
if one was not found
CMessageRecipients* Message(TUint aTransactionId);
TSglQue<CMessageRecipients> iMessages;
TSglQueIter<CMessageRecipients> iIter;