Merge fix for bug 2620.
authorPat Downey <>
Thu, 24 Jun 2010 11:22:45 +0100
changeset 40 65b8e37066ef
parent 35 f7565e9c9ce8 (diff)
parent 39 a003130def4e (current diff)
Merge fix for bug 2620.
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Policy/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Policy/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@
+const TInt KAccMaxRules = 8;
 const TInt KAccMaxRules = 7;
 const TInt  KAccConfigMaxCapabilityGroups = 64;
 const TInt  KAccGidIntBuf                 = 100;
@@ -387,6 +391,9 @@
      {KPCWired,     KAccMonoAudio},
      {KPCBluetooth, KAccStereoAudio},
      {KPCBluetooth, KAccMonoAudio},
+	 {KPCUSB,   	KAccStereoAudio},
      {KPCWired,     0},
      {KPCBluetooth, 0}
@@ -466,7 +473,11 @@
     else if ( gID.PhysicalConnectionCaps( KPCWired ) ||
-              gID.PhysicalConnectionCaps( KPCHDMI ) )
+              gID.PhysicalConnectionCaps( KPCHDMI )
+			  || gID.PhysicalConnectionCaps ( KPCUSB )
+			)
         if( gID.DeviceTypeCaps( KDTHeadset ) )
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/inc/TfAccessoryTestControlTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/inc/TfAccessoryTestControlTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -206,7 +206,10 @@
-    ETFAsyConnHDMI
+    ETFAsyConnHDMI,    
+    ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/src/TfAccessoryTestControlPlugin.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/src/TfAccessoryTestControlPlugin.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
 #include "CtfAccessoryTestCaseControl.h"
 #include <AccPolProprietaryNameValuePairs.h>
+#include <autoaudiopskeys.h>
 //M10703 KAccAudioOutConnector
@@ -43,6 +45,9 @@
 static void PolicyModuleTestSuiteL( CTFATestSuite* aSuite );
 static void UsbObjectModuleTestSuiteL( CTFATestSuite* aSuite );
 static void HdmiObjectModuleTestSuiteL( CTFATestSuite* aSuite );
+static void AutoAudioAsyModuleTestSuiteL( CTFATestSuite* aSuite );
 // [M10101] [[AccServer] Open And Close Accessory Connection]
@@ -2626,7 +2631,86 @@
     { ETFCheckHdmiObject, 0, EAccPolHdmiVideoFormatObject,       0, 0, 0, 11306, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+/************************                                             ****************************/
+/************************  AutoAudio ASY related testcases ****************************/
+/************************                                             ****************************/
+// [M11401] AccServer [ Connect RTP streaming device ]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates[]=
+    {
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Open,        0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyNewAccessoryConnected,  0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,                 0, EUnidirectional, 0,     0,           0, 11401, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyNewAccessoryConnected, KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFCheckCapability,                       0, 0, ETrue, KAccAudioOutputType,       0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFCheckCapability,                       0, 0, ETrue, KAccStereoAudio,           0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFCheckCapability,                       0, 0, ETrue, KAccIntegratedAudioOutput, 0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFCheckCapability,                       0, 0, ETrue, KAccRTPStreaming,          0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryDisconnected,  0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory,              0, ENone, 0,     0,                     0, 11401, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyAccessoryDisconnected, KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFClearStack,                            0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,             ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Close,       0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11401, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    };
+// [M11402] [[AccServer] [RTP Streaming device Accessory Mode]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFRTPStreamingAccessoryModeStates[]=
+    {
+    { ETFAccessoryMode_Open,                 0, 0,         0, 0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyNone,          ReqAccRequestNone,             KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryModeChanged,0, 0,         0, 0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyNone,          ReqAccRequestNone,             KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,              0, EUnidirectional, 0, 0,    0, 11402, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                0, 3,         0, 0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyNone,          ReqNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFClearStack,                         0, 0,         0, 0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyNone,          ReqAccRequestNone,             KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory,           0, ENone, 0,     0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFAccessoryMode_Close,                0, 0,         0, 0,          0, 11402, ETFAsyNone,          ReqAccRequestNone,             KErrNone, 1000000},
+    };
+// [M11403] AccServer [ Improper publish of RTP Streaming status ]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates1[]=
+    {
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Open,        0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyNewAccessoryConnected,  0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,                 0, ENone, 0,     0,           0, 11403, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyNewAccessoryConnected, KErrNone, 0},        
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,                 0, EBidirectional, 0,     0,           0, 11403, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},            
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyNewAccessoryConnected, KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFCancelNotifyNewAccessoryConnected,     0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,          ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFClearStack,                            0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,             ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Close,       0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11403, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    };
+// [M11404] AccServer [ Publish Improper And Connect RTP streaming device ]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates2[]=
+    {
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Open,        0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyNewAccessoryConnected,  0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 1000000},
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,                 0, EBidirectional, 0,     0,           0, 11404, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},            
+    { ETFConnectWiredAccessory,                 0, EUnidirectional, 0,     0,           0, 11404, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn, ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 3000000},        
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyNewAccessoryConnected, KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryDisconnected,  0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory,              0, ENone, 0,     0,                     0, 11404, ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 2000000},
+    { ETFFindAndCheckRequest,                   0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqNotifyAccessoryDisconnected, KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFClearStack,                            0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,             ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    { ETFAccessorySingleConnection_Close,       0, 0, 0,     0,                         0, 11404, ETFAsyNone,     ReqAccRequestNone,              KErrNone, 0},
+    };
 /*****************************             *********************************/
 /*****************************  End Tests  *********************************/
 /*****************************             *********************************/
@@ -2675,6 +2759,10 @@
             TF_ADD_TEST_SUITE_FUNCTION_L( _L( "Policy Tests" ),                     PolicyModuleTestSuiteL );
             TF_ADD_TEST_SUITE_FUNCTION_L( _L( "USB Object Tests" ),                 UsbObjectModuleTestSuiteL );
             TF_ADD_TEST_SUITE_FUNCTION_L( _L( "HDMI Object Tests" ),                HdmiObjectModuleTestSuiteL );
+            TF_ADD_TEST_SUITE_FUNCTION_L( _L( "AutoAudio ASY Tests" ),              AutoAudioAsyModuleTestSuiteL );
@@ -2855,6 +2943,14 @@
     TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11305, KTFNotifyHDMIVideoFormatChangedStates );
     TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11306, KTCheckHdmiObjectsStates );
+/************************  AutoAudio related testcases (RTPStreaming) ****************************/
+    TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11401, KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates );
+    TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11402, KTFRTPStreamingAccessoryModeStates );
+    TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11403, KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates1 );
+    TF_ACCESSORY_SERVER_CONTROL_TEST_CASE_L( 11404, KTFConnectRTPStreamingDeviceStates2 );
@@ -3068,5 +3164,16 @@
     TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11306, _L( "[M11306] [[AccServer] Check HDMI objects] "));
+static void AutoAudioAsyModuleTestSuiteL( CTFATestSuite* aSuite )
+    {
+    TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11401, _L( "[M11401] [[AccServer] Connect RTP Streaming device] "));
+    TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11402, _L( "[M11402] [[AccServer] RTP Streaming device Accessory Mode] "));
+    TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11403, _L( "[M11403] [[AccServer] Improper publish of RTP Streaming status] "));
+    TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11404, _L( "[M11404] [[AccServer] Publish Improper And Connect RTP streaming device] "));
+    }
 // End of File
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/group/AsyStub.mmp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/group/AsyStub.mmp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 // System include macro
 SYSTEMINCLUDE   ../../../AccessoryTestControl/dsytfcore/inc
+SYSTEMINCLUDE   ../../../../../../../../inc
 // The resource name should be same as the second UID above
 SOURCEPATH      ../data
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubService.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubService.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
 #include <accpolobjecttypes.h>
 #include <s32mem.h>
 #include <accpolhdmiobjectcon.h>
+#include <accessoryservicesinternalpskeys.h>
+#include <autoaudiopskeys.h>
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // CASYStubService::CASYStubService() 
@@ -850,6 +854,20 @@
+#ifdef FF_AUTOMOTIVESTACK           
+        case ETFAsyRTPStreamingConn:
+            {
+            RProperty property;          
+            CleanupClosePushL ( property );
+            COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "ASYSTUB - CTFTestControlObserver::Service - Attaching to RTP streaming key" ) ) );
+            User::LeaveIfError ( property.Attach ( KPSUidAccessoryServices, KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus ) );
+            COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "ASYSTUB - CTFTestControlObserver::Service - publishing to RTP streaming key" ) ) );                        
+            User::LeaveIfError ( property.Set ( aParam1 ) );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (); // property
+            }
+            break;
             COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "ASYSTUB - CASYStubService::Service - Subscribe destination is WIRELESS ASY" ) ) );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/data/2002F9A3.rss	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Resource definitions for project autoaudioasy
+#include <ecom/registryinfov2.rh>
+#include "AsyServiceUids.h"
+// Declares info for two implementations
+    {
+    // UID for the DLL.
+    resource_format_version = RESOURCE_FORMAT_VERSION_2;
+    dll_uid = 0x2002F9A3;
+    interfaces = 
+        {
+            {
+            // UID of interface that is implemented
+            interface_uid = KACCESSORYPLUGINAPIUID;
+            implementations = 
+                {
+                IMPLEMENTATION_INFO
+                    {
+                    implementation_uid = 0x2002F9A4;
+                    version_no         = 1;
+                    display_name       = "0x2002F9A3";
+                    default_data       = KACCESSORYPLUGINAPIMAINSERVICE;
+                    opaque_data        = "autoaudioasy";
+                    rom_only           = 1;
+                    }
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/group/autoaudioasy.mmp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Project definition file for project usbaudioasy
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+TARGET          autoaudioasy.dll
+// ECom Dll recognition UID followed by the unique UID for this dll
+UID             0x10009D8D 0x2002F9A3
+SOURCEPATH      ../src
+SOURCE          autoaudioasyproxy.cpp
+SOURCE          cautoaudioasymainservicebase.cpp
+SOURCE          cautoaudioasypropertyobserver.cpp
+SOURCE          cautoaudioasyservice.cpp
+USERINCLUDE     ../inc
+SYSTEMINCLUDE 	../../../inc
+// The resource name should be same as the second UID above
+SOURCEPATH      ../data
+TARGET          autoaudioasy.rsc
+LIBRARY euser.lib 
+LIBRARY estor.lib
+LIBRARY	accclient.lib
+LIBRARY	acccontrol.lib
+LIBRARY	accpolicy.lib
+LIBRARY	accpolcom.lib
+LIBRARY	accsrvutil.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Build information file for project AUTO Audio ASY
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../rom/autoaudioasy.iby   CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(autoaudioasy.iby)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/rom/autoaudioasy.iby	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This material, including documentation and any related computer
+* programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
+* rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing
+* adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
+* prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
+* confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
+* without the prior written consent of Nokia.
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Image description file for project Autoaudio ASY
+ECOM_PLUGIN ( autoaudioasy.dll, 2002F9A3.rsc )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/src/autoaudioasyproxy.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implementations for autoaudioasy
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
+#include "cautoaudioasymainservicebase.h"
+// Map the interface implementation UIDs to implementation factory functions
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+    {
+    {{0x2002F9A4}, (TProxyNewLPtr) CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::NewL}
+    };
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt&)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// Exported proxy for instantiation method resolution.
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
+    {
+    aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+    return ImplementationTable;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/src/cautoaudioasymainservicebase.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Service base for autoaudioasy
+// global headers
+#include <accessoryservicesinternalpskeys.h>
+#include <autoaudiopskeys.h>
+// local headers
+#include "cautoaudioasymainservicebase.h"
+#include "cautoaudioasyservice.h"
+#include "acc_debug.h"
+_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KPSAutoAudioReadPolicy, ECapabilityReadDeviceData);
+_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KPSAutoAudioWritePolicy, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase ()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase()");
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::NewL ()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase* CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::NewL ()
+    {
+    CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase* self = new ( ELeave ) CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase ();
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+    self->ConstructL ();
+    CleanupStack::Pop ( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+void CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::ConstructL ()
+    {
+    iService = CAutoAudioAsyService::NewL ();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::~CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase ()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::~CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::~CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase" );
+    delete iService;	
+	RProperty::Delete ( KPSUidAccessoryServices, KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::StartL ()
+// In this method we define & start listening for property changes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::StartL ()
+	{
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::StartL" );
+	InitPSAutoAudioL ();
+	iService->StartL ();
+	Signal ();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::InitPSAutoAudioL ()
+// In this method we define and intialise P&S keys
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::InitPSAutoAudioL ()
+	{
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::InitPSAutoAudioL" );
+	TInt ret = RProperty::Define ( KPSUidAccessoryServices,
+				KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus, RProperty::EInt,				
+				KPSAutoAudioReadPolicy, KPSAutoAudioWritePolicy );
+	if ( ret != KErrNone )
+		{
+		COM_TRACE_1 ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::InitPSAutoAudioL RTP Streaming Property Define failed with %d", ret );
+        User::Leave ( ret );
+		}
+	ret = RProperty::Set ( KPSUidAccessoryServices, KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus, ENone );
+	if ( ret != KErrNone )
+	    {
+        COM_TRACE_1 ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyMainServiceBase::InitPSAutoAudioL RTP Streaming key init failed with %d", ret );
+        User::Leave ( ret );
+	    }
+	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/autoaudioasy/src/cautoaudioasyservice.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This class handles connect and disconnect to AccFw.
+#include <acccongenericid.h>
+#include <accpolobjectcon.h>
+#include <accpolnamevaluerecord.h>
+#include <accconfigfileparser.h>
+#include <accpolcommonnamevaluepairs.h>
+#include <accessoryservicesinternalpskeys.h>
+#include <autoaudiopskeys.h>
+#include "cautoaudioasyservice.h"
+#include "cautoaudioasypropertyobserver.h"
+#include "acc_debug.h"
+#define SET_STATE(state) (iState=state)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::CAutoAudioAsyService() 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyService::CAutoAudioAsyService ()
+	: CActive ( EPriorityStandard )
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add ( this );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::NewL ()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyService* CAutoAudioAsyService::NewL ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::NewL" );
+    CAutoAudioAsyService* self = new ( ELeave ) CAutoAudioAsyService ();
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+    self->ConstructL ();
+    CleanupStack::Pop ( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::ConstructL ()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::ConstructL ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::ConstructL" );
+    User::LeaveIfError ( iAccessoryServer.Connect () );
+    User::LeaveIfError ( iAccessoryControl.CreateSubSession ( iAccessoryServer ) );
+    SET_STATE ( EServiceStateIdle );	
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::~CAutoAudioAsyService()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAutoAudioAsyService::~CAutoAudioAsyService ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::~CAutoAudioAsyService" );
+    Cancel ();
+	delete iPropertyObserver;
+    iAccessoryControl.CloseSubSession ();
+    iAccessoryServer.Close ();
+	FreeResources ();
+    }
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::StartL ()
+	{
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::StartL" );
+	iPropertyObserver = CAutoAudioAsyPropertyObserver::NewL ( KPSUidAccessoryServices, KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus, *this );
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::PropertyChange ()
+// Defined in MAutoAudioAsyPropertyListener interface.
+// Receives notifications about RTP Streaming channel property changes. Property changes occur
+// when accessory is connected or disconnected or headunit attached or detached
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::PropertyChange ( RProperty& aProperty, TUid aUid, TUint aKey, TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::PropertyChange" );
+    TInt propValue;
+    TInt status = aProperty.Get ( propValue );
+    COM_TRACE_1 ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::PropertyChange -- request property value %d", propValue );
+    if ( aUid == KPSUidAccessoryServices && aKey == KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus )
+        {
+        // Check if audio accessory has been connected
+        if ( ( status == KErrNone ) && ( aStatus == KErrNone ) )
+            {
+			if ( propValue == EUnidirectional ) // Current release supports only UniDirectional, so other key values ignored.
+				{
+				TInt err;
+				switch ( iState )
+					{
+					case EServiceStateIdle:
+						TRAP ( err, ConnectAccessoryL () );
+						if ( err != KErrNone )
+							{
+							COM_TRACE_1 ("[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] ConnectAccessoryL error %d", err );
+							FreeResources (); // switch to EServiceStateIdle							
+							}
+						break;
+					case EServiceStateConnecting:
+					case EServiceStateConnected:
+						// Nothing to do
+						break;
+					}
+				return;
+				}
+            }
+        // Otherwise assume that it's disconnected
+        AccessoryDisconnected ();
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::AccessoryDisconnected ()
+// Called when a disconnect notification is received
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::AccessoryDisconnected ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::AccessoryDisconnected" );
+    TRequestStatus status;
+    switch ( iState )
+        {
+        case EServiceStateConnected:
+            iAccessoryControl.DisconnectAccessory ( status, iGenericId->GenericID () );
+            User::WaitForRequest ( status );
+            FreeResources (); // sets state to EServiceStateIdle
+            break;
+        case EServiceStateConnecting:
+            Cancel ();
+            break;
+        default:
+            // nothing to do in this case
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAutoAudioAsyService::ConnectAccessoryL ()
+// Notifies the accessory server and switches to EServiceStateConnecting state.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::ConnectAccessoryL ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::ConnectAccessoryL" );
+    RArray<TAccPolNameValueRecord> nameValueArray;
+    CleanupClosePushL ( nameValueArray );
+    // Set GenericID header
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] Set generic header" );
+    iGenericIDHeader.iAccessoryDeviceType   = KDTCarKit;
+    iGenericIDHeader.iPhysicalConnection    = KPCUSB;
+    iGenericIDHeader.iApplicationProtocol   = 0x0;
+    iGenericIDHeader.iCapabilitiesSubblocks = KSBAudioSubblock;
+    iGenericIDHeader.iHWDeviceID            = 0x0;
+    iGenericIDHeader.iHWModelID				= KNullDesC;
+    iGenericId = CAccConGenericID::NewL ();
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] Set capabilities" );
+    // Set "Audio Output Type" capability
+	COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] KAccAudioOutputType " );
+    nameValueArray.AppendL ( TAccPolNameValueRecord ( KAccAudioOutputType,
+        EAccAudioOutPutTypePublic, EAPVInt, EAPVPolicy ) );
+    // Set "Audio stereo" capability
+	COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] KAccStereoAudio " );
+	nameValueArray.AppendL ( TAccPolNameValueRecord ( KAccStereoAudio ) );
+    // Set "Integrated audio output"
+	COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] KAccIntegratedAudioOutput " );
+	nameValueArray.AppendL ( TAccPolNameValueRecord ( KAccIntegratedAudioOutput ) );
+	// Set "RTP streaming"
+	COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] KAccRTPStreaming " );
+	nameValueArray.AppendL ( TAccPolNameValueRecord ( KAccRTPStreaming ) );
+    // Make generic id
+    CAccConfigFileParser* accConfigFileParser = CAccConfigFileParser::NewL ( KNullDesC );
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( accConfigFileParser );
+    accConfigFileParser->ParseGenericIDL ( iGenericId, iGenericIDHeader, nameValueArray );
+    // Connect accessory
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] Connecting accessory..." );
+    iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory ( iStatus, iGenericId, EFalse );
+    SET_STATE ( EServiceStateConnecting );
+    SetActive ();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( accConfigFileParser );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( &nameValueArray );
+    }    
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CActive methods
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::DoCancel ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::DoCancel" );
+    iAccessoryControl.CancelConnectAccessory ();
+    FreeResources ();
+    }
+TInt CAutoAudioAsyService::RunError ( TInt /*aError*/ )
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::RunError" );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::RunL ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::RunL" );
+	TInt retVal ( iStatus.Int () );
+	COM_TRACE_1 ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] Connected with return value %d", retVal );
+    if ( KErrNone == retVal )
+		{
+			switch ( iState )
+			{
+			case EServiceStateConnecting:				
+				SET_STATE ( EServiceStateConnected );
+				break;
+			case EServiceStateIdle:
+			case EServiceStateConnected:
+			default:
+				COM_TRACE_ ( "State machine broken" );
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] Accessory Server failed to accept connection, freeing up resources" );		
+		FreeResources ();
+		}
+	}	
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Frees resources and set state to EServiceStateIdle
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAutoAudioAsyService::FreeResources ()
+    {
+    COM_TRACE_ ( "[AccFW:AutoAudioAsy] CAutoAudioAsyService::FreeResources" );
+    if ( iState != EServiceStateIdle )
+        {
+        SET_STATE ( EServiceStateIdle );
+        }
+    delete iGenericId;
+    iGenericId = NULL;
+    }
--- a/accessoryservices/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 #include "../headsetstatusapi/Group/bld.inf"
 #include "../tspclientmapper/group/bld.inf"
 #include "../gid_pc_tool/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../autoaudioasy/group/bld.inf"
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/compositecablestateconnected.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/compositecablestateconnected.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@
     CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForAspectRatio;
     CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForFlickerFilter;
     CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForTvSystem;
+	CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForVOverScan;
      * TV Out Configurer.
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/hdmicablestateconnected.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/hdmicablestateconnected.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "multifinitestatemachine.h"
+#include "centralrepositorywatch.h" 
 class CEDIDHandler;
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
  *  @lib none.
  *  @since TB 9.2
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHDMICableStateConnected ): public CBase, public MFSMState
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHDMICableStateConnected ): public CBase, public MFSMState, public MCentralRepositoryObserver
@@ -152,6 +153,41 @@
+// from base class MCentralRepositoryObserver
+    /**
+     * Function is called by watcher every time when key value has changed
+     * in CR.
+     *
+     * @since TB 9.2
+     * @param aRepositoryId Changed repository. 
+     * @param aRepositoryId Changed key. 
+     * @return none
+     */
+    virtual void CentRepKeyChanged(
+            TUid    aRepositoryId,
+            TUint32 aId );
+    /**
+     * Function is called by property watcher when reading the integer property's
+     * current value fails.
+     *
+     * @since TB 9.2
+     * @param aRepositoryId Changed repository. 
+     * @param aRepositoryId Changed key. 
+     * @param aError Error code:
+     *      KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed, 
+     *      KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability check, 
+     *      KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, 
+     *      KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not an integer, plus other system-wide error codes. 
+     * . 
+     * @return none
+     */
+    virtual void CentRepGetKeyValueFailed( 
+            TUid    aRepositoryId,
+            TUint32 aId,
+            TInt aError );
@@ -315,6 +351,8 @@
             TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
             TFSMEventId aEvent );
+	void ClearAvailableTvOutConfig();
      * C++ default constructor.
      * @param aTVOutConfigForHDMI TV Out Configurer for cable connection listening.
@@ -399,7 +437,14 @@
     // Substate
     TSubState iSubState;
+	//CR Observer for ovescan percentage
+    //CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForHOverScan;
+    CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForVOverScan;
+	// Flag to indicate the change of overscan
+	TBool iOverScanSettingsChanged;
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/compositecablestateconnected.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/compositecablestateconnected.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -80,6 +80,11 @@
         delete iCRWatchForTvSystem;        
+    if ( iCRWatchForVOverScan )
+        {
+        iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
+        delete iCRWatchForVOverScan;        
+        }
     if ( iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges ) 
@@ -191,7 +196,8 @@
         if (    ( KSettingsTvAspectRatio == aId ) ||
                 ( KSettingsTvoutFlickerFilter == aId  ) ||
-                ( KSettingsTvSystemInfo == aId ) )
+                ( KSettingsTvSystemInfo == aId ) ||
+                ( KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan == aId) )
             Input( EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatch, EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged );
@@ -286,6 +292,7 @@
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Watch();
                 iSubState = ESubStateEnabled;
@@ -343,6 +350,7 @@
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
             iSubState = ESubStateDisabling;
@@ -362,8 +370,8 @@
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
-            iTVOutConfigForComposite.Disable();
 			iResettingInput = ETrue;
@@ -582,6 +590,7 @@
+						iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
                         iResettingInput = EFalse;
@@ -599,6 +608,7 @@
+					iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
                     iResettingInput = EFalse;
@@ -765,6 +775,7 @@
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
         else if ( EIfTVOutConfigEventSetFailed == aEvent )
@@ -848,6 +859,7 @@
     iCRWatchForAspectRatio = CCentralRepositoryWatch::NewL(*this, KCRUidTvoutSettings, KSettingsTvAspectRatio );
     iCRWatchForFlickerFilter = CCentralRepositoryWatch::NewL(*this, KCRUidTvoutSettings, KSettingsTvoutFlickerFilter );
     iCRWatchForTvSystem = CCentralRepositoryWatch::NewL(*this, KCRUidTvoutSettings, KSettingsTvSystemInfo );    
+    iCRWatchForVOverScan = CCentralRepositoryWatch::NewL(*this, KCRUidTvoutSettings, KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan );
     iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges = CTVOutConfigForComposite::NewL(iCompositeCableStatusFSM);
     iResettingInput = EFalse;
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/edidhandler.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/edidhandler.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1383,6 +1383,8 @@
     // Update overscan values
     iHOverscan = hOverscan;
     iVOverscan = vOverscan;
+	INFO_2( "Overscan Values: %d,%d", iHOverscan, iVOverscan );
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/hdmicablestateconnected.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/hdmicablestateconnected.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 #include "tvoutconfigforhdmi.h"
 #include "edidhandler.h"
 #include "trace.h"
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <accessoriescrkeys.h>
+#include <tvoutconfig.h>
@@ -77,8 +80,67 @@
         delete iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges;
+    if ( iCRWatchForVOverScan )
+        {
+        iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
+        delete iCRWatchForVOverScan;        
+        }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MCentralRepositoryObserver.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHDMICableStateConnected::CentRepKeyChanged(
+        TUid    aRepositoryId,
+        TUint32 aId )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    if ( KCRUidTvoutSettings == aRepositoryId )
+        {
+        if ( KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan == aId  )
+            {
+            Input( EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatch, EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            INFO_1("Unexpected CR key ID, aId 0x%x", aId );            
+            }       
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        INFO_1("Unexpected Central Repository ID, aRepositoryId 0x%x", aRepositoryId);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MCentralRepositoryObserver.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHDMICableStateConnected::CentRepGetKeyValueFailed(
+        TUid    aRepositoryId,
+        TUint32 aId,
+        TInt    aError )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    // Make use of aError argument top get rid of compiler warning.
+    TInt error( aError );
+    if ( ( KCRUidTvoutSettings == aRepositoryId ) && ( KErrNone != error ) )
+        {
+        if ( KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan == aId  )
+            {
+            INFO_1(" Getting KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan from CR failed, aError %d", error );                                    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            INFO_1("Unexpected CR key ID, aId 0x%x", aId );            
+            }       
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        INFO_1("Unexpected Central Repository ID, aRepositoryId 0x%x", aRepositoryId);
+        }    
+    }
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // From MFSMState.
@@ -88,6 +150,7 @@
     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
+	iOverScanSettingsChanged = EFalse;
     iCopyProtectListenFailCounter.iCount = 0;
     retVal = iEDIDHandler.FetchEDIDData();
@@ -451,13 +514,22 @@
                 iSubState = ESubStateConnected;
-                TRAPD( err, iHDMICableStatusFSM.SettingsChangedL() );
-                if ( KErrNone != err )
-                    {
-                    INFO_1( "iHDMICableStatusFSM.SettingsChangedL() failed, error code %i", err ); 
-                    }
+				if( !iOverScanSettingsChanged )
+					{
+	                TRAPD( err, iHDMICableStatusFSM.SettingsChangedL() );
+	                if ( KErrNone != err )
+	                    {
+	                    INFO_1( "iHDMICableStatusFSM.SettingsChangedL() failed, error code %i", err ); 
+	                    }
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iOverScanSettingsChanged = EFalse;
+					}
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Watch();
         else if ( EIfTVOutConfigEventEnableFailed == aEvent )
@@ -632,6 +704,7 @@
                 iSubState = ESubStateConnected;
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Watch();
         else if ( EPDEIfAccessoryControlEventConnectFailed == aEvent )
@@ -780,6 +853,7 @@
                 // Stop listen setting changes
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
                 iSubState = ESubStateIdlingDisable;
@@ -792,6 +866,7 @@
             // Stop listen setting changes
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
             // Disable tv out
@@ -808,6 +883,7 @@
                 // Stop listen setting changes
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
@@ -821,6 +897,7 @@
                     // Stop listen setting changes
+					iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
                     iSubState = ESubStateIdlingDisable;
@@ -851,6 +928,7 @@
                 // Stop listening Copy Protection status
+				iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
                 iSubState = ESubStateRejectingDisable;
@@ -862,6 +940,7 @@
             // Stop listening Copy Protection status
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
             if ( iTVOutConfigForHDMI.GetTvOutConfig()->Enabled() )
                 iSubState = ESubStateResettingDisable;
@@ -887,6 +966,7 @@
             // Stop listening Copy Protection status
+			iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
@@ -895,6 +975,55 @@
+    case EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatch:
+        {       
+        INFO( "Interface: EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatch" );
+        if ( EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged == aEvent )
+            {
+            INFO( "Event: EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged" );
+			// Get the available config
+			THdmiDviTimings curConfig;
+			iTVOutConfigForHDMI.GetTvOutConfig()->GetConfig( curConfig );
+			if( (TTvSettings::EHDMI == curConfig.iConnector) && (!curConfig.iUnderscanEnabled) )
+				{					
+				// Clear the available config				
+				ClearAvailableTvOutConfig();
+				TInt retVal = iEDIDHandler.SetVideoParameters();
+				if ( KErrNone != retVal )
+					{
+					INFO( "Going to state <Rejected> since video parameter setting failed!" );		  
+					iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges->Cancel();
+					iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
+					iHDMICableStatusFSM.Transit( EHDMICableStateRejected ); 		
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					TFSMEventId event = iTVOutConfigForHDMI.ListenHDMICableStatusIfNoMissedEvents();
+					if ( EIfTVOutConfigEventCableDisconnected == event )
+						{
+						INFO( "Retreating back to <Idle> since cable was disconnected while not listening!" );		  
+						iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges->Cancel();
+						iCRWatchForVOverScan->Cancel();
+						iHDMICableStatusFSM.Transit( EHDMICableStateIdle ); 		
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iOverScanSettingsChanged = ETrue;
+						iSubState = ESubStateWaitForSettingsChanged;
+						}
+					}				
+				}
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            INFO_1( "Unknown Event Id: %i", aEvent );        
+            }
+        break;
+        }       
         INFO_1( "Event received from unknown/unexpected interface Id: %i", aInterfaceId );        
@@ -938,8 +1067,24 @@
         else if ( EIfTVOutConfigEventSettingsChanged == aEvent )
             INFO( "Event: EIfTVOutConfigEventSettingsChanged" );
-            iSubState = ESubStateEnable;
-            iTVOutConfigForHDMI.Enable();
+			if( iOverScanSettingsChanged )
+				{
+	            if ( iTVOutConfigForHDMI.GetTvOutConfig()->Enabled() )
+	                {
+	                iSubState = ESubStateResettingDisable;
+	                iTVOutConfigForHDMI.Disable();
+	                }
+	            else
+	                {
+	                iSubState = ESubStateResettingEnable;
+	                iTVOutConfigForHDMI.Enable();                
+	                }
+				}
+			else
+				{
+	            iSubState = ESubStateEnable;
+	            iTVOutConfigForHDMI.Enable();
+				}
         else if ( EIfTVOutConfigEventSettingsChangesListenFailed == aEvent )
@@ -962,14 +1107,38 @@
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ClearAvailableConfig
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHDMICableStateConnected::ClearAvailableTvOutConfig()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    if( iTVOutConfigForHDMI.GetTvOutConfig() )
+        {
+        RArray<THdmiDviTimings> HdmiSettingsArray;        
+    	RArray<TTvSettings> TvSettingsArray;       
+        TInt err = iTVOutConfigForHDMI.GetTvOutConfig()->SetAvailableTvConfigList( TvSettingsArray, HdmiSettingsArray );
+        HdmiSettingsArray.Close();
+    	TvSettingsArray.Close();
+        }              
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // ConstructL
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void CHDMICableStateConnected::ConstructL()
+    // Create Central Repository Watchers
+    iCRWatchForVOverScan = CCentralRepositoryWatch::NewL(*this, KCRUidTvoutSettings, KSettingsTvoutVerticalOverscan );
     iTVOutConfigForCopyProtect = CTVOutConfigForHDMI::NewL( iHDMICableStatusFSM );
-    iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges = CTVOutConfigForHDMI::NewL( iHDMICableStatusFSM );
+    iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges = CTVOutConfigForHDMI::NewL( iHDMICableStatusFSM );	
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/tvoutconfigforhdmi.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/tvoutconfigforhdmi.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@
     if  ( iLastRecordedCopyProtectEnabledStatus != currentCopyProtectStatus )
         INFO("Copy Protection status changed while not listening.");
+        iLastRecordedCopyProtectEnabledStatus = currentCopyProtectStatus;
         retStruct.iFSMEventId = EIfTVOutConfigEventSetCopyProtectStatusChanged;
     else if ( !IsActive() )
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/bwins/remconbearerpluginU.DEF	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/bwins/remconbearerpluginU.DEF	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -31,4 +31,6 @@
 	?NewTransactionId@MRemConBearerBulkObserver@@QAEIXZ @ 30 NONAME ; unsigned int MRemConBearerBulkObserver::NewTransactionId(void)
 	?NewCommand@MRemConBearerBulkObserver@@QAEHABVTRemConAddress@@ABI@Z @ 31 NONAME ; int MRemConBearerBulkObserver::NewCommand(class TRemConAddress const &, unsigned int const &)
 	?RemoveAddressing@MRemConBearerBulkObserver@@QAEHABVTRemConAddress@@@Z @ 32 NONAME ; int MRemConBearerBulkObserver::RemoveAddressing(class TRemConAddress const &)
+	?UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver@MRemConBearerObserver@@QAEHABVTUid@@@Z @ 33 NONAME ; int MRemConBearerObserver::UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(class TUid const &)
+	?RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver@MRemConBearerObserver@@QAEHABVTUid@@@Z @ 34 NONAME ; int MRemConBearerObserver::RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(class TUid const &)
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/eabi/remconbearerpluginU.DEF	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/eabi/remconbearerpluginU.DEF	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -37,4 +37,6 @@
 	_ZN25MRemConBearerBulkObserver18SetAddressedClientERK14TRemConAddressRKj @ 36 NONAME
 	_ZN25MRemConBearerBulkObserver10NewCommandERK14TRemConAddressRKj @ 37 NONAME
 	_ZN25MRemConBearerBulkObserver16RemoveAddressingERK14TRemConAddress @ 38 NONAME
+	_ZN21MRemConBearerObserver36RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserverERK4TUid @ 39 NONAME
+	_ZN21MRemConBearerObserver38UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserverERK4TUid @ 40 NONAME
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/public/remconbearerobserver.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/public/remconbearerobserver.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -270,6 +270,18 @@
 	IMPORT_C void SetRemoteAddressedClient(const TUid& aBearerUid, const TRemConClientId& aId);
+	/**
+	Called by the bearer to indicate it would like to be informed when the 
+	locally addressed client changes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
+	/**
+	Called by the bearer to indicate it would no longer like to be informed when 
+	the locally addressed client changes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
 	@see NewResponse.
@@ -366,6 +378,16 @@
 	@see SetRemoteAddressedClient
 	virtual void MrcboDoSetRemoteAddressedClient(const TUid& aBearerUid, const TRemConClientId& aId) = 0;
+	/**
+	@see RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver
+	*/
+	virtual TInt MrcboDoRegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid) = 0;
+	/**
+	@see UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver
+	*/
+	virtual TInt MrcboDoUnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid) = 0;
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/src/remconbearerobserver.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/bearerplugin/src/remconbearerobserver.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@
 	return MrcboDoSupportedInterfaces(aId, aUids);
 EXPORT_C TInt MRemConBearerObserver::SupportedOperations(const TRemConClientId& aId, TUid aInterfaceUid, RArray<TUint>& aOperations)
 	return MrcboDoSupportedOperations(aId, aInterfaceUid, aOperations);
@@ -129,4 +128,14 @@
 	MrcboDoSetRemoteAddressedClient(aBearerUid, aId);
+EXPORT_C TInt MRemConBearerObserver::RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return MrcboDoRegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt MRemConBearerObserver::UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return MrcboDoUnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid);
+	}
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/client/intermediate/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/client/intermediate/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ../public/remconinterfaceselector.h 	SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remconinterfaceselector.h)
-../public/remconinterfacebase.h 		SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconinterfacebase.h)
-../public/remconinterfaceif.h 			SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconinterfaceif.h)
+../public/remconinterfacebase.h 		SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconinterfacebase.h)
+../public/remconinterfaceif.h 			SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconinterfaceif.h)
 ../public/remconerrorobserver.h 			SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remconerrorobserver.h)
 ../public/remconinterfacefeatures.h		SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconinterfacefeatures.h)
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/inc/bearermanager.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/inc/bearermanager.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -193,6 +193,9 @@
 	TInt MrcboDoSupportedInterfaces(const TRemConClientId& aId, RArray<TUid>& aUids);
 	TInt MrcboDoSupportedOperations(const TRemConClientId& aId, TUid aInterfaceUid, RArray<TUint>& aOperations);
+	TInt MrcboDoRegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
+	TInt MrcboDoUnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
 private: // utility
 	/** Called during (2-phase) construction to instantiate all the bearer 
 	plugins, from ROM only. */
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/inc/server.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/inc/server.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -254,6 +254,9 @@
 	TInt ControllerSupportedInterfaces(RArray<TUid>& aSupportedInterfaces);
 	void SetRemoteAddressedClient(const TUid& aBearerUid, const TRemConClientId& aId);
+	TInt RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
+	TInt UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid);
 public: // called by bulk server
 	TRemConClientId ClientIdByProcessId(TProcessId aProcessId);
@@ -521,6 +524,11 @@
 	// has been loaded.
 	MRemConTargetSelectorPluginInterfaceV4* iTspIf4;
+	// This is the object supplied by the TSP which implements the TSP V5 API.
+	// The TSP may not support this interface, so RemCon must handle this 
+	// value being NULL
+	MRemConTargetSelectorPluginInterfaceV5* iTspIf5;
 	// Collections we pass to the TSP for it to indicate addressing 
 	// information back to us.
 	TSglQue<TRemConAddress> iTspConnections;
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/src/bearermanager.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/src/bearermanager.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1111,6 +1111,16 @@
 	return iServer.SupportedOperations(aId, aInterfaceUid, aOperations);
+TInt CBearerManager::MrcboDoRegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return iServer.RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid);
+	}
+TInt CBearerManager::MrcboDoUnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return iServer.UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid);
+	}
 TInt CBearerManager::SetLocalAddressedClient(const TUid& aBearerUid, TRemConClientId aClientId)
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/src/server.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/src/server.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -449,6 +449,10 @@
 	iBearerManager->TargetClientAvailable(aSession.Id(), aSession.PlayerType(), aSession.PlayerSubType(), aSession.Name());
+	if(iTspIf5)
+		{
+		iTspIf5->TargetClientAvailable(aSession.ClientInfo());
+		}
@@ -523,7 +527,13 @@
 			// 1. Remove the session from our array.
-			// 2. Tell the bearers about the session going away, if it was the 
+			// 2a. Tell the TSP if the session that has gone away is a target
+			if((aSession.Type() == ERemConClientTypeTarget) && iTspIf5)
+				{
+				iTspIf5->TargetClientUnavailable(aSession.ClientInfo());
+				}
+			// 2b. Tell the bearers about the session going away, if it was the 
 			// last controller or last target.
 			// If the session hasn't already set its type, then it doesn't 
 			// count (we won't have told the bearers about it to begin with).
@@ -1998,6 +2008,10 @@
+	iTspIf5 = reinterpret_cast<MRemConTargetSelectorPluginInterfaceV5*>(
+			iTsp->GetInterface(TUid::Uid(KRemConTargetSelectorInterface5))
+		);
 	// If the TSP doesn't implement the required interface, panic server 
 	// startup.
@@ -3385,6 +3399,16 @@
 	iTspIf4->SetRemoteAddressedClient(aBearerUid, *clientInfo);
+TInt CRemConServer::RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return iTspIf5 ? iTspIf5->RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid) : KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+TInt CRemConServer::UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid)
+	{
+	return iTspIf5 ? iTspIf5->UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(aBearerUid) : KErrNotSupported;
+	}
 TRemConClientId CRemConServer::ClientIdByProcessId(TProcessId aProcessId)
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/targetselectorplugin/public/remcontargetselectorplugininterface.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/targetselectorplugin/public/remcontargetselectorplugininterface.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -340,5 +340,46 @@
 			const TClientInfo& aClient) = 0;
+The UID of this version of the Target Selector Plugin interface.
+const TInt KRemConTargetSelectorInterface5 = 0x2002e6e1;
+class MRemConTargetSelectorPluginInterfaceV5
+	{
+	/** Called by RemCon when a new target client has connected.
+	 @aClientInfo The information about the new client.
+	 */
+	virtual void TargetClientAvailable(const TClientInfo& aClientInfo) = 0;
+	/** Called by RemCon when a target client has disconnected. 
+	 @aClientInfo The information about the client that has disconnected.
+	 */
+	virtual void TargetClientUnavailable(const TClientInfo& aClientInfo) = 0;
+	/** Called by RemCon when a bearer wishes to begin being informed when
+	the locally addressed player changes.  Once this function has been called
+	the TSP should inform RemCon via SetLocalAddressedPlayer each time the
+	player to which incoming commands from aBearer would be routed changes.
+	This might occur for example if a new application is launched, or if the
+	foreground application changes, depending on what the TSP's rules are
+	for deciding the target of the incoming message.  These updates should
+	occur until UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver is called.
+	@param aBearerUid The bearer that wishes to be informed of updates
+	*/
+	virtual TInt RegisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid) = 0;
+	/** Called by RemCon when a bearer wishes to stop being informed of 
+	changes to the local addresse client.
+	@param aBearerUid The bearer that no longer wishes to be informed of updates
+	*/
+	virtual TInt UnregisterLocalAddressedClientObserver(const TUid& aBearerUid) = 0;
+	};
--- a/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/types/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/types/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ../public/remconaddress.h				SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remconaddress.h)
 ../public/playertype.h					SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/playertype.h)
-../public/messagetype.h 				SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/messagetype.h)
-../public/clienttype.h					SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/clienttype.h)
+../public/messagetype.h 				SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/messagetype.h)
+../public/clienttype.h					SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/clienttype.h)
 ../public/clientid.h					SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/clientid.h)
 ../public/remconifdetails.h				SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(remcon/remconifdetails.h)
--- a/commonservices/activitymanager/group/activitymanager.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/commonservices/activitymanager/group/activitymanager.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component activitymanager
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\activitymanager
 binary \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\activitymanager\group all
--- a/commonservices/sysutil/group/sysutil.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/commonservices/sysutil/group/sysutil.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component sysutil
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\sysutil
 binary \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\sysutil\group all
--- a/devicesrv_info/devicesrv_metadata/devicesrv_metadata.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_info/devicesrv_metadata/devicesrv_metadata.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component           devicesrv_metadata
 source   \sf\os\devicesrv\devicesrv_info\devicesrv_metadata 
 source   \sf\os\devicesrv\package_definition.xml
 source   \sf\os\devicesrv\distribution.policy.s60
-source   \sf\os\devicesrv\package_definition_v2.xml
 notes_source      \component_defs\release.src
 ipr T 
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryConnection.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryConnection.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-#include "accessoryconnectionbase.h"
+#include "AccessoryConnectionBase.h"
 class TAccPolGenericIDArray;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryConnectionBase.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryConnectionBase.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
-#include <accessorysubsessionbase.h>
-#include <accpolnamerecord.h>
-#include <accessorytypes.h>
+#include <AccessorySubsessionBase.h>
+#include <AccPolNameRecord.h>
+#include <AccessoryTypes.h>
 class CAccPolSubblockNameArray;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryMode.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryMode.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
-#include <accessorysubsessionbase.h>
-#include <accpolaccessorymode.h>
-#include <accessorytypes.h>
+#include <AccessorySubsessionBase.h>
+#include <AccPolAccessoryMode.h>
+#include <AccessoryTypes.h>
 class RAccessoryServer;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessorySingleConnection.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessorySingleConnection.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-#include "accessoryconnectionbase.h"
+#include "AccessoryConnectionBase.h"
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_api/inc/AccessoryTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
-#include <accpolgenericid.h>
-#include <accpolgenericidarray.h>
-#include <accpolaccessorymode.h>
-#include <accpolnamerecord.h>
+#include <AccPolGenericID.h>
+#include <AccPolGenericIDArray.h>
+#include <AccPolAccessoryMode.h>
+#include <AccPolNameRecord.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_audio_control_api/inc/AccessoryAudioControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_audio_control_api/inc/AccessoryAudioControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include <accessorycontrol.h>
+#include <AccessoryControl.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_bluetooth_control_api/inc/AccessoryBTControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_bluetooth_control_api/inc/AccessoryBTControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-#include <accessorycontrol.h>
+#include <AccessoryControl.h>
 #include <bttypes.h>//TBTDevAddr
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccModeSettingArray.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccModeSettingArray.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-#include <accmodesetting.h>
+#include <AccModeSetting.h>
 // Maximum number of settings TAccModeSettingArray can store.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccessoryControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccessoryControl.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include <accessoryconnection.h>
+#include <AccessoryConnection.h>
 class TAccPolGenericID;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccessorySettings.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_control_api/inc/AccessorySettings.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
 #include <e32std.h>
-#include <accpolaccessorymode.h>
-#include <accmodesetting.h>
-#include <accmodesettingarray.h>
-#include "accessorysubsessionbase.h"
-#include "accessoryserver.h"
+#include <AccPolAccessoryMode.h>
+#include <AccModeSetting.h>
+#include <AccModeSettingArray.h>
+#include "AccessorySubsessionBase.h"
+#include "AccessoryServer.h"
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_plugin_api/inc/AsyCmdTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_plugin_api/inc/AsyCmdTypes.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
-#include <accpolnamerecord.h>
-#include <accpolgenericid.h>
+#include <AccPolNameRecord.h>
+#include <AccPolGenericID.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_definitions_api/inc/AccPolCommonNameValuePairs.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_definitions_api/inc/AccPolCommonNameValuePairs.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -293,8 +293,18 @@
 // I/O Type:      From terminal to accessory.
 // Description:   Gets value(s) of specific Audio Control object(s).
 //                Sets value(s) for specific Audio Control object(s).
+// Bitmask:       000000 00000 10010
+const TUint32 KAccAudioControl = 0x0012;
+// REQ-417-64804: In-Car optimized Device
+// Name:          RTP Streaming
+// Value:         N/A
+// Dynamic Type:  Static
+// I/O:           From accessory to terminal, input.
+// Description:   indicates that accessory supports RPT streaming channel for audio data.
 // Bitmask:       000000 00000 10011
-const TUint32 KAccAudioControl = 0x0012;
+const TUint32 KAccRTPStreaming = 0x0013;
+// REQ-417-64804: In-Car optimized Device
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_definitions_api/inc/AccPolGenericIdDefinitions.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_definitions_api/inc/AccPolGenericIdDefinitions.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <e32std.h>
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accpolgidheader.h> 
+#include <AccPolGIDHeader.h> 
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccConGenericID.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccConGenericID.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include <accpolgenericid.h>
+#include <AccPolGenericID.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccPolNameRecord.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccPolNameRecord.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accpolcommonnamevaluepairs.h>
+#include <AccPolCommonNameValuePairs.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccPolNameValueRecord.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/AccPolNameValueRecord.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accpolnamerecord.h>
-#include <accpolvaluerecord.h>
+#include <AccPolNameRecord.h>
+#include <AccPolValueRecord.h>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/autoaudio_plugin_api/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Exports the files of Automotive Audio Plugin API.
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../inc/autoaudiopskeys.h       OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(autoaudiopskeys.h)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/autoaudio_plugin_api/inc/autoaudiopskeys.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include <e32std.h>
+/// header for defining P&S keys for automotive audio use cases
+/// accessory server is responsible for defining below P&S keys during start-up
+/// Automotive Server is responsible for publishing key values
+/// key for monitoring the connection status of RTP Streaming
+/// client : AutoAudio ASY, publisher : automotive server
+/// value : TPSAutoAudioConnectionStatus
+const TUint KPSAutoKeyRTPStreamingConnectionStatus = 0x2; 
+enum TPSAutoAudioConnectionStatus 
+    ENone,	         // Notifies Accessory Disconnection
+    EUnidirectional, // application sound only
+    EBidirectional   // application sound + phone call
+/// key for monitoring the connection status of USB Audio
+/// client : accessory FW, publisher : USB audio class controller
+/// value : TPSAutoAudioConnectionStatus
+// const TUint KPSAutoKeyUSBAudioConnectionStatus = 0x3; 
+/// key for monitoring the successful launch of USB Audio.
+/// client : USB audio class controller, publisher : USB Audio streaming implementation
+/// value : TPSAutoAudioRunningStatus
+// const TUint KPSAutoKeyUSBAudioRunningStatus = 0x4;
+#endif // _AUTOAUDIO_PS_KEYS_
--- a/devicesrv_plat/common_dsy_plugin_api/inc/CDSYMessageStructures.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/common_dsy_plugin_api/inc/CDSYMessageStructures.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
-#include <psvariables.h>
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <PSVariables.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/configuration_file_parser_api/inc/AccConfigFileParser.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/configuration_file_parser_api/inc/AccConfigFileParser.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accpolgenericid.h>
-#include <accpolnamevaluerecord.h>
+#include <AccPolGenericID.h>
+#include <AccPolNameValueRecord.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/ddc_access_api/inc/ddc_access.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/ddc_access_api/inc/ddc_access.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -11,9 +11,57 @@
 * Contributors:
-* Description:  This API provides access to the display driver.
+* Description: API for DDC (E-EDID and displayID) read from DVI/HDMI display
+            ddc_access.dll
+            ----------------
+            SW Include Document - C++
+Module name:    ddc_access.dll
+Filename:       ddc_access.h
+Working copy:   ddc_access
+*  Continuus version  :
+*   %version: 2 %,
+    %date_modified: Thu May 06 12:35:27 2010 %
+  @mainpage
+  @section intro_sec Introduction
+  <p>This is adaptation component which hides hw-drivers from users.
+     Because this is adaptation API, and user is also adaptation, this
+     API is not binary compatible, only source compatible.</p>
+  <p>API for DDC (E-EDID and displayID) read from DVI/HDMI display.</p>
+  <p>@see EDDCv1_2.pdf/DisplayIDv1.pdf/EEDIDrAr2.pdf (or newer) for more details</p>
+/** @file
 #ifndef __DDC_ACCESS_H__
@@ -22,18 +70,23 @@
 //- Include Files  ----------------------------------------------------------
-#include <e32base.h>
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ #include <e32base.h>
+ #include <e32cmn.h>
+#endif //__KERNEL_MODE__
 //- Enumerations and consts -------------------------------------------------
 /** API version number:
+ 2:  __KERNEL_MODE__ definitions, capability ECapabilityReadDeviceData
  1:  First version */
 const TUint KDdcAccessVersion = 1;
-///One DDC segment size
+///One DDC segment size. See that EDID block size is just 128 bytes, so base-EDID read might contain one EDID extension
 const TUint KSizeOfSegment = 256;
-/** One data block array, See that EDID block size is just 128 bytes, so one read contains one EDID extension (if exists) */
+/** One data block array */
 typedef TUint8 TDataBlock[ KSizeOfSegment ];
 ///DDC port enumerations
@@ -69,6 +122,7 @@
 //- Class Definitions -------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
 Adaptation API for VESA's E-DDC (Enhanced Display Data Channel) raw read
@@ -94,20 +148,19 @@
             DisplayID is "second generation" of EDID, and it is proposed to be used.
-            See the method reads one TDataBlock, and it size is double of one EDID block,
-            so the first EDID read might get base-EDID and first extension, if exists.
-            With variable size DisplayID, method reads anyway whole size of TDataBlock,
-            even DisplayID section is smaller.
+            The method reads one TDataBlock, and its size is double of one EDID block,
+            so the first EDID read might get base-EDID and first extension, if such exists.
+            With variable size DisplayID, method reads the whole size of TDataBlock anyway,
+            even if DisplayID section is smaller.
-            @param  aDdcPort            DDC port which to be read
-            @param  aBlockNumber        Datablock which to be read (parameter maps to segment-register 0x60)
+            @param  aDdcPort            DDC port which needs to be read
+            @param  aBlockNumber        Datablock which needs to be read (parameter maps to segment-register 0x60)
             @param  aDataBlock          Method fills this with read values. Ensure that this data exists all the time, be careful if local variable.
             @param  aCompletedWhenRead  Will be completed when ready, if no errors, then aDataBlock contains read values
             @return KErrNone if success */
         virtual TInt Read(TDdcPort aDdcPort, TUint aBlockNumber, TDataBlock& aDataBlock, TRequestStatus& aCompletedWhenRead) = 0;
-        /** Cancels all TRequestStatuses.
-            @return KErrNone if success */
+        /** Cancels all TRequestStatuses. */
         virtual void CancelAll() = 0;
@@ -117,7 +170,7 @@
         virtual void ConstructL() = 0;
+#endif //__KERNEL_MODE__
 //- Global Function Prototypes ----------------------------------------------
--- a/devicesrv_plat/dos_extension_plugin_api/inc/dosdsy.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/dos_extension_plugin_api/inc/dosdsy.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
 #include <bttypes.h> // THCIConnHandle, TBDAddress
-#include "dossvrservices.h" // TBTDeviceType
+#include <DosSvrServices.h> // TBTDeviceType
 class CDosExtensionBase;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/dos_extension_plugin_api/inc/doseventmanager.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/dos_extension_plugin_api/inc/doseventmanager.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include "dossvrservices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "doseventmanagerbase.h"
--- a/devicesrv_plat/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -68,3 +68,6 @@
 #include "../sensor_data_compensator_plugin_api/group/bld.inf"
 #include "../ddc_access_api/group/bld.inf"
 #include "../tv_out_behaviour_api/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../autoaudio_plugin_api/group/bld.inf"
--- a/devicesrv_plat/mediator_command_responder_api/inc/MediatorCommandResponder.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/mediator_command_responder_api/inc/MediatorCommandResponder.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <mediatorservicedefs.h>
+#include <MediatorServiceDefs.h>
 class CMediatorCommandResponderBody;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/mediator_event_consumer_api/inc/MediatorEventConsumer.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/mediator_event_consumer_api/inc/MediatorEventConsumer.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <mediatorservicedefs.h>
+#include <MediatorServiceDefs.h>
 class CMediatorEventConsumerBody;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/mediator_event_provider_api/inc/MediatorEventProvider.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/mediator_event_provider_api/inc/MediatorEventProvider.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <mediatorservicedefs.h>
+#include <MediatorServiceDefs.h>
 class CMediatorEventProviderBody;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/mediator_notification_api/inc/MediatorNotifications.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/mediator_notification_api/inc/MediatorNotifications.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <mediatorservicedefs.h>
+#include <MediatorServiceDefs.h>
 class CMediatorNotificationsBody;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConCallHandlingTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConCallHandlingTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include <remconextensionapi.h>
+#include <RemConExtensionApi.h>
 #include <e32base.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfaceif.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConPocTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConPocTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include <remconextensionapi.h>
+#include <RemConExtensionApi.h>
 #include <e32base.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfaceif.h>
--- a/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConSynchronizationTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/remote_control_extension_api/inc/RemConSynchronizationTarget.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include <remconextensionapi.h>
+#include <RemConExtensionApi.h>
 #include <e32base.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
 #include <remcon/remconinterfaceif.h>
--- a/devicesrv_pub/accessory_monitoring_api/inc/AccMonitor.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_pub/accessory_monitoring_api/inc/AccMonitor.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accmonitorinfo.h>
+#include <AccMonitorInfo.h>
 class MAccMonitorObserver;
--- a/devicesrv_pub/accessory_monitoring_api/inc/AccMonitorInfo.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_pub/accessory_monitoring_api/inc/AccMonitorInfo.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include <accmonitorcapabilities.h>
+#include <AccMonitorCapabilities.h>
 class CAccMonitorInfo;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
     TInt iReserved2;
-#include <accmonitorinfo.inl>    
+#include <AccMonitorInfo.inl>    
--- a/devicesrv_pub/platform_path_definitions_api/inc/platform_paths.hrh	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/devicesrv_pub/platform_path_definitions_api/inc/platform_paths.hrh	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -11,171 +11,7 @@
 * Contributors:
-* Description:  Predefined include paths to be used in the mmp-files for the 
-*                components in the layered model. There is one definition for
-*                each layer. The mmp-file should use the statement that is 
-*                intended for the same layer as where the mmp-file resides.
-*                There is also macros to be used in the bld.inf-files to 
-*                export of Public  and Platform headers into 
-*                correct locations. 
-* Usage examples:
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*      How to include this file in bld.inf and mmp-files.
-*       Reasoning: The build system is such that at the time the 
-*                  bld.inf and mmp-files are "compiled" the available
-*                  include paths are limited. Only the /epoc32/include
-*                  can be guaranteed. Thus to get this file available
-*                  you need to make include relative to the mentioned
-*                  directory. 
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*      #include <platform_paths.hrh>
-*     *************************************************************
-*     * MMP file related macro usages to add the system include paths
-*     * 
-*     * The include paths has to be related to the layer in which your SW 
-*     * resides. Thus as an example: a component residing in middleware
-*     * layer should use the MW specific macro.
-*     * Keep this as a separate line in the mmp-files. If you need to
-*     * add your own SYSTEMINCLUDE paths, please defined them as
-*     * separate statement.
-*     *************************************************************
-*     *************************************************************
-*     * Macros related to using various parts of stdapis
-*     *************************************************************
-*       To use STLLIB you need to have this in your mmp-file
-*       Depending on what module you are using from stdapis you need to have
-*       one or more of the following macros in your mmp-file (every one in 
-*       separate line !)
-*     *************************************************************
-*     * Macros related to exporting Public and Platform APIs into 
-*     * correct place in the new system. 
-*     *
-*     * The macro that you should use depends on 2 things:
-*     *  - in which layer your package, which exports the APIs resides
-*     *  - what is the visibility of the API (public or platform)
-*     *************************************************************
-*      // the exporting of public APIs should use one of below macros
-*      // depending on which layer the API belogs to
-*      // the exporting of platform APIs should use one of below macros
-*      // depending on which layer the API belogs to
-*      The hierarchy how APIs should reside in foundation has been specified
-*      in developer documentation. See further details from documentation.
-*      Below is example case relying on the structure
-*        my_own_api/group/bld.inf
-*        my_own_api/inc/header1.h
-*        my_own_api/inc/subdir/header2.h
-*      Assuming that the API is in middleware layer and a public API. 
-*      Then the bld.inf should have the following      
-*        ../inc/header1.h  APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(header1.h)
-*        ../inc/subdir/header2.h  APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(subdir/header2.h)
-*      In the above case the locations are as follow (with current MACRO settings):
-*        header1.h in /epoc32/include/app
-*        header2.h in /epoc32/include/app/subdir
-*     *************************************************************
-*     * Macros related to IBY file exporting
-*     *************************************************************
-*	    Component bld.inf files need to include platform_paths.hrh, see
-*           beginning of this file on how to do this correctly. Component bld.inf 
-*           files need to use these macros in PRJ_EXPORTS to get their IBY files 
-*           to ROM image.
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*     Usage for Core image (ROM+ROFS1):
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*	 // Layer specific specific macros. Use the macro, which is specified
-*        // for the layer, in which your component resides
-*        <somepath>/<file1.iby>  CORE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file1.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file2.iby>  CORE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file2.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file3.iby>  CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file3.iby>)
-*	 //stub iby files
-*	 <somepath>/<file4.iby>  CORE_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(stubs,<file4.iby>)
-*	 //tool iby files
-*	 <somepath>/<file5.iby>  CORE_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(tools,<file5.iby>)
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*     Usage for Variant image, Language part (ROFS2):
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*	 // Layer specific specific macros. Use the macro, which is specified
-*        // for the layer, in which your component resides
-*        <somepath>/<file1.iby>  LANGUAGE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file1.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file2.iby>  LANGUAGE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file2.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file3.iby>  LANGUAGE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file3.iby>)			
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*     Usage for Variant image, Language part  (ROFS2):
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*	 // Layer specific specific macros. Use the macro, which is specified
-*        // for the layer, in which your component resides
-*        <somepath>/<file1.iby>  CUSTOMER_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file1.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file2.iby>  CUSTOMER_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file2.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<file3.iby>  CUSTOMER_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<file3.iby>)			
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*     Usage for Customer Variant image, (ROFS3):
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*	 // Layer specific specific macros. Use the macro, which is specified
-*        // for the layer, in which your component resides
-*        <somepath>/<f1.iby> CUSTOMER_VARIANT_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<f1.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<f2.iby> CUSTOMER_VARIANT_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<f2.iby>)
-*	 <somepath>/<f3.iby> CUSTOMER_VARIANT_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(<f3.iby>)			
-*     *************************************************************
-*     * Macro related to Exporting localization .loc files into 
-*     * correct place in the system. 
-*     *************************************************************
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*     Usage for components:
-*     ---------------------------------------------
-*	    Component bld.inf files need to include platform_paths.hrh, see
-*           beginning of this file on how to do this correctly. Component bld.inf 
-*           files need to use these macros in PRJ_EXPORTS to get their loc files 
-*           for localization.
-*     loc files that should be localized by localisation team should be in 
-*     loc-folder in the source tree (see developer guidelines)
-*	 // Layer specific specific macros. Use the macro, which is specified
-*        // for the layer, in which your component resides
-*	 <somepath>/loc/<file>.loc  APP_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(<file>.loc)
-*	 <somepath>/loc/<file>.loc  MW_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(<file>.loc)
-*	 <somepath>/loc/<file>.loc  OS_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(<file>.loc)
+* Description:
@@ -183,403 +19,6 @@
-* General comments about the exporting of headers macros
-*  1) The definitions point currently to the old locations. (which makes some 
-*     macros to have same values. The idea is that you can already start using
-*     them now and those will be later on changed => change affects everybody.
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the applications layer specific public headers should be exported
-* See usage on top of this hrh-file.
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define APP_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/app/exported
-#define APP_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/app/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the applications layer specific platform headers should be exported
-* See usage on top of this hrh-file.
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define APP_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define APP_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/app/exported
-#define APP_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define APP_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/app/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the middleware layer specific public headers should be exported
-* See usage on top of this hrh-file.
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define MW_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/mw/exported
-#define MW_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/mw/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the middleware layer specific platform headers should be exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define MW_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/mw/exported
-#define MW_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/mw/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the os layer specific public headers should be exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define  OSEXT_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define  OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/exported
-#define  OSEXT_LAYER_SDK_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define  OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the os specific platform headers should be exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/exported
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the  cenrep excel sheets should be exported
-* Deprecated: should no longer be used. Kept for compability.
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CENREP_XLS_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/tools/cenrep/data/src/exported
-#define CENREP_XLS_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/tools/cenrep/data/src/##exported
-*  General comments about the 3 define statements related to include paths:
-*  1) the /epoc32/include/oem is now defined there for backward compability.
-*     Once the directory is empty, the directory will be removed. However this 
-*     enables us to ensure that if you use these define statements => you do 
-*     not have to remove the statements later on, when the directory no longer 
-*     exists.
-*  2) These statements should be enough in normal cases. For certain specific 
-*     cases you migth need to add some specific directory from /epoc32/include
-*     (for instance /epoc32/include/ecom).
-*     In normal cases the include staments in code should be relative to one of 
-*     the system include paths, but in certain cases, the included files requires
-*     that the subdirectory is also part of the system include paths.
-* This define statements defines the SYSTEMINCLUDE-line, which is intended to be 
-* used in the mmp-files that are part of the applications-layer. It includes all 
-* the needed directories from the /epoc32/include, that are valid ones for the 
-* application-layer components. 
-* Applications layer is the last one in the list, since most likely the most of 
-* the headers come from middleware or os-layer  => thus they are first.
- /epoc32/include \
- /epoc32/include/mw \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw \
- /epoc32/include/platform \
- /epoc32/include/app \
- /epoc32/include/platform/app \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/app/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc/sc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc/sc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/app/loc/sc
-* This define statements defines the SYSTEMINCLUDE-line, which is intended to be
-* used in the mmp-files that are part of the middleware-layer. It includes all 
-* the needed directories from the /epoc32/include, that are valid ones for the 
-* middleware-layer components. 
- /epoc32/include \
- /epoc32/include/mw \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw \
- /epoc32/include/platform \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc/sc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc/sc
-* This define statements defines the SYSTEMINCLUDE-line, which is intended to be
-* used in the mmp-files that are part of the  osextensions-layer. It includes all
-* the needed directories from the /epoc32/include, that are valid ones for the
-* os-layer components. 
- /epoc32/include \
- /epoc32/include/platform \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc \
- /epoc32/include/platform/loc/sc
-// Below statement is Deprecated and the OS_LAYER_SYSTEMINCLUDE-macro has to be
-// used.
-// Removed, use teh OS_LAYER_SYSTEMINCLUDE instead.
-* This define statements defines the SYSTEMINCLUDE-line, which is intended to be
-* used in the mmp-files that are part of the os-layer. This is intended 
-* to be only used by those components which need to use in their mmp-file either
-* kern_ext.mmh or nkern_ext.mmh. Reason is that those
-* 2 files already contain the /epoc32/include  as system include path.
- /epoc32/include/platform
-// Below statement is Deprecated and the OS_LAYER_KERNEL_SYSTEMINCLUDE-macro 
-// has to be used.
-// Removed, use the OS_LAYER_KERNER_SYSTEMINCLUDE instead.
-* Definitions that also define the systeminclude paths for various
-* part of stdapis. Each statement has to be in its own line in the using
-* mmp-file. There are be more than 1 statement in single mmp-file.
-                                                   OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(stdapis/glib-2.0/glib) \
-                                                   OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(stdapis/glib-2.0/gobject)
-                                                     OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(stdapis/dbus-1.0/dbus)
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18 \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18/gst \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18/gst/gstcontroller \
- /epoc32/include/stdapis/machine
-// You need to add STLLIB_USAGE_DEFINITIONS as a separate line into your mmp-file, if you are using
-// the stllib. 
-* Definitions that also define the paths to the layer specific source directories.
-* The below 3 macros define the paths to the layer-specific source dirs.
-* See usage on top of this hrh-file, these are used the same way as 
-* for instance the OS_LAYER_DOMAIN_EXPORT_PATH
-* Deprecated: is not allowed to be using in Symbian Foundation
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define APP_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)    do not use intentionally generates error in export
-#define MW_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)     do not use intentionally generates error in export
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)  do not use intentionally generates error in export
-#define APP_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)    do not use intentionally generates error in export
-#define MW_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)     do not use intentionally generates error in export
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_SOURCE_PATH(rest)  do not use intentionally generates error in export
-* Definitions to export IBY files to different folders where they will be taken 
-* to ROM image
-// Following three definitions are used for exporting IBY files to 
-// Core image (ROM+ROFS1). IBY files are exported according to their layer.
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CORE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/app/exported
-#define CORE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/mw/exported
-#define CORE_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/os/exported
-#define CORE_ADAPT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/exported
-#define CORE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/app/##exported
-#define CORE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/mw/##exported
-#define CORE_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/core/os/##exported
-#define CORE_ADAPT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/##exported
-// Following three definitions are used for exporting IBY files to Variant image, 
-// Language part (ROFS2). IBY files are exported according to their layer.
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define LANGUAGE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/app/exported
-#define LANGUAGE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/mw/exported
-#define LANGUAGE_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define LANGUAGE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/os/exported
-#define LANGUAGE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/app/##exported
-#define LANGUAGE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/mw/##exported
-#define LANGUAGE_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define LANGUAGE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/language/os/##exported
-// Following three definitions are used for exporting IBY files to Variant image, (ROFS2). 
-// BY files are exported according to their layer.
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CUSTOMER_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/app/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/mw/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CUSTOMER_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/os/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/app/##exported
-#define CUSTOMER_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/mw/##exported
-#define CUSTOMER_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CUSTOMER_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customer/os/##exported
-// Following three definitions are used for exporting IBY files to 
-// Variant Customer part, (ROFS3). IBY files are exported according to 
-// their layer.
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/app/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/mw/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/os/exported
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/app/##exported
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/mw/##exported
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_OSEXT_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define CUSTOMER_VARIANT_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/rom/include/customervariant/os/##exported
-// Following definition is used for exporting tools and stubs IBY files to 
-// Core image.
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CORE_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(path,exported)  /epoc32/rom/include/core/path/exported
-#define CORE_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(path,exported)  /epoc32/rom/include/core/##path##/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Location, where the localization .loc file should be exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-// Location, where the os layer localization .loc file should be 
-// exported
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-// Deprecated: use the OS_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH instead
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OS_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/loc/sc/exported
-// Location, where the middleware layer localization .loc file should be 
-// exported
-#define MW_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc/sc/exported
-// Location, where the application layer localization .loc file should be 
-// exported
-#define APP_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/app/loc/sc/exported
-// Deprecated: use the OS_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH instead
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OS_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/loc/sc/##exported
-// Location, where the middleware layer localization .loc file should be exported
-#define MW_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/mw/loc/sc/##exported
-// Location, where the application layer localization .loc file should be exported
-#define APP_LAYER_LOC_EXPORT_PATH(exported) /epoc32/include/platform/app/loc/sc/##exported
-* ---------------------------------------
-* Macros for Configuration tool migration. 
-* The below macros define the location under epoc32, where the confml 
-* (Configuration Markup Language) and crml (Central Repository Markup Language) 
-* files should be exported.
-* ---------------------------------------
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define CONFML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)           /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/category/file
-#define CRML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)             /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/category/file
-#define GCFML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)            /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/category/file
-#define CONFML_CONFIG_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)    /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/category/config/file
-#define CONFML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)           /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/##category##/##file
-#define CRML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)             /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/##category##/##file
-#define GCFML_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)            /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/##category##/##file
-#define CONFML_CONFIG_EXPORT_PATH(file,category)    /epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/##category##/config/##file
-#define APP_LAYER_CONFML(exported)                  CONFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define APP_LAYER_CRML(exported)                    CRML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define APP_LAYER_GCFML(exported)                   GCFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define APP_LAYER_CONFML_CONFIG(exported)           CONFML_CONFIG_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define MW_LAYER_CONFML(exported)                   CONFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define MW_LAYER_CRML(exported)                     CRML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define MW_LAYER_GCFML(exported)                    GCFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define MW_LAYER_CONFML_CONFIG(exported)            CONFML_CONFIG_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-// Deprecate: Use the OS_LAYER_* macros instead of OSEXT_LAYER_*                                             
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_CONFML(exported)                do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_CRML(exported)                  do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_GCFML(exported)                 do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OSEXT_LAYER_CONFML_CONFIG(exported)         do not use intentionally generates error
-#define OS_LAYER_CONFML(exported)                   CONFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define OS_LAYER_CRML(exported)                     CRML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define OS_LAYER_GCFML(exported)                    GCFML_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
-#define OS_LAYER_CONFML_CONFIG(exported)            CONFML_CONFIG_EXPORT_PATH(exported,s60)
+#include <variant/platform_paths.hrh>
 #endif  // end of PLATFORM_PATHS_HRH
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/inc/dosclishareddata.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/inc/dosclishareddata.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 * Subsession that provides functionality to make a DOS side self test.
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/inc/doseventrcvservice.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/inc/doseventrcvservice.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosservice.h"
 class CDosWaitingEvent;
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/inc/doseventsender.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/inc/doseventsender.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 * Raises DosServer events from a different thread/proccess.
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dos_debug.h"
 #include <e32svr.h>
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventnotifier.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventnotifier.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventrcv.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclieventrcv.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosclientserver.h"
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/doscliextension.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/doscliextension.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosclientserver.h"
 #include "dos_debug.h"
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/doscliserver.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/doscliserver.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <e32svr.h>
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosclientserver.h"
 #include "dosserver.h"
 #include "dos_debug.h"
--- a/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclisubsession.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/dosserver/src/dosclisubsession.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include "DosSvrServices.h"
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosclientserver.h"
 #include "dos_debug.h"
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/inc/ctfdoseventlistener.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/inc/ctfdoseventlistener.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 class CTFDosServerControl;
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/inc/ctfdosservercontrol.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/inc/ctfdosservercontrol.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "ctfstub.h"
 #include "mtfdosservercontrol.h"
 #include "tfdosservertypes.h"
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/src/tfdoseventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/dosservercontrol/src/tfdoseventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dsytesttooltrace.h"
 #include "tfdosservertypes.h"
 #include "ctfdoseventlistener.h"
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/inc/Ctfdoscontrol.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/inc/Ctfdoscontrol.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #ifndef __CTFDOSCONTROL_H__
 #define __CTFDOSCONTROL_H__
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "dosclishareddata.h"
 #include <ctfstub.h>
 #include "mtfdoscontrol.h"
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/inc/Ctfeventlistener.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/inc/Ctfeventlistener.h	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
--- a/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/src/Tfeventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/public/basic/dosservertestplugin/src/Tfeventlistener.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-#include <dossvrservices.h>
+#include <DosSvrServices.h>
 #include "siftrace.h"
 #include "tfdostypes.h"
 #include "ctfeventlistener.h"
--- a/resourceinterfaces/fmtransmittercontrol/group/telephony_hwrmfmtx.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/resourceinterfaces/fmtransmittercontrol/group/telephony_hwrmfmtx.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	telephony_hwrmfmtx
 source		\sf\os\devicesrv\resourceinterfaces\fmtransmittercontrol
 binary		\sf\os\devicesrv\resourceinterfaces\fmtransmittercontrol\group	all
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/group/telephony_hwrm.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/group/telephony_hwrm.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	telephony_hwrm
 source		\sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\hwresourcesmgr\client
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig/telephony_hwrm-config.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig/telephony_hwrm-config.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	telephony_hwrm-config
 source			\sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\hwresourcesmgrconfig
--- a/resourcemgmt/powerandmemorynotificationservice/group/syslibs_pwrcli.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/resourcemgmt/powerandmemorynotificationservice/group/syslibs_pwrcli.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	syslibs_pwrcli
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\powerandmemorynotificationservice
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\powerandmemorynotificationservice\group	all
--- a/sensorservices/sensordatacompensator/tsrc/sensordatacompensatortest/group/envrecall.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/sensordatacompensator/tsrc/sensordatacompensatortest/group/envrecall.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -19,15 +19,13 @@
 echo Cleaning up sensor data compensator stub...
 pushd ..\sensordatacompensatorpluginstub\group
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld test reallyclean
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
 @echo Cleaning up sensor data compensator... Finished
 @echo Cleaning sensor data compensator stub part2...
 pushd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\mw\appsupport\coreapplicationuis\sensordatacompensatorplugin\group
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld reallyclean
-call abld build
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw -c armv5.generic
+call sbs -b bld.inf -c winscw -c armv5.generic
 @echo Cleaning for sensor data compensator part2... Finished
--- a/sensorservices/sensordatacompensator/tsrc/sensordatacompensatortest/group/envsetup.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/sensordatacompensator/tsrc/sensordatacompensatortest/group/envsetup.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -19,15 +19,13 @@
 echo Preparing for sensor data compensator stub...
 pushd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\mw\appsupport\coreapplicationuis\sensordatacompensatorplugin\group
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld reallyclean
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw -c armv5.generic
 @echo Preparing for sensor data compensator... Finished
 @echo Setting up sensor data compensator stub...
 pushd ..\sensordatacompensatorpluginstub\group
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld test reallyclean
-call abld test build
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
+call sbs -b bld.inf -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
 @echo Setting up sensor data compensator... Finished
--- a/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/SensorTestModule/src/SensrvTestBlocks.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/SensorTestModule/src/SensrvTestBlocks.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     delete tempChannelFinder;
     delete tempSensorChannel1;
     delete tempSensorChannel2;
@@ -313,6 +314,7 @@
     tempChannelFinder19->FindChannelsL( tempChannelInfoList, tempChannelInfo );
     tempChannelFinder20->FindChannelsL( tempChannelInfoList, tempChannelInfo );
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     delete tempChannelFinder1;
     delete tempChannelFinder2;
     delete tempChannelFinder3;
@@ -398,6 +400,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();    
     delete tempChannelFinder;
     delete tempSensorChannel;
@@ -467,7 +470,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();    
         //Checking for Magnetometer
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdMagnetometerXYZAxisData;
@@ -499,6 +502,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdAmbientLightData;
@@ -530,7 +534,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();        
     delete tempChannelFinder;
     delete tempSensorChannel1;
     delete tempSensorChannel2;
@@ -599,6 +603,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     //Checking for Magnetometer
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdMagnetometerXYZAxisData;
@@ -631,6 +636,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdAmbientLightData;
@@ -673,6 +679,7 @@
         returnValue = KErrNone;
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();    
     delete tempSensorChannel1;
     delete tempSensorChannel2;
     delete tempSensorChannel3;
@@ -729,7 +736,8 @@
         //Close the channel
-        }        
+        }
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();            
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdOrientationData;
@@ -763,6 +771,7 @@
     delete tempChannelFinder;
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     //Wait for sensorserver to shutdown gracefully, it will take some time..
@@ -799,7 +808,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     //Checking for Magnetometer
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdMagneticNorthData;
@@ -830,7 +839,7 @@
+		tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     delete tempChannelFinder;
     //Wait for the sensorserver to shutdown
@@ -868,6 +877,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();
     tempChannelInfo.iChannelType = KSensrvChannelTypeIdAmbientLightData;
@@ -899,7 +909,7 @@
+    tempChannelInfoList.Reset();    
     delete tempChannelFinder;
--- a/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/group/envrecall.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/group/envrecall.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 @echo Cleaning SensorTestModuleStubs
 pushd ..\SensorTestModule\group\
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld test reallyclean
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
 @echo Cleaning SensorTestModuleStubs Finished
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/group/envsetup.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/sensorserver/tsrc/sensorsrvtest/group/envsetup.cmd	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
 @echo Setting up SensorTestModuleStubs
 pushd ..\SensorTestModule\group\
-call bldmake bldfiles
-call abld test reallyclean
-call abld test build
+call sbs REALLYCLEAN -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
+call sbs -b bld.inf -c winscw.test -c armv5.generic.test
 @echo Setting up SensorTestModuleStubs Finished
--- a/sensorservices/tiltcompensationssy/src/tcchanneltilt.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/tiltcompensationssy/src/tcchanneltilt.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -687,8 +687,11 @@
             // Complete transaction
             iStatus = KRequestPending;
-            SetActive();
-            CompleteTransaction( err );
+						if( !IsActive() )
+							{
+							SetActive();	
+							}
+						CompleteTransaction( err );
         case ETCTransactionIdCloseChannel:
@@ -698,7 +701,10 @@
             // Complete transaction
             iStatus = KRequestPending;
-            SetActive();
+						if( !IsActive() )
+							{
+							SetActive();
+							}
             CompleteTransaction( KErrNone );
@@ -709,7 +715,10 @@
             // Complete transaction
             iStatus = KRequestPending;
-            SetActive();
+						if( !IsActive() )
+							{
+							SetActive();	
+							}
             CompleteTransaction( KErrNone );
@@ -720,7 +729,10 @@
             // Complete transaction
             iStatus = KRequestPending;
-            SetActive();
+						if( !IsActive() )
+							{
+							SetActive();	
+							}
             CompleteTransaction( KErrNone );
@@ -741,7 +753,10 @@
             // Complete transaction
             iStatus = KRequestPending;
-            SetActive();
+						if( !IsActive() )
+							{
+							SetActive();	
+							}
             CompleteTransaction( KErrNone );
--- a/sensorservices/tiltcompensationssy/src/tcstate.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sensorservices/tiltcompensationssy/src/tcstate.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@
 // CTCState::IsSet
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CTCState::IsSet( TUint32 /*aFlag*/ )
+TBool CTCState::IsSet( TUint32 aFlag )
-    return ETrue;
+    if(iFlags & aFlag)    
+        return ETrue;
+    else
+        return EFalse;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/rom/ssmutilityplugins.iby	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/rom/ssmutilityplugins.iby	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -22,4 +22,8 @@
 file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ssmpowersup.dll          SHARED_LIB_DIR\ssmpowersup.dll
 file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ssmlocaleobserversup.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\ssmlocaleobserversup.dll
+//backup resgistration file for localedata
+data=DATAZ_\private\2000d766\backup_registration.xml    private\2000d766\backup_registration.xml
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/data/backup_registration.xml	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
+<backup_registration version="1.0">
+  <passive_backup>
+    <!-- backup all files under localedata directory-->
+    <include_directory name = "localedata" />
+  </passive_backup>
+  <restore requires_reboot = "no"/>
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/group/bld.inf	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -25,3 +25,10 @@
+// Backup registration file
+../data/backup_registration.xml  /epoc32/data/z/private/2000d766/backup_registration.xml
+../data/backup_registration.xml  /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/private/2000d766/backup_registration.xml
+../data/backup_registration.xml  /epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/private/2000d766/backup_registration.xml
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/documentation/9.4/SysStart.mdl	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3341 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
-    version    	43
-    _written   	"Rose 6.1.9113.5"
-    charSet    	0)
-(object Design "Logical View"
-    is_unit    	TRUE
-    is_loaded  	TRUE
-    quid       	"426E373D03AC"
-    defaults   	(object defaults
-	rightMargin 	0.250000
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-	    size       	10
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-	    color      	0
-	    default_color 	TRUE)
-	showMessageNum 	3
-	showClassOfObject 	TRUE
-	notation   	"Unified")
-    root_usecase_package 	(object Class_Category "Use Case View"
-	quid       	"426E373D03AE"
-	exportControl 	"Public"
-	global     	TRUE
-	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
-	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-	    (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
-		quid       	"426E373D03BC"
-		title      	"Main"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
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-		origin_x   	0
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-		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
-    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
-	quid       	"426E373D03AD"
-	exportControl 	"Public"
-	global     	TRUE
-	subsystem  	"Component View"
-	quidu      	"426E373D03AF"
-	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-	    (object Class "CActive"
-		quid       	"426E386F0244")
-	    (object Class "CSystemStarter"
-		quid       	"426E3BE90031"
-		documentation 	"System starter main controller class"
-		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-			quid       	"426E3BE90032"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CActive"
-			quidu      	"426E386F0244"))
-		realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-		    (object Realize_Relationship
-			quid       	"426E47E702A2"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E46A1033E"))
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "Start"
-			quid       	"426E3BF1037D"
-			result     	" "
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "RunL"
-			quid       	"426E405F011B"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "RunError"
-			quid       	"426E406502F0"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "DoCancel"
-			quid       	"426E406A01A8"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "RequestNotify"
-			quid       	"426E407D0283"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "CSystemStartup"
-		quid       	"426E41EA011B"
-		documentation 	"CSystemStartup"
-		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-			quid       	"428A242802B0"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E46A1033E"))
-		realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-		    (object Realize_Relationship
-			quid       	"426E483900FC"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E46A1033E"))
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "GetNextStateL"
-			quid       	"426E43F5030F"
-			result     	"MStartupStateInfo*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iFs"
-			quid       	"426E44A30189"
-			type       	"RFs")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iReader"
-			quid       	"426E44A80244"
-			type       	"CResourceFileReader*")))
-	    (object Class "CResourceFileReader"
-		quid       	"426E4B66008F"
-		documentation 	"CResourceFileReader"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "GetStateInfoL"
-			quid       	"428A1D9C0389"
-			result     	"MStartupStateInfo*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "LsSession"
-			quid       	"428A1DB502CD"
-			result     	"RApaLsSession&"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "Connect"
-			quid       	"428A1DEE0212"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "FindFirstStateEntryL"
-			quid       	"428A1E0B003D"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "ReadStateInformationL"
-			quid       	"428A1E22036A"
-			result     	"CSystemStartupStateInfo*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "ReadCommandListL"
-			quid       	"428A1E3F00D9"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aCommandListId"
-				type       	"TUint32"))
-			result     	"CommandListType"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "ReadDllInfoL"
-			quid       	"428A1EAE0128"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aReader"
-				type       	"TResourceReader&"))
-			result     	"MStartupCommand*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iFs"
-			quid       	"428A1EEE0147"
-			type       	"RFs")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iResourceFile"
-			quid       	"428A1F02003D"
-			type       	"RResourceFile")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iState"
-			quid       	"428A1F220260"
-			type       	"TInt32")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iAppUiSession"
-			quid       	"428A1F340250"
-			type       	"REikAppUiSession")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iLsSession"
-			quid       	"428A1F4C02FC"
-			type       	"RApaLsSession")))
-	    (object Class "CStartupState"
-		quid       	"428882C00309"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "StartL"
-			quid       	"428883060164"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "DoCommand"
-			quid       	"4288831B01A2"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aCommand"
-				type       	"MStartupCommand&"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iStateInfo"
-			quid       	"42888369003B"
-			type       	"MStartupStateInfo&")))
-	    (object Class "MStartupStateInfo"
-		quid       	"42888401023E"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "StateId"
-			quid       	"428884340386"
-			result     	"TUint8"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "Name"
-			quid       	"42888466027D"
-			result     	"TPtrC"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "GetCommandList"
-			quid       	"4288848302FA"
-			result     	"CommandListType"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "Count"
-			quid       	"428884A3021F"
-			documentation 	"Get a count of the number of commands in the list"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "NoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428884D60135"
-			result     	"TNoOfRetries"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "ActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
-			quid       	"4288858A020F"
-			result     	"TActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "GetCommand"
-			quid       	"428885B50377"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aIndex"
-				type       	"TInt"))
-			result     	"MStartupCommand*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "TBootModeMapping"
-		quid       	"428886F8003B"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "GetResourceFileName"
-			quid       	"4288871703D5"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aBootMode"
-				type       	"TUint")
-			    (object Parameter "aResourceFileName"
-				type       	"TDes&"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "CAppStarter"
-		quid       	"4289DD02005C"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "StartProcess"
-			quid       	"428B28F60114"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "StartAppL"
-			quid       	"428B290602E9"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iAppInfo"
-			quid       	"428B29340347"
-			type       	"const MStartupAppInfo*")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iProvider"
-			quid       	"428B29590347"
-			type       	"MApaLsSessionProvider")))
-	    (object Class "CSystemStartupAppInfo"
-		quid       	"4289DD86002E"
-		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-			quid       	"428A227501F3"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartupAppInfo"
-			quidu      	"428A219C0166"))
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "SetFailOnError"
-			quid       	"428A22A003D7"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aFail"
-				type       	"TBool"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetStartMethod"
-			quid       	"428A22D60252"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aStartMethod"
-				type       	"TInt"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetTimeout"
-			quid       	"428A22E501B6"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aStartType"
-				type       	"TInt"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetStartType"
-			quid       	"428A22F10291"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetViewless"
-			quid       	"428A22FD00AC"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aViewLess"
-				type       	"TBool"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetStartInBackground"
-			quid       	"428A23090233"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aStartInBackground"
-				type       	"TBool"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetNoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428A231A008D"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aNoOfRetries"
-				type       	"TNoOfRetries"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "CSystemStartupStateInfo"
-		quid       	"4289DF6203A8"
-		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-			quid       	"428A23AA0158"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartupStateInfo"
-			quidu      	"42888401023E"))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iNoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428B29A40183"
-			type       	"TNoOfRetries")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iActionOnStateTransitionFailure"
-			quid       	"428B29BB01A3"
-			type       	"TActionOnStateTransitionFailure")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iStateId"
-			quid       	"428B29E00388"
-			type       	"TInt")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iName"
-			quid       	"428B29F10136"
-			type       	"HBufC*")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iCommandList"
-			quid       	"428B2A06008B"
-			type       	"CommandListType")))
-	    (object Class "CDllStarter"
-		quid       	"428A1ABE00F9"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "Execute"
-			quid       	"428A1AD1009B"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aCallerStatus"
-				type       	"TRequestStatus&"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iDllInfo"
-			quid       	"428A1B0B000E"
-			type       	"CSystemStartupDllInfo*")))
-	    (object Class "MApaLsSessionProvider"
-		quid       	"428A1B7E008B"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "LsSession"
-			quid       	"428A1B940195"
-			result     	"RApaLsSession&"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "MStartup"
-		quid       	"426E46A1033E"
-		documentation 	
-|Retrieves the next stage that the system needs to move into
-|for example 'critical static'   
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "GetNextStateL"
-			quid       	"426E46E50189"
-			result     	"MStartupStateInfo*"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "CSystemStartupDllInfo"
-		quid       	"428A1C3E00D9"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "SetDllName"
-			quid       	"428A1C530250"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aDllName"
-				type       	"const TDesC&"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetOrdinal"
-			quid       	"428A1C5C002E"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aSetOrdinal"
-				type       	"TUint8"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetFailOnError"
-			quid       	"428A1C62034A"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aFail"
-				type       	"TBool"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetNoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428A1C6A0166"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aNoOfRetries"
-				type       	"TUint8"))
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "SetDllBuffer"
-			quid       	"428A1C71008B"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iDllName"
-			quid       	"428B2C4C0257"
-			type       	"HBufC*")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iOrdinal"
-			quid       	"428B2C5C01AB"
-			type       	"TUint8")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iFailOnError"
-			quid       	"428B2C6D013E"
-			type       	"TBool")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iNoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428B2C7B02F4"
-			type       	"TUint8")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iDllBuffer"
-			quid       	"428B2C8D020A"
-			type       	"HBufC8*")))
-	    (object Class "MStartupAppInfo"
-		quid       	"428A219C0166"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "GetPath"
-			quid       	"428A21B001F3"
-			result     	"TPtrC"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "GetArgs"
-			quid       	"428A21CB000E"
-			result     	"TPtrC"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "StartMethod"
-			quid       	"428A21D900E9"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "TimeOut"
-			quid       	"428A21EA00D9"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "FailOnError"
-			quid       	"428A21FA000E"
-			result     	"TBool"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "StartType"
-			quid       	"428A2209003D"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "ViewLess"
-			quid       	"428A22170241"
-			result     	"TBool"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "StartInBackground"
-			quid       	"428A222603D7"
-			result     	"TBool"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "NoOfRetries"
-			quid       	"428A2239008B"
-			parameters 	(list Parameters
-			    (object Parameter "aFail"
-				type       	"TBool"))
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Class "CStartupSplashScreen"
-		quid       	"428A23DD00BC"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "StartSplashScreen"
-			quid       	"428B2B02031E"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0)
-		    (object Operation "KillSplashScreen"
-			quid       	"428B2B18012A"
-			result     	"TInt"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Private"
-			uid        	0))
-		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iStartSplash"
-			quid       	"428B2B3C0273"
-			type       	"TBool")
-		    (object ClassAttribute "iSplashPath"
-			quid       	"428B2B54007F"
-			type       	"HBufC*")))
-	    (object Class "CMultipleWait"
-		quid       	"434E70FB02C2"
-		operations 	(list Operations
-		    (object Operation "Execute"
-			quid       	"434E7118011D"
-			result     	"void"
-			concurrency 	"Sequential"
-			opExportControl 	"Public"
-			uid        	0)))
-	    (object Association "iReader"
-		quid       	"426E4B970060"
-		roles      	(list role_list
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$0"
-			quid       	"426E4B9A008F"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CResourceFileReader"
-			quidu      	"426E4B66008F"
-			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-			is_navigable 	TRUE)
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
-			quid       	"426E4B9A0090"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CSystemStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E41EA011B")))
-	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
-		quid       	"4288868E0125"
-		roles      	(list role_list
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
-			quid       	"4288868F026D"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartupStateInfo"
-			quidu      	"42888401023E"
-			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-			Containment 	"By Reference"
-			is_navigable 	TRUE)
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
-			quid       	"4288868F027D"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CStartupState"
-			quidu      	"428882C00309")))
-	    (object Association "iDllInfo"
-		quid       	"428B25AA02DE"
-		roles      	(list role_list
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
-			quid       	"428B25AB0251"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CSystemStartupDllInfo"
-			quidu      	"428A1C3E00D9"
-			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-			exportControl 	"Private"
-			is_navigable 	TRUE)
-		    (object Role "iDllInfo"
-			quid       	"428B25AB0261"
-			label      	"iDllInfo"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CDllStarter"
-			quidu      	"428A1ABE00F9"
-			is_principal 	TRUE)))
-	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
-		quid       	"428B2764012E"
-		roles      	(list role_list
-		    (object Role "iAppInfo"
-			quid       	"428B276500E0"
-			label      	"iAppInfo"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MStartupAppInfo"
-			quidu      	"428A219C0166"
-			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-			is_navigable 	TRUE)
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
-			quid       	"428B276500E1"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CAppStarter"
-			quidu      	"4289DD02005C")))
-	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
-		quid       	"428B277D013E"
-		roles      	(list role_list
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
-			quid       	"428B27800005"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::MApaLsSessionProvider"
-			quidu      	"428A1B7E008B"
-			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-			Containment 	"By Reference"
-			is_navigable 	TRUE)
-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
-			quid       	"428B27800015"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::CAppStarter"
-			quidu      	"4289DD02005C")))
-	    (object Mechanism @1
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object Object "starter"
-			quid       	"42848A14022E"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42848AB802BA"
-				supplier   	"state"
-				quidu      	"42848A9F0124"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "StartL"
-					quid       	"4288B0D0006A"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"3"
-					ordinal    	2
-					quidu      	"428883060164")))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284A17D00B7"
-				supplier   	"RProperty"
-				quidu      	"4284A1660328"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "Get( ..., bootmode)"
-					quid       	"4284A17D00B8"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1"
-					ordinal    	0)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284A353026C"
-				supplier   	"RDmDomainManager"
-				quidu      	"4284A34501EF"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "AddDomainHierarchy(KDmHierarchyIdStartup)"
-					quid       	"4288B01B0319"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"2"
-					ordinal    	1))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStarter"
-			quidu      	"426E3BE90031"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "state"
-			quid       	"42848A9F0124"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B01E01D0"
-				supplier   	"systemstartup"
-				quidu      	"4284B0070346"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "NewLC(bootmode)"
-					quid       	"4284B01E01D1"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4"
-					ordinal    	3))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CStartupState"
-			quidu      	"428882C00309"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "RProperty"
-			quid       	"4284A1660328"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "RDmDomainManager"
-			quid       	"4284A34501EF"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "systemstartup"
-			quid       	"4284B0070346"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B03303C6"
-				supplier   	"systemstartup"
-				quidu      	"4284B0070346"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "ConstructL(bootmode)"
-					quid       	"4284B03303C7"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4.1"
-					ordinal    	4)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B09E0217"
-				supplier   	"mapping"
-				quidu      	"4284B079006F"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "GetResourceFileName"
-					quid       	"4284B09E0218"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4.1.1"
-					ordinal    	5
-					Operation  	"GetResourceFileName(TUint, TDes&)"
-					quidu      	"4288871703D5")))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B2F70088"
-				supplier   	"iReader"
-				quidu      	"4284B2DF029A"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message " NewL(resourcefile, ...)"
-					quid       	"4284B2F70089"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4.2"
-					ordinal    	6))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E41EA011B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "mapping"
-			quid       	"4284B079006F"
-			class      	"Logical View::TBootModeMapping"
-			quidu      	"428886F8003B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "iReader"
-			quid       	"4284B2DF029A"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B341033C"
-				supplier   	"iReader"
-				quidu      	"4284B2DF029A"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "ConstructL(resourcefile)"
-					quid       	"4284B341033D"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4.2.1"
-					ordinal    	7))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CResourceFileReader"
-			quidu      	"426E4B66008F"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
-	    (object Mechanism @2
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object Object "starter"
-			quid       	"4284B4B203E1"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B4DB02BA"
-				supplier   	"systemstartup"
-				quidu      	"4284B4CE021D"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "GetNextStateL"
-					quid       	"4284B4DB02BB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1"
-					ordinal    	0
-					Operation  	"GetNextStateL( )"
-					quidu      	"426E43F5030F"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStarter"
-			quidu      	"426E3BE90031"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "systemstartup"
-			quid       	"4284B4CE021D"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B520000F"
-				supplier   	"iReader"
-				quidu      	"4284B50D029E"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "GetStateInfoL"
-					quid       	"4284B5200010"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1"
-					ordinal    	1
-					Operation  	"GetStateInfoL( )"
-					quidu      	"428A1D9C0389"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStartup"
-			quidu      	"426E41EA011B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "iReader"
-			quid       	"4284B50D029E"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284B5530061"
-				supplier   	"iReader"
-				quidu      	"4284B50D029E"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "ReadStateInformationL"
-					quid       	"4284B5530062"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.1"
-					ordinal    	2
-					Operation  	"ReadStateInformationL( )"
-					quidu      	"428A1E22036A")
-				    (object Message "FindFirstStateEntryL"
-					quid       	"4284B86501AC"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.2"
-					ordinal    	3
-					Operation  	"FindFirstStateEntryL( )"
-					quidu      	"428A1E0B003D")
-				    (object Message "ReadCommandListL(aCommandListId)"
-					quid       	"4284BB24015C"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.3"
-					ordinal    	5
-					Operation  	"ReadCommandListL(TUint32)"
-					quidu      	"428A1E3F00D9")
-				    (object Message "ReadCommandInfoL *"
-					quid       	"4284BDE9027D"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.4"
-					ordinal    	6)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284BFB20200"
-				supplier   	"command"
-				quidu      	"4284BFA80115"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "NewL(appInfo, ...)"
-					quid       	"4284BFB20201"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.6"
-					ordinal    	8)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284C1AA028C"
-				supplier   	"stateInfo"
-				quidu      	"4284C16C0192"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "NewL"
-					quid       	"4289DEE0027F"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	4)
-				    (object Message "SetCommandList(CommandList)"
-					quid       	"4289DEF5031C"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.7"
-					ordinal    	9
-					Operation  	"SetCommandList")))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4289DDFF02AE"
-				supplier   	"appInfo"
-				quidu      	"4289DD5F0389"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "NewL"
-					quid       	"4289DDFF02AF"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.1.5"
-					ordinal    	7))))
-			class      	"Logical View::CResourceFileReader"
-			quidu      	"426E4B66008F"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "command"
-			quid       	"4284BFA80115"
-			class      	"Logical View::CAppStarter"
-			quidu      	"4289DD02005C"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "stateInfo"
-			quid       	"4284C16C0192"
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStartupStateInfo"
-			quidu      	"4289DF6203A8"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "appInfo"
-			quid       	"4289DD5F0389"
-			class      	"Logical View::CSystemStartupAppInfo"
-			quidu      	"4289DD86002E"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
-	    (object Mechanism @3
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object Object "CSystemStarter"
-			quid       	"4284C2D000B7"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4284C2E601E0"
-				supplier   	"state"
-				quidu      	"4284C2D9001B"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "StartL"
-					quid       	"4284C2E601E1"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1"
-					ordinal    	0
-					quidu      	"428883060164"))))
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					Operation  	"DoCommand(MStartupCommand&)"
-					quidu      	"4288831B01A2")))
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-			quid       	"4284CDE90163"
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-			quid       	"4284DCC90004"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4.1"
-					ordinal    	7))))
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-			class      	"Logical View::CDllStarter"
-			quidu      	"428A1ABE00F9"
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-			quid       	"428B56640310"
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-		    (object Object "aCommand"
-			quid       	"428B5A0B0389"
-			class      	"C"
-			quidu      	"428A1A5A0389"
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-				location   	(1496, 1309)
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-				supplier   	@15
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-				    anchor     	1
-				    anchor_loc 	1
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	60
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	""
-				    pctDist    	0.800000
-				    height     	42
-				    orientation 	1)
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-				    Parent_View 	@29
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-				    label      	"0..1"
-				    pctDist    	0.900000
-				    height     	54
-				    orientation 	0))
-			    (object RoleView "iDllInfo" @32
-				Parent_View 	@28
-				location   	(-1045, 45)
-				label      	(object SegLabel @33
-				    Parent_View 	@32
-				    location   	(1675, 606)
-				    anchor     	1
-				    anchor_loc 	1
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-				    max_width  	139
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"+iDllInfo"
-				    pctDist    	0.550874
-				    height     	51
-				    orientation 	1)
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-				quidu      	"428B25AB0261"
-				client     	@28
-				supplier   	@27
-				line_style 	0)))
-		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::MStartupAppInfo" @34
-			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
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-			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
-			location   	(1470, 1185)
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-			    Parent_View 	@34
-			    location   	(1174, 931)
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-			    nlines     	10
-			    max_width  	755)
-			width      	610
-			height     	528
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-			autoResize 	TRUE)
-		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CAppStarter" @35
-			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
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-			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
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-			location   	(2385, 1245)
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-			    Parent_View 	@35
-			    location   	(2071, 1100)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    Parent_View 	@35
-			    location   	(2071, 1153)
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-			    nlines     	5
-			    max_width  	672)
-			width      	646
-			height     	310
-			annotation 	8
-			autoResize 	TRUE)
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-			location   	(1918, 1213)
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-			    (object RoleView "iAppInfo" @37
-				Parent_View 	@36
-				location   	(-1802, 463)
-				label      	(object SegLabel @38
-				    Parent_View 	@37
-				    location   	(1907, 1181)
-				    anchor     	1
-				    anchor_loc 	1
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-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"+iAppInfo"
-				    pctDist    	0.056070
-				    height     	32
-				    orientation 	1)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				quidu      	"428B276500E0"
-				client     	@36
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-				    Parent_View 	@37
-				    location   	(1788, 1259)
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-				    anchor_loc 	1
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-				    label      	"1"
-				    pctDist    	0.900000
-				    height     	54
-				    orientation 	0))
-			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$7" @40
-				Parent_View 	@36
-				location   	(-1802, 463)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"428B276500E1"
-				client     	@36
-				supplier   	@35
-				line_style 	0)))
-		    (object InheritView "" @41
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"428A227501F3"
-			client     	@20
-			supplier   	@34
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CMultipleWait" @42
-			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
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-			location   	(2955, 810)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@42
-			    location   	(2770, 710)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			compartment 	(object Compartment
-			    Parent_View 	@42
-			    location   	(2770, 763)
-			    icon_style 	"Icon"
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor     	2
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	284)
-			width      	389
-			height     	220
-			annotation 	8
-			autoResize 	TRUE)))
-	    (object ClassDiagram "command classes"
-		quid       	"428A188B01B4"
-		title      	"command classes"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
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-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list))
-	    (object InteractionDiagram "Initial Setup"
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-		title      	"Initial Setup"
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-		max_width  	21600
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-		origin_y   	0
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-			    location   	(160, 224)
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-			    line_color 	3342489
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-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			location   	(1168, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@45
-			    location   	(1168, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			location   	(1504, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@47
-			    location   	(1504, 224)
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-			    location   	(1504, 800)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@47
-			    height     	248
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-			location   	(1904, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@50
-			    location   	(1904, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    height     	60
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-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			location   	(2385, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@52
-			    location   	(2385, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	506
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-			    y_coord    	188
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-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @54
-			    location   	(2385, 1200)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@52
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "RDmDomainManager" @55
-			location   	(832, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@55
-			    location   	(832, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	282
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-			    location   	(832, 576)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@55
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "RProperty" @57
-			location   	(512, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@57
-			    location   	(512, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	282
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-			    location   	(512, 416)
-			    line_color 	3342489
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-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			location   	(16, 416)
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-			    Parent_View 	@59
-			    location   	(398, 373)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	417
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Get( ..., bootmode)"
-			    pctDist    	0.697819
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@43
-			supplier   	@57
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-			Focus_Entry 	@58
-			origin     	(175, 416)
-			terminus   	(496, 416)
-			ordinal    	0)
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-			location   	(16, 736)
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-			    max_width  	408
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewLC(bootmode)"
-			    pctDist    	0.760656
-			    height     	59
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@45
-			supplier   	@47
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-			Focus_Entry 	@48
-			origin     	(1183, 736)
-			terminus   	(1488, 736)
-			ordinal    	3)
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-			location   	(16, 800)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ConstructL(bootmode)"
-			    pctDist    	1.893333
-			    height     	41
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@47
-			supplier   	@47
-			Focus_Src  	@48
-			Focus_Entry 	@49
-			origin     	(1520, 800)
-			terminus   	(1670, 800)
-			ordinal    	4)
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-			location   	(16, 928)
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-			    location   	(1835, 902)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	540
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"GetResourceFileName"
-			    pctDist    	0.858357
-			    height     	27
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@47
-			supplier   	@50
-			Focus_Src  	@49
-			Focus_Entry 	@51
-			origin     	(1519, 928)
-			terminus   	(1888, 928)
-			ordinal    	5)
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-			location   	(16, 1072)
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-			    max_width  	495
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	" NewL(resourcefile, ...)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@47
-			supplier   	@52
-			Focus_Src  	@48
-			Focus_Entry 	@53
-			origin     	(1519, 1072)
-			terminus   	(2369, 1072)
-			ordinal    	6)
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-			location   	(16, 1200)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @70
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-			    location   	(2696, 1158)
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-			    max_width  	555
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ConstructL(resourcefile)"
-			    pctDist    	1.973333
-			    height     	43
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@52
-			supplier   	@52
-			Focus_Src  	@53
-			Focus_Entry 	@54
-			origin     	(2401, 1200)
-			terminus   	(2551, 1200)
-			ordinal    	7)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @71
-			location   	(16, 576)
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-			    location   	(608, 533)
-			    quidu      	"4288B01B0319"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	920
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"AddDomainHierarchy(KDmHierarchyIdStartup)"
-			    pctDist    	0.676838
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@43
-			supplier   	@55
-			Focus_Src  	@44
-			Focus_Entry 	@56
-			origin     	(175, 576)
-			terminus   	(816, 576)
-			ordinal    	1)
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-			location   	(16, 688)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @74
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-			    location   	(663, 644)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	159
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"StartL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@43
-			supplier   	@45
-			Focus_Src  	@44
-			Focus_Entry 	@46
-			origin     	(175, 688)
-			terminus   	(1152, 688)
-			ordinal    	2)))
-	    (object InteractionDiagram "Reading State Information from SSC"
-		mechanism_ref 	@2
-		quid       	"4284B4AF024A"
-		title      	"Reading State Information from SSC"
-		zoom       	68
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	21
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
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-			location   	(180, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@75
-			    location   	(180, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	302
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"starter")
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-			height     	1905
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(180, 368)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@75
-			    height     	1672
-			    y_coord    	1612
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "systemstartup" @77
-			location   	(540, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@77
-			    location   	(540, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	322
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"systemstartup")
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(540, 384)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@77
-			    height     	1596
-			    y_coord    	1536
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "iReader" @79
-			location   	(960, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@79
-			    location   	(960, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	420
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"iReader")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			    line_color 	3342489
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-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @81
-			    location   	(960, 448)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@79
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @82
-			    location   	(960, 600)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@79
-			    height     	225
-			    y_coord    	165
-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @83
-			    location   	(960, 1065)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@79
-			    height     	60
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-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @84
-			    location   	(960, 1215)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@79
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
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-			location   	(1965, 225)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@85
-			    location   	(1965, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	282
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"command")
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-			height     	1905
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(1965, 1455)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@85
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "stateInfo" @87
-			location   	(2415, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@87
-			    location   	(2415, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	492
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"stateInfo")
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-			height     	1905
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(2415, 705)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@87
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @89
-			    location   	(2415, 1800)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@87
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "appInfo" @90
-			location   	(1560, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@90
-			    location   	(1560, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	432
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-			    label      	"appInfo")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			height     	1905
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(1560, 1335)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@90
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterMessView "" @92
-			location   	(16, 384)
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-			    Parent_View 	@92
-			    location   	(359, 340)
-			    quidu      	"4284B4DB02BB"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	633
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"GetNextStateL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@75
-			supplier   	@77
-			Focus_Src  	@76
-			Focus_Entry 	@78
-			origin     	(195, 384)
-			terminus   	(524, 384)
-			ordinal    	0)
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-			location   	(16, 400)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"GetStateInfoL"
-			    pctDist    	0.498361
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@77
-			supplier   	@79
-			Focus_Src  	@78
-			Focus_Entry 	@80
-			origin     	(555, 400)
-			terminus   	(944, 400)
-			ordinal    	1)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @96
-			location   	(16, 448)
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-			    location   	(1223, 421)
-			    quidu      	"4284B5530062"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	950
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ReadStateInformationL"
-			    pctDist    	1.646667
-			    height     	28
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@79
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@81
-			origin     	(976, 448)
-			terminus   	(1126, 448)
-			ordinal    	2)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @98
-			location   	(15, 600)
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-			    Parent_View 	@98
-			    location   	(1184, 573)
-			    quidu      	"4284B86501AC"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	853
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindFirstStateEntryL"
-			    pctDist    	1.386667
-			    height     	28
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@79
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@82
-			origin     	(976, 600)
-			terminus   	(1126, 600)
-			ordinal    	3)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @100
-			location   	(15, 1065)
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-			    location   	(1388, 1023)
-			    quidu      	"4284BB24015C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	1492
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ReadCommandListL(aCommandListId)"
-			    pctDist    	2.746667
-			    height     	43
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@79
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@83
-			origin     	(976, 1065)
-			terminus   	(1126, 1065)
-			ordinal    	5)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @102
-			location   	(15, 1215)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	722
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ReadCommandInfoL *"
-			    pctDist    	1.393333
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@79
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@84
-			origin     	(976, 1215)
-			terminus   	(1126, 1215)
-			ordinal    	6)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @104
-			location   	(15, 1455)
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-			    location   	(1462, 1411)
-			    quidu      	"4284BFB20201"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	720
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL(appInfo, ...)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@85
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@86
-			origin     	(975, 1455)
-			terminus   	(1949, 1455)
-			ordinal    	8)
-		    (object Label @106
-			location   	(1170, 510)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	600
-			label      	"[state = 0]")
-		    (object Label @107
-			location   	(1185, 945)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	600
-			label      	"[type == EStartupProcess]")
-		    (object NoteView @108
-			location   	(1965, 1005)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    size       	8)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@108
-			    location   	(1827, 945)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	240
-			    label      	"Type could be app/DLL etc")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	300
-			height     	132)
-		    (object NoteView @109
-			location   	(2040, 1140)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    size       	8)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@109
-			    location   	(1902, 1080)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	240
-			    label      	"Repeat for each command")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	300
-			height     	132)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @110
-			location   	(15, 1335)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @111
-			    Parent_View 	@110
-			    location   	(1259, 1291)
-			    quidu      	"4289DDFF02AF"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	302
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@90
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@91
-			origin     	(975, 1335)
-			terminus   	(1544, 1335)
-			ordinal    	7)
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-			location   	(15, 705)
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-			    location   	(1687, 661)
-			    quidu      	"4289DEE0027F"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	302
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@87
-			Focus_Src  	@82
-			Focus_Entry 	@88
-			origin     	(975, 705)
-			terminus   	(2399, 705)
-			ordinal    	4)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @114
-			location   	(15, 1800)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @115
-			    Parent_View 	@114
-			    location   	(1687, 1756)
-			    quidu      	"4289DEF5031C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	1304
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SetCommandList(CommandList)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@79
-			supplier   	@87
-			Focus_Src  	@80
-			Focus_Entry 	@89
-			origin     	(975, 1800)
-			terminus   	(2399, 1800)
-			ordinal    	9)))
-	    (object InteractionDiagram "Executing commands for one state"
-		mechanism_ref 	@3
-		quid       	"4284C2C90079"
-		title      	"Executing commands for one state"
-		zoom       	79
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
-		    (object InterObjView "CSystemStarter" @116
-			location   	(165, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@116
-			    location   	(165, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	282
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CSystemStarter")
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-			width      	300
-			height     	1455
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(165, 320)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@116
-			    height     	260
-			    y_coord    	200
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "state" @118
-			location   	(480, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@118
-			    location   	(480, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	282
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-			    label      	"state")
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-			width      	300
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(480, 352)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@118
-			    height     	168
-			    y_coord    	108
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @120
-			    location   	(480, 624)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@118
-			    height     	966
-			    y_coord    	906
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @121
-			    location   	(480, 640)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    InterObjView 	@118
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "RDmManagerSession" @122
-			location   	(795, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@122
-			    location   	(795, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	282
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"RDmManagerSession")
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-			height     	1455
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(795, 400)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@122
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "aCommand" @124
-			location   	(1125, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@124
-			    location   	(1125, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	308
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-			    label      	"aCommand")
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-			height     	1455
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(1125, 752)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@124
-			    height     	388
-			    y_coord    	328
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @126
-			    location   	(1125, 832)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@124
-			    height     	248
-			    y_coord    	188
-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @127
-			    location   	(1125, 960)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@124
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @128
-			    location   	(1125, 1065)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@124
-			    height     	240
-			    y_coord    	180
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @129
-			    location   	(1125, 1185)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@124
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "aCommand" @130
-			location   	(1455, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@130
-			    location   	(1455, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	294
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"aCommand")
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-			width      	312
-			height     	1455
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @131
-			    location   	(1455, 1305)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@130
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "aComand" @132
-			location   	(1845, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@132
-			    location   	(1845, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	420
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-			    label      	"aComand")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"428B56640310"
-			width      	438
-			height     	1455
-			icon_height 	0
-			icon_width 	0
-			icon_y_offset 	0
-			annotation 	1
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @133
-			    location   	(1845, 1395)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@132
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "aCommand" @134
-			location   	(2265, 225)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@134
-			    location   	(2265, 225)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	348
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"aCommand")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"428B5A0B0389"
-			width      	366
-			height     	1455
-			icon_height 	0
-			icon_width 	0
-			icon_y_offset 	0
-			annotation 	1
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @135
-			    location   	(2265, 1470)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@134
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterMessView "" @136
-			location   	(16, 352)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @137
-			    Parent_View 	@136
-			    location   	(322, 308)
-			    quidu      	"4284C2E601E1"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	277
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"StartL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@116
-			supplier   	@118
-			Focus_Src  	@117
-			Focus_Entry 	@119
-			origin     	(180, 352)
-			terminus   	(464, 352)
-			ordinal    	0)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @138
-			location   	(16, 400)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @139
-			    Parent_View 	@138
-			    location   	(771, 357)
-			    quidu      	"4284CE0B0116"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	899
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"RequestDomainTransition"
-			    pctDist    	0.975352
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@122
-			Focus_Src  	@119
-			Focus_Entry 	@123
-			origin     	(495, 400)
-			terminus   	(779, 400)
-			ordinal    	1)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @140
-			location   	(16, 640)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @141
-			    Parent_View 	@140
-			    location   	(646, 597)
-			    quidu      	"4284DCE401CA"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	483
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"DoCommand"
-			    pctDist    	1.000000
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	8454143
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@118
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@121
-			origin     	(496, 640)
-			terminus   	(646, 640)
-			ordinal    	2)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @142
-			location   	(16, 752)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @143
-			    Parent_View 	@142
-			    location   	(802, 708)
-			    quidu      	"4284DD17038F"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	333
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Execute"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@124
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@125
-			origin     	(495, 752)
-			terminus   	(1109, 752)
-			ordinal    	3)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @144
-			location   	(16, 832)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @145
-			    Parent_View 	@144
-			    location   	(1216, 788)
-			    quidu      	"4284DDEE0303"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	376
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	" Utility procs"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@124
-			supplier   	@124
-			Focus_Src  	@125
-			Focus_Entry 	@126
-			origin     	(1141, 832)
-			terminus   	(1291, 832)
-			ordinal    	4)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @146
-			location   	(16, 960)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @147
-			    Parent_View 	@146
-			    location   	(1216, 916)
-			    quidu      	"4284DE4701E8"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	363
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Utility procs"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@124
-			supplier   	@124
-			Focus_Src  	@126
-			Focus_Entry 	@127
-			origin     	(1141, 960)
-			terminus   	(1291, 960)
-			ordinal    	5)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @148
-			location   	(15, 1065)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @149
-			    Parent_View 	@148
-			    location   	(801, 1022)
-			    quidu      	"428B503F006C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	333
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Execute"
-			    pctDist    	0.499454
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@124
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@128
-			origin     	(495, 1065)
-			terminus   	(1109, 1065)
-			ordinal    	6)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @150
-			location   	(15, 1185)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @151
-			    Parent_View 	@150
-			    location   	(1245, 1142)
-			    quidu      	"428B5083008C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	363
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Utility procs"
-			    pctDist    	0.700000
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@124
-			supplier   	@124
-			Focus_Src  	@128
-			Focus_Entry 	@129
-			origin     	(1141, 1185)
-			terminus   	(1291, 1185)
-			ordinal    	7)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @152
-			location   	(15, 1305)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @153
-			    Parent_View 	@152
-			    location   	(967, 1261)
-			    quidu      	"428B52CB0382"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	333
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Execute"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@130
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@131
-			origin     	(495, 1305)
-			terminus   	(1439, 1305)
-			ordinal    	8)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @154
-			location   	(15, 1395)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @155
-			    Parent_View 	@154
-			    location   	(1162, 1351)
-			    quidu      	"428B567F00B0"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	368
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Execute"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@132
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@133
-			origin     	(495, 1395)
-			terminus   	(1829, 1395)
-			ordinal    	9)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @156
-			location   	(15, 1470)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @157
-			    Parent_View 	@156
-			    location   	(1372, 1426)
-			    quidu      	"428B5A430149"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	368
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Execute"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@118
-			supplier   	@134
-			Focus_Src  	@120
-			Focus_Entry 	@135
-			origin     	(495, 1470)
-			terminus   	(2249, 1470)
-			ordinal    	10)))))
-    root_subsystem 	(object SubSystem "Component View"
-	quid       	"426E373D03AF"
-	physical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
-	physical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-	    (object Module_Diagram "Main"
-		quid       	"426E373D03BB"
-		title      	"Main"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
-    process_structure 	(object Processes
-	quid       	"426E373D03B0"
-	ProcsNDevs 	(list
-	    (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View"
-		quid       	"426E373D03B2"
-		title      	"Deployment View"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
-    properties 	(object Properties
-	attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"DDL"
-		name       	"propertyId"
-		value      	"809135966")
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"DDL"
-		name       	"default__Project"
-		value      	(list Attribute_Set
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"Directory"
-			value      	"AUTO GENERATE")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"DataBase"
-			value      	("DataBaseSet" 800))
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"DataBaseSet"
-			value      	(list Attribute_Set
-			    (object Attribute
-				tool       	"DDL"
-				name       	"ANSI"
-				value      	800)
-			    (object Attribute
-				tool       	"DDL"
-				name       	"Oracle"
-				value      	801)
-			    (object Attribute
-				tool       	"DDL"
-				name       	"SQLServer"
-				value      	802)
-			    (object Attribute
-				tool       	"DDL"
-				name       	"Sybase"
-				value      	803)
-			    (object Attribute
-				tool       	"DDL"
-				name       	"Watcom"
-				value      	804)))
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"PrimaryKeyColumnName"
-			value      	"Id")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"PrimaryKeyColumnType"
-			value      	"NUMBER(5)")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"ViewName"
-			value      	"V_")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"TableName"
-			value      	"T_")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"InheritSuffix"
-			value      	"_V")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"DropClause"
-			value      	FALSE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"BaseViews"
-			value      	FALSE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"DDLScriptFilename"
-			value      	"DDL1.SQL")))
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"DDL"
-		name       	"default__Attribute"
-		value      	(list Attribute_Set
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"ColumnType"
-			value      	"VARCHAR")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"Length"
-			value      	"")
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"NullsOK"
-			value      	TRUE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"PrimaryKey"
-			value      	FALSE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"Unique"
-			value      	FALSE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"CompositeUnique"
-			value      	FALSE)
-		    (object Attribute
-			tool       	"DDL"
-			name       	"CheckConstraint"
-			value      	"")))
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"DDL"
-		name       	"HiddenTool"
-		value      	FALSE)
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"RequisitePro"
-		name       	"HiddenTool"
-		value      	FALSE)
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"Rose Model Integrator"
-		name       	"HiddenTool"
-		value      	FALSE)
-	    (object Attribute
-		tool       	"Version Control"
-		name       	"HiddenTool"
-		value      	FALSE))
-	quid       	"426E373D03B1"))
Binary file sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/documentation/9.5/SystemStarter.EAP has changed
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/group/app-framework_sysstart.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/group/app-framework_sysstart.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	app-framework_sysstart
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstarter
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstarter\group	all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/group/app-framework_ssma.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/group/app-framework_ssma.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	app-framework_ssma
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatemgr
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatemgr\group	all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/group/app-framework_ssplugins.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/group/app-framework_ssplugins.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	app-framework_ssplugins
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstateplugins
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstateplugins\group	all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/gsapolicy/src/gsastatepolicynormal.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/gsapolicy/src/gsastatepolicynormal.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 // All rights reserved.
 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -159,10 +159,11 @@
 	//Check if the requested transition is supported from current state
 	if (TransitionSupported(aRequest.State()))
-		{
-		if((NULL == aCurrent) && (NULL == aQueued))
+		{		
+		//Transition is allowed when there is no current and queued transitions.
+		//or allow substate(ESsmNormalRfOnSubState and ESsmNormalRfOffSubState)transition only when KSsmGracefulOffline is enabled and queue is empty.
+		if (((NULL == aCurrent) && (NULL == aQueued)) || (IsSsmGracefulOffline() && (NULL == aQueued)))
-			// SsmServer is idle
 			response = EDefinitelyAllowed;
 		else if((aRequest.State().MainState() == ESsmFail) || (aRequest.State().MainState() == ESsmShutdown))
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/clayer/src/starterclient.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/clayer/src/starterclient.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 // All rights reserved.
 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -337,31 +337,54 @@
 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::ResetNetwork()
+	TInt requestResult;
 	RSsmStateManager session;
 	// Set session to use the handle stored in this
-	// Make request and return success.
-	TUint rfStatusPropertyKey = CSsmUiSpecific::RFStatusPropertyKey();
-	TSsmSwp swpRFStatus(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOff);
-	RSsmSystemWideProperty swp;
-	swp.Connect(rfStatusPropertyKey);
+	//Perform state transition instead of SwP transition if KSsmGracefulOffline is enabled
+	if (IsSsmGracefulOffline())
+		{
+		DEBUGPRINT1A( "KSsmGracefulOffline is enabled perform state transition" );
+		TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(ESsmNormal, ESsmNormalRfOffSubState, KSsmCLayerNullReason);
+		// Make request for substate transition to offline
+		requestResult = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
+		DEBUGPRINT2A( "State transition to ESsmNormalRfOffSubState returned : %d", requestResult);
+		if (KErrNone == requestResult)
+			{
+			TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(ESsmNormal, ESsmNormalRfOnSubState, KSsmCLayerNullReason);
+			// Make request for substate transition to online
+			requestResult = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
+			DEBUGPRINT2A( "State transition to ESsmNormalRfOnSubState returned : %d", requestResult);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Make request and return success.
+		TUint rfStatusPropertyKey = CSsmUiSpecific::RFStatusPropertyKey();
+		TSsmSwp swpRFStatus(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOff);
-	TRequestStatus status;
-	//Subscribe for SwP changes
-	swp.Subscribe(status);
+		RSsmSystemWideProperty swp;
+		swp.Connect(rfStatusPropertyKey);
+		TRequestStatus status;
+		//Subscribe for SwP changes
+		swp.Subscribe(status);
-	TInt requestResult= session.RequestSwpChange(swpRFStatus);
-	if(KErrNone == requestResult)
-		{
-		// Wait for SwP Change
-	    User::WaitForRequest(status);
-		swpRFStatus.Set(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOn);
 		requestResult = session.RequestSwpChange(swpRFStatus);
+		DEBUGPRINT2A( "RF SwP transition to ESsmRfOff returned : %d", requestResult);
+		if (KErrNone == requestResult)
+			{
+			// Wait for SwP Change
+			User::WaitForRequest(status);
+			swpRFStatus.Set(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOn);
+			requestResult = session.RequestSwpChange(swpRFStatus);
+			DEBUGPRINT2A( "RF SwP transition to ESsmRfOn returned : %d", requestResult);
+			}
+		swp.Close();
-	swp.Close();
 	// Session is not closed before returning as this owns the handle
+	DEBUGPRINT2A( "ResetNetwork() is returning requestResult as: %d", requestResult);
 	return requestResult;
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/custcmd/src/ssmsecuritychecknotifier.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/custcmd/src/ssmsecuritychecknotifier.cpp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "ssmsecuritychecknotifier.h"
 #include "ssmdebug.h"
 #include "ssmuiproviderdll.h"
+#include "ssmrefcustomcmdcommon.h"
 #include <ssm/ssmstateawaresession.h>
 #include <e32def.h>
 #include <startupdomaindefs.h>
@@ -200,21 +201,27 @@
 	//Get the current state of the system
 	TSsmState currentState = ssmStateAwareSession.State();
+	//Close the state aware session
+	ssmStateAwareSession.Close();
 	TBool isDlgCancellable;
 	//Is system in start up state
 	if ( currentState.MainState() == ESsmStartup )
+		TInt securityPhaseVal = EStarterSecurityPhaseUninitialized;
+		TInt errorCode = RProperty::Get(CSsmUiSpecific::StarterPSUid(), KStarterSecurityPhase, securityPhaseVal);
+		DEBUGPRINT3A("Getting the KStarterSecurityPhase completed with errorcode %d and its value is %d", errorCode, securityPhaseVal);
+		User::LeaveIfError(errorCode);
-		iAfterStartup = ( 0x34 == currentState.SubState() ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+		iAfterStartup = ( 0x34 == currentState.SubState() && securityPhaseVal > EStarterSecurityPhaseSimNok ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
 		iAfterStartup = ETrue;
-	//Close the state aware session
-	ssmStateAwareSession.Close();
+	DEBUGPRINT2A("iAfterStartup is %d", iAfterStartup);
 	//Notifier dialogue is not cancellable if system is in startup state and
 	//requested for PUK1 or PUK2 or UPUK code
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/group/app-framework_ssrefplugins.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/group/app-framework_ssrefplugins.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	app-framework_ssrefplugins
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatereferenceplugins
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatereferenceplugins\group	all
--- a/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/group/app-framework_shma.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/group/app-framework_shma.mrp	Thu Jun 24 11:22:45 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
 component	app-framework_shma
 source	\sf\os\devicesrv\systemhealthmanagement\systemhealthmgr
 binary	\sf\os\devicesrv\systemhealthmanagement\systemhealthmgr\group	all