--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/accmonconnectionemulator/src/AccMonConnectionEmulator.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/accmonconnectionemulator/src/AccMonConnectionEmulator.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@
TPckgBuf< TTFAccessoryPublishAndSubscribe > buf;
// Reset the values and then order the connect
- TTFASYReference method;
+ TTFASYReference method( ETFAsyNone );
TInt64 param1( 0 );
TBool wired( EFalse );
- TUint64 btaddress;
+ TUint64 btaddress( 0 );
RArray< TUint32 > capabilityArray;
TUint8 deviceType;
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
#ifdef TEST_BT
TBTDevAddr btaddr( btaddress );
- TBool oldTest( EFalse );
TRequestStatus status;
RAccessoryServer server;
@@ -322,10 +321,10 @@
TPckgBuf< TTFAccessoryPublishAndSubscribe > buf;
// Reset the values and then order the connect
- TTFASYReference method;
+ TTFASYReference method( ETFAsyNone );
TInt64 param1( 0 );
TBool wired( EFalse );
- TUint64 btaddress;
+ TUint64 btaddress( 0 );
RArray< TUint32 > capabilityArray;
switch( aAccDefintion )
@@ -444,13 +443,11 @@
if( aAccInfo->AccPhysicalConnection() == KAccMonWired )
- TInt err( KErrNone );
TPckgBuf< TTFAccessoryPublishAndSubscribe > buf;
// Reset the values and then order the connect
TTFASYReference method;
TInt64 param1( 0 );
- TBool wired( EFalse );
RArray< TUint32 > capabilityArray;
method = ETFAsyDisc;
@@ -516,4 +513,5 @@
return retval;
-// End of file
\ No newline at end of file
+// End of file
--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/accmonitoringtestmodule/src/accMonitoringTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/accmonitoringtestmodule/src/accMonitoringTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
//extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );
-_LIT( KEnter, "Enter" );
-_LIT( KOnGoing, "On-going" );
-_LIT( KExit, "Exit" );
+//_LIT( KEnter, "Enter" );
+//_LIT( KOnGoing, "On-going" );
+//_LIT( KExit, "Exit" );
//#define ?macro ?macro_def
@@ -139,21 +139,21 @@
static TCaseInfoInternal const KCases[] =
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
- ENTRY( "Get connected accessories (no accessories connected)", AccMonitorTestNoL ),
- ENTRY( "Get connected accessories test(one accessory)", AccMonitorTestOneL ),
- ENTRY( "Get connected accessories test(multiple accessories)", AccMonitorTestMultiL ),
- ENTRY( "Test has accessory capa", TestHasAccessoryCapaL ),
- ENTRY( "Test has accessory different capas", TestHasAccessoryDifferentCapasL ),
- ENTRY( "Start Observer test(all connections)", StartObservingL ),
- ENTRY( "Start Observer test(defined type)", StartObserving1L ),
- ENTRY( "Start Observer test(defined accessory)", StartObserving2L ),
- ENTRY( "Start Observer test(wrong accessory)", StartObserving3L ),
- ENTRY( "Start Observer test(monitor non-existing accessory)", StartObserving4L ),
- ENTRY( "StopObserving test", StopObservingL ),
- ENTRY( "Compare Infos test", CompareInfosL ),
- ENTRY( "Get value test", GetValueTestL ),
- ENTRY( "Run error test", RunErrTestL ),
- ENTRY( "Start observing all capas test", StartObserverAllCapasL )
+ ENTRY( "Get connected accessories (no accessories connected)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::AccMonitorTestNoL ),
+ ENTRY( "Get connected accessories test(one accessory)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::AccMonitorTestOneL ),
+ ENTRY( "Get connected accessories test(multiple accessories)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::AccMonitorTestMultiL ),
+ ENTRY( "Test has accessory capa", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::TestHasAccessoryCapaL ),
+ ENTRY( "Test has accessory different capas", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::TestHasAccessoryDifferentCapasL ),
+ ENTRY( "Start Observer test(all connections)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObservingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Start Observer test(defined type)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObserving1L ),
+ ENTRY( "Start Observer test(defined accessory)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObserving2L ),
+ ENTRY( "Start Observer test(wrong accessory)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObserving3L ),
+ ENTRY( "Start Observer test(monitor non-existing accessory)", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObserving4L ),
+ ENTRY( "StopObserving test", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StopObservingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Compare Infos test", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::CompareInfosL ),
+ ENTRY( "Get value test", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::GetValueTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "Run error test", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::RunErrTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "Start observing all capas test", &CAccMonitoringTestModule::StartObserverAllCapasL )
// Verify that case number is valid
@@ -747,8 +747,7 @@
TTestResult& aResult )
- _LIT( KStatusTest, "StartObservingTest" );
// Enter
CAccMonitor* api = CAccMonitor::NewL();
@@ -963,7 +962,7 @@
result = iConnectedAccessory->Exists( array );
- if( ( err = KErrNone ) && result )
+ if( ( err == KErrNone ) && result )
_LIT( KDescription, "Observer set without errors");
aResult.SetResult( err, KDescription );
@@ -1014,7 +1013,6 @@
TTestResult& aResult )
- _LIT( KStatusTest, "StartObservingTest" );
// Enter
@@ -1303,8 +1301,8 @@
CleanupStack::Pop( api );
delete api;
- return err;*/
+ return err;
TInt CAccMonitoringTestModule::ConnectBTHeadsetL(
--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubMainServiceBase.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubMainServiceBase.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "ASYStub - CASYStubMainServiceBase::GetAndRemoveCapability()" ) ) );
return iService->GetAndRemoveCapability();
- COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "ASYStub - CASYStubMainServiceBase::GetAndRemoveCapability() - return" ) ) );
// End of file
--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiDialogNotifierStub.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiDialogNotifierStub.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
const TUid KScreenOutputChannel = {0x00000666};
-_LIT(KAccFwUiNotifierResource, "accfwnoteuinotifier.rsc");
--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNoteNotifierStub.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNoteNotifierStub.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
const TUid KScreenOutputChannel = {0x00000666};
-_LIT(KAccFwUiNotifierResource, "accfwnoteuinotifier.rsc");
--- a/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNotifierStubObserver.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessorymonitor/tsrc/public/basic/stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNotifierStubObserver.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
TBool booli( EFalse );
booli = 1 & buf().iParam2;
- //iService->SetObserverSelection( some, booli/*buf().iParam1, buf().iParam2*/ //);
+ iService->SetObserverSelection( some, boolibuf().iParam1, buf().iParam2);
if( !IsActive() )
iStatus = KRequestPending;
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/remcontestcontrol/remcontestcontrolplugin/src/remconcontrol.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/remcontestcontrol/remcontestcontrolplugin/src/remconcontrol.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@
case ETFRemCon_LaunchAudioClient:
+ {
// reset return channel
TRemConClientKeyDataBuf keyDatabuf;
TRemConClientKeyData keyData;
@@ -495,6 +496,7 @@
retval = status.Int();
+ }
case ETFRemCon_CloseAudioClient:
@@ -506,6 +508,7 @@
case ETFRemCon_CheckClientKey:
+ {
TRemConClientKeyDataBuf keyDataBuf;
retval = RProperty::Get( KTFRemConTestProperty, KTFRemConClientKey, keyDataBuf );
if ( retval == KErrNone )
@@ -521,6 +524,7 @@
+ }
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/stub/audio/src/audioclientstubAppUi.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/stub/audio/src/audioclientstubAppUi.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#include "audioclientstubAppView.h"
#include "audioclientstubremconobserver.h"
-_LIT(KText, "Hello World!");
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/stub/remcon/src/remconstub.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryremotecontrol/tsrc/stub/remcon/src/remconstub.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "REMCONSTUB - CRemConStub::ConstructL() - Enter" ) ) );
- TInt retval(KErrNone);
TRemConAddress addr;
addr.BearerUid() = Uid(); // implementation UID of this bearer
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@
// This branch is used for following test cases
TPhoneCmdHandlerKeyEventBuf cmdDataBuf;
- cmdDataBuf().iOperationId = -1;
+ cmdDataBuf().iOperationId = (TUint)-1;
(void)iSubcribeToControl.Set(KTFPhoneCmdHandlerProperty, KTFPhoneCmdHandlerKey,cmdDataBuf);
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/BWINS/AccPolComU.DEF Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/BWINS/AccPolComU.DEF Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -60,4 +60,5 @@
?ValueInt@CCapValue@@QBEHAAJ@Z @ 59 NONAME ; int CCapValue::ValueInt(long &) const
?CompareCriticalValuesL@CCapabilityStorage@@QAEHABVTAccPolGenericID@@@Z @ 60 NONAME ; int CCapabilityStorage::CompareCriticalValuesL(class TAccPolGenericID const &)
?GetGenericID@CCapabilityStorage@@QAEHAAVTAccPolGenericID@@@Z @ 61 NONAME ; int CCapabilityStorage::GetGenericID(class TAccPolGenericID &)
+ ?IsCapabilityDefinedL@CAccPolAccessoryPolicy@@QAEHABVTAccPolGenericID@@ABK@Z @ 62 NONAME ; int CAccPolAccessoryPolicy::IsCapabilityDefinedL(class TAccPolGenericID const &, unsigned long const &)
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/EABI/AccPolComU.DEF Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/EABI/AccPolComU.DEF Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -69,5 +69,8 @@
_ZTV22CAccPolAccessoryPolicy @ 68 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV9CCapValue @ 69 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTVN18CCapabilityStorage14CListContainerE @ 70 NONAME ; #<VT>#
+ _ZN22CAccPolAccessoryPolicy20IsCapabilityDefinedLERK16TAccPolGenericIDRKm @ 71 NONAME
+ _ZN22CAccPolAccessoryPolicyD0Ev @ 72 NONAME
+ _ZN22CAccPolAccessoryPolicyD1Ev @ 73 NONAME
+ _ZN22CAccPolAccessoryPolicyD2Ev @ 74 NONAME
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Common/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Common/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -195,6 +195,17 @@
* @see AccessoryTypes.h for supported HW device types.
IMPORT_C TUint32 SupportedHWDevicesL();
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the requested capability is defined for the genericId
+ *
+ * @since S60 3.1
+ * @param aGenericID Generic ID of the list to be used
+ * @param aName Name of the capability
+ * @return True if the requested capability is defined for the genericId. Else False.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsCapabilityDefinedL(const TAccPolGenericID& aGenericId,
+ const TUint32& aName );
public: // Functions from base classes
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvConnectionController.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvConnectionController.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -298,7 +298,13 @@
TAccPolGenericID& aOldGenericId,
const CAccSrvConnectionHandler* aCaller,
TInt aError );
+ void HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL( const TAccPolGenericID& aGenericID,
+ TAccPolGenericID& aOldGenericId,
+ const CAccSrvSettingsHandler* aCaller,
+ TInt aError );
* From MAccSrvConnectionControllerObserver
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvServerModel.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvServerModel.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -172,6 +172,17 @@
void GetLastConnectedAccessoryL( TAccPolGenericID& aGenericID ) const;
+ * Get last connected wired accessory.
+ *
+ * @since S60 3.1
+ * @param aGenericID On succesful return, contains the Generic ID of
+ * last connected wired accessory.
+ * @return TBool On successful return will be ETrue, else EFalse
+ */
+ TBool GetLastConnectedWiredAccessory( TAccPolGenericID& aGenericID ) const;
+ /**
* Remove the physical connection from array of detected accessories.
* @since S60 3.1
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvSettingsHandler.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/inc/Server/AccSrvSettingsHandler.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <e32base.h>
#include <AccModeSettingArray.h>
#include "AccSrvServerModel.h"
+#include "AccPolAccessoryPolicy.h"
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KNoCapability, ECapability_None);
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAccSrvSettingsHandler* NewL( CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
- CAccSrvServerModel& aModel );
+ CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
+ CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy );
* Destructor.
@@ -179,7 +181,8 @@
* C++ default constructor.
CAccSrvSettingsHandler( CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
- CAccSrvServerModel& aModel );
+ CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
+ CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
@@ -253,6 +256,10 @@
// Tells wheter lights set on or off by accessory server.
TAccSettingsLights iLightsOn;
+ //Handle to the Accessory Policy
+ CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* iPolicy;//Not owned
public: // Friend classes
protected: // Friend classes
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Policy/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Policy/AccPolAccessoryPolicy.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
// Destructor
+EXPORT_C CAccPolAccessoryPolicy::~CAccPolAccessoryPolicy()
API_TRACE_( "[AccFW: ACCPOLICY] CAccPolAccessoryPolicy::~CAccPolAccessoryPolicy()" );
@@ -1234,4 +1234,13 @@
return supportedDevices;
+EXPORT_C TBool CAccPolAccessoryPolicy::IsCapabilityDefinedL(
+ const TAccPolGenericID& aGenericId,
+ const TUint32& aName )
+ {
+ if(iCapabilityStorage->GetCapability(aGenericId,aName) != NULL)
+ return ETrue;
+ else
+ return EFalse;
+ }
// End of File
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvConnectionController.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvConnectionController.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
iConnectionStatusHandler = CAccSrvConnectionStatusHandler::NewL( this );
iModeHandler = CAccSrvModeHandler::NewL( this );
iASYProxyHandler = CAccSrvASYProxyHandler::NewL( this );
- iSettingsHandler = CAccSrvSettingsHandler::NewL( this, *aServerModel );
+ iSettingsHandler = CAccSrvSettingsHandler::NewL( this, *aServerModel, iPolicy );
iWiredConnPublisher = CAccSrvWiredConnectionPublisher::NewL();
TRAPD( err, iChargingContextController = CAccSrvChargingContextController::NewL() );
if ( err != KErrNone ) // Server does not need to die on charging context fail.
@@ -459,6 +459,95 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAccSrvConnectionController::HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAccSrvConnectionController::HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL(
+ const TAccPolGenericID& aGenericID,
+ TAccPolGenericID& aOldGenericId,
+ const CAccSrvSettingsHandler* aCaller,
+ TInt aError )
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionController::HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL()" );
+ TInt err ( KErrNone );
+ TAccSrvConnection isValidConnection(EAccSrvConnect);
+ TBool isConnected( iServerModel->IsConnected( aGenericID ) );
+ if( KErrNone == aError )
+ {
+ isValidConnection = iPolicy->IsValidConnectionL( aGenericID, err );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = aError;
+ isValidConnection = EAccSrvDeny;
+ }
+ if( iServerModel->FindAndRemoveCancelledConnectAccessory( aGenericID.UniqueID() ) )
+ {
+ //Connection of this accessory is cancelled.
+ err = KErrCancel;
+ isValidConnection = EAccSrvDeny;
+ }
+ switch( isValidConnection )
+ {
+ case EAccSrvDetect:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAccSrvConnect:
+ {
+ if( isConnected )
+ {
+ //update connection generic id array
+ iServerModel->UpdateConnectionL( aGenericID);
+ // Complete all possible connection status related requests
+ iNotificationQueue->CompleteControlMessageL( EAccessoryConnectionStatusChanged,
+ KErrNone,
+ aGenericID.UniqueID() );
+ iNotificationQueue->CompleteControlMessageL( EAccessoryDisconnected,
+ KErrNone,
+ aOldGenericId.UniqueID() );
+ iNotificationQueue->CompleteControlMessageL( ENewAccessoryConnected,
+ KErrNone,
+ aGenericID.UniqueID() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAccSrvDeny:
+ {
+ iServerModel->RemovePhysicalConnection( aGenericID );
+ iServerModel->RemoveASYThreadID( aGenericID.UniqueID() );//Remove ThreadID GID mapping
+ iServerModel->CapabilityStorage().RemoveCapabilityList( aGenericID);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS;//unhandled enum
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ iNotificationQueue->CompleteControlMessageL( EConnectAccessory,
+ err,
+ aGenericID.UniqueID() );
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionController::HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL - return void" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAccSrvConnectionController::ConnectionHandlingCancel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvConnectionHandler.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvConnectionHandler.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -246,95 +246,82 @@
if ( aEvaluateConnectionRules )
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling() - Evaluate connection rules" );
- //check rules
- TUint32 selectionListBitmask( 0 );
- iPolicy->EvaluateConnectionRulesL( iGenericID, selectionListBitmask );
- if ( selectionListBitmask )
- {
- COM_TRACE_1( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling() - Selection bitmask: 0x%bb", selectionListBitmask);
- //remove not supported items...
- selectionListBitmask = selectionListBitmask & iModel->SupportedDevicesL();
- //Check default selection
- TInt defaultSelection( iModel->DeviceType() );
- if ( selectionListBitmask == ( KASTTY | KASHeadset ) )
- {
- if ( defaultSelection != KASTTY )
- {
- defaultSelection = KASHeadset;
- }
- else
- {
- defaultSelection = KASTTY;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( defaultSelection == KASHeadset )
- {
- defaultSelection = 0;
- }
- defaultSelection = selectionListBitmask & defaultSelection;
- }
- if ( defaultSelection )
- {
- iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
- iCallback->SetDefaultAccessoryInformation( iGenericID, defaultSelection );
- CAccSrvHandlerBase::IssueRequest();
- }
- else
- {
- //check that more than one accessories in the selection list
- TUint32 bitmask( 1 );
- TInt accCount( 0 );
- for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < 32; i++ )
- {
- if ( selectionListBitmask & bitmask )
- {
- if ( ++accCount > 1 )
- {
- //more than one accessories, stop the loop
- break;
- }
- }
- bitmask <<= 1;
- }
- if ( accCount > 1 )
- {
- //if there is possible selection show UI
- SetupSelectionDialogL( selectionListBitmask );
- }
- else
- {
- //only one selection, don't show selection dialog
- iState = EGetSelectionFromUser;
- iReplyValue = selectionListBitmask;
- iCallback->SetDefaultAccessoryInformation( iGenericID, selectionListBitmask );
- CAccSrvHandlerBase::IssueRequest();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iState = EInitializeConnection;
- }
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling() - No connection rules" );
- iState = EInitializeConnection;
+ //Check default selection
+ TInt defaultSelection( iModel->DeviceType() );
+ // Device Type Supplied
+ if( (iGenericID.PhysicalConnectionCaps() & KPCWired) &&
+ (iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps(KDTHeadset)) &&
+ (iPolicy->IsCapabilityDefinedL(iGenericID,KAccIntegratedAudioInput)) )
+ {
+ // This is a Headset
+ if(KASTTY == defaultSelection)
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASHeadset;
+ }
+ if(KASHeadset != iReplyValue)
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling- TTY Case" );
+ //only one selection, don't show selection dialog
+ iState = EGetSelectionFromUser;
+ iCallback->SetDefaultAccessoryInformation( iGenericID, iReplyValue );
+ CAccSrvHandlerBase::IssueRequest();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling- Headset Case" );
+ iState = EInitializeConnection;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( (iGenericID.PhysicalConnectionCaps() & KPCWired) &&
+ (iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps(KDTHeadset)) &&
+ !(iPolicy->IsCapabilityDefinedL(iGenericID,KAccIntegratedAudioInput)) )
+ {
+ // This is a Headphone
+ if((KASLineOut == defaultSelection) ||
+ (KASMusicStand == defaultSelection) ||
+ (KASHeadphones == defaultSelection))
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASHeadphones;
+ }
+ if(KASHeadphones != iReplyValue)
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling- LineOut/MusicStand Case" );
+ //only one selection, don't show selection dialog
+ iState = EGetSelectionFromUser;
+ iCallback->SetDefaultAccessoryInformation( iGenericID, iReplyValue );
+ CAccSrvHandlerBase::IssueRequest();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::StartConnectionHandling- Headphone Case" );
+ iState = EInitializeConnection;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iState = EInitializeConnection;
+ }
// Atleas one Asynchronous request is made for ourselves,
// clients ConnectAccessory asynchronous request will be completed
// during it.
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvServerModel.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvServerModel.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -501,6 +501,43 @@
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvServerModel::GetLastConnectedAccessoryL - return" );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAccSrvServerModel::GetLastConnectedWiredAccessory
+// Last connected wired accessory is to be searched in the iConnectionArray
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CAccSrvServerModel::GetLastConnectedWiredAccessory( TAccPolGenericID& aGenericID ) const
+ {
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvServerModel::GetLastConnectedWiredAccessoryL()" );
+ TInt arrCount = 0;
+ if ( (arrCount = iConnectionArray.Count()) != 0 )
+ {
+ TUint arrIndex = 0;
+ TAccPolGenericID iGenericID;
+ while(arrIndex < arrCount)
+ {
+ iGenericID = iConnectionArray[arrIndex];
+ if( iGenericID.PhysicalConnectionCaps(KPCWired) )
+ {
+ aGenericID = iGenericID;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ arrIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvServerModel::GetLastConnectedWiredAccessory - return" );
+ return EFalse;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAccSrvServerModel::SetAccessoryMode
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvSettingsHandler.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvSettingsHandler.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAccSrvSettingsHandler::CAccSrvSettingsHandler( CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
- CAccSrvServerModel& aModel )
+ CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
+ CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy )
: iConCtrl( aConCtrl ),
iModel( aModel ),
- iLightsOn( EAccSettingsLightsNotSet )
+ iLightsOn( EAccSettingsLightsNotSet ),
+ iPolicy( aPolicy )
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvSettingsHandler::CAccSrvSettingsHandler()" );
@@ -122,13 +124,15 @@
CAccSrvSettingsHandler* CAccSrvSettingsHandler::NewL(
CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
- CAccSrvServerModel& aModel )
+ CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
+ CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy )
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvSettingsHandler::NewL()" );
CAccSrvSettingsHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CAccSrvSettingsHandler(
- aModel );
+ aModel,
+ aPolicy );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
@@ -285,7 +289,8 @@
// Valid settings
TUint32 settings = ResolveNewSettingsL( aSettings, aEnable, aForce );
+ TUint32 iOldDeviceType = iModel.DeviceType();
// Update model
iModel.SetDeviceType( settings );
@@ -296,6 +301,99 @@
delete repository;
repository = NULL;
+ //Check default selection. The newly set device-type after the model update.
+ TInt defaultSelection( iModel.DeviceType() );
+ TInt iReplyValue = KASNoDevice;
+ TAccPolGenericID iGenericID;
+ // get the last connected wired accessory
+ if(iModel.GetLastConnectedWiredAccessory(iGenericID))
+ {
+ // Device Type Supplied
+ if( iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps(KDTHeadset) )
+ {
+ // This is a Headset
+ if( iPolicy->IsCapabilityDefinedL(iGenericID, KAccIntegratedAudioInput) )
+ {
+ if(KASTTY == defaultSelection)
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASHeadset;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is a Headphone
+ else
+ {
+ if(KASMusicStand == defaultSelection)
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASHeadphones;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps(KDTTTY) )
+ {
+ if( iPolicy->IsCapabilityDefinedL(iGenericID, KAccIntegratedAudioInput) )
+ {
+ if(KASHeadset == defaultSelection)
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASTTY;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps(KDTOffice) )
+ {
+ if(KASHeadphones == defaultSelection)
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReplyValue = KASMusicStand;
+ }
+ }
+ // Device Type Not Supplied
+ else if( iGenericID.DeviceTypeCaps() == KASNoDevice )
+ {
+ iReplyValue = defaultSelection;
+ }
+ if( (KASNoDevice != iReplyValue) && (iReplyValue != iOldDeviceType) )
+ {
+ //update generic id
+ iPolicy->UpdateGenericIDL( iGenericID, iReplyValue);
+ // Update the "iConnectionArray" of CAccSrvServerModel,
+ // to reflect the update on generic-id done earlier.
+ TAccPolGenericID oldGenericId;
+ iModel.FindWithUniqueIDL( iGenericID.UniqueID(), oldGenericId );
+ iConCtrl->HandleConnectionUpdateValidationL(
+ iGenericID, oldGenericId, this, KErrNone );
+ TASYCommandParamRecord asyCommandParamRecord;
+ asyCommandParamRecord.iCmdValue = 0;//Not used in update command
+ asyCommandParamRecord.iGenericID = iGenericID;
+ //Send request to ASY Proxy Handler
+ COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvConnectionHandler::RunL() - Send update request");
+ TInt trId = iConCtrl->HandleASYCommsL( ECmdAccessoryUpdated,
+ asyCommandParamRecord );
+ iConCtrl->HandleAccessoryModeChangedL();
+ }
+ }
COM_TRACE_( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvSettingsHandler::SetHWDeviceSettingsL() - return" );
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvWiredConnectionPublisher.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/src/Server/AccSrvWiredConnectionPublisher.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
COM_TRACE_2( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvWiredConnectionPublisher::HandleConnectL: physConnCaps=0x%x, iConnectionCount=%d",
physConnCaps, iConnectionCount );
- if ( physConnCaps & KPCWired )
+ if ( physConnCaps & (KPCWired | KPCHDMI) )
if ( !iConnectionCount++ )
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
COM_TRACE_2( "[AccFW:AccServer] CAccSrvWiredConnectionPublisher::HandleDisconnectL: physConnCaps=0x%x, iConnectionCount=%d",
physConnCaps, iConnectionCount );
- if ( (physConnCaps & KPCWired) && iConnectionCount )
+ if ( (physConnCaps & (KPCWired | KPCHDMI)) && iConnectionCount )
if ( !(--iConnectionCount) )
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/src/TfAccessoryTestControlPlugin.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/AccessoryTestControl/AccessoryTestControlPlugin/src/TfAccessoryTestControlPlugin.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1545,6 +1545,7 @@
{ ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10807, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+#if 0
// [M10808] [[AccServer] Set TTY Mode After Connection]
@@ -1568,8 +1569,94 @@
{ ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
{ ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+// [M10808] [[AccServer] Set TTY Mode After Connection]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFSetTTYModeAfterConnectionStates[]=
+ {
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASNoDevice, 1, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 100000},
+ { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFConnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyConnectHeadset, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFFindAndCheckRequest, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, KErrNone, 2000000}, // Headset Connected !
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASTTY, 1, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 3000000},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASTTY, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyDisc, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFClearStack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10808, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ };
+// [M10809] [[AccServer] Set MusicStand Mode After Connection]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFSetLoopsetModeBeforeConnectionStates[]=
+ {
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASNoDevice, 1, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 100000},
+ { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFConnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyConnectOpenCable3Poles, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 1000000},
+ { ETFFindAndCheckRequest, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, KErrNone, 2000000}, // Headphone Connected !
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASMusicStand, 1, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 3000000},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASMusicStand, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyDisc, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFClearStack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10809, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ };
+// [M10810] [[AccServer] Default Accessory Set To MusicStand; Connect Headphone; Change accessory settings to Headphones]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFSetTTYModeBeforeConnectionStates[]=
+ {
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASMusicStand, 1, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 100000},
+ { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFConnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyConnectOpenCable3Poles, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 1000000},
+ { ETFFindAndCheckRequest, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, KErrNone, 2000000}, // MusicStand Connected !
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASHeadphones, 1, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 3000000},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASMusicStand, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyDisc, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFClearStack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10810, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ };
+// [M10811] [[AccServer] Default Accessory Set To TTY; Connect Headset; Change accessory settings to Headset]
+const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFGetSupportedHWDevicesStates[]=
+ {
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Open, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASTTY, 1, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 100000},
+ { ETFAccessoryNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFConnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyConnectHeadset, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFFindAndCheckRequest, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqNotifyAccessoryModeChanged, KErrNone, 2000000}, // Headset identified as TTY!
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASHeadset, 1, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 3000000},
+ { ETFSetHWDeviceSettings, 0, KASTTY, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFDisconnectWiredAccessory, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyDisc, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 2000000},
+ { ETFClearStack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryMode_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ { ETFAccessoryConnection_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
+ };
+#if 0
// [M10809] [[AccServer] Set Loopset Mode Before Connection]
const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFSetLoopsetModeBeforeConnectionStates[15]=
@@ -1623,6 +1710,7 @@
{ ETFAccessorySettings_Close, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10811, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
// [M10812] [[AccServer] Accessory Mode Settings (TInt)]
@@ -2218,11 +2306,11 @@
// [M11102] [[AccServer] Cancel connect Accessory]
-const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFCallTClassMethods[1]=
+/*const TTFAccessoryTestCaseStateControl KTFCallTClassMethods[1]=
{ ETFCallTClassMethods, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11102, ETFAsyNone, ReqAccRequestNone, KErrNone, 0},
/************************ ****************************/
/************************ CAccPolObjectBase related testcases (USB) ****************************/
/************************ ****************************/
@@ -2891,6 +2979,10 @@
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10804, _L( "[M10804] [[AccServer] Set TTY Mode] ") );
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10805, _L( "[M10805] [[AccServer] Get TTY Mode] ") );
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10806, _L( "[M10806] [[AccServer] Set And Get TTY Mode] ") );
+ TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10808, _L( "[M10808] [[AccServer] Set TTY Mode After Connection] ") );
+ TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10809, _L( "[M10809] [[AccServer] Set MusicStand Mode After Connection] ") );
+ TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10810, _L( "[M10810] [[AccServer] Default Accessory Set To MusicStand; Connect Headphone; Change accessory settings to Headphones] ") );
+ TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10811, _L( "[M10811] [[AccServer] Default Accessory Set To TTY; Connect Headset; Change accessory settings to Headset] ") );
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10812, _L( "[M10812] [[AccServer] Accessory Mode Settings (TInt)] ") );
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10813, _L( "[M10813] [[AccServer] Accessory Mode Settings (TBool)] ") );
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 10814, _L( "[M10814] [[AccServer] Accessory Mode Settings (TDes)] ") );
@@ -2924,9 +3016,9 @@
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11001, _L( "[M11001] [[AccServer] Selection dialog test] "));
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11002, _L( "[M11002] [[AccServer] Selection dialog open/cancel] "));
- TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11003, _L( "[M11003] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, user select tv-out]"));
+ //TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11003, _L( "[M11003] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, user select tv-out]"));
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11004, _L( "[M11004] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, ASY selects tv-out]"));
- TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11005, _L( "[M11005] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, User selection device, after that ASY selects tv-out]"));
+ //TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11005, _L( "[M11005] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, User selection device, after that ASY selects tv-out]"));
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11006, _L( "[M11006] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, open selection dialog, disconnect]"));
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11007, _L( "[M11007] [[AccServer] Connect open cable, connect headset, user select headset]"));
TF_ADD_TEST_CASE_L( 11008, _L( "[M11008] [[AccServer] Connect ECI accessory]"));
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubService.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/AsyStub/src/AsyStubService.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@
case ETFAsyConnOpenCable:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+// case ETFAsyConnOpenCable:
case ETFAsyConnectOpenCable3Poles:
TRequestStatus status;
@@ -140,7 +144,7 @@
TBuf<KHWModelIDMaxLength> HWModelID( _L("opencable"));
//Set GenericID header
- iGenericIDHeader.iAccessoryDeviceType = KDTAVDevice;
+ iGenericIDHeader.iAccessoryDeviceType = KDTHeadset;
iGenericIDHeader.iPhysicalConnection = KPCWired;
iGenericIDHeader.iApplicationProtocol = 0x0;
@@ -170,7 +174,7 @@
nameValueArray );
- iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, ETrue );
+ iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, EFalse );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
TInt retval = status.Int();
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@
nameValueArray );
- iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, ETrue );
+ iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, EFalse );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
TInt retval = status.Int();
@@ -377,7 +381,7 @@
nameValueArray );
- iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, ETrue );
+ iAccessoryControl.ConnectAccessory( status, genericID, EFalse );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
TInt retval = status.Int();
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiDialogNotifierStub.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiDialogNotifierStub.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
const TUid KScreenOutputChannel = {0x00000666};
-_LIT(KAccFwUiNotifierResource, "accfwnoteuinotifier.rsc");
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNoteNotifierStub.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNoteNotifierStub.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
const TUid KScreenOutputChannel = {0x00000666};
-_LIT(KAccFwUiNotifierResource, "accfwnoteuinotifier.rsc");
--- a/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNotifierStubObserver.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/accessoryserver/tsrc/public/basic/Stubs/accfwuinotifierstub/src/AccFwUiNotifierStubObserver.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
TBool booli( EFalse );
booli = 1 & buf().iParam2;
- //iService->SetObserverSelection( some, booli/*buf().iParam1, buf().iParam2*/ //);
+ iService->SetObserverSelection( some, boolibuf().iParam1, buf().iParam2);
if( !IsActive() )
iStatus = KRequestPending;
--- a/accessoryservices/headsetstatusapi/tsrc/public/basic/headsettestmodule/src/headsetTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/headsetstatusapi/tsrc/public/basic/headsettestmodule/src/headsetTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@
static TCaseInfoInternal const KCases[] =
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
- ENTRY( "HeadsetStatus test", HeadsetStatusTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "HeadsetStatus test", &CheadsetTestModule::HeadsetStatusTestL ),
// Example how to use OOM functionality
//OOM_ENTRY( "Loop test with OOM", LoopTest, ETrue, 2, 3),
//OOM_FUNCENTRY( PrintTest, ETrue, 1, 3 ),
- ENTRY( "SetObserver test", SetObserverL ),
- ENTRY( "StartObserving test", StartObservingL ),
- ENTRY( "StopObserving test", StopObservingL )
+ ENTRY( "SetObserver test", &CheadsetTestModule::SetObserverL ),
+ ENTRY( "StartObserving test", &CheadsetTestModule::StartObservingL ),
+ ENTRY( "StopObserving test", &CheadsetTestModule::StopObservingL )
// Verify that case number is valid
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/tvoutconfigforhdmi.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/inc/tvoutconfigforhdmi.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <e32base.h>
#include "multifinitestatemachine.h"
#include "myasynconeshottimercallback.h"
+#include "pdengine.h"
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/compositecablestateconnected.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/compositecablestateconnected.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -359,7 +359,12 @@
if ( EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged == aEvent )
INFO( "Event: EPDEIfCentralRepositoryWatchEventKeyChanged" );
- iResettingInput = ETrue;
+ iCRWatchForFlickerFilter->Cancel();
+ iCRWatchForAspectRatio->Cancel();
+ iCRWatchForTvSystem->Cancel();
+ ClearAvailableTvOutConfig();
+ iTVOutConfigForComposite.Disable();
+ iResettingInput = ETrue;
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/edidhandler.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/edidhandler.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@
TInt availableIndex = 0;
TBool found( EFalse );
- TBool defaultCEAmode( EFalse );
+ TBool defaultCEAmode( EFalse ), ceaMode( EFalse );
supportedCount = supportedModes.Count();
INFO_1( "HDMI CONFIGS --- From HW -- Total : %d", supportedCount );
@@ -1383,6 +1383,7 @@
(TSupportedHdmiDviMode::ECea == supportedModes[ supportedIndex ].iStandardModeType) &&
(aHdmiConfigs[ availableIndex ].iCeaMode == supportedModes[ supportedIndex ].iStandardMode) )
+ ceaMode = ETrue;
found = ETrue;
if( aHdmiConfigs[ availableIndex].iCeaMode == KDefaultCEAMode )
@@ -1441,15 +1442,20 @@
TInt modecount = aHdmiConfigs.Count();
- INFO( "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<It is DVI connector>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" );
while( modecount-- )
- // Change it to DVI mode as it is existing in both Supported and available configurations
- aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iConnector = TTvSettings::EDVI;
+ if( aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iDmtMode && (EFalse == ceaMode) )
+ {
+ INFO( "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<It is DVI connector>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" );
+ // Change it to DVI mode as it is existing in both Supported and available configurations
+ aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iConnector = TTvSettings::EDVI;
- // Version should be zeroed for non-HDMI
- aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iTvHdmiVersion = 0;
- aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iTvHdmiRevision = 0;
+ // Version should be zeroed for non-HDMI
+ aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iTvHdmiVersion = 0;
+ aHdmiConfigs[ modecount ].iTvHdmiRevision = 0;
+ }
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/pdengine.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/pdengine.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
if( iFSMPtr[EPDEFSMIdCompositeCableStatus]->CurrentStateID() != ECompositeCableStateIdle )
// Forcefully transit CompositeCable FSM to Idle state
- ((CCompositeCableStatusFSM*)iFSMPtr[EPDEFSMIdCompositeCableStatus])->Transit(ECompositeCableStateIdle);
+ ((CCompositeCableStatusFSM*)iFSMPtr[EPDEFSMIdCompositeCableStatus])->Input(EPDEIfAccessoryConnection, EPDEIfAccessoryConnectionEventCableDisconnected);
iFSMPtr[ aFSMId ]->Input( aInterfaceId, aEvent );
--- a/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/tvoutconfigforhdmi.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/pluggeddisplay/pluggeddisplayengine/src/tvoutconfigforhdmi.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
+#define SEND_VIA_PDENGINE(event) \
+ ((CHDMICableStatusFSM*)&iFSM)->GetPDEngine()->Input( \
+ EPDEFSMIdHDMICableStatus, \
+ EPDEIfTVOutConfig, \
+ event )
@@ -435,9 +440,8 @@
else if ( iTvConfig->HdmiCableConnected() )
- iFSM.Input(
- EPDEIfTVOutConfig,
- EIfTVOutConfigEventCableConnected );
+ // Send connected event to FSM via PDEngine where the multiple connection(analog and hdmi) logic is handled.
+ SEND_VIA_PDENGINE(EIfTVOutConfigEventCableConnected);
--- a/accessoryservices/tspclientmapper/tsrc/public/basic/tspclienttestmodule/src/tspclientTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/accessoryservices/tspclientmapper/tsrc/public/basic/tspclienttestmodule/src/tspclientTestModuleCases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@
//extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );
-_LIT( KEnter, "Enter" );
-_LIT( KOnGoing, "On-going" );
-_LIT( KExit, "Exit" );
//#define ?macro ?macro_def
@@ -138,20 +135,20 @@
static TCaseInfoInternal const KCases[] =
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
- ENTRY( "Set a process id playing", SetProcessIdPlayingL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and move a process id playing", SetAndMoveProcessIdPlayingL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id playing", SetAndRemoveProcessIdPlayingL ),
- ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id playing", SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdPlayingL ),
- ENTRY( "Set a process id registered", SetProcessIdRegisteredL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and move a process id registered", SetAndMoveProcessIdRegisteredL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id registered", SetAndRemoveProcessIdRegisteredL ),
- ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id registered", SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdRegisteredL ),
- ENTRY( "Set a process id stopped", SetProcessIdStoppedL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and move a process id stopped", SetAndMoveProcessIdStoppedL ),
- ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id stopped", SetAndRemoveProcessIdStoppedL ),
- ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id stopped", SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdStoppedL ),
- ENTRY( "Check out of range", CheckOutOfRangeL ),
- ENTRY( "AddAPI Usage from Multiple Threads Simultaneously", MultiThreadTestSyncL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set a process id playing", &CTspClientTestModule::SetProcessIdPlayingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and move a process id playing", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndMoveProcessIdPlayingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id playing", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndRemoveProcessIdPlayingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id playing", &CTspClientTestModule::SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdPlayingL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set a process id registered", &CTspClientTestModule::SetProcessIdRegisteredL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and move a process id registered", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndMoveProcessIdRegisteredL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id registered", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndRemoveProcessIdRegisteredL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id registered", &CTspClientTestModule::SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdRegisteredL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set a process id stopped", &CTspClientTestModule::SetProcessIdStoppedL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and move a process id stopped", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndMoveProcessIdStoppedL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set and remove a process id stopped", &CTspClientTestModule::SetAndRemoveProcessIdStoppedL ),
+ ENTRY( "Set two and set first process id stopped", &CTspClientTestModule::SetTwoAndSetFirstProcessIdStoppedL ),
+ ENTRY( "Check out of range", &CTspClientTestModule::CheckOutOfRangeL ),
+ ENTRY( "AddAPI Usage from Multiple Threads Simultaneously", &CTspClientTestModule::MultiThreadTestSyncL ),
// Verify that case number is valid
--- a/commonservices/PlatformEnv/platformver/tsrc/platformvertest/src/platformvertestcases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/commonservices/PlatformEnv/platformver/tsrc/platformvertest/src/platformvertestcases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
//FUNCENTRY( PrintTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PlatformVer] GetPlatformVersion", GetPlatformVersion ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PlatformVer] GetPlatformVersion", GetPlatformVersion ,ETrue,1,5)
+ ENTRY( "[PlatformVer] GetPlatformVersion", &CPlatformVerTest::GetPlatformVersion ),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PlatformVer] GetPlatformVersion", &CPlatformVerTest::GetPlatformVersion ,ETrue,1,5)
// Example how to use OOM functionality
//OOM_ENTRY( "Loop test with OOM", LoopTest, ETrue, 2, 3),
--- a/commonservices/PlatformEnv/sysversioninfo/tsrc/sysutiltests/src/sysutiltests.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/commonservices/PlatformEnv/sysversioninfo/tsrc/sysutiltests/src/sysutiltests.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -110,21 +110,21 @@
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo2 ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo2 ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo2 ),
- ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductCode test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductCode ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo2 ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo2 ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo2 ),
+ ENTRY( "[SYSUTIL] GetProductCode test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductCode ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5 ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo2,ETrue,1,5 ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo2 ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo2 test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo2 ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductCode test", CSysUtiltests::GetProductCode ,ETrue,1,5)
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5 ),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetVersionInfo2,ETrue,1,5 ),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetOSVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetOSVersionInfo2 ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductVersionInfo2 test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductVersionInfo2 ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_SYSUTIL] GetProductCode test", &CSysUtiltests::GetProductCode ,ETrue,1,5)
--- a/commonservices/PlatformEnv/tsrc/platformenvtest/src/PlatformEnvTestCases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/commonservices/PlatformEnv/tsrc/platformenvtest/src/PlatformEnvTestCases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -132,35 +132,35 @@
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
//FUNCENTRY( PrintTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] PathTest", PathTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetPathTest", GetPathTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetRootPathTest", GetRootPathTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetFullPathTest", GetFullPathTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] PathTypeTest", PathTypeTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetListOfPathsTest", GetListOfPathsTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest", GetDefaultDriveTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest2", GetDefaultDriveTest2 ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDriveStatusTest", GetDriveStatusTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest", GetUserVisibleDrivesTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] StripUserHiddenDrivesTest", StripUserHiddenDrivesTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] DriveCountTest", DriveCountTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] DriveArrayTest", DriveArrayTest ),
- ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2", GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2 ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] PathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::PathTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetPathTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetRootPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetRootPathTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetFullPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetFullPathTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] PathTypeTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::PathTypeTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetListOfPathsTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetListOfPathsTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDefaultDriveTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest2", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDefaultDriveTest2 ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetDriveStatusTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDriveStatusTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetUserVisibleDrivesTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] StripUserHiddenDrivesTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::StripUserHiddenDrivesTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] DriveCountTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::DriveCountTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] DriveArrayTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::DriveArrayTest ),
+ ENTRY( "[PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2 ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] PathTest", PathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetPathTest", GetPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetRootPathTest", GetRootPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetFullPathTest", GetFullPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] PathTypeTest", PathTypeTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetListOfPathsTest", GetListOfPathsTest,ETrue,1,5 ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest", GetDefaultDriveTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest2", GetDefaultDriveTest2 ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDriveStatusTest", GetDriveStatusTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest", GetUserVisibleDrivesTest,ETrue,1,5 ),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] StripUserHiddenDrivesTest", StripUserHiddenDrivesTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] DriveCountTest", DriveCountTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] DriveArrayTest", DriveArrayTest ,ETrue,1,5),
- OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2", GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2 ,ETrue,1,5)
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] PathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::PathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetRootPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetRootPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetFullPathTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetFullPathTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] PathTypeTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::PathTypeTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetListOfPathsTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetListOfPathsTest,ETrue,1,5 ),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDefaultDriveTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDefaultDriveTest2", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDefaultDriveTest2 ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetDriveStatusTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetDriveStatusTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetUserVisibleDrivesTest,ETrue,1,5 ),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] StripUserHiddenDrivesTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::StripUserHiddenDrivesTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] DriveCountTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::DriveCountTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] DriveArrayTest", &CPlatformEnvTest::DriveArrayTest ,ETrue,1,5),
+ OOM_ENTRY( "[OOM_PLATFORMENV] GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2", &CPlatformEnvTest::GetUserVisibleDrivesTest2 ,ETrue,1,5)
// Example how to use OOM functionality
//OOM_ENTRY( "Loop test with OOM", LoopTest, ETrue, 2, 3),
--- a/commonservices/activitymanager/group/activitymanager.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/commonservices/activitymanager/group/activitymanager.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component activitymanager
source \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\activitymanager
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\activitymanager\group all
Binary file commonservices/commonengine/conf/commonengine.confml has changed
Binary file commonservices/commonengine/conf/commonengine_1020503B.crml has changed
--- a/commonservices/sysutil/group/sysutil.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/commonservices/sysutil/group/sysutil.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component sysutil
source \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\sysutil
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\commonservices\sysutil\group all
--- a/devicesrv_info/devicesrv_metadata/devicesrv_metadata.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_info/devicesrv_metadata/devicesrv_metadata.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component devicesrv_metadata
source \sf\os\devicesrv\devicesrv_info\devicesrv_metadata
source \sf\os\devicesrv\package_definition.xml
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolaudiocontrolbase.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolaudiocontrolbase.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
* Destructor.
- virtual ~CAccPolAudioControlBase();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CAccPolAudioControlBase();
* Assign operator for audio control base class.
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@
* C++ default constructor.
- CAccPolAudioControlBase( TTopologyConObjectType aObjectType,
+ IMPORT_C CAccPolAudioControlBase( TTopologyConObjectType aObjectType,
CAccPolObjectCon* aObject = NULL );
* C++ default constructor.
- CAccPolAudioControlBase( TTopologyConObjectType aObjectType,
+ IMPORT_C CAccPolAudioControlBase( TTopologyConObjectType aObjectType,
TUint32 aChannel );
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolaudiounitbase.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolaudiounitbase.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* Destructor.
- virtual ~CAccPolAudioUnitBase();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CAccPolAudioUnitBase();
* Assign operator for audio unit base class.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolterminalbase.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_usb_audio_api/inc/accpolterminalbase.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
* Destructor.
- virtual ~CAccPolTerminalBase();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CAccPolTerminalBase();
* Assign operator for audio terminal base class.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/accpolobjectbase.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/accpolobjectbase.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
* Destructor.
- virtual ~CAccPolObjectBase();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CAccPolObjectBase();
* Sets the object type.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/accpolobjectcon.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/accessory_policy_utility_api/inc/accpolobjectcon.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
* Destructor.
- virtual ~CAccPolObjectCon();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CAccPolObjectCon();
* Resets the object container.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/display_language_definition_api/inc/CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/display_language_definition_api/inc/CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -41,4 +41,26 @@
const TUint32 KGSDisplayTxtLang = 0x00000001;
+* Collation code, integer value
+* Possible values are:
+* 0 (automatic)
+* Valid Symbian OS collation(language) code
+* Default value: 0
+const TUint32 KGSCollation = 0x00000002;
+* Region code, integer value
+* Possible values are:
+* 0 (automatic)
+* Valid Symbian OS region code
+* Default value: 0
+const TUint32 KGSRegion = 0x00000003;
--- a/devicesrv_plat/tv_out_config_api/inc/tvoutconfig.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/tv_out_config_api/inc/tvoutconfig.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -124,18 +124,18 @@
//-- Standby Figure ---------------------------------------------------
- /** Returns maximum size of TStandByFigure.iTable in bytes.
+ /** Returns maximum size of TStandByFigure.iTable in bytes. Deprecated since TB10.2.
@param aMaxFigureSize Max size of standByFigure in bytes
@return KErrNotSupported if not supported. */
virtual TInt StandByFigureMaxSizeInBytes(TUint& aMaxFigureSize) = 0;
- /** Sets user defined figure to show on tv.
+ /** Sets user defined figure to show on tv. Deprecated since TB10.2.
@pre SetConfig() is called without errors.
@param aStandByFigure TStandByFigure object.
@return KErrNone if all success */
virtual TInt StandByFigure(const TStandByFigure& aStandByFigure) = 0;
- /** Gets user defined figure to show on tv.
+ /** Gets user defined figure to show on tv. Deprecated since TB10.2.
@see CTvOutConfig::StandByFigureMaxSizeInBytes for getting size of TStandByFigure.iTable.
@pre StandByFigure() is called without errors.
@param aStandByFigure TStandByFigure object.
--- a/devicesrv_plat/tv_out_config_api/inc/tvoutconfigdef.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/devicesrv_plat/tv_out_config_api/inc/tvoutconfigdef.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -431,11 +431,11 @@
///ETrue if iLeftTopCorner&iRightBottomCorner are used instead of iHorizontalOverScan&iVerticalOverScan
TBool iCornerPointsUsed;
- /** Overscan in pixels. Set Left Top corner point. Zero when Tv supports overscan (0=underscan enabled)
+ /** Overscan in pixels. Set Left Top corner point. Zero when Tv supports underscan (0=underscan enabled)
This should be "point" to active image area. Cannot point out of active image area.
Cannot across with iRightBottomCorner. And this allows overscan and position tuning. */
TPoint iLeftTopCorner;
- /** Overscan in pixels. Set Right Bottom corner point (offset from left top corner).
+ /** Overscan in pixels. Set Right Bottom corner point (offset from Tv's left top corner).
@see iLeftTopCorner
Driver returns KErrExtensionNotSupported if driver does not support this settings.
If driver supports centralizing only, then this has to be same as iLeftTopCorner. */
@@ -571,17 +571,18 @@
///Vertical sync polarity, EFalse=Negative, ETrue=Positive. With CEA mode 1 this is EFalse.
TBool iVerticalSyncPolarity;
/** Wanted pixel repeat, can be used if mode supports. Otherwise horisontal resolution can be increased also.
+ Value minus one. 0 -> sent once. 9 -> pixel sent 10 times.
0 when repeat is disabled. With CEA mode 1 this is 0. */
TUint8 iPixelRepeat;
/** ETrue if Tv supports underscan, and it is enabled (to be always enabled when supported/possible),
EFalse otherwise */
TBool iUnderscanEnabled;
- /** Overscan in pixels. Set Left Top corner point. Zero when Tv supports overscan (0=underscan enabled)
+ /** Overscan in pixels. Set Left Top corner point. Zero when Tv supports underscan (0=underscan enabled)
This should be "point" to active image area. Cannot point out of active image area.
Cannot across with iRightBottomCorner. And this allows overscan and position tuning. */
TPoint iLeftTopCorner;
- /** Overscan in pixels. Set Right Bottom corner point (offset from left top corner).
+ /** Overscan in pixels. Set Right Bottom corner point (offset from Tv's left top corner).
@see iLeftTopCorner. Has not affect if iCentralizingOnly==ETrue. */
TPoint iRightBottomCorner;
@@ -614,7 +615,13 @@
-Standby Figure Format
+Standby Figure Format. Fully deprecated since TB10.2.
+Note for TB9.2 and TB10.1:
+- iLeftTopColumn & iLeftTopRow are deprecated and those can be ignored.
+- the icon of iColumns x iRows is scaled by (iScaleNumeratorWidth/iScaleDenominatorWidth) and (iScaleNumeratorHeight/iScaleDenominatorHeight)
+- the resulting icon is centered to the layer's extent which contained the protected surface
+- the scaled and centered icon is clipped against layer extent and screen size.
+- pixels inside the layer's extent not covered by the scaled and centered icon are filled with iBackGroundColor.
class TStandByFigure
@@ -659,9 +666,9 @@
TUint16 iScaleNumeratorHeight;
///Height scaler denominator
TUint16 iScaleDenominatorHeight;
- ///Start column
+ ///Start column. Deprecated!
TUint16 iLeftTopColumn;
- ///Start row
+ ///Start row. Deprecated!
TUint16 iLeftTopRow;
///Back ground color. Input RGB565 RRRR RGGG GGGB BBBB.
TUint16 iBackGroundColor;
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/data/20021204.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Haptics effect data getter plugin ECom resource file
-#include <ecom/registryinfo.rh>
- {
- dll_uid = 0x20021204;
- interfaces =
- {
- {
- interface_uid = 0x20021202;
- implementations =
- {
- {
- implementation_uid = 0x20021203;
- version_no = 1;
- display_name = "";
- default_data = "";
- opaque_data = "";
- }
- };
- }
- };
- }
-// End of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/group/bld.inf Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Build file for effect data getter ECom plugin.
-#include <platform_paths.hrh>
-../rom/hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.iby CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.iby)
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/group/hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.mmp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Project definition file for effect data getter ECom plugin.
-#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
-#include <platform_paths.hrh>
-TARGET hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.dll
-UID 0x10009D8D 0x20021204
-SOURCE hwrmhapticsivtgetter.cpp
-SOURCE basisivtgetters.cpp
-SOURCE ivthelper.cpp
-SOURCE timelineivtgetters.cpp
-USERINCLUDE ../../../../inc
-// Default system include paths for osext layer modules.
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/stdapis
-START RESOURCE 20021204.rss
-TARGET hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.rsc
-LIBRARY euser.lib
-LIBRARY efsrv.lib
-LIBRARY estlib.lib
-LIBRARY ecom.lib
-LIBRARY hwrmhapticseffectdatagetterfw.lib
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/basisivtgetters.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Basis effect internal getters header file.
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
- * Utility class for getting various basis effect specific information
- * from data buffer.
- */
-class BasisIVTGetters
- {
- /**
- * Method for getting basis effect properties.
- *
- * @param aMsg Pointer to the data buffer containing the
- * effect definition.
- * @param aDuration Duration of the effect (out param).
- * @param aStartDelay Start delay of the effect (out param).
- * @param aMagnitude Magnitude of the effect (out param).
- * @param aStartFlag Start flag of the effect (out param).
- * @param aType Type of the effect (out param).
- * @param aFreqPer Period of the effect (out param).
- * @param aControlMode Control mode of the effect (out param).
- */
- static void VibeIVTGetPeriodic(
- const TUint8* aMsg,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aDuration,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aStartDelay,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aMagnitude,
- TInt* aStartFlag,
- TInt* aType,
- TVibeIVTFreqPer* aFreqPer,
- TInt* aControlMode );
- /**
- * Method for getting basis effect modifier (envelope) properties.
- *
- * @param aMsg Pointer to the data buffer containing the
- * effect definition.
- * @param aImpulseTime Impulse (attack) time of the effect
- * (out param).
- * @param aFadeTime Fade time of the effect (out param).
- * @param aImpulseLevel Impulse (attack) level of the effect
- * (out param).
- * @param aFadeLevel Fade level of the effect (out param).
- */
- static void VibeIVTGetPeriodicModifier(
- const TUint8* aMsg,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aImpulseTime,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aFadeTime,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aImpulseLevel,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aFadeLevel );
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/hwrmhapticsivtgetter.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Plugin for reading effect information from IVT effect data.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <hwrmhapticseffectdatagetter.h>
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
- * Ecom plugin for getting haptics ivt data.
- *
- * @lib hapticsivtgetterplugin.lib
- * @since S60 5.1
- */
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter ): public CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- {
- /**
- * 2-phased constructor.
- * @return An instance of haptics ivt getter.
- */
- static CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter* NewL();
- /**
- * Destructor.
- */
- virtual ~CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter();
-public: // From CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetEffectCount( const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aCount );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetEffectName( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TDes8& aEffectName );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetEffectIndexFromName( const TDesC8& aData,
- const TDesC8& aEffectName,
- TInt& aEffectIndex );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetEffectType( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TInt& aEffectType );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetMagSweepEffectDefinition(
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetPeriodicEffectDefinition(
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect );
- /**
- * @see CHWRMHapticsEffectDataGetter
- */
- TInt GetEffectDuration( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TInt& aEffectDuration );
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter();
- /**
- * 2nd phase constructor.
- */
- void ConstructL();
- /**
- * Utility method for fetching the effect definition using effect data
- * and index.
- */
- TInt GetEffectByIndex( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TVibeEffectDefinition* aEffectDefinition );
- };
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/ivtconstants.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: VibeTonz related const definitions header file
-#include <e32def.h>
-#include <limits.h>
- * Invalid index constant
- */
-const TInt KVibeInvalidIndex = -1;
- * Maximum effect name length constant
- */
-const TInt KVibeMaxEffectNameLength = 128; // Maximum effect name length
- * 'Infinite' time
- */
-const TInt KVibeTimeInfinite = INT_MAX;
- * 'Infinite' repeat count value
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeRepeatCountInfinite = 255;
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/ivthelper.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IVT effect getter methods high level helper functions header file.
-#ifndef IVTHELPER_H
-#define IVTHELPER_H
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
- * Utility class for parsing various information from effect data buffer.
- */
-class IVTHelper
- {
- /**
- * Method for checking that the IVT header is correctly formatted.
- * (This includes also version number check).
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return ETrue if header is correctly formatted, EFalse otherwise.
- */
- static TBool IsValidIVTAddress( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting number of effects within an effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Number (count) of effects contained within the effect data
- * buffer.
- */
- static TUint16 GetNumEffects( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the sub-buffer (from the
- * effect data buffer containing possibly several effect definitions)
- * that contains effect definition of the given effect.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- * @param aEffectIndex Index of the effect (within the effect data
- * buffer).
- *
- * @return Pointer to the effect definition sub-buffer. In case of
- * any error, NULL is returned.
- */
- static TUint8* GetEffectStorage( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex );
- /**
- * Method for extracting envelope (attack and fade times and levels) from
- * a buffer of effect-specific data. I.e., this is given an address to the
- * effect specific part in effect data buffer, not the whole effect data
- * buffer. The aPacket param can be obtained e.g. by first calling the
- * above GetEffectStorage method.
- *
- * @param aPacket Pointer to effect specific data (sub-)buffer.
- * @param aEnvelope Pointer to a TVibeEnvelopeParams structure to which
- * the envelope params are read.
- *
- * @return ETrue on success, EFalse otherwise.
- */
- static TBool ExtractEnvelopeFromPacket(
- const TUint8* aPacket,
- TVibeEnvelopeParams* aEnvelope );
- /**
- * Method for extracting effect definition from a buffer of effect-
- * specific data. I.e., this is given an address to the effect-specific
- * part in effect data buffer, not the whole effect data
- * buffer. The aPacket param can be obtained e.g. by first calling the
- * above GetEffectStorage method.
- *
- * @param aPacket Pointer to effect specific data (sub-)buffer.
- * @param aEffectDefinition Pointer to a TVibeEffectDefinition structure
- * to which the effect definition params are
- * read.
- * @param aPeriodicType The type of the effect (basis vs timeline) is
- * written to the TInt located in this address.
- *
- * @return ETrue on success, EFalse otherwise.
- */
- static TBool ExtractEffectDefinitionFromPacket(
- const TUint8* aPacket,
- TVibeEffectDefinition* aEffectDefinition,
- TInt* aPeriodicType );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect name data sub-buffer address.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- * @param aEffectIndex Index of the effect (within the effect data
- * buffer) which name data is queried.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the (sub-)buffer containing the effect name data.
- * In case of error, returns NULL pointer.
- */
- static TUint8* GetEffectNameData( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect duration.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- * @param aEffectIndex Index of the effect (within the effect data
- * buffer) which duration is queried.
- *
- * @return Duration of the effect.
- * In case of error, one of Vibe error codes.
- */
- static TInt GetIVTEffectDuration( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex );
- /**
- * Internal structure for repeat bar.
- * iEvent not owned.
- */
- struct TVibeRepeatBar
- {
- TInt iTimeOffsetEnd;
- TInt iTimeDuration;
- TVibeIVTCount iCount;
- const TUint8* iEvent;
- };
- /**
- * Structure for timeline effect information
- * None of the pointer members are owned.
- */
- struct TVibeTimeLineInfo
- {
- TVibeRepeatBar iRepeatBarStack[KRepeatBarStackMaxSize];
- TInt iRepeatBarStackTop;
- TUint8* iOffsetSubBlock;
- TUint8* iDataSubBlock;
- const TUint8* iNextEvent;
- TInt iTimeAllEffectsEnd;
- // all events times offest are relative to this time
- // when computing effect end time
- TInt iTimeOffsetZero;
- TInt iTimeRepeat;
- TInt iTimeEvent;
- };
- /**
- * Method for getting the IVT header from effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the IVT header.
- */
- static TVibeIVTHeader* GetIVTHeader( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for checking if the given effect data buffer contains any effect
- * definitions or not.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return ETrue if the buffer contains effect definition, EFalse otherwise.
- */
- static TBool IsEmpty( const TUint8* aIVT);
- /**
- * Method for getting storage block size from effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Storage block size.
- */
- static TUint16 GetStorageBlockSize( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting name block size from effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Name block size.
- */
- static TUint16 GetNameBlockSize( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for checking if the given effect data buffer contains any effect
- * name block(s) or not.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return ETrue if the buffer contains effect name block(s), EFalse otherwise.
- */
- static TBool HasNameBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the storage block within the
- * effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the storage block. In case of error
- * returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetStorageBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the storage offset subblock
- * within the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the storage offset subblock.
- * In case of error returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetStorageOffsetSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the storage data subblock
- * within the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the storage data subblock.
- * In case of error returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetStorageDataSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the name block within the
- * effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the name block. In case of error
- * returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetNameBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the name offset subblock
- * within the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the name offset subblock.
- * In case of error returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetNameOffsetSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting the start address of the name data subblock
- * within the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the start of the name data subblock.
- * In case of error returns NULL.
- */
- static TUint8* GetNameDataSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for getting size of the effect data buffer (as calculated
- * from the header fields).
- *
- * @param aIVT Pointer to the effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return Size of the effect data buffer.
- */
- static TUint GetIVTSize( const TUint8* aIVT );
- /**
- * Method for converting firmware representation of magnitude to the
- * one used in user interface (i.e., returned by various magnitude
- * getters).
- *
- * @param aFwMagnitude Magnitude in firmware representation.
- *
- * @return Magnitude as seen by users.
- */
- static TInt ConvertToUserMagnitude( TInt aFwMagnitude );
- /**
- * Method for converting firmware representation of duration to the
- * one used in user interface (i.e., returned by various duration
- * getters).
- *
- * @param aFwDuration Duration in firmware representation.
- *
- * @return Duration as seen by users.
- */
- static TInt ConvertToUserDuration( TVibeIVTMessageTime aFwDuration );
- /**
- * Method for converting firmware representation of frequency period to
- * the one used in user interface (i.e., returned by various frequency
- * period getters).
- *
- * @param aFwFrequency Frequency period in firmware representation.
- *
- * @return Frequency period as seen by users.
- */
- static TInt ConvertToUserFrequency( TVibeIVTFreqPer aFwFrequency );
- /**
- * Helper method for processing Launch Playback events when calculating
- * timeline effect's duration.
- *
- * @param Pointer to a timeline info structure which is to be processed.
- *
- * @return KVibeStatusSuccess in case of successful processing, otherwise
- * one of Vibe error statuses.
- */
- static TInt TimelineDurationProcessEvent(
- TVibeTimeLineInfo* aTimelineInfo );
- /**
- * Helper method for processing Repeat Bar events when calculating
- * timeline effect's duration.
- *
- * @param Pointer to a timeline info structure which is to be processed.
- *
- * @return KVibeStatusSuccess in case of successful processing, otherwise
- * one of Vibe error statuses.
- */
- static TInt TimelineDurationProcessRepeatInStack(
- TVibeTimeLineInfo* aTimelineInfo );
- };
-#endif /* IVTHELPER_H */
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/ivtinternal.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Basis and timeline effects related constant, macro and function
-* prototype definition header file.
-#include "ivtconstants.h"
- * A few typedefs for internal Vibe (integer) types
- */
-typedef TUint16 TVibeIVTMessageTime;
-typedef TUint16 TVibeIVTEffectID;
-typedef TUint8 TVibeIVTOverrideFlags;
-typedef TInt8 TVibeIVTMagnitude;
-typedef TUint16 TVibeIVTFreqPer;
-typedef TUint8 TVibeIVTCount;
- * Number of bytes in a basis effect message
- */
-const TInt KVibeIvtMessageSize = 8;
- * Basis effect message types
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodic = 2;
-const TUint8 KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodicModifier = 3;
- * Periodic type constants. MagSweep effects use KVibePeriodicTypeConstant
- * and Periodic effects KVibePeriodicTypeSquare.
- * Others are reserved for future developement.
- */
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeConstant = 0;
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeSquare = 1;
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeTriangle = 2; // For future dev
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeSine = 3; // For future dev
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeSawtooth = 4; // For future dev
-const TInt KVibePeriodicTypeInvertedSawtooth = 5; // For future dev
- * Timeline effect message property types
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeLaunchPlayback = 0xf1;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeRepeatBar = 0xf2;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEndOfList = 0xff;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEffectIdU8 = 0xe0;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEffectIdU16 = 0xe1;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU16 = 0xe2;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU24 = 0xe3;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU32 = 0xe4;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeCountU8 = 0xe5;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeDurationMsU16 = 0xd0;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeMagnitudeS8 = 0xd1;
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtPropertyTypeFreqPeriodU16 = 0xd2;
- * Override flags
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtOverrideFlagDuration = ( 1 << 0 );
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtOverrideFlagMagnitude = ( 1 << 1 );
-const TUint8 KVibeIvtOverrideFlagFreqPeriod = ( 1 << 2 );
- * Style mask
- */
-// #define VIBE_STYLE_MASK 0x0F
-const TInt KVibeStyleMask = 0x0f;
- * Wave type bit shift value and mask
- */
-const TInt KVibeWavetypeShift = 4;
-const TInt KVibeWavetypeMask = 0xf0;
- * Const for repeat bar stack size
- */
-const TInt KRepeatBarStackMaxSize = 4;
- * Couple of firmware (IVT player) specific constants
- */
-const TInt KVibeFirmwareTimeInfinite = 0xFFFF;
-const TInt KVibeMaxFirmwareMagnitude = 127;
- * General macro for extracting bits from buffer (pointed by p) with mask (m)
- * and then shifting right with given shift (s) value
- */
-#define VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD(p,m,s) \
- ( ( *( p ) & ( m ) ) >> ( s ) )
- * Basis effect macros for extracting values from IVT buffer
- */
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD(p, 0xf0, 4)
- ( ( ( ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 1, 0xff, 0 ) ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 2, 0x0f, 0 ) << 8 ) ) << 4 ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 7, 0xf0, 4 ) ) )
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 2, 0xf0, 0 ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 3, 0xff, 0 ) << 4 ) )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 4, 0x7f, 0 )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 4, 0x80, 7 )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 5, 0x0f, 0 )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 7, 0x0f, 0 )
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 5, 0xf0, 4 ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 6, 0xff, 0 ) << 4 ) )
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 1, 0xff, 0 ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( (p ) + 2, 0x3f, 0 ) << 8 ) )
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 3, 0xff, 0 ) | \
- ( VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 4, 0x3f, 0 ) << 8 ) )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 5, 0x7f, 0 )
- VIBE_GET_BIT_FIELD( ( p ) + 6, 0x7f, 0 )
- * Timeline effect specific macro
- */
-#define VIBE_IVT_IS_OVERRIDE(p) \
- ( 0xd0 == ( *( p ) & 0xf0 ) )
- * Macros to determine effect type macros */
- ( 0 == ( 0x0f & *( p ) ) )
- ( 0xf0 == ( 0xf0 & *( p ) ) )
- * Structure for IVT header
- */
-struct TVibeIVTHeader
- {
- /**
- * IVT file format major version. (In current version: 0x1)
- */
- TUint8 iVersionMajor;
- /**
- * IVT file format major version. (In current version: 0x0)
- */
- TUint8 iVersionMinor;
- /**
- * Lower byte of Number of effects (within the IVT data)
- */
- TUint8 iEffects_0_7;
- /**
- * Upper byte of Number of effects (within the IVT data)
- */
- TUint8 iEffects_8_15;
- /**
- * Lower byte of effect storage block size
- */
- TUint8 iEffectStorageBlockSize_0_7;
- /**
- * Upper byte of effect storage block size
- */
- TUint8 iEffectStorageBlockSize_8_15;
- /**
- * Lower byte of effect name block size
- */
- TUint8 iEffectNameBlockSize_0_7;
- /**
- * Upper byte of effect name block size
- */
- TUint8 iEffectNameBlockSize_8_15;
- };
- * Structure for effect's envelope parameters (attack and fade params)
- */
-struct TVibeEnvelopeParams
- {
- /**
- * Magnitude at the start of the envelope
- */
- TInt iAttackLevel;
- /**
- * Time to reach the sustain level, in milliseconds
- */
- TInt iAttackTime;
- /**
- * Magnitude at the end of the envelope
- */
- TInt iFadeLevel;
- /**
- * Time to reach the fade level, in milliseonds
- */
- TInt iFadeTime;
- };
- * Stucture for Periodic effect definition.
- */
-struct TVibePeriodicEffectDefinition
- {
- /**
- * Type (bitmasked Wave Type) of the effect
- */
- TInt iType;
- /**
- * Magnitude of the effect
- */
- TInt iMagnitude;
- /**
- * Period of the effect
- */
- TInt iPeriod;
- /**
- * Envelope params of the effect
- */
- TVibeEnvelopeParams iEnvelope;
- };
- * Stucture for MagSweep effect definition.
- */
-struct TVibeMagSweepEffectDefinition
- {
- /**
- * Magnitude of the effect
- */
- TInt iMagnitude;
- /**
- * Envelope params of the effect
- */
- TVibeEnvelopeParams iEnvelope;
- };
- * Union that contains either Periodic or MagSweep effect definition
- */
-union TVibeEffectDefTypeParams
- {
- /**
- * Periodic effect definition
- */
- TVibePeriodicEffectDefinition iPeriodicEffectDefinition;
- /**
- * MagSweep effect definition
- */
- TVibeMagSweepEffectDefinition iMagSweepEffectDefinition;
- };
- * Structure for common effect parameters
- */
-struct TVibeEffectCommonParams
- {
- /**
- * Type of the effect
- */
- TInt iEffectType;
- /**
- * Playing duration of the effect in milliseconds
- */
- TInt iDuration;
- /**
- * Control mode (a.k.a. Style) of the effect
- */
- TInt iControlMode;
- };
- * Structure for complete effect definition
- */
-struct TVibeEffectDefinition
- {
- /**
- * Common effect parameters (a structure)
- */
- TVibeEffectCommonParams iEffectCommonParams;
- /**
- * Effect type specific parameters (an union)
- */
- TVibeEffectDefTypeParams iEffectTypeParams;
- };
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/inc/timelineivtgetters.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Timeline effect internal getters header file.
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
- * Utility class for getting various timeline effect specific information
- * from data buffer.
- */
-class TimelineIVTGetters
- {
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect Id from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the Id is read) and sets the pointer to next
- * position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Id of the effect (that is in current position of the effect
- * data buffer).
- */
- static TVibeIVTEffectID VibeIVTGetEffectID( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect time offset from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the time offset is read) and sets the pointer
- * to next position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Time offset of the effect (that is in current position of
- * the effect data buffer).
- */
- static TInt VibeIVTGetTimeOffset( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the count value from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the count is read) and sets the pointer to next
- * position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Count value (that is in current position of the effect
- * data buffer).
- */
- static TVibeIVTCount VibeIVTGetCount( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect duration from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the duration is read) and sets the pointer to next
- * position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Duration of the effect (that is in current position of the
- * effect data buffer).
- */
- static TVibeIVTMessageTime VibeIVTGetDuration( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect magnitude from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the magnitude is read) and sets the pointer to next
- * position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Magnitude of the effect (that is in current position of the
- * effect data buffer).
- */
- static TVibeIVTMagnitude VibeIVTGetMagnitude(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the effect frequency period from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the frequency period is read) and sets the pointer
- * to nextposition.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer.
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect data
- * buffer is written (out param).
- *
- * @return Frequency period of the effect (that is in current position of
- * the effect data buffer).
- */
- static TVibeIVTFreqPer VibeIVTGetFreqPer( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the event time offset from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the event offset is read).
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer
- *
- * @return Time offset of the event (that is in current position of
- * the effect data buffer). Time unit depends on the given data.
- */
- static TInt VibeIVTGetEventTimeOffset( const TUint8* aProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the override values from effect data buffer.
- * Takes pointer to the current position in effect data buffer (i.e.,
- * position from which the overrides are read) and sets the pointer
- * to next position.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data
- * buffer.
- * @param aOverrideFlags Override flags are read into this (out) param.
- * @param aDuration Override duration is read into this (out) param.
- * @param aMagnitude Override magnitude is read into this (out) param.
- * @param aFreqPer Override frequency period is read into this (out)
- * param.
- * @param aPProp Double pointer to which new position in effect
- * data buffer is written (out param).
- *
- */
- static void VibeIVTGetOverrides( const TUint8* aProp,
- TVibeIVTOverrideFlags* aOverrideFlags,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aDuration,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aMagnitude,
- TVibeIVTFreqPer* aFreqPer,
- const TUint8** aPProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the launch playback event time offset from effect
- * data buffer.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return The time offset of the launch playback event. Time unit
- * depends on the given data.
- */
- static TInt VibeIVTGetLaunchPlaybackEventTimeOffset(
- const TUint8* aProp );
- /**
- * Method for getting the repeat bar event time offset from effect
- * data buffer.
- *
- * @param aProp Pointer to the current position in effect data buffer.
- *
- * @return The time offset of the repeat bar event. Time unit
- * depends on the given data.
- */
- static TInt VibeIVTGetRepeatBarEventTimeOffset( const TUint8* aProp );
- };
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/rom/hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.iby Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IBY file for effect data getter ECom plugin.
-#include <data_caging_paths_for_iby.hrh>
-ECOM_PLUGIN(hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.dll, hwrmhapticsivtgetterplugin.rsc)
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/src/basisivtgetters.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IVT effect get functions' high level helper functions
-* (for basis effects) implementation file.
-#include "basisivtgetters.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the periodic effect data from the effect data buffer to which pointer
-// is given as argument.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void BasisIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetPeriodic(
- const TUint8* aMsg,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aDuration,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aStartDelay,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aMagnitude,
- TInt* aStartFlag,
- TInt* aType,
- TVibeIVTFreqPer* aFreqPer,
- TInt* aControlMode )
- {
- if ( aMsg )
- {
- if ( aDuration )
- {
- }
- if ( aStartDelay )
- {
- }
- if ( aMagnitude )
- {
- }
- if ( aStartFlag )
- {
- }
- if ( aType )
- {
- }
- if ( aFreqPer )
- {
- }
- if ( aControlMode )
- {
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the periodic modifier data from the effect data buffer to which
-// pointer is given as argument.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void BasisIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetPeriodicModifier(
- const TUint8* aMsg,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aImpulseTime,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aFadeTime,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aImpulseLevel,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aFadeLevel )
- {
- if ( aMsg )
- {
- if ( aImpulseTime )
- {
- *aImpulseTime =
- }
- if ( aFadeTime )
- {
- }
- if ( aImpulseLevel )
- {
- *aImpulseLevel =
- }
- if ( aFadeLevel )
- {
- }
- }
- }
-// end of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/src/hwrmhapticsivtgetter.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Plugin for reading effect information from IVT effect data.
-#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <hwrmhaptics.h>
-#include "hwrmhapticsivtgetter.h"
-#include "hwrmhapticstrace.h"
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
-#include "ivthelper.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2nd phase constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::ConstructL()
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter* CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::NewL()
- {
- CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter* self = new ( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter();
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectCount( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt& aCount )
- {
- TInt status( KErrArgument );
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- aCount = IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() );
- status = KErrNone;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectName( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TDes8& aEffectName )
- {
- TUint8* effectNameData( 0 );
- char effectNameTemp[KVibeMaxEffectNameLength];
- memset( effectNameTemp, 0,
- KVibeMaxEffectNameLength * sizeof( char ) );
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) &&
- 0 <= aEffectIndex &&
- aEffectIndex < IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- effectNameData = IVTHelper::GetEffectNameData( aData.Ptr(), aEffectIndex );
- if ( effectNameData )
- {
- // Convert the name from wchar (VibeWChar) into the
- // temporary char format buffer first
- TInt stringSize =
- wcstombs( effectNameTemp,
- reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>( effectNameData ),
- KVibeMaxEffectNameLength );
- if ( aData.Size() < stringSize )
- {
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- else
- {
- aEffectName.Copy( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( effectNameTemp ),
- stringSize );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // IVT data doesn't contain effect name block
- // so return empty string
- aEffectName.Copy( KNullDesC );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectName: invalid args.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectIndexFromName( const TDesC8& aData,
- const TDesC8& aEffectName,
- TInt& aEffectIndex )
- {
- TInt i( 0 );
- TInt numEffects( 0 );
- TInt status( KErrGeneral );
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- HBufC8* temp = HBufC8::New( aEffectName.Size() + 1 );
- if ( temp )
- {
- TPtr8 effectName = temp->Des();
- effectName.Copy( aEffectName );
- effectName.ZeroTerminate();
- aEffectIndex = KVibeInvalidIndex;
- numEffects = IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() );
- for (i = 0; i < numEffects; i++)
- {
- TUint8 *effectNameData = IVTHelper::GetEffectNameData( aData.Ptr(), i );
- if ( effectNameData )
- {
- // Convert the name from wchar (VibeWChar) into char format
- char effectNameFromIVT[KVibeMaxEffectNameLength];
- memset( effectNameFromIVT, 0,
- KVibeMaxEffectNameLength * sizeof( char ) );
- wcstombs( effectNameFromIVT,
- reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>( effectNameData ),
- KVibeMaxEffectNameLength );
- if ( !strcmp( reinterpret_cast<const char*>
- ( effectName.Ptr() ), effectNameFromIVT ) )
- {
- // Match found, break from the for loop
- aEffectIndex = i;
- i = numEffects;
- status = KErrNone;
- }
- }
- }
- delete temp;
- temp = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectIndexFromName: invalid args.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectType( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TInt& aEffectType )
- {
- TUint8 *effectPtr( 0 );
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) &&
- 0 <= aEffectIndex &&
- aEffectIndex < IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- aEffectType = 0;
- effectPtr = IVTHelper::GetEffectStorage( aData.Ptr(), aEffectIndex );
- if ( effectPtr )
- {
- // Skip over periodic modifier, if any
- if ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodicModifier ==
- {
- effectPtr += KVibeIvtMessageSize;
- }
- if ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodic ==
- {
- // It is either MagSweep or Periodic effect
- aEffectType = KVibePeriodicTypeConstant ==
- CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypeMagSweep :
- CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypePeriodic;
- }
- else
- {
- // It has to be timeline effect
- aEffectType = CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypeTimeline;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType: GetEffectStorage failed.") );
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType: invalid args.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetMagSweepEffectDefinition(
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect& aEffect )
- {
- TVibeEffectDefinition effectDefinition;
- TInt effectType( 0 );
- TInt status ( KErrNone );
- memset( &effectDefinition, 0, sizeof( effectDefinition ) );
- // Validity of aEffectIndex is already done in ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType
- // For params NULL values just mean "not to be returned"
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- status = GetEffectType( aData, aEffectIndex, effectType );
- if ( KErrNone == status )
- {
- if ( CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypeMagSweep == effectType )
- {
- status =
- GetEffectByIndex( aData,
- aEffectIndex,
- &effectDefinition );
- if ( KErrNone == status )
- {
- aEffect.iDuration =
- effectDefinition.iEffectCommonParams.iDuration;
- aEffect.iMagnitude =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iMagnitude;
- aEffect.iStyle =
- effectDefinition.iEffectCommonParams.iControlMode;
- aEffect.iAttackTime =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iAttackTime;
- aEffect.iAttackLevel =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iAttackLevel;
- aEffect.iFadeTime =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.iFadeTime;
- aEffect.iFadeLevel =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iFadeLevel;
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTMagSweepEffectDefinition: VibeAPIInternalGetIVTEffectByIndex failed.") );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTMagSweepEffectDefinition: EffectType invalid.") );
- status = KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTMagSweepEffectDefinition: ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType failed.") );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTMagSweepEffectDefinition: invalid data buffer.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetPeriodicEffectDefinition(
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect& aEffect )
- {
- TVibeEffectDefinition effectDefinition;
- TInt effectType( 0 );
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- memset( &effectDefinition, 0, sizeof( effectDefinition ) );
- // Validity of aEffectIndex is already done in ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType
- // For params NULL values just mean "not to be returned"
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- status = GetEffectType( aData, aEffectIndex, effectType );
- if ( KErrNone == status )
- {
- if ( CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypePeriodic == effectType )
- {
- status =
- GetEffectByIndex( aData,
- aEffectIndex,
- &effectDefinition );
- if ( KErrNone == status )
- {
- aEffect.iDuration =
- effectDefinition.iEffectCommonParams.iDuration;
- aEffect.iMagnitude =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iMagnitude;
- aEffect.iPeriod =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iPeriod;
- aEffect.iStyle =
- (effectDefinition.iEffectCommonParams.iControlMode
- & KVibeStyleMask) |
- ( ( effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iType
- << KVibeWavetypeShift ) & KVibeWavetypeMask );
- aEffect.iAttackTime =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iAttackTime;
- aEffect.iAttackLevel =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iAttackLevel;
- aEffect.iFadeTime =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.iFadeTime;
- aEffect.iFadeLevel =
- effectDefinition.iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iEnvelope.
- iFadeLevel;
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTPeriodicEffectDefinition: VibeAPIInternalGetIVTEffectByIndex failed.") );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTPeriodicEffectDefinition: EffectType invalid.") );
- status = KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTPeriodicEffectDefinition: ImmVibeGetIVTEffectType failed.") );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTPeriodicEffectDefinition: pIVT invalid.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectDuration( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TInt& aEffectDuration )
- {
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- if ( IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) &&
- 0 <= aEffectIndex &&
- aEffectIndex < IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- aEffectDuration = 0;
- TInt effectCount =
- IVTHelper::GetIVTEffectDuration( aData.Ptr(), aEffectIndex );
- if ( effectCount < 0 )
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectDuration failed.") );
- aEffectDuration = 0;
- status = effectCount;
- }
- else
- {
- // On success, GetIVTEffectDuration returns the duration
- aEffectDuration = effectCount;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("ImmVibeGetIVTEffectDuration: invalid args.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Internal helper method for getting effect definition by its index
-// from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsIVTGetter::GetEffectByIndex(
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TVibeEffectDefinition* aEffectDefinition )
- {
- TInt periodicType;
- TUint8* effectPtr;
- TVibeEnvelopeParams envelope;
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- memset( &envelope, 0, sizeof( envelope ) );
- if ( aEffectDefinition && IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( aData.Ptr() ) &&
- 0 <= aEffectIndex &&
- aEffectIndex < IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( aData.Ptr() ) )
- {
- memset( reinterpret_cast<void*>( aEffectDefinition ),
- 0,
- sizeof( TVibeEffectDefinition ) );
- effectPtr = IVTHelper::GetEffectStorage( aData.Ptr(), aEffectIndex );
- if ( effectPtr )
- {
- // Get IVT basis effect envelope
- if ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodicModifier ==
- {
- IVTHelper::ExtractEnvelopeFromPacket( effectPtr, &envelope );
- effectPtr += KVibeIvtMessageSize;
- }
- if ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodic ==
- {
- // Get IVT basis effect definition excluding envelope
- IVTHelper::ExtractEffectDefinitionFromPacket(
- effectPtr,
- aEffectDefinition,
- &periodicType );
- if ( KVibePeriodicTypeConstant == periodicType )
- {
- memcpy( &( aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iEnvelope ),
- &envelope, sizeof( envelope ) );
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy( &( aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iEnvelope ),
- &envelope, sizeof( envelope ) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("VibeAPIInternalGetIVTEffectByIndex: Invalid vibe message type.") );
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("VibeAPIInternalGetIVTEffectByIndex: GetEffectStorage failed.") );
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COMPONENT_TRACE( _L("VibeAPIInternalGetIVTEffectByIndex: invalid arguments.") );
- status = KErrArgument;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ImplementationTable[]
-const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
- {
- };
-// TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy()
-EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
- {
- aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
- return ImplementationTable;
- }
-// End of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/src/ivthelper.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IVT effect get functions' high level helper functions
-* implementation file.
-#include <string.h>
-#include <hwrmhaptics.h>
-#include "ivtinternal.h"
-#include "ivthelper.h"
-#include "timelineivtgetters.h"
-#include "basisivtgetters.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Checks the validity of IVT header. I.e., basic sanity check.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool IVTHelper::IsValidIVTAddress( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- TBool validity( EFalse );
- // For now, all IVT have the following version number:
- // major version number = 1,
- // minor version number = 0
- if ( aIVT &&
- 1 == GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iVersionMajor &&
- 0 == GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iVersionMinor )
- {
- if ( IsEmpty ( aIVT ) )
- {
- // IVT containing zero effects is considered valid.
- validity = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- // For Non empty IVT, StorageDataSubBlock must start with
- // basic effect or timeline definition.
- GetStorageDataSubBlock( aIVT ) ) ||
- GetStorageDataSubBlock( aIVT ) ) )
- {
- validity = ETrue;
- }
- }
- }
- return validity;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the number of contained effect definitions from the effect data buffer.
-// For empty data buffer returns 0.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint16 IVTHelper::GetNumEffects( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- return aIVT ?
- GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffects_0_7 +
- ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffects_8_15 << 8 ) : 0;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the effect storage of the given effect (as indicated by index
-// argument) from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetEffectStorage( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex )
- {
- // First get the storage data subblock pointer, and then advance that
- // according to correct effect's storage offset.
- // The offset is stored in two bytes (corresponding to the index of the
- // effect) of the storage offset subblock data area.
- return ( IsEmpty( aIVT ) || aEffectIndex >= GetNumEffects( aIVT ) ) ? 0 :
- GetStorageDataSubBlock( aIVT )
- + GetStorageOffsetSubBlock( aIVT )[2 * aEffectIndex]
- + ( GetStorageOffsetSubBlock( aIVT )[2 * aEffectIndex + 1] << 8 );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the the envelope params (attack and fade params) from the effect data.
-// The effect data pointer must point to a specific effect data, not the
-// whole effect data buffer as in above functions.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool IVTHelper::ExtractEnvelopeFromPacket( const TUint8* aPacket,
- TVibeEnvelopeParams* aEnvelope )
- {
- TBool status( ETrue );
- if ( aPacket && aEnvelope )
- {
- TVibeIVTMessageTime attackTime( 0 );
- TVibeIVTMessageTime fadeTime( 0 );
- TVibeIVTMagnitude attackLevel( 0 );
- TVibeIVTMagnitude fadeLevel( 0 );
- BasisIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetPeriodicModifier( aPacket,
- &attackTime,
- &fadeTime,
- &attackLevel,
- &fadeLevel );
- aEnvelope->iAttackTime = attackTime;
- aEnvelope->iFadeTime = fadeTime;
- aEnvelope->iAttackLevel = ConvertToUserMagnitude( attackLevel );
- aEnvelope->iFadeLevel = ConvertToUserMagnitude( fadeLevel );
- }
- else
- {
- status = EFalse;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the the effect definition from the effect data.
-// The effect data pointer must point to a specific effect data, not the
-// whole effect data buffer as in above functions.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool IVTHelper::ExtractEffectDefinitionFromPacket(
- const TUint8* aPacket,
- TVibeEffectDefinition* aEffectDefinition,
- TInt* aPeriodicType )
- {
- TBool status( ETrue );
- if ( aPacket && aEffectDefinition && aPeriodicType )
- {
- TVibeIVTMessageTime duration( 0 );
- TVibeIVTMessageTime startDelay( 0 );
- TVibeIVTMagnitude magnitude( 0 );
- TInt type( 0 );
- TVibeIVTFreqPer freqPer( 0 );
- TInt controlMode( 0 );
- BasisIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetPeriodic( aPacket,
- &duration,
- &startDelay,
- &magnitude,
- 0,
- &type,
- &freqPer,
- &controlMode );
- *aPeriodicType = VIBE_IVT_GET_PERIODIC_TYPE( aPacket );
- if ( KVibePeriodicTypeSquare == *aPeriodicType )
- {
- // Fill the Periodic specific definition data
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iEffectType =
- CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypePeriodic;
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iDuration =
- ConvertToUserDuration( duration );
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iControlMode =
- controlMode;
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iType = type;
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iPeriod =
- ConvertToUserFrequency( freqPer );
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iPeriodicEffectDefinition.iMagnitude =
- ConvertToUserMagnitude( magnitude );
- }
- else if ( KVibePeriodicTypeConstant == *aPeriodicType )
- {
- // Fill the MagSweep specific definition data
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iEffectType =
- CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsTypeMagSweep;
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iDuration =
- ConvertToUserDuration( duration );
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectCommonParams.iControlMode =
- controlMode;
- aEffectDefinition->iEffectTypeParams.
- iMagSweepEffectDefinition.iMagnitude =
- ConvertToUserMagnitude( magnitude );
- }
- else
- {
- status = EFalse;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- status = EFalse;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the effect name data of the given effect (as indicated by index
-// argument) from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetEffectNameData( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex )
- {
- // First get the name data subblock pointer, and then advance that
- // according to effect's name offset.
- // The offset is stored in two bytes (corresponding to the index of the
- // effect) of the name offset subblock data area.
- return HasNameBlock( aIVT ) ?
- ( GetNameDataSubBlock( aIVT )
- + GetNameOffsetSubBlock( aIVT )[2 * aEffectIndex]
- + ( GetNameOffsetSubBlock( aIVT )[2 * aEffectIndex + 1] << 8 ) ) :
- 0;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GetIVTEffectDuration()
-// IVT effect duration computation:
-// - For Basis effect: this function extracts duration from the BasicEffect
-// definition
-// - For Timeline effects, this function loops trough all the timeline events
-// and compute each basic effects's end time and keep the biggest value of
-// them.
-// The formula:
-// BasicEffect's End time = ZeroOffsetTime + EventOffsetTime +
-// EffectDuration (Effect definition's duration or override duration)
-// Every time the end of repeat event is reached, "ZeroOffsetTime" is always
-// adjusted (ZeroOffsetTime = ZeroOffsetTime + Repeat duration) and this ´
-// function goes back to the next event following the current repeat event.
-// Return values:
-// -negative values: errors
-// -Positive values: duration
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::GetIVTEffectDuration( const TUint8* aIVT, TInt aEffectIndex )
- {
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- TInt duration( 0 );
- if ( aIVT && 0 <= aEffectIndex && aEffectIndex < GetNumEffects( aIVT ) )
- {
- TUint8* effectPtr( 0 );
- TVibeTimeLineInfo timelineInfo;
- memset( &timelineInfo, 0, sizeof( timelineInfo ) );
- timelineInfo.iOffsetSubBlock =
- reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( GetIVTHeader( aIVT ) + 1 );
- timelineInfo.iDataSubBlock =
- timelineInfo.iOffsetSubBlock
- + 2*( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffects_0_7
- + ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffects_8_15 << 8 ) );
- effectPtr =
- timelineInfo.iDataSubBlock
- + timelineInfo.iOffsetSubBlock[2*aEffectIndex]
- + ( timelineInfo.iOffsetSubBlock[2*aEffectIndex+1] << 8 );
- // Effect type specific handling
- if ( VIBE_IVT_IS_BASIS_EFFECT( effectPtr ) )
- {
- // Basis effect
- // Skip any messages preceding the SetPeriodic message
- while ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodic !=
- {
- effectPtr += KVibeIvtMessageSize;
- }
- duration = ConvertToUserDuration(
- }
- else if ( VIBE_IVT_IS_TIMELINE_EFFECT( effectPtr ) )
- {
- // Timeline effect
- timelineInfo.iNextEvent = effectPtr;
- timelineInfo.iTimeRepeat = KVibeTimeInfinite;
- timelineInfo.iRepeatBarStackTop = -1;
- // Process the timeline effect
- // The looping stops either:
- // - due to processing error (e.g. invalid effect data)
- // - when it has been determined that effect is 'infinite'
- // - when the whole effect has been processed
- do
- {
- // Process next event or next closing of repeat bar,
- // whichever comes first, provided that its time is up
- if ( timelineInfo.iTimeEvent < timelineInfo.iTimeRepeat )
- {
- status = TimelineDurationProcessEvent( &timelineInfo );
- }
- else
- {
- status =
- TimelineDurationProcessRepeatInStack( &timelineInfo );
- }
- // Only continue loop if the above succeeded and didn't result
- // in infinite all effects end value
- if ( KErrNone == status &&
- KVibeTimeInfinite != timelineInfo.iTimeAllEffectsEnd )
- {
- // Check whether there are more events
- if ( timelineInfo.iNextEvent )
- {
- // Update times for the next event handling round
- timelineInfo.iTimeEvent =
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetEventTimeOffset(
- timelineInfo.iNextEvent );
- }
- else
- {
- timelineInfo.iTimeEvent = KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
- // Check whether there are more repeat bars in stack
- if ( 0 <= timelineInfo.iRepeatBarStackTop )
- {
- // Update repeat time value for next repeat bar
- // handling round
- timelineInfo.iTimeRepeat =
- timelineInfo.iRepeatBarStack
- [timelineInfo.iRepeatBarStackTop].iTimeOffsetEnd;
- }
- else
- {
- timelineInfo.iTimeRepeat = KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
- }
- } while( KErrNone == status &&
- KVibeTimeInfinite != timelineInfo.iTimeAllEffectsEnd &&
- ! ( KVibeTimeInfinite == timelineInfo.iTimeEvent &&
- KVibeTimeInfinite == timelineInfo.iTimeRepeat ) );
- duration = timelineInfo.iTimeAllEffectsEnd;
- }
- else
- {
- // Invalid effect type
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- // return either duration or error status
- return KErrNone == status ? duration : status;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the TVibeIVTHeader from the effect data buffer. Basically just a cast
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTHeader* IVTHelper::GetIVTHeader( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<TVibeIVTHeader*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( aIVT ) );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns ETrue if data buffer is either empty or contains zero effects.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool IVTHelper::IsEmpty( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // If aIVT is NULL, the GetNumEffects returns 0, i.e., no need
- // to check for NULL here.
- return 0 == GetNumEffects( aIVT ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the effect storage block size from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint16 IVTHelper::GetStorageBlockSize( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectStorageBlockSize_0_7 +
- ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectStorageBlockSize_8_15 << 8 );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the effect storage block size from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint16 IVTHelper::GetNameBlockSize( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectNameBlockSize_0_7 +
- ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectNameBlockSize_8_15 << 8 );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns ETrue if data buffer contains name block.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool IVTHelper::HasNameBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- return 0 != GetNameBlockSize( aIVT ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the storage block from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetStorageBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // Storage block starts after the IVT header
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( GetIVTHeader( aIVT ) + 1 );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the storage offset subblock from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetStorageOffsetSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // The storage offset subblock is in the beginning of the storage block
- return GetStorageBlock( aIVT );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the storage data subblock from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetStorageDataSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // First get the storage offset subblock start point and then advance
- // over the offsets (there are 2 bytes of offset value per effect)
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- GetStorageOffsetSubBlock( aIVT ) + 2* GetNumEffects( aIVT );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the name block from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetNameBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // Name block starts right after the storage block
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- GetStorageBlock( aIVT ) + GetStorageBlockSize( aIVT );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the name offset subblock from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetNameOffsetSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // Name offset subblock is in the beginning of the name block
- return GetNameBlock( aIVT );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the name data subblock from the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint8* IVTHelper::GetNameDataSubBlock( const TUint8* aIVT )
- {
- // First get the name offset subblock start point and then advance
- // over the offsets (there are 2 bytes of offset value per effect)
- return IsEmpty( aIVT ) ? 0 :
- GetNameOffsetSubBlock( aIVT ) + 2 * GetNumEffects( aIVT );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculates the size of the effect data buffer.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint IVTHelper::GetIVTSize( const TUint8* aIVT)
- {
- TUint size( 0 );
- if ( aIVT )
- {
- size = sizeof( TVibeIVTHeader )
- + GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectNameBlockSize_0_7
- + ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectNameBlockSize_8_15 << 8 )
- + GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectStorageBlockSize_0_7
- + ( GetIVTHeader( aIVT )->iEffectStorageBlockSize_8_15 << 8 );
- }
- return size;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Converts magnitude from firmware to user interface representation
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::ConvertToUserMagnitude( TInt aFwMagnitude )
- {
- return ( aFwMagnitude * KHWRMHapticsMaxMagnitude ) / KVibeMaxFirmwareMagnitude;
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Converts duration from firmware to user interface representation
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::ConvertToUserDuration( TVibeIVTMessageTime aFwDuration )
- {
- return KVibeFirmwareTimeInfinite == aFwDuration ? KVibeTimeInfinite :
- static_cast<TInt>( aFwDuration );
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Converts frequency from firmware to user interface representation
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::ConvertToUserFrequency( TVibeIVTFreqPer aFwFrequency )
- {
- // map received value to a value between 100 and 1000000
- TInt tmpFreq = aFwFrequency >= 2900 ?
- 1000000 :
- aFwFrequency >= 2000 ?
- static_cast<TInt>( ( aFwFrequency - 1900 ) * 1000 ) :
- aFwFrequency >= 1000 ?
- static_cast<TInt>( ( aFwFrequency - 900 ) * 100 ) :
- aFwFrequency > 0 ?
- static_cast<TInt>( ( aFwFrequency + 10 ) * 10 ) :
- 100;
- return 1000000 / tmpFreq ;
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper function to process timeline events (substructures within timeline
-// effects).
-// Used by GetIVTEffectDuration in case it is called for timeline effect.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::TimelineDurationProcessEvent( TVibeTimeLineInfo* aTimelineInfo )
- {
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- if ( aTimelineInfo && aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent )
- {
- // pointer for propagating through the timeline info
- const TUint8* propPtr = aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent;
- // event specific handling
- switch ( *propPtr )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeLaunchPlayback:
- // Process launch playback event
- {
- TVibeIVTMessageTime timeLaunchEventDuration( 0 );
- TBool overrides( EFalse );
- TInt effectID = TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetEffectID(
- propPtr + 1, &propPtr );
- TInt timeOffset = TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetTimeOffset(
- propPtr, &propPtr );
- // loop through overrides and save override duration if found
- while ( VIBE_IVT_IS_OVERRIDE( propPtr ) )
- {
- // override-type specific handling
- switch ( *propPtr )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeDurationMsU16:
- {
- overrides = ETrue;
- timeLaunchEventDuration =
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetDuration(
- propPtr, &propPtr );
- if ( KVibeFirmwareTimeInfinite ==
- timeLaunchEventDuration )
- {
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd =
- KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
- break;
- }
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeMagnitudeS8:
- {
- // skip this, following updates propPtr correctly
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetMagnitude(
- propPtr, &propPtr );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeFreqPeriodU16:
- {
- // skip this, following updates propPtr correctly
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetFreqPer(
- propPtr, &propPtr );
- break;
- }
- }
- } // override looping
- // We only need to continue if there was no override
- // for duration
- if ( !overrides )
- {
- // No override for duration. Get the basis effect
- // duration instead.
- // First, get a pointer to the beginning of the effect
- // definition of the corresponding effect.
- TUint8* timelineBasisEffect =
- aTimelineInfo->iDataSubBlock
- + aTimelineInfo->iOffsetSubBlock[2*effectID]
- + ( aTimelineInfo->iOffsetSubBlock[2*effectID+1]
- << 8 );
- // Skip any (possible) preceding messages before the
- // SetPeriodic message
- while ( KVibeMessageTypeSetPeriodic !=
- VIBE_IVT_GET_MESSAGE_TYPE( timelineBasisEffect ) )
- {
- timelineBasisEffect += KVibeIvtMessageSize;
- }
- timeLaunchEventDuration =
- VIBE_IVT_GET_PERIODIC_DURATION( timelineBasisEffect );
- if ( KVibeFirmwareTimeInfinite ==
- timeLaunchEventDuration )
- {
- // Set the all effects end to infinite value
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd = KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
- }
- if ( KVibeTimeInfinite != aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd )
- {
- // If the all effects end value is not 'infinite',
- // we need to set that value to current effects end
- // value (but only if its later than the current all
- // effects end value)
- TInt timeEffectEnd =
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeOffsetZero
- + ConvertToUserDuration( timeLaunchEventDuration )
- + timeOffset;
- if ( timeEffectEnd > aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd )
- {
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd = timeEffectEnd;
- }
- // also update the iNextEvent pointer (note this too has
- // only meaning if the all effects end value is not
- // 'infinite'
- aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent = propPtr;
- }
- break;
- }
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeRepeatBar:
- {
- // Process repeat playback event
- TInt timeOffsetStart =
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetTimeOffset(
- propPtr + 1, &propPtr );
- TInt timeOffsetEnd =
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetTimeOffset( propPtr, &propPtr );
- TInt count =
- TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetCount( propPtr, &propPtr );
- if ( KVibeRepeatCountInfinite == count )
- {
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd = KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
- else if ( KRepeatBarStackMaxSize >
- aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop + 1 )
- {
- // Push repeat bar to repeat bar stack
- ++aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop;
- TVibeRepeatBar& tmp =
- aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStack
- [aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop];
- tmp.iTimeOffsetEnd = timeOffsetEnd;
- tmp.iTimeDuration = timeOffsetEnd - timeOffsetStart;
- tmp.iCount = count;
- tmp.iEvent = propPtr; // First event following this repeat
- // event, could be outside the
- // repeat bar
- // update the iNextEvent pointer
- aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent = propPtr;
- }
- else
- {
- // More than KHpeRepeatBarStackNum repeat bars in
- // the timeline. Bail out.
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- break;
- }
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEndOfList:
- {
- // End of event list
- aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent = 0;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- status = KErrGeneral;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper function to process timeline repeat bars that are closing.
-// Used by GetIVTEffectDuration in case it is called for timeline effect.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt IVTHelper::TimelineDurationProcessRepeatInStack(
- TVibeTimeLineInfo* aTimelineInfo )
- {
- TInt status( KErrNone );
- // sanity check
- if ( aTimelineInfo &&
- 0 <= aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop &&
- KVibeRepeatCountInfinite !=
- aTimelineInfo->
- iRepeatBarStack[aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].iCount )
- {
- // Processing needed only if count isn't already zero
- if ( 0 <
- aTimelineInfo->
- iRepeatBarStack[aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].iCount-- )
- {
- // update iNextEvent pointer
- aTimelineInfo->iNextEvent =
- aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStack
- [aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].iEvent;
- // Update the all effects end value if the end of repeat
- // is later than the current value
- TInt timeRepeat =
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeOffsetZero
- + aTimelineInfo->
- iRepeatBarStack[aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].
- iTimeOffsetEnd;
- if ( timeRepeat > aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd )
- {
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeAllEffectsEnd = timeRepeat;
- }
- // Add the repeat bar duration to the effect start time:
- // repeating the last T time is like adding T to the ZeroTime
- aTimelineInfo->iTimeOffsetZero +=
- aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStack
- [aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].iTimeDuration;
- // If count has reached zero, update the repeat bar stack
- // top value (the current top has now been handled)
- if (0 == aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStack
- [aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop].iCount)
- {
- --aTimelineInfo->iRepeatBarStackTop;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- status = KErrGeneral;
- }
- return status;
- }
-// end of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticseffectdatagetterfw/plugins/hapticsivtgetterplugin/src/timelineivtgetters.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IVT effect get functions' high level helper functions
-* (for timeline effects) implementation file.
-#include "timelineivtgetters.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the effectID from the current location of the data as pointed by the
-// aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer value to
-// the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTEffectID TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetEffectID(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TVibeIVTEffectID effectID( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEffectIdU16:
- effectID |= *( aProp++ ) << 8;
- // fall through
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeEffectIdU8:
- effectID |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We shouldn't come here
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return effectID;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the time offset from the current location of the data as pointed by
-// the aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer value
-// to the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetTimeOffset( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TInt time( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU32:
- time |= *( aProp++ ) << 24;
- // fall through
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU24:
- time |= *( aProp++ ) << 16;
- // fall through
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeTimeOffsetU16:
- time |= *( aProp++ ) << 8;
- time |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return time;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the count value from the current location of the data as pointed by
-// the aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer value
-// to the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTCount TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetCount( const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TVibeIVTCount count( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeCountU8:
- count |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the duration value from the current location of the data as pointed by
-// the aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer value
-// to the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTMessageTime TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetDuration(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TVibeIVTMessageTime duration( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeDurationMsU16:
- duration |= *( aProp++ ) << 8;
- duration |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return duration;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the magnitude from the current location of the data as pointed by the
-// aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer value to
-// the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTMagnitude TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetMagnitude(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TVibeIVTMagnitude magnitude( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeMagnitudeS8:
- magnitude |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return magnitude;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the frequency value from the current location of the data as pointed
-// by the aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer
-// value to the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVibeIVTFreqPer TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetFreqPer(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- TVibeIVTFreqPer freqper( 0 );
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp )
- {
- switch ( *( aProp++ ) )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeFreqPeriodU16:
- freqper |= *( aProp++ ) << 8;
- freqper |= *( aProp++ );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- return freqper;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the event offset time from the current location of the
-// data as pointed by the aProp pointer argument.
-// This is the generic version that usually is called and that in turn uses
-// the above more specific getters.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetEventTimeOffset( const TUint8* aProp )
- {
- // Default return value a time that's guaranteed to never play
- TInt offset( KVibeTimeInfinite );
- if ( aProp )
- {
- // Return the start time depending on the event type
- switch ( *aProp )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeLaunchPlayback:
- offset = VibeIVTGetLaunchPlaybackEventTimeOffset( aProp );
- break;
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeRepeatBar:
- offset = VibeIVTGetRepeatBarEventTimeOffset( aProp );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return offset;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the override value(s) from the current location of the data as pointed
-// by the aProp pointer argument and advances the aPProp argument's pointer
-// value to the next data location
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetOverrides(
- const TUint8* aProp,
- TVibeIVTOverrideFlags* aOverrideFlags,
- TVibeIVTMessageTime* aDuration,
- TVibeIVTMagnitude* aMagnitude,
- TVibeIVTFreqPer* aFreqPer,
- const TUint8** aPProp )
- {
- // aPProp can be NULL if the caller doesn't want to retrieve it
- if ( aProp && aOverrideFlags && aDuration && aMagnitude && aFreqPer )
- {
- *aOverrideFlags = 0;
- while ( VIBE_IVT_IS_OVERRIDE( aProp ) )
- {
- switch ( *aProp )
- {
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeDurationMsU16:
- *aOverrideFlags |= KVibeIvtOverrideFlagDuration;
- *aDuration = VibeIVTGetDuration( aProp, &aProp );
- break;
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeMagnitudeS8:
- *aOverrideFlags |= KVibeIvtOverrideFlagMagnitude;
- *aMagnitude = VibeIVTGetMagnitude( aProp, &aProp );
- break;
- case KVibeIvtPropertyTypeFreqPeriodU16:
- *aOverrideFlags |= KVibeIvtOverrideFlagFreqPeriod;
- *aFreqPer = VibeIVTGetFreqPer( aProp, &aProp );
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We should never come here.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( aPProp )
- {
- *aPProp = aProp;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the launch playback event offset time from the current location of the
-// data as pointed by the aProp pointer argument
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetLaunchPlaybackEventTimeOffset(
- const TUint8* aProp )
- {
- TInt offset( 0 );
- if ( aProp )
- {
- VibeIVTGetEffectID( aProp + 1, &aProp ); // skip the return value
- offset = VibeIVTGetTimeOffset( aProp, 0 );
- }
- return offset;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gets the repeat event offset time from the current location of the
-// data as pointed by the aProp pointer argument
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt TimelineIVTGetters::VibeIVTGetRepeatBarEventTimeOffset(
- const TUint8* aProp )
- {
- return aProp ? VibeIVTGetTimeOffset( aProp + 1, 0 ) : 0;
- }
-// end of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/data/20021206.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Vibe packetizer plugin's ECom resource file.
-#include <ecom/registryinfo.rh>
- {
- dll_uid = 0x20021206;
- interfaces =
- {
- {
- interface_uid = 0x20021205;
- implementations =
- {
- {
- implementation_uid = 0x20021207;
- version_no = 1;
- display_name = "";
- default_data = "";
- opaque_data = "";
- }
- };
- }
- };
- }
-// End of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/group/bld.inf Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Plugin for VibeTonz Haptics command packetizer.
-#include <platform_paths.hrh>
-../rom/hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.iby CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.iby)
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/group/hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.mmp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Project definition file for Vibe Packetizer ECom plugin.
-#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
-#include <platform_paths.hrh>
-TARGET hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.dll
-UID 0x10009D8D 0x20021206
-SOURCE hwrmhapticsvibepacketizer.cpp
-// Default system include paths for osext layer modules.
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/stdapis
-START RESOURCE 20021206.rss
-TARGET hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.rsc
-LIBRARY euser.lib
-LIBRARY bafl.lib
-LIBRARY ecom.lib
-LIBRARY hwrmhapticspacketizer.lib
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/inc/hwrmhapticsvibeconstants.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: VibeTonz related const definitions header file
-#include <e32def.h>
-#include <limits.h>
- * Invalid index constant
- */
-const TInt KVibeInvalidIndex = -1;
- * String maximum length constants
- */
-const TInt KVibeMaxEffectNameLength = 128; // Maximum effect name length
-const TInt KVibeMaxDeviceNameLength = 64; // Maximum device name length
-const TInt KVibeMaxCapabilityStringLength = 64; // Maximum capability string length
-const TInt KVibeMaxPropertyStringLength = 64; // Maximum property string length
- * 'Infinite' time
- */
-const TInt KVibeTimeInfinite = INT_MAX;
- * Device Default priority value
- */
-const TInt KVibeDevicePriorityDefault = 0;
- * 'Infinite' repeat count value
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeRepeatCountInfinite = 255;
- * Maximum size of streaming sample (in bytes)
- */
-const TInt KVibeMaxStreamingSampleSize = 255;
- * Data value types (used as property and capability data value type)
- */
-const TUint8 KVibeValuetypeUnspecified = 0;
-const TUint8 KVibeValuetypeInt32 = 1;
-const TUint8 KVibeValuetypeBool = 2;
-const TUint8 KVibeValuetypeString = 3;
- * Error and Return value codes.
- */
-// Success
-const TInt KVibeStatusSuccess = 0;
-// Effect is not playing
-const TInt KVibeWarningNotPlaying = 1;
-// Effect doesn't have enough priority to play,
-// higher priority effect is playing on the device
-const TInt KVibeWarningInsufficientPriority = 2;
-// Effects are disabled on the device
-const TInt KVibeWarningEffectsDisabled = 3;
-// Trying to resume an effect that is not paused
-const TInt KVibeWarningNotPaused = 4;
-// The API is already initialized (this code is obsolete)
-const TInt KVibeErrAlreadyInitialized = -1;
-// The API is not initialized
-const TInt KVibeErrNotInitialized = -2;
-// Invalid argument was used in a API function call
-const TInt KVibeErrInvalidArgument = -3;
-// Generic error
-const TInt KVibeErrFail = -4;
-// Incompatible Effect type has been passed into an API call
-const TInt KVibeErrIncompatibleEffectType = -5;
-// Incompatible Capability type was used in one of the following API call:
-// -ImmVibeGetDeviceCapabilityString
-// -ImmVibeSetDeviceCapabilityString
-// -ImmVibeGetDeviceCapabilityInt32
-// -ImmVibeGetDeviceCapabilityInt32
-const TInt KVibeErrIncompatibleCapabilityType = -6;
-// Incompatible Property type was used in on of the following API calls:
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyString
-// -ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyString
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyBool
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyInt32
-// -ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyInt32
-const TInt KVibeErrIncompatiblePropertyType = -7;
-// Access to the instance of haptics is locked until a valid license key is provided.
-// Use ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyString to set the license key.
-// The following API functions may return this error
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyBool
-// -ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyBool
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyInt32
-// -ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyInt32
-// -ImmVibeGetDevicePropertyString
-// -ImmVibeSetDevicePropertyString (except for setting the license key)
-// -ImmVibePlayIVTEffect
-// -ImmVibePlayIVTEffectRepeat
-// -ImmVibeStopPlayingEffect
-// -ImmVibePlayMagSweepEffect
-// -ImmVibePlayPeriodicEffect
-// -ImmVibeModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect
-// -ImmVibeModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect
-// -ImmVibeStopAllPlayingEffects
-const TInt KVibeErrDeviceNeedsLicense = -8;
-// Cannot allocate memory to complete the request
-const TInt KVibeErrNotEnoughMemory = -9;
-// ImmVibe service is not running
-const TInt KVibeErrServiceNotRunning = -10;
-// Insufficient priority to complete the request (insufficient license key priority)
-const TInt KVibeErrInsufficientPriority = -11;
-// ImmVibe service is busy and failed to complete the request
-const TInt KVibeErrServiceBusy = -12;
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/inc/hwrmhapticsvibepacketizer.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Plugin for handling vibe command packages.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <hwrmhapticspacketizer.h>
-class CDesC8ArraySeg;
- * ECom plugin for handling vibe command packages.
- *
- * @lib hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.lib
- * @since S60 v5.1
- */
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer ): public CHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- {
- /**
- * Two phased constructor.
- *
- * @return An instance of haptics vibe packetizer.
- */
- static CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer* NewL();
- /**
- * Destructor.
- */
- virtual ~CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer();
-public: // From CHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncOpenDeviceReq( THWRMLogicalActuators aLogicalActuator,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncCloseDeviceReq( TInt aDeviceHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayMagSweepEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect aEffect,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayPeriodicEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect aEffect,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncModifyPlayingMagSweepEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect aEffect,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncModifyPlayingPeriodicEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect aEffect,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPausePlayingEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncResumePausedEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncStopPlayingEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncStopAllPlayingEffectsReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayEffectIncludeEffectDataReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayEffectRepeatIncludeEffectDataReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TUint8 aRepeat,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayEffectRepeatNoDataReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- TUint8 aRepeat,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayEffectNoDataReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectIndex,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncCreateStreamingEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncDestroyStreamingEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayStreamingSampleReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncPlayStreamingSampleWithOffsetReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
- TInt aOffsetTime,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetEffectStateReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncSetDevicePropertyBoolReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TBool aDevPropValue,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncSetDevicePropertyIntReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevPropValue,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncSetDevicePropertyStringReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- const TDesC8& aDevPropValue,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncSetPlatformLicenseKeyReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetDevicePropertyBoolReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetDevicePropertyIntReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetDevicePropertyStringReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetDeviceCapabilityIntReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevCapType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt EncGetDeviceCapabilityStringReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevCapType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual CDesC8ArraySeg* DecodeMessageL( const TDesC8& aData,
- TInt& aStatus );
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt DeviceHandle();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt InfiniteRepeat();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt InfiniteDuration();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt MaxEffectNameLength();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt MaxDeviceNameLength();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt MaxCapabilityStringLength();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt MaxPropertyStringLength();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt MaxStreamingSampleSize();
- /**
- * @see MHWRMHapticsPacketizer
- */
- virtual TInt DefaultDevicePriority();
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer();
- /**
- * 2nd phase constructor.
- */
- void ConstructL();
- /**
- * Internal helper method. Fills Get Device Capability request data.
- */
- TInt EncGetDeviceCapabilityReqInternal( TInt aValueType,
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevCapType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * Internal helper method. Fills Get Device Property request data.
- */
- TInt EncGetDevicePropertyReqInternal( TInt aValueType,
- TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * Internal helper method. Fills Play Streaming Sample request data.
- */
- TInt EncPlayStreamingSampleInternal( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- TInt aEffectHandle,
- const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
- TInt aOffsetTime,
- RBuf8& aBuffer );
- /**
- * Maps Vibe error code to Symbian error code.
- *
- * @param aVibeError Vibe error code.
- * @return Symbian system wide error code.
- */
- TInt MapError( TInt aVibeError );
-private: // data
- /**
- * Buffer for request data.
- */
- RBuf8 iReqBuf;
- /**
- * Buffer for streaming or IVT data.
- */
- RBuf8 iDataBuf;
- /**
- * Array used for decoded values in DecodeMessageL. Owned.
- */
- CDesC8ArraySeg* iReturnArray;
- /**
- * Stores the latest value of opened device handle. Initiated
- * to KErrNotFound.
- */
- TInt iDeviceHandle;
- };
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/inc/hwrmhapticsvibepackets.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: VibeTonz API protocol packet definition header file
- * Byte alignment is set to 1 byte boundary with this pragma.
- */
-#pragma pack( push, 1 )
- * Const for largest allowable packet size. It is used
- * by packetizer functions that piggyback IVT or streaming
- * data in their packets.
- */
-const TInt KVibePacketMaxSize = 0xFFFF;
- * Haptics command codes (VibeTonz API command codes)
- */
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdProtocolVersion = 0xFF;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdApiVersion = 0x00;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdInitialize = 0x01;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdTerminate = 0x02;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayBasisEffect = 0x03;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectIncludeData = 0x04;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectNoData = 0x05;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdModifyBasisEffect = 0x06;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdStopEffect = 0x07;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdStopAllEffects = 0x08;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdGetDeviceCapabilities = 0x09;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdDebugBuffer = 0x0A;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdResetDebugBuffer = 0x0B;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdStopDesignedBridge = 0x0C;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdGetDeviceState = 0x0D;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdSetKernelParameter = 0x0E;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdGetKernelParameter = 0x0F;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdSetDeviceProperty = 0x10;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdGetDeviceProperty = 0x11;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdOpenDevice = 0x12;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdCloseDevice = 0x13;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdStartDesignerBridge = 0x14;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdDeviceCount = 0x15;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayStreamingSample = 0x16;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdCreateStreamingEffect = 0x17;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdDestroyStreamingEffect = 0x18;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPausePlayingEffect = 0x19;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdResumePausedEffect = 0x1A;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdGetEffectState = 0x1B;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayMagSweepEffect = 0x1C;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdPlayPeriodicEffect = 0x1D;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect = 0x1E;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect = 0x1F;
-const TUint16 KVibeCmdSetLicense = 0x20;
- * Simple request struct contains just command code
- */
-struct TVibePacketSimpleRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- };
- * Simple response struct contains just command code and status.
- */
-struct TVibePacketSimpleResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- };
- * Packet structures for Protocol Version request and response
- * (Implemented since Mobile 2.0 protocol)
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketProtocolVersionRequest;
-struct TVibePacketProtocolVersionResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iVersionMinor;
- TUint8 iVersionMajor;
- };
- * Packet structures for API Version request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketApiVersionRequest;
-struct TVibePacketApiVersionResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iVersionMajor;
- TUint8 iVersionMinor;
- TUint8 iVersionBuild_7_0;
- TUint8 iVersionBuild_15_8;
- };
- * Packet structures for Initialize request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketInitializeRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iVersionMajor;
- TUint8 iVersionMinor;
- TUint8 iVersionBuild_7_0;
- TUint8 iVersionBuild_15_8;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketInitializeResponse;
- * Packet structures for Terminate request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketTerminateRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketTerminateResponse;
- * Packet structures for PlayBasisEffect request and response.
- * Used with following commands:
- * - KVibeCmdPlayBasisEffect
- * - KVibeCmdPlayMagSweepEffect
- * - KVibeCmdPlayPeriodicEffect
- */
-struct TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDuration_7_0;
- TUint8 iDuration_15_8;
- TUint8 iDuration_23_16;
- TUint8 iDuration_31_24;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_7_0;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_15_8;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_23_16;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_31_24;
- TUint8 iEffectTypeStyle;
- TUint8 iPeriod_7_0;
- TUint8 iPeriod_15_8;
- TUint8 iPeriod_23_16;
- TUint8 iPeriod_31_24;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_7_0;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_15_8;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_23_16;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_31_24;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_7_0;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_15_8;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_23_16;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_31_24;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_7_0;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_15_8;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_23_16;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_31_24;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_7_0;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_15_8;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_23_16;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- };
- * Packet structures for PlayIVTEffect requests and responses.
- * Used with following commands:
- * - KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectIncludeData
- * - KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectNoData
- */
-struct TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint16 iIvtDataSize;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iIvtIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iIvtIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iRepeat;
- TUint8 iIvtData[1];
- };
-struct TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- };
- * Packet structures for ModifyBasisEffect request and response.
- * Used with following commands:
- * - KVibeCmdModifyBasisEffect
- * - KVibeCmdModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect
- * - KVibeCmdModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect
- */
-struct TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDuration_7_0;
- TUint8 iDuration_15_8;
- TUint8 iDuration_23_16;
- TUint8 iDuration_31_24;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_7_0;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_15_8;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_23_16;
- TUint8 iMagnitude_31_24;
- TUint8 iEffectTypeStyle;
- TUint8 iPeriod_7_0;
- TUint8 iPeriod_15_8;
- TUint8 iPeriod_23_16;
- TUint8 iPeriod_31_24;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_7_0;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_15_8;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_23_16;
- TUint8 iImpulseTime_31_24;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_7_0;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_15_8;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_23_16;
- TUint8 iImpulseLevel_31_24;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_7_0;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_15_8;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_23_16;
- TUint8 iFadeTime_31_24;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_7_0;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_15_8;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_23_16;
- TUint8 iFadeLevel_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectResponse;
- * Packet structures for StopEffect request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketStopEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketStopEffectResponse;
- * Packet structures for StopAllEffects request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketStopAllEffectsRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketStopAllEffectsResponse;
- * Packet structures for GetDeviceCapabilities request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iCapabilityValueType;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_31_24;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_7_0;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_15_8;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_23_16;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_7_0;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_15_8;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_23_16;
- TUint8 iCapabilityType_31_24;
- TUint8 iCapabilityValueType;
- TUint8 iSize;
- TUint8 iCapabilityValue[1];
- };
- * Packet structures for Get DebugBuffer request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketGetDebugBufferRequest;
-struct TVibePacketGetDebugBufferResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iBufferSize_7_0;
- TUint8 iBufferSize_15_8;
- TUint8 iBuffer[1];
- };
- * Packet structures for ResetDebugBuffer request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketResetDebugBufferRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketResetDebugBufferResponse;
- * Packet structures for Stop designer Bridge request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketStopDesignerBridgeRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketStopDesignerBridgeResponse;
- * Packet structures for GetDeviceState request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketGetDeviceStateRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketGetDeviceStateResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iDeviceState_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceState_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceState_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceState_31_24;
- };
- * Packet structures for Set Device Kernel Parameter request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketSetKernelParameterRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_31_24;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_15_8;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterValue_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterValue_15_8;
- };
-struct TVibePacketSetKernelParameterResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_15_8;
- };
- * Get Device Kernel Parameter request and response
- */
- struct TVibePacketGetKernelParameterRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_31_24;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_15_8;
- };
-struct TVibePacketGetKernelParameterResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterID_15_8;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterValue_7_0;
- TUint8 iKernelParameterValue_15_8;
- };
- * Packet structures for SetDeviceProperty request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_7_0;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_15_8;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_23_16;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_31_24;
- TUint8 iPropertyValueType;
- TUint8 iSize;
- TUint8 iPropertyValue[1];
- };
-struct TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_7_0;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_15_8;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_23_16;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_31_24;
- TUint8 iPropertyValueType;
- };
- * Packet structures for GetDeviceProperty request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iPropertyValueType;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_7_0;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_15_8;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_23_16;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_7_0;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_15_8;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_23_16;
- TUint8 iPropertyType_31_24;
- TUint8 iPropertyValueType;
- TUint8 iSize;
- TUint8 iPropertyValue[1];
- };
- * Packet structures for OpenDevice
- */
-struct TVibePacketOpenDeviceRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceIndex_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketOpenDeviceResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
- * Packet structures for CloseDevice request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketCloseDeviceRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketCloseDeviceResponse;
- * Packet structures for Start designer Bridge request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketStartDesignedBridgeRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketStartDesignedBridgeResponse;
- * Packet structures for DeviceCount request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleRequest TVibePacketDeviceCountRequest;
-// Uses simple response packet struct where vibe_status contains
-// the device count (or negative error value)
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketDeviceCountResponse;
- * Packet structures for Upload SPE data request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iSize;
- TUint8 iEffectOffsetTime_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectOffsetTime_15_8;
- TUint8 iStreamingData[1];
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleResponse;
- * Packet structures for Create streaming effect request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- };
- * Packet structures for Destroy streaming effect request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectResponse;
- * Packet structures for Pause Playing Effect request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectResponse;
- * Packet structures for Resume Paused Effect request and response
- */
-typedef TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSimpleResponse TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectResponse;
- * Packet structures for Get effect state request and response
- */
-struct TVibePacketGetEffectStateRequest
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iEffectHandle_31_24;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_7_0;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_15_8;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_23_16;
- TUint8 iDeviceHandle_31_24;
- };
-struct TVibePacketGetEffectStateResponse
- {
- TUint16 iCmdCode;
- TInt8 iVibeStatus;
- TInt8 iEffectState;
- };
- * Packet structures for license request and response
- * (Uses currently same packet structs as SetProperty)
- */
-typedef TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest TVibePacketSetLicenseRequest;
-typedef TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyResponse TVibePacketSetLicenseResponse;
- * Packet union definition, useful for decoder function
- */
-union TVibePacket
- {
- TVibePacketSimpleRequest iSimpleReq;
- TVibePacketSimpleResponse iSimpleRsp;
- TVibePacketProtocolVersionRequest iProtocolVersionReq;
- TVibePacketProtocolVersionResponse iProtocolVersionRsp;
- TVibePacketApiVersionRequest iAPIVersionReq;
- TVibePacketApiVersionResponse iAPIVersionRsp;
- TVibePacketInitializeRequest iInitializeReq;
- TVibePacketInitializeResponse iInitializeRsp;
- TVibePacketTerminateRequest iTerminateReq;
- TVibePacketTerminateResponse iTerminateRsp;
- TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest iPlayBasisEffectReq;
- TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectResponse iPlayBasisEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest iPlayIVTEffectReq;
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectResponse iPlayIVTEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest iModifyBasisEffectReq;
- TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectResponse iModifyBasisEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketStopEffectRequest iStopEffectReq;
- TVibePacketStopEffectResponse iStopEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketStopAllEffectsRequest iStopAllEffectsReq;
- TVibePacketStopAllEffectsResponse iStopAllEffectsRsp;
- TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesRequest iGetDeviceCapsReq;
- TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesResponse iGetDeviceCapsRsp;
- TVibePacketGetDebugBufferRequest iDebugBufferReq;
- TVibePacketGetDebugBufferResponse iDebugBufferRsp;
- TVibePacketResetDebugBufferRequest iResetDebugBufferReq;
- TVibePacketResetDebugBufferResponse iResetDebugBufferRsp;
- TVibePacketStopDesignerBridgeRequest iStopDesignerBridgeReq;
- TVibePacketStopDesignerBridgeResponse iStopDesignerBridgeRsp;
- TVibePacketGetDeviceStateRequest iGetDeviceStateReq;
- TVibePacketGetDeviceStateResponse iGetDeviceStateRsp;
- TVibePacketSetKernelParameterRequest iSetKernelParamsReq;
- TVibePacketSetKernelParameterResponse iSetKernelParamsRsp;
- TVibePacketGetKernelParameterRequest iGetKernelParamsReq;
- TVibePacketGetKernelParameterResponse iGetKernelParamsRsp;
- TVibePacketOpenDeviceRequest iOpenDeviceReq;
- TVibePacketOpenDeviceResponse iOpenDeviceRsp;
- TVibePacketCloseDeviceRequest iCloseDeviceReq;
- TVibePacketCloseDeviceResponse iCloseDeviceRsp;
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest iSetDevicePropertyReq;
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyResponse iSetDevicePropertyRsp;
- TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyRequest iGetDevicePropertyReq;
- TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyResponse iGetDevicePropertyRsp;
- TVibePacketDeviceCountRequest iGetDeviceCountReq;
- TVibePacketDeviceCountResponse iGetDeviceCountRsp;
- TVibePacketStartDesignedBridgeRequest iStartDesignerBridgeReq;
- TVibePacketStartDesignedBridgeResponse iStartDesignerBridgeRsp;
- TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleRequest iPlayStreamingSampleReq;
- TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleResponse iPlayStreamingSampleRsp;
- TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectRequest iCreateStreamingEffectReq;
- TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectResponse iCreateStreamingEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectRequest iDestroyStreamingEffectReq;
- TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectResponse iDestroyStreamingEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest iPausePlayingEffectReq;
- TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectResponse iPausePlayingEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectRequest iResumePausedEffectReq;
- TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectResponse iResumePausedEffectRsp;
- TVibePacketGetEffectStateRequest iGetEffectStateReq;
- TVibePacketGetEffectStateResponse iGetEffectStateRsp;
- TVibePacketSetLicenseRequest iSetLicenseReq;
- TVibePacketSetLicenseResponse iSetLicenseRsp;
- };
- * The 1-byte alignment pack pragma definitions pop'ed out of stack.
- */
-#pragma pack( pop )
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/rom/hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.iby Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: IBY file for the Vibe Packetizer plugin.
-#include <data_caging_paths_for_iby.hrh>
-ECOM_PLUGIN(hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.dll, hwrmhapticsvibepacketizerplugin.rsc)
--- a/hwrmhaptics/hapticspacketizer/plugins/hapticsvibepacketizerplugin/src/hwrmhapticsvibepacketizer.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1905 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Plugin for handling vibe command packages.
-#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
-#include <badesca.h>
-#include <hwrmhaptics.h>
-#include "hwrmhapticsvibepacketizer.h"
-#include "hwrmhapticsvibepackets.h"
-#include "hwrmhapticsvibeconstants.h"
-// Default request message size (enough for any request message)
-const TInt KMsgDefaultSize = 80;
-// const for shifts
-const TInt KShiftByte = 8;
-const TInt KShift2Bytes = 16;
-const TInt KShift3Bytes = 24;
-const TInt KArrayElements = 10;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Two phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer* CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::NewL()
- {
- CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer* self =
- new ( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer();
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- iReqBuf.Close();
- iDataBuf.Close();
- if( iReturnArray )
- {
- delete iReturnArray;
- iReturnArray = NULL;
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : iDeviceHandle( KErrNotFound )
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2nd phase constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::ConstructL()
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( iReqBuf.CreateMax( KMsgDefaultSize ) );
- User::LeaveIfError( iDataBuf.CreateMax( KMsgDefaultSize ) );
- iReturnArray = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArraySeg( KArrayElements );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncOpenDeviceReq(
- THWRMLogicalActuators aLogicalActuator, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketOpenDeviceRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketOpenDeviceRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdOpenDevice;
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aLogicalActuator & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aLogicalActuator >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aLogicalActuator >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aLogicalActuator >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof ( TVibePacketOpenDeviceRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncCloseDeviceReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketCloseDeviceRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketCloseDeviceRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdCloseDevice;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketCloseDeviceRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayMagSweepEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect aEffect,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayMagSweepEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iDuration & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iMagnitude & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectTypeStyle =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iStyle << 4 ) & 0xF0 );
- pReq->iPeriod_7_0 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_15_8 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_23_16 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_31_24 = 0x0;
- pReq->iImpulseTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayPeriodicEffectReq( TInt aDeviceHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect aEffect, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayPeriodicEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iDuration & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iMagnitude & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectTypeStyle =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( ( aEffect.iStyle << 4 ) & 0xF0 ) | 0x01 );
- pReq->iPeriod_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iPeriod & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketPlayBasisEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncModifyPlayingMagSweepEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsMagSweepEffect aEffect, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iDuration & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iMagnitude & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectTypeStyle =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iStyle << 4 ) & 0xF0 );
- pReq->iPeriod_7_0 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_15_8 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_23_16 = 0x0;
- pReq->iPeriod_31_24 = 0x0;
- pReq->iImpulseTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncModifyPlayingPeriodicEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle,
- CHWRMHaptics::THWRMHapticsPeriodicEffect aEffect, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iDuration & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDuration_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iDuration >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iMagnitude & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iMagnitude_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iMagnitude >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectTypeStyle =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( ( aEffect.iStyle << 4 ) & 0xF0 ) | 0x01 );
- pReq->iPeriod_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iPeriod & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPeriod_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iPeriod >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iAttackLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iImpulseLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iAttackLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeTime_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeTime >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffect.iFadeLevel & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iFadeLevel_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>(
- ( aEffect.iFadeLevel >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketModifyBasisEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPausePlayingEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest*>
- (const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPausePlayingEffect;
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketPausePlayingEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncResumePausedEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdResumePausedEffect;
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketResumePlayingEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncStopPlayingEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketStopEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketStopEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdStopEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketStopEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncStopAllPlayingEffectsReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketStopAllEffectsRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketStopAllEffectsRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdStopAllEffects;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketStopAllEffectsRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayEffectIncludeEffectDataReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, const TDesC8& aData, TInt aEffectIndex,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- iDataBuf.Close();
- TInt err = iDataBuf.Create( aData.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize );
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDataBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( !err && pReq &&
- ( ( aData.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize ) <= KVibePacketMaxSize ) )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectIncludeData;
- pReq->iIvtDataSize = aData.Size();
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectIndex & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectIndex >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iRepeat = 0x0;
- memcpy( pReq->iIvtData, aData.Ptr(), aData.Size() );
- // the data buffer length is set to the size of the request packet
- // plus size of the data minus 1 (minus 1, because first byte of the
- // data is already calculated as part of the request packet size).
- iDataBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest ) + aData.Size() -1 );
- }
- else
- {
- iDataBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iDataBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayEffectRepeatIncludeEffectDataReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, const TDesC8& aData, TInt aEffectIndex,
- TUint8 aRepeat, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- iDataBuf.Close();
- TInt err = iDataBuf.Create( aData.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize );
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDataBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( !err && pReq &&
- ( ( aData.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize ) <= KVibePacketMaxSize ) )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectIncludeData;
- pReq->iIvtDataSize = aData.Size();
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectIndex & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectIndex >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iRepeat = aRepeat;
- memcpy( pReq->iIvtData, aData.Ptr(), aData.Size() );
- // the data buffer length is set to the size of the request packet
- // plus size of the data minus 1 (minus 1, because first byte of the
- // data is already calculated as part of the request packet size).
- iDataBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest ) + aData.Size() -1 );
- }
- else
- {
- iDataBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iDataBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayEffectRepeatNoDataReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectIndex, TUint8 aRepeat, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectNoData;
- pReq->iIvtDataSize = 0x0;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectIndex & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectIndex >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iRepeat = aRepeat;
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayEffectNoDataReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectIndex, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectNoData;
- pReq->iIvtDataSize = 0x0;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectIndex & 0xFF );
- pReq->iIvtIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectIndex >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iRepeat = 0x0;
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketPlayIVTEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncCreateStreamingEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdCreateStreamingEffect;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketCreateStreamingEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncDestroyStreamingEffectReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdDestroyStreamingEffect;
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketDestroyStreamingEffectRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayStreamingSampleReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, const TDesC8& aStreamingSample, TInt aEffectHandle,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncPlayStreamingSampleInternal( aDeviceHandle,
- aEffectHandle,
- aStreamingSample,
- 0, aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayStreamingSampleWithOffsetReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, const TDesC8& aStreamingSample, TInt aOffsetTime,
- TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncPlayStreamingSampleInternal( aDeviceHandle,
- aEffectHandle,
- aStreamingSample,
- aOffsetTime,
- aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetEffectStateReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketGetEffectStateRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketGetEffectStateRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdGetEffectState;
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketGetEffectStateRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncSetDevicePropertyBoolReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TBool aDevPropValue, TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdSetDeviceProperty;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropType & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValueType =
- static_cast<TUint8>( KVibeValuetypeBool );
- pReq->iSize = 1; // size of bool data is 1 byte
- pReq->iPropertyValue[0] =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropValue );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof( TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncSetDevicePropertyIntReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevPropValue, TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdSetDeviceProperty;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropType & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValueType =
- static_cast<TUint8>( KVibeValuetypeInt32 );
- pReq->iSize = 4; // Size of int32 value is 4 bytes
- pReq->iPropertyValue[0] =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropValue & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValue[1] =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropValue >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValue[2] =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropValue >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValue[3] =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropValue >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- // the data buffer length is set to the size of the request packet
- // plus size of the data minus 1. Since int32 type data is always
- // 4 bytes, the extra size needed for data is 3 bytes (4-1).
- iReqBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest ) +3 );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncSetDevicePropertyStringReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, const TDesC8& aDevPropValue, TInt aDevPropType,
- RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- iDataBuf.Close();
- TInt err = iDataBuf.Create( aDevPropValue.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize );
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDataBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( !err && pReq &&
- ( ( aDevPropValue.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize ) <= KVibePacketMaxSize ) )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdSetDeviceProperty;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropType & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyValueType =
- static_cast<TUint8>( KVibeValuetypeString );
- pReq->iSize =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropValue.Size() );
- memcpy ( pReq->iPropertyValue,
- reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(
- const_cast<TUint8*>( aDevPropValue.Ptr() ) ),
- aDevPropValue.Size() );
- // the data buffer length is set to the size of the request packet
- // plus size of the data minus 1 (minus 1, because first byte of the
- // data is already calculated as part of the request packet size).
- iDataBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof( TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest ) + pReq->iSize -1 );
- }
- else
- {
- iDataBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iDataBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncSetPlatformLicenseKeyReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TInt ret = EncSetDevicePropertyStringReq( aDeviceHandle, KNullDesC8,
- CHWRMHaptics::EHWRMHapticsLicensekey,
- aBuffer );
- // change the command id from general device property to setting
- // license key
- if ( ret == KErrNone )
- {
- TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest* tmpReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketSetDevicePropertyRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( aBuffer.Ptr() ) );
- if ( tmpReq )
- {
- tmpReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdSetLicense;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDevicePropertyBoolReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevPropType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncGetDevicePropertyReqInternal(
- KVibeValuetypeBool, aDeviceHandle, aDevPropType, aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDevicePropertyIntReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevPropType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncGetDevicePropertyReqInternal(
- KVibeValuetypeInt32, aDeviceHandle, aDevPropType, aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDevicePropertyStringReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevPropType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncGetDevicePropertyReqInternal(
- KVibeValuetypeString, aDeviceHandle, aDevPropType, aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDeviceCapabilityIntReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevCapType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncGetDeviceCapabilityReqInternal( KVibeValuetypeInt32,
- aDeviceHandle,
- aDevCapType,
- aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDeviceCapabilityStringReq(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevCapType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- return EncGetDeviceCapabilityReqInternal( KVibeValuetypeString,
- aDeviceHandle,
- aDevCapType,
- aBuffer );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CDesC8ArraySeg* CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::DecodeMessageL(
- const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aStatus )
- {
- // Clear Array before use
- iReturnArray->Reset();
- TVibePacket* pRsp =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacket*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( aData.Ptr() ) );
- switch( pRsp->iSimpleRsp.iCmdCode )
- {
- case KVibeCmdOpenDevice:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iOpenDeviceRsp.iVibeStatus;
- iDeviceHandle =
- pRsp->iOpenDeviceRsp.iDeviceHandle_7_0 |
- pRsp->iOpenDeviceRsp.iDeviceHandle_15_8 << KShiftByte |
- pRsp->iOpenDeviceRsp.iDeviceHandle_23_16 << KShift2Bytes |
- pRsp->iOpenDeviceRsp.iDeviceHandle_31_24 << KShift3Bytes;
- TPckg<TInt> deviceHandlePckg( iDeviceHandle );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( deviceHandlePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdCloseDevice:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iCloseDeviceRsp.iVibeStatus;
- iDeviceHandle = KErrNotFound;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdSetDeviceProperty: // flow through
- case KVibeCmdSetLicense:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iSetDevicePropertyRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdGetDeviceProperty:
- {
- TInt propertyValueType =
- pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iPropertyValueType;
- switch( propertyValueType )
- {
- case KVibeValuetypeBool:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TUint8* intArr =
- pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iPropertyValue;
- TUint value = ( TUint( intArr[0] ) );
- TPckg<TBool> devicePropertyValuePckg( value );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( devicePropertyValuePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeValuetypeInt32:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TUint8* intArr =
- pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iPropertyValue;
- TUint value = ( TUint( intArr[0] ) )
- | ( TUint( intArr[1] ) << KShiftByte )
- | ( TUint( intArr[2] ) << KShift2Bytes )
- | ( TUint( intArr[3] ) << KShift3Bytes );
- TPckg<TInt> devicePropertyValuePckg( value );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( devicePropertyValuePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeValuetypeString:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TInt stringSize = pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iSize;
- if( stringSize > MaxPropertyStringLength() )
- {
- // truncate string if too long
- stringSize = MaxPropertyStringLength();
- }
- TUint8* text = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(
- pRsp->iGetDevicePropertyRsp.iPropertyValue );
- TPtrC8 ptr( text, stringSize );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( ptr );
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }// switch
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdPlayMagSweepEffect: // flow through
- case KVibeCmdPlayPeriodicEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iPlayBasisEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TInt effectHandle =
- pRsp->iPlayBasisEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_7_0 |
- pRsp->iPlayBasisEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_15_8 << KShiftByte |
- pRsp->iPlayBasisEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_23_16 << KShift2Bytes |
- pRsp->iPlayBasisEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_31_24 << KShift3Bytes;
- TPckg<TInt> effectHandlePckg( effectHandle );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( effectHandlePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectIncludeData: // flow through
- case KVibeCmdPlayIVTEffectNoData:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iPlayIVTEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TInt effectHandle =
- pRsp->iPlayIVTEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_7_0 |
- pRsp->iPlayIVTEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_15_8 << KShiftByte |
- pRsp->iPlayIVTEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_23_16 << KShift2Bytes |
- pRsp->iPlayIVTEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_31_24 << KShift3Bytes;
- TPckg<TInt> effectHandlePckg( effectHandle );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( effectHandlePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdModifyPlayingMagSweepEffect: // flow through
- case KVibeCmdModifyPlayingPeriodicEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iModifyBasisEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdStopEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iStopEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdStopAllEffects:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iStopAllEffectsRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdGetDeviceCapabilities:
- {
- TInt capabilityValueType =
- pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iCapabilityValueType;
- switch( capabilityValueType )
- {
- case KVibeValuetypeInt32:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TUint8* intArr =
- pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iCapabilityValue;
- TUint value = ( TUint( intArr[0] ) )
- | ( TUint( intArr[1] ) << KShiftByte )
- | ( TUint( intArr[2] ) << KShift2Bytes )
- | ( TUint( intArr[3] ) << KShift3Bytes );
- TPckg<TInt> deviceCapabilityValuePckg( value );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( deviceCapabilityValuePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeValuetypeString:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TUint8* text =
- reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(
- pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iCapabilityValue );
- TInt stringSize ( pRsp->iGetDeviceCapsRsp.iSize );
- if( stringSize > MaxCapabilityStringLength() )
- {
- // truncate string if too long
- stringSize = MaxCapabilityStringLength();
- }
- TPtrC8 ptr( text, stringSize );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( ptr );
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }// switch
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdPlayStreamingSample:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iPlayStreamingSampleRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdCreateStreamingEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iCreateStreamingEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TInt effectHandle =
- pRsp->iCreateStreamingEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_7_0 |
- pRsp->iCreateStreamingEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_15_8
- << KShiftByte |
- pRsp->iCreateStreamingEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_23_16
- << KShift2Bytes |
- pRsp->iCreateStreamingEffectRsp.iEffectHandle_31_24
- << KShift3Bytes;
- TPckg<TInt> effectHandlePckg( effectHandle );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( effectHandlePckg );
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdDestroyStreamingEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iDestroyStreamingEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdPausePlayingEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iPausePlayingEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdResumePausedEffect:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iResumePausedEffectRsp.iVibeStatus;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeCmdGetEffectState:
- {
- aStatus = pRsp->iGetEffectStateRsp.iVibeStatus;
- TInt effectState = pRsp->iGetEffectStateRsp.iEffectState;
- TPckg<TInt> effectStatePckg( effectState );
- iReturnArray->AppendL( effectStatePckg );
- break;
- }
- default:
- User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
- }
- // convert vibe error code to Symbian error code
- aStatus = MapError( aStatus );
- return iReturnArray;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::DeviceHandle()
- {
- return iDeviceHandle;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::InfiniteRepeat()
- {
- return static_cast<TInt>( KVibeRepeatCountInfinite );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::InfiniteDuration()
- {
- return KVibeTimeInfinite;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MaxEffectNameLength()
- {
- return KVibeMaxEffectNameLength;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MaxDeviceNameLength()
- {
- return KVibeMaxDeviceNameLength;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MaxCapabilityStringLength()
- {
- return KVibeMaxCapabilityStringLength;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MaxPropertyStringLength()
- {
- return KVibeMaxPropertyStringLength;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MaxStreamingSampleSize()
- {
- return KVibeMaxStreamingSampleSize;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::DefaultDevicePriority()
- {
- return KVibeDevicePriorityDefault;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Internal helper method. Fills Get Device Capability request data.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDeviceCapabilityReqInternal(
- TInt aValueType, TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevCapType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdGetDeviceCapabilities;
- pReq->iCapabilityValueType =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aValueType );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceIndex_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iCapabilityType_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevCapType & 0xFF );
- pReq->iCapabilityType_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevCapType >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iCapabilityType_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevCapType >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iCapabilityType_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevCapType >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof ( TVibePacketGetDeviceCapabilitiesRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Internal helper method. Fills Get Device Property request data.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncGetDevicePropertyReqInternal(
- TInt aValueType, TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aDevPropType, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iReqBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( pReq )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdGetDeviceProperty;
- pReq->iPropertyValueType =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aValueType );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDevPropType & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iPropertyType_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDevPropType >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- iReqBuf.SetLength( sizeof ( TVibePacketGetDevicePropertyRequest ) );
- }
- else
- {
- iReqBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iReqBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Internal helper method. Fills Play Streaming Sample request data.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::EncPlayStreamingSampleInternal(
- TInt aDeviceHandle, TInt aEffectHandle, const TDesC8& aStreamingSample,
- TInt aOffsetTime, RBuf8& aBuffer )
- {
- iDataBuf.Close();
- TInt err = iDataBuf.Create( aStreamingSample.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize );
- TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleRequest* pReq =
- reinterpret_cast<TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleRequest*>
- ( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDataBuf.Ptr() ) );
- if ( !err && pReq &&
- ( ( aStreamingSample.Size() + KMsgDefaultSize ) <=
- KVibePacketMaxSize ) )
- {
- pReq->iCmdCode = KVibeCmdPlayStreamingSample;
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aDeviceHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iDeviceHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aDeviceHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aEffectHandle & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_23_16 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift2Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectHandle_31_24 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aEffectHandle >> KShift3Bytes ) & 0xFF );
- pReq->iSize = static_cast<TUint8>( aStreamingSample.Size() );
- pReq->iEffectOffsetTime_7_0 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( aOffsetTime & 0xFF );
- pReq->iEffectOffsetTime_15_8 =
- static_cast<TUint8>( ( aOffsetTime >> KShiftByte ) & 0xFF );
- memcpy( pReq->iStreamingData,
- reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(
- const_cast<TUint8*>( aStreamingSample.Ptr() ) ),
- aStreamingSample.Size() );
- iDataBuf.SetLength(
- sizeof ( TVibePacketPlayStreamingSampleRequest )
- + aStreamingSample.Size() -1 );
- }
- else
- {
- iDataBuf.SetLength( 0 );
- }
- return aBuffer.Create( iDataBuf );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Maps Vibe error code to Symbian error code.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::MapError( TInt aVibeError )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNone;
- switch ( aVibeError )
- {
- case KVibeErrAlreadyInitialized:
- {
- error = KErrAlreadyExists;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrNotInitialized:
- {
- error = KErrNotReady;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeWarningNotPlaying: // flow through
- case KVibeErrInvalidArgument:
- {
- error = KErrArgument;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrFail:
- {
- error = KErrGeneral;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrIncompatibleEffectType: // flow through
- case KVibeErrIncompatibleCapabilityType: // flow through
- case KVibeErrIncompatiblePropertyType:
- {
- error = KErrNotSupported;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrDeviceNeedsLicense:
- {
- error = KErrAccessDenied;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrNotEnoughMemory:
- {
- error = KErrNoMemory;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrServiceNotRunning:
- {
- error = KErrNotReady;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrInsufficientPriority:
- {
- error = KErrAccessDenied;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeErrServiceBusy:
- {
- error = KErrInUse;
- break;
- }
- case KVibeStatusSuccess:
- {
- error = KErrNone;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- // All the warning codes, except KVibeWarningNotPlaying
- // are handled here. Thus they are converted to KErrNone.
- break;
- }
- }
- return error;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ImplementationTable[]
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
- {
- IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( 0x20021207, CHWRMHapticsVibePacketizer::NewL )
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
- {
- aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
- return ImplementationTable;
- }
-// End of file
--- a/mediator/data/MediatorDebug.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/data/MediatorDebug.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@
output_file = "mediator.txt";
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
--- a/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorCommandInitiatorBody.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorCommandInitiatorBody.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@
* From CActive::DoCancel()
void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive::RunError()
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
private: // new functions
--- a/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorCommandResponderBody.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorCommandResponderBody.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@
* From CActive::DoCancel()
void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive::RunError()
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
private: // new functions
--- a/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorEventConsumerBody.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/inc/Client/MediatorEventConsumerBody.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -121,6 +121,11 @@
* From CActive::DoCancel()
void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive::RunError()
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
private: // New functions
--- a/mediator/inc/Server/MediatorDebug.hrh Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/inc/Server/MediatorDebug.hrh Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
#define KLogStatus 0x04 // status reporting
#define KLogParameterData 0x08 // log parameter data
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mediator/src/Client/MediatorCommandInitiatorBody.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/src/Client/MediatorCommandInitiatorBody.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -172,6 +172,23 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMediatorCommandInitiatorBody::RunError
+// This will be called when there is a leave from ResetDataBufferL() or CommandResponseL() from RunL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+TInt CMediatorCommandInitiatorBody::RunError( TInt aError )
+TInt CMediatorCommandInitiatorBody::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ {
+ ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t CMediatorCommandInitiatorBody::RunError called with Error %d\n"), aError ));
+ //Ignore the error.
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMediatorCommandInitiatorBody::WaitForCommandResponse
// (other items were commented in a header).
--- a/mediator/src/Client/MediatorCommandResponderBody.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/src/Client/MediatorCommandResponderBody.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -162,6 +162,23 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMediatorCommandResponderBody::RunError
+// This will be called when there is a leave from ResetDataBufferL()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+TInt CMediatorCommandResponderBody::RunError( TInt aError )
+TInt CMediatorCommandResponderBody::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ {
+ ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t CMediatorCommandResponderBody::RunError called with Error %d\n"), aError ));
+ //Ignore the error
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMediatorCommandResponderBody::RegisterCommandL
--- a/mediator/src/Client/MediatorEventConsumerBody.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/src/Client/MediatorEventConsumerBody.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -120,7 +120,24 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMediatorEventConsumerBody::RunError
+// This will be called when there is a leave from ResetDataBufferL() and MediatorEventL() of RunL()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+TInt CMediatorEventConsumerBody::RunError( TInt aError )
+TInt CMediatorEventConsumerBody::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ {
+ ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t CMediatorEventConsumerBody::RunError called with Error %d\n"), aError ));
+ //Ignore the error
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMediatorEventConsumerBody::DoCancel
--- a/mediator/tsrc/public/basic/src/MediatorTestCases.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/mediator/tsrc/public/basic/src/MediatorTestCases.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -154,101 +154,101 @@
static TCaseInfoInternal const KCases[] =
// To add new test cases, add new items to this array
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterOneEvent ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfDomainsInitL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfDomains1DomainL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEvents1EventInCategoryL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterMultipleEventsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterOver500EventsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterNonExistingEventDom ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfDomainsMultipleDomainsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterNonExistingEventCat ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterNonExistingEventEve ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterExistingEvent ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterRxistingEventDifferentSID ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterAListOfEventsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnregisterAListOfEventsNotRegisteredL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToNonExistingEventDom ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToNonExistingEventCat ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToNonExistingEventEve ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToWrongEventVersionMajor ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToEventNonExistCapabilities ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToEventCorrectParam ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToListOfEventsCorrectParamL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToListOfEventsOneInfoIncorrectL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseNonExistingEventWrongDomainL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseNonExistingEventWrongCatL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseNonExistingEventEveL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseEventWithWrongEventVerMajorL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseEventRequiresNotExistingCapsInPubL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseExistingEventL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideDataOver1kBL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToEventDeleteConsumerInstanceRaiseEventFromPublisherL ),
- FUNCENTRY( Add2ndSubscriberToEventRaiseEventFromPublisherL ),
- FUNCENTRY( UnsubscribeFrom1stSubscriberL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeToEventRaise500TimesInLoopL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterOneCommandToMediator ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterMultipleCommandsToMediatorL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterOver500CommandsWithinOneCatL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterCommandWithDomainUID0 ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterCommandWithCategoryUID0 ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterCommandWithCommandID0 ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterCommandWithTimeoutValue0 ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueNonExistingCommandWrongDomainL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueNonExistingCommandWrongCatL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueNonExistingCommandIdL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandWrongCommandVerMajorL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommand2L ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueExistingCommandSameInitiatorWhileProcessingL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandWaitWithoutRespondingToCommandL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandCancelFromInitiatorBeforeTimeoutL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandRespondCorrectlyFromResponderL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandALotOfParameterDataL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandRespondALotOfResponseDataL ),
- //FUNCENTRY( GetListOfDomainsOver500Domains ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCategoriesNoCategoriesL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCategoriesIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCategoriesMultipleCategoriesL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommandsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommandsIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommandsIncorrectCategoryUIDL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommands1CommandL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommandsMultipleCommandsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfCommandsOver500CommandsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEventsNoEventsInCategoryL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectCategoryUIDL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEventsMultipleEventsInCategoryL ),
- FUNCENTRY( GetListOfEventsOver500EventsInCategoryL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
- FUNCENTRY( ReSubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
- FUNCENTRY( ReUnsubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregCommandsSoThatCatIsEmptyL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatCatIsEmptyL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration ),
- FUNCENTRY( SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandCancelAndReissueL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandCancelAndIssueNewCommandL ),
- FUNCENTRY( InstantiateAndDeleteMediatorPluginL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandNoDataL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RaiseEventNoDataL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterMultipleEventsWithMultipleUIDsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( RegisterMultipleCommandsWithMultipleUIDsL ),
- FUNCENTRY( IssueCommandRespondIncorrectlyFromResponderL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForEventProviderTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForEventConsumerTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForEventProviderwithListTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForEventConsumerWithEventTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForCommandInitiatorTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForCommandInitiatorCommandListTestL ),
- FUNCENTRY( OOMForMediatorNotificationsTestL )
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterOneEvent", &CMediatorTest::RegisterOneEvent ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfDomainsInitL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfDomainsInitL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfDomains1DomainL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfDomains1DomainL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEvents1EventInCategoryL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEvents1EventInCategoryL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterMultipleEventsL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterMultipleEventsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterOver500EventsL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterOver500EventsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterNonExistingEventDom", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterNonExistingEventDom ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfDomainsMultipleDomainsL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfDomainsMultipleDomainsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterNonExistingEventCat", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterNonExistingEventCat ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterNonExistingEventEve", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterNonExistingEventEve ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterExistingEvent", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterExistingEvent ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterRxistingEventDifferentSID", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterRxistingEventDifferentSID ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterAListOfEventsL", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterAListOfEventsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnregisterAListOfEventsNotRegisteredL", &CMediatorTest::UnregisterAListOfEventsNotRegisteredL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToNonExistingEventDom", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToNonExistingEventDom ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToNonExistingEventCat", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToNonExistingEventCat ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToNonExistingEventEve", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToNonExistingEventEve ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToWrongEventVersionMajor", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToWrongEventVersionMajor ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToEventNonExistCapabilities", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToEventNonExistCapabilities ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToEventCorrectParam", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToEventCorrectParam ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToListOfEventsCorrectParamL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToListOfEventsCorrectParamL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToListOfEventsOneInfoIncorrectL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToListOfEventsOneInfoIncorrectL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseNonExistingEventWrongDomainL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseNonExistingEventWrongDomainL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseNonExistingEventWrongCatL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseNonExistingEventWrongCatL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseNonExistingEventEveL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseNonExistingEventEveL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseEventWithWrongEventVerMajorL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseEventWithWrongEventVerMajorL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseEventRequiresNotExistingCapsInPubL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseEventRequiresNotExistingCapsInPubL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseExistingEventL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseExistingEventL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideDataOver1kBL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeExistingEventRaiseFromPublisherSideDataOver1kBL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToEventDeleteConsumerInstanceRaiseEventFromPublisherL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToEventDeleteConsumerInstanceRaiseEventFromPublisherL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] Add2ndSubscriberToEventRaiseEventFromPublisherL", &CMediatorTest::Add2ndSubscriberToEventRaiseEventFromPublisherL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] UnsubscribeFrom1stSubscriberL", &CMediatorTest::UnsubscribeFrom1stSubscriberL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeToEventRaise500TimesInLoopL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeToEventRaise500TimesInLoopL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterOneCommandToMediator", &CMediatorTest::RegisterOneCommandToMediator ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterMultipleCommandsToMediatorL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterMultipleCommandsToMediatorL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterOver500CommandsWithinOneCatL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterOver500CommandsWithinOneCatL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterCommandWithDomainUID0", &CMediatorTest::RegisterCommandWithDomainUID0 ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterCommandWithCategoryUID0", &CMediatorTest::RegisterCommandWithCategoryUID0 ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterCommandWithCommandID0", &CMediatorTest::RegisterCommandWithCommandID0 ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterCommandWithTimeoutValue0", &CMediatorTest::RegisterCommandWithTimeoutValue0 ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueNonExistingCommandWrongDomainL", &CMediatorTest::IssueNonExistingCommandWrongDomainL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueNonExistingCommandWrongCatL", &CMediatorTest::IssueNonExistingCommandWrongCatL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueNonExistingCommandIdL", &CMediatorTest::IssueNonExistingCommandIdL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandWrongCommandVerMajorL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandWrongCommandVerMajorL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommand2L", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommand2L ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueExistingCommandSameInitiatorWhileProcessingL", &CMediatorTest::IssueExistingCommandSameInitiatorWhileProcessingL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandWaitWithoutRespondingToCommandL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandWaitWithoutRespondingToCommandL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandCancelFromInitiatorBeforeTimeoutL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandCancelFromInitiatorBeforeTimeoutL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandRespondCorrectlyFromResponderL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandRespondCorrectlyFromResponderL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandALotOfParameterDataL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandALotOfParameterDataL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandRespondALotOfResponseDataL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandRespondALotOfResponseDataL ),
+ //ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfDomainsOver500Domains", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfDomainsOver500Domains ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCategoriesNoCategoriesL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCategoriesNoCategoriesL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCategoriesIncorrectDomainUIDL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCategoriesIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCategoriesMultipleCategoriesL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCategoriesMultipleCategoriesL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommandsL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommandsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommandsIncorrectDomainUIDL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommandsIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommandsIncorrectCategoryUIDL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommandsIncorrectCategoryUIDL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommands1CommandL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommands1CommandL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommandsMultipleCommandsL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommandsMultipleCommandsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfCommandsOver500CommandsL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfCommandsOver500CommandsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEventsNoEventsInCategoryL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEventsNoEventsInCategoryL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectDomainUIDL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectDomainUIDL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectCategoryUIDL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEventsWithIncorrectCategoryUIDL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEventsMultipleEventsInCategoryL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEventsMultipleEventsInCategoryL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] GetListOfEventsOver500EventsInCategoryL", &CMediatorTest::GetListOfEventsOver500EventsInCategoryL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiver", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] ReSubscribeNotificationReceiver", &CMediatorTest::ReSubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] ReUnsubscribeNotificationReceiver", &CMediatorTest::ReUnsubscribeNotificationReceiver ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregCommandsSoThatCatIsEmptyL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregCommandsSoThatCatIsEmptyL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatCatIsEmptyL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatCatIsEmptyL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnegisterCommandsSoThatErrorInRegistrationL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverRegisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration", &CMediatorTest::SubscribeNotificationReceiverUnregisterEventsSoThatErrorInRegistration ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandCancelAndReissueL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandCancelAndReissueL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandCancelAndIssueNewCommandL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandCancelAndIssueNewCommandL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] InstantiateAndDeleteMediatorPluginL", &CMediatorTest::InstantiateAndDeleteMediatorPluginL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandNoDataL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandNoDataL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RaiseEventNoDataL", &CMediatorTest::RaiseEventNoDataL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterMultipleEventsWithMultipleUIDsL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterMultipleEventsWithMultipleUIDsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] RegisterMultipleCommandsWithMultipleUIDsL", &CMediatorTest::RegisterMultipleCommandsWithMultipleUIDsL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] IssueCommandRespondIncorrectlyFromResponderL", &CMediatorTest::IssueCommandRespondIncorrectlyFromResponderL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForEventProviderTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForEventProviderTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForEventConsumerTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForEventConsumerTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForEventProviderwithListTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForEventProviderwithListTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForEventConsumerWithEventTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForEventConsumerWithEventTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForCommandInitiatorTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForCommandInitiatorTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForCommandInitiatorCommandListTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForCommandInitiatorCommandListTestL ),
+ ENTRY( "[CMediatorTest] OOMForMediatorNotificationsTestL", &CMediatorTest::OOMForMediatorNotificationsTestL )
// Example how to use OOM functionality
//OOM_ENTRY( "Loop test with OOM", LoopTest, ETrue, 2, 3 ),
//OOM_FUNCENTRY( PrintTest, ETrue, 1, 3 ),
--- a/resourceinterfaces/fmtransmittercontrol/group/telephony_hwrmfmtx.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourceinterfaces/fmtransmittercontrol/group/telephony_hwrmfmtx.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component telephony_hwrmfmtx
source \sf\os\devicesrv\resourceinterfaces\fmtransmittercontrol
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\resourceinterfaces\fmtransmittercontrol\group all
Binary file resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/documentation/HWRM Central Repository keys.xls has changed
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/group/telephony_hwrm.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/group/telephony_hwrm.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component telephony_hwrm
source \sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\hwresourcesmgr\client
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig/telephony_hwrm-config.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig/telephony_hwrm-config.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component telephony_hwrm-config
source \sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\hwresourcesmgrconfig
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwrmfmtxwatcherplugin/data/20012401.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwrmfmtxwatcherplugin/data/20012401.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -43,4 +43,5 @@
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
--- a/resourcemgmt/hwrmtargetmodifierplugin/data/10281B9B.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwrmtargetmodifierplugin/data/10281B9B.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -45,4 +45,5 @@
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
--- a/resourcemgmt/powerandmemorynotificationservice/group/syslibs_pwrcli.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/resourcemgmt/powerandmemorynotificationservice/group/syslibs_pwrcli.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component syslibs_pwrcli
source \sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\powerandmemorynotificationservice
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\resourcemgmt\powerandmemorynotificationservice\group all
--- a/sensorservices/orientationssy/src/SsyChannel.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sensorservices/orientationssy/src/SsyChannel.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -808,7 +808,9 @@
aChannelPropertyList.Append( channelProperties[index] );
+ channelProperties.Close();
--- a/sensorservices/sensorserver/src/server/sensrvpluginproxy.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sensorservices/sensorserver/src/server/sensrvpluginproxy.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
#include "sensrvclientserver.h"
#include "sensrvthreadmonitor.h"
#include "sensrvchanneldatareader.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2-phase constructor
@@ -251,14 +255,13 @@
err = iSsyThread.Create(*buf,
- KSensrvSsyHeapInitialSize,
- ProxyManager().SsyHeapMaxSize(),
if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvPluginProxy::InitializePluginL - Thread name is already in use, recreating..." ) ) );
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/inc/ssmcommonlocale.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declaration of TLanguageRegion structure.
+#include <e32base.h>
+_LIT( KLanguageDllNameBase, "elocl_lan" );
+_LIT( KRegionDllNameBase, "elocl_reg" );
+_LIT( KCollationDllNameBase, "elocl_col" );
+_LIT( KDllExtensionFormat, ".%u" );
+_LIT( KDllExtensionPadding, "0" );
+const TInt KMaxDllNameLength = 16;
+const TInt KMaxDllExtensionLength = 6;
+const TInt KMinDllExtensionLength = 4;
+const TInt KDllExtensionPaddingPosition = 1;
+* Used for mapping associated regions for the languages
+class TLanguageRegion
+ {
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ */
+ TLanguageRegion () : iLanguage( 0 ), iRegion ( 0 )
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Overloaded constructor.
+ */
+ TLanguageRegion ( const TInt aLanguage )
+ : iLanguage( aLanguage ), iRegion ( 0 )
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Overloaded constructor.
+ */
+ TLanguageRegion (const TInt aLanguage, const TInt aRegion)
+ : iLanguage( aLanguage ), iRegion ( aRegion )
+ {
+ }
+ /** Mapped language code */
+ TInt iLanguage;
+ /** Mapped region code */
+ TInt iRegion;
+#endif // __SSMCOMMONLOCALE_H__
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/inc/ssmlocalepskeys.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: PSKey definition.
+#include <e32base.h>
+/** Publish and Subscribe key used for observing Collation code changes. */
+static const TInt KSSMCollationPSKey = 501;
+/** Publish and Subscribe key used for observing Region code changes. */
+static const TInt KSSMRegionPSKey = 502;
+/** Publish and Subscribe key used for observing UI Language code changes. */
+static const TInt KSSMUILanguagePSKey = 503;
+#endif // __SSMLOCALEPSKEYS_H__
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/noncriticalcmdlist.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/noncriticalcmdlist.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* Contributors:
* Description:
-* Command list for the Non-critical startup state.
+* Command list for the Non-critical startup state in minimal startup mode.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
r_cmd_psstate, // prio 0xFFF0
// prio 0xFFE7
- r_cmd_clearstartupreason,
+ r_cmd_clearstartupreason,
@@ -83,68 +83,7 @@
// prio 0xFFC7
- // prio 0xFFB7
-#ifdef __JAVA
- r_cmd_javacaptain,
-#endif // __JAVA
- r_cmd_watcher,
- r_cmd_dmutilsrv,
- // prio 0xFFA7
- r_cmd_contentharvester,
- r_cmd_mdswatchdog,
- r_cmd_satsrv,
- r_cmd_cbssrv,
- r_cmd_schedsrv,
- r_cmd_aosrv,
- r_cmd_ippushman,
- r_cmd_remotefe,
- r_cmd_supllistener,
- r_cmd_autolock,
- r_cmd_dmallreasons,
- r_cmd_locod,
- r_cmd_lbtsrv,
-#endif // FF_LBT_ENGINE
- r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason,
- r_cmd_fota,
- // prio 0x7F87
- r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo,
- // prio 0x7F97
- r_cmd_dcmo,
- r_cmd_amastart,
- // prio 0x7EFF
- r_cmd_activitymonitor1,
- // prio 0x7EFE
- r_cmd_activitymonitor2,
- // prio 0x7EFC
- r_cmd_activitymonitor3,
- // prio 0x7EFA
- r_cmd_activitymonitor4,
- // prio 0x7EF8
- r_cmd_activitymonitor5,
- // prio 0x7EF6
- r_cmd_videocenter,
- // prio 0x7EF5
- r_cmd_activitymonitor6,
- // prio 0x7EF4
- r_cmd_iaupdatebg,
- // prio 0x7EF3
- r_cmd_activitymonitor7,
- // prio 0x7EF2
- r_cmd_activitymonitor8,
- // prio 0x7EEE
- r_cmd_autosync,
- // prio 0x7EED
- r_cmd_activitymonitor9,
- // prio 0x7EEC
- r_cmd_mylocationsengine,
- //prio 0x7EEA
- r_cmd_activitymonitor10,
- //prio 0x7EE9
- r_cmd_aab,
- r_cmd_startupready // Last command, prio 0x0000
+ r_cmd_startupready // Last command, prio 0x0000
@@ -152,209 +91,6 @@
// Command items in alphabetical order
// ===========================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_aab
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EE9;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\AABPhonebookapp.exe";
- retries = 2;
- background = 1; // To background
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor1
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EFF;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor2
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EFD;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor3
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EFB;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor4
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF9;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor5
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF7;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor6
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF5;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor7
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF3;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor8
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EEF;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor9
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EED;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_activitymonitor10
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_activitymonitor10
- {
- priority = 0x7EEA;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
- retries = 2;
- dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_amastart
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7F97;
- conditional_information = r_cond_ps_normalboot;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_autosync
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EEE;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- retries = 3;
- name = "cctautosync.exe";
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_aosrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\alwaysonlinestarter.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_alwaysonline;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_bsengine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -368,34 +104,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_autolock
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\lockapp.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- background = 1; // To background
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_cbssrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\cbsserver.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_cellbroadcast;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_createswp_rfstatus
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -420,151 +128,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_contentharvester
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_START_PROCESS_INFO r_cmd_contentharvester
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\contentharvester.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; //behavior changed from ESsmWaitForSignal as part of SCB CR MSOI-7XARNT
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_dcmo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7F97;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- dllname = "dcmostartupcustcmd.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // DCMO command
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_runtime_dcmo;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_dmallreasons
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
- ordinal = 1; // AllReasons command
- retries = 2;
- conditional_information = r_cond_syncml_dm_or_pnp_mobile_services;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason
- {
- priority = 0xFFA6;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
- ordinal = 3; // FirstBoot command
- retries = 2;
- conditional_information = r_cond_pnp_mobile_services_and_firstboot;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_dmutilsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFB7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\dmutilserver.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_reset;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_sappolicymgmt;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_fota
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA6;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
- ordinal = 2; // Fota command
- retries = 2;
- conditional_information = r_cond_syncml_dm_fota_and_fotareset;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_mdswatchdog
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "mdswatchdog.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_iaupdatebg
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF4;
- name = "iaupdatebg.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_iadv2;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_loadsup_ippushman
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\ippushman.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; // -- does not call Rendezvous() --
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_ippush;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_lbtsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\lbtserver.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- }
-#endif // FF_LBT_ENGINE
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_locod
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\locod.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_psstate
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -589,19 +152,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_remotefe
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\rsfwbootmounter.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_remotestoragefw;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_sastate
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -617,32 +167,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_satsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\satserver.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_simcard;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_schedsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\schexe.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_setswp_rfoff
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -708,49 +232,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_supllistener
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFA7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\epos_omasupllistener.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_omasuplplugins;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_videocenter
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0x7EF6;
- name = "cseschedulerserver.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo
- {
- priority = 0x7F87;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- dllname = "ssmsystemcmds.dll";
- ordinal = 6; // WaitPsKeyRange
- dll_data = r_dlldata_waitcleanbootinfo;
- retries = 2;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_waitforofflinequery
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -767,17 +248,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_watcher
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFFB7;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\watcher.exe";
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_clearstartupreason
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -791,20 +261,6 @@
execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_javacaptain
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __JAVA
- {
- priority = 0xFFB7;
- name = "javacaptain.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
- timeout = 10000;
- }
-#endif // __JAVA
// ===========================================================================
// DLL data items in alphabetical order
// ===========================================================================
@@ -842,17 +298,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_dlldata_waitidle
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CMD_PARAM_WAIT_PS r_dlldata_waitidle
- {
- category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
- key = 0x00000043; // KPSIdlePhase1Ok
- target = 101; // EIdlePhase1Ok
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_dlldata_waitofflinequery
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -875,18 +320,6 @@
target = 101; // EPhonePhase1Ok
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_mylocationsengine
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_START_PROCESS_INFO r_cmd_mylocationsengine
- {
- priority = 0x7EEC;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\mylocationsengine.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
- }
// ===========================================================================
// Conditional blocks in alphabetical order
// ===========================================================================
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/noncriticalcmdlist_ext.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Command list for the Non-critical startup state in extended startup mode.
+#include <ssm/conditionresourcetypes.rh>
+#include <ssm/ssmcmd.rh>
+#include <ssm/startupreason.h>
+#include <ssm/clayerswp.hrh>
+#include "ssmswp.hrh"
+#include "ssmsubstateext.hrh"
+#include "ssmdlldatadefs.rh"
+// Identify command list type
+UID2 KUidSsmCommandListResourceFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_entry_point
+// This must be the first resource
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ command_list_mapping = r_map;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_map
+// Mapping of command list ids to resource ids.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ mappings =
+ {
+ {
+ command_list_id = ESsmStateNonCritical;
+ resource_id = r_cmds;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// Command lists in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmds
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ commands =
+ {
+ // prio 0xFFB7
+#ifdef __JAVA
+ r_cmd_javacaptain,
+#endif // __JAVA
+ r_cmd_watcher,
+ r_cmd_dmutilsrv,
+ // prio 0xFFA7
+ r_cmd_contentharvester,
+ r_cmd_mdswatchdog,
+ r_cmd_satsrv,
+ r_cmd_cbssrv,
+ r_cmd_schedsrv,
+ r_cmd_aosrv,
+ r_cmd_ippushman,
+ r_cmd_remotefe,
+ r_cmd_supllistener,
+ r_cmd_autolock,
+ r_cmd_dmallreasons,
+ r_cmd_locod,
+ r_cmd_lbtsrv,
+#endif // FF_LBT_ENGINE
+ r_cmd_taskswitcher,
+ //prio 0xFFA6
+ r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason,
+ r_cmd_fota,
+ // prio 0x7F87
+ r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo,
+ // prio 0x7F97
+ r_cmd_dcmo,
+ r_cmd_amastart,
+ // prio 0x7F96
+ r_cmd_multiple_wait,
+ // prio 0x7EFF
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor1,
+ // prio 0x7EFD
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor2,
+ // prio 0x7EFB
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor3,
+ // prio 0x7EF9
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor4,
+ // prio 0x7EF7
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor5,
+ // prio 0x7EF6
+ r_cmd_videocenter,
+ // prio 0x7EF5
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor6,
+ // prio 0x7EF4
+ r_cmd_iaupdatebg,
+ // prio 0x7EF3
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor7,
+ // prio 0x7EF2
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor8,
+ // prio 0x7EEE
+ r_cmd_autosync,
+ // prio 0x7EED
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor9,
+ // prio 0x7EEC
+ r_cmd_mylocationsengine,
+ //prio 0x7EEA
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor10,
+ //prio 0x7EE9
+ r_cmd_conversationserver, //SBSA-7YZGCQ
+ //prio 0x7EE8
+ r_cmd_activitymonitor11,
+ //prio 0x7EE7
+ r_cmd_msgnotifier //SBSA-82ZBMC
+ //prio 0x7EE6
+ ,r_cmd_activitymonitor12,
+ //prio 0x7EE5
+ r_cmd_aab
+ };
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// Command items in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_aab
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EE5;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\AABPhonebookapp.exe";
+ retries = 2;
+ background = 1; // To background
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor1
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EFF;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor2
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EFD;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor3
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EFB;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor4
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF9;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor5
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF7;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor6
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF5;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor7
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF3;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor8
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EEF;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor9
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EED;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor10
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_activitymonitor10
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EEA;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor11
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_activitymonitor11
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EE8;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_activitymonitor12
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_activitymonitor12
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EE6;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "ssmactivitycmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // SsmActivityCmdNewL
+ retries = 2;
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_amastart
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7F97;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_ps_normalboot;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_autosync
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EEE;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ retries = 3;
+ name = "cctautosync.exe";
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_aosrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\alwaysonlinestarter.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_alwaysonline;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_autolock
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\lockapp.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ background = 1; // To background
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_cbssrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\cbsserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_cellbroadcast;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_conversationserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_PROCESS_INFO r_cmd_conversationserver
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EE9;
+ name = "csserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_contentharvester
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_PROCESS_INFO r_cmd_contentharvester
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\contentharvester.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; //behavior changed from ESsmWaitForSignal as part of SCB CR MSOI-7XARNT
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_dcmo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7F97;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ dllname = "dcmostartupcustcmd.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // DCMO command
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_runtime_dcmo;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_dmallreasons
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
+ ordinal = 1; // AllReasons command
+ retries = 2;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_syncml_dm_or_pnp_mobile_services;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_dmfirstbootreason
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA6;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
+ ordinal = 3; // FirstBoot command
+ retries = 2;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_pnp_mobile_services_and_firstboot;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_dmutilsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFB7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\dmutilserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_reset;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_sappolicymgmt;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_fota
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA6;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ dllname = "fotacustcmds.dll";
+ ordinal = 2; // Fota command
+ retries = 2;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_syncml_dm_fota_and_fotareset;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_mdswatchdog
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "mdswatchdog.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_iaupdatebg
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF4;
+ name = "iaupdatebg.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_iadv2;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_ippushman
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\ippushman.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget; // -- does not call Rendezvous() --
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_ippush;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_lbtsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\lbtserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ }
+#endif // FF_LBT_ENGINE
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_locod
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\locod.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_msgnotifier
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EE7;
+ name = "msgnotifier.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ retries = 3;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_psstate
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFF0;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000041; // KPSGlobalSystemState
+ value = 104; // ESwStateCriticalPhaseOK
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_remotefe
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\rsfwbootmounter.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_remotestoragefw;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_satsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\satserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_simcard;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_schedsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\schexe.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_supllistener
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\epos_omasupllistener.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_omasuplplugins;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_taskswitcher
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_APP_INFO r_cmd_taskswitcher
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFA7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\tsapplication.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ background = 1; // To background
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_multiple_wait
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_MULTIPLE_WAIT r_cmd_multiple_wait
+ {
+ priority = 0x7F96;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_videocenter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EF6;
+ name = "cseschedulerserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_CUSTOM_COMMAND r_cmd_waitcleanbootinfo
+ {
+ priority = 0x7F87;
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ dllname = "ssmsystemcmds.dll";
+ ordinal = 6; // WaitPsKeyRange
+ dll_data = r_dlldata_waitcleanbootinfo;
+ retries = 2;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_watcher
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFB7;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\watcher.exe";
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_ignore;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_javacaptain
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __JAVA
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFB7;
+ name = "javacaptain.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
+ timeout = 10000;
+ }
+#endif // __JAVA
+// ===========================================================================
+// DLL data items in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE CMD_PARAM_TIMEOUT r_dlldata_activitymonitor_timeout
+ {
+ timeout = 2;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_dlldata_waitcleanbootinfo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE CMD_PARAM_WAIT_PS_2 r_dlldata_waitcleanbootinfo
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000012; // KStartupCleanBoot
+ target1 = 101; // EStartupNormalBoot
+ target2 = 102; // EStartupCleanBoot
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_mylocationsengine
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_START_PROCESS_INFO r_cmd_mylocationsengine
+ {
+ priority = 0x7EEC;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\mylocationsengine.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// Conditional blocks in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_firstboot
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_firstboot
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000013; // KPSStartupFirstBoot
+ value = 101; // EPSStartupFirstBoot
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_alwaysonline
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_alwaysonline
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdAlwaysOnLine;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_cellbroadcast
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_cellbroadcast
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdCellBroadcast;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_iadv2
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdFfIaupdatePhase2;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_ippush
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdIpPush;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_omasuplplugins
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_omasuplplugins
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdOmaSuplPlugins;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_pnp_mobile_services
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_pnp_mobile_services
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdPlugAndPlayMobileServices;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_remotestoragefw
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_remotestoragefw
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdRemoteStorageFw;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_runtime_dcmo;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_runtime_dcmo
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdFfRuntimeDeviceCapabilityConfiguration;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_sappolicymgmt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_sappolicymgmt
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSapPolicyManagement;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_sdnd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSdnd;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_simcard
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSimCard;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_sind
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSind;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_syncml_dm
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_syncml_dm
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSyncMlDm;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_syncml_dm_fota
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_syncml_dm_fota
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdSyncMlDmFota;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_no_sdnd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ sub_condition = r_cond_feat_sdnd;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_pnp_mobile_services_and_firstboot
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_AND r_cond_pnp_mobile_services_and_firstboot
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_feat_pnp_mobile_services;
+ rhs = r_cond_ps_firstboot;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_bootoffline
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_bootoffline
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000011; // KStartupBootIntoOffline
+ value = 102; // EBootIntoOfflineMode
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_bootonline
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_bootonline
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000011; // KStartupBootIntoOffline
+ value = 101; // EBootIntoOnlineMode
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_fotareset
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_fotareset
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000045; // KPSStartupReason
+ value = EFirmwareUpdate;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_normalboot
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_normalboot
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000012; // KStartupCleanBoot
+ value = 101; // EStartupNormalBoot
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_ps_simusable
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_PUB_SUB_VALUE r_cond_ps_simusable
+ {
+ category = 0x101F8766; // KPSUidStartup
+ key = 0x00000031; // KPSSimStatus
+ value = 101; // ESimUsable
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_simnotusable
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_NOT r_cond_simnotusable
+ {
+ sub_condition = r_cond_ps_simusable;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_simnotusable_or_bootoffline
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_OR r_cond_simnotusable_or_bootoffline
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_simnotusable;
+ rhs = r_cond_ps_bootoffline;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_simusable_and_bootonline
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_AND r_cond_simusable_and_bootonline
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_ps_simusable;
+ rhs = r_cond_ps_bootonline;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_sind_and_no_sdnd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_AND r_cond_sind_and_no_sdnd
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_feat_sind;
+ rhs = r_cond_no_sdnd;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_syncml_dm_fota_and_fotareset
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_AND r_cond_syncml_dm_fota_and_fotareset
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_feat_syncml_dm_fota;
+ rhs = r_cond_ps_fotareset;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_syncml_dm_or_pnp_mobile_services
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_LOGICAL_OR r_cond_syncml_dm_or_pnp_mobile_services
+ {
+ lhs = r_cond_feat_syncml_dm;
+ rhs = r_cond_feat_pnp_mobile_services;
+ }
+// monitoring.rss contains resource definitions, so it may not be included
+// before entry point.
+#include "monitoring.rss"
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/securitycheckcmdlist.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/securitycheckcmdlist.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
// prio 0xFFE3
+ r_cmd_clockserver,
// prio 0xFFDF
@@ -93,7 +94,17 @@
// Command items in alphabetical order
// ===========================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_clockserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFFE3;
+ name = "clockserver.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_createswp_simstatus
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -165,8 +176,7 @@
priority = 0xFFE3;
name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\phoneui.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmFireAndForget;
retries = 2;
background = 1; // To background
monitor_info = r_mon_reset;
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/uiservicescmdlist.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/uiservicescmdlist.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* Contributors:
* Description:
-* Command list for the UI-Services startup state (UI shell version).
+* Command list for the UI-Services startup state (UI shell version) for minimal startup.
@@ -80,21 +80,19 @@
// prio 0xFFA7
- // prio 0xFF97
- r_cmd_tzsrv,
- r_cmd_mediator,
- r_cmd_hwrmsrv,
- r_cmd_rtc,
- // prio 0xFF96 - tzsrv, mediator, hwrmsrv
+ r_cmd_rtc, // prio 0xFF97
+ // prio 0xFF96 - rtc (tzsrv, mediator & hwrmsrv have been moved to extended startuplist but uses the same multiplewait command )
// prio 0xFF87
- r_cmd_dbrecovery,
r_cmd_selectlanguage, // Select UI language to use
- // prio 0xFF86 - dbrecovery, accsrv, seleclanguage
+ // prio 0xFF86 - accsrv, seleclanguage (dbrecovery has been moved to extended startup list but uses the same multiplewait command))
// prio 0xFF85
r_cmd_loadlocalesup, // Observes changes in locale data
+ r_cmd_loadcollation, // Observes changes in Collation setting
+ r_cmd_loadregion, // Observes changes in Region setting
+ r_cmd_loaduilanguage, // Observes changes in UI Language setting
// prio 0xFF79
r_cmd_aknstart, // UI Framework
// prio 0xFF77
@@ -146,44 +144,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_dbrecovery
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFF87;
- name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\dbrecovery.exe";
- execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_hwrmsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFF97;
- name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\hwrmserver.exe";
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
- retries = 2;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_mediator
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFF97;
- name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\mediatorserver.exe";
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
- monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_reset;
- conditional_information = r_cond_feat_mediator;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_initclkeys
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -225,6 +185,39 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_loadcollation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF85;
+ filename = "ssmlocaleobserversup.dll";
+ ordinal = 2;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_loadregion
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF85;
+ filename = "ssmlocaleobserversup.dll";
+ ordinal = 3;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_loaduilanguage
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF85;
+ filename = "ssmlocaleobserversup.dll";
+ ordinal = 4;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// r_cmd_loadpowersup
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -396,18 +389,6 @@
retries = 2;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cmd_tzsrv
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- priority = 0xFF97;
- name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\tzserver.exe";
- severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
- execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
- }
// ===========================================================================
// DLL data items in alphabetical order
// ===========================================================================
@@ -461,14 +442,6 @@
value = 102; // ENormalRFSReset
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_cond_feat_mediator
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_mediator
- {
- feature_id = KFeatureIdMediator;
- }
// monitoring.rss contains resource definitions, so it may not be included
// before entry point.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/uiservicescmdlist_ext.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Command list for the UI-Services startup state (UI shell version) for extended startup.
+#include <ssm/conditionresourcetypes.rh>
+#include <ssm/ssmcmd.rh>
+#include "ssmsubstateext.hrh"
+#include "ssmdlldatadefs.rh"
+// Identify command list type
+UID2 KUidSsmCommandListResourceFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_entry_point
+// This must be the first resource
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ command_list_mapping = r_map;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_map
+// Mapping of command list ids to resource ids.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ mappings =
+ {
+ {
+ command_list_id = ESsmStateStartingUiServices;
+ resource_id = r_cmds;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// Command lists in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmds
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ commands =
+ {
+ // prio 0xFF99
+ r_cmd_tzsrv,
+ r_cmd_mediator,
+ r_cmd_hwrmsrv,
+ // prio 0xFF89
+ r_cmd_dbrecovery
+ };
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// Command items in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_dbrecovery
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF89;
+ name = "z:\\sys\\bin\\dbrecovery.exe";
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_hwrmsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF99;
+ name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\hwrmserver.exe";
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ retries = 2;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_mediator
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF99;
+ name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\mediatorserver.exe";
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ monitor_info = r_mon_3_restarts_reset;
+ conditional_information = r_cond_feat_mediator;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cmd_tzsrv
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ priority = 0xFF99;
+ name = "Z:\\sys\\bin\\tzserver.exe";
+ severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
+ execution_behaviour = ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal;
+ }
+// ===========================================================================
+// DLL data items in alphabetical order
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_cond_feat_mediator
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE SSM_CND_FEATURE_VALUE r_cond_feat_mediator
+ {
+ feature_id = KFeatureIdMediator;
+ }
+// monitoring.rss contains resource definitions, so it may not be included
+// before entry point.
+#include "monitoring.rss"
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/usbwatcher_hw.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/data/usbwatcher_hw.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/group/ssmcmdlists.mmp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/group/ssmcmdlists.mmp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0 // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
-START RESOURCE uiservicescmdlist.rss // Starting UI-Services startup state
+START RESOURCE uiservicescmdlist.rss // Starting UI-Services startup state for minimal bootup
TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0 // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0 // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
-START RESOURCE noncriticalcmdlist.rss // Non-critical startup state
+START RESOURCE noncriticalcmdlist.rss // Non-critical startup state for minimal bootup
TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0 // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@
TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0 // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
+START RESOURCE noncriticalcmdlist_ext.rss // Non-critical startup state for extended bootup
+TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0_ext // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
+START RESOURCE uiservicescmdlist_ext.rss // Starting UI-Services startup state for extended bootup
+TARGETPATH /private/2000d75b/startup/0_ext // Private directory of sysstatemgr.exe
// Command lists specific to HW
START RESOURCE wserv_hw.rss // Window server command list (HW version)
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/rom/ssmcmdlists.iby Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcmdlists/rom/ssmcmdlists.iby Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\startup\0\securitycheckcmdlist.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\securitycheckcmdlist.rsc
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\startup\0\noncriticalcmdlist.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\noncriticalcmdlist.rsc
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\startup\0\emergencycallsonlycmdlist.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\emergencycallsonlycmdlist.rsc
+data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\startup\0_ext\uiservicescmdlist_ext.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\uiservicescmdlist_ext.rsc
+data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\startup\0_ext\noncriticalcmdlist_ext.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\noncriticalcmdlist_ext.rsc
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\hw\wserv_hw.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\wserv.rsc
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\hw\noncriticalcmdlist_hw.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\noncriticalcmdlist_hw.rsc
data=DATAZ_\private\2000D75B\hw\usbwatcher_hw.rsc \private\2000D75B\startup\0\usbwatcher.rsc
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmcustcmds/ssmsystemcmds/src/ssminitpskeys.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmcustcmds/ssmsystemcmds/src/ssminitpskeys.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "ssmmapperutility.h"
#include "ssmmapperutilityinternalpskeys.h"
#include "ssmcustcmdsprivatepskeys.h"
+#include "ssmlocalepskeys.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include <ssm/startupdomainpskeys.h>
@@ -273,7 +274,32 @@
KWriteDeviceDataPolicy );
SetL( KPSStarterUid, KRTCPropertyKey, 0 );
+ //Used for observing the Collation code change in CSsmCollationObserver
+ INFO( "KPSStarterUid::KSSMCollationPSKey" );
+ DefineL( KPSStarterUid,
+ KSSMCollationPSKey,
+ KReadDeviceDataPolicy,
+ KWriteDeviceDataPolicy );
+ SetL( KPSStarterUid, KSSMCollationPSKey, 0 );
+ //Used for observing the Region code change in CSsmRegionObserver
+ INFO( "KPSStarterUid::KSSMRegionPSKey" );
+ DefineL( KPSStarterUid,
+ KSSMRegionPSKey,
+ KReadDeviceDataPolicy,
+ KWriteDeviceDataPolicy );
+ SetL( KPSStarterUid, KSSMRegionPSKey, 0 );
+ INFO( "KPSStarterUid::KSSMUiLanguagePSKey " );
+ DefineL( KPSStarterUid,
+ KSSMUILanguagePSKey ,
+ KReadDeviceDataPolicy,
+ KWriteDeviceDataPolicy );
+ SetL( KPSStarterUid, KSSMUILanguagePSKey , 0 );
// Store FirstBoot Value from cenrep
TInt csVal( 0 );
TInt psVal( 0 );
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmmapperutility/inc/ssmmapperutility.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmmapperutility/inc/ssmmapperutility.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
* @aMessage Client message
* @return ETrue if capabilities ok, otherwise EFalse
- virtual TBool CheckCaps( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage );
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool CheckCaps( const RMessagePtr2& aMessage );
* First phase constructor. Exported for
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/bwins/ssmlocaleobserversupu.def Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/bwins/ssmlocaleobserversupu.def Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
?NewL@CSsmLocaleObserverSup@@SAPAVMSsmUtility@@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; class MSsmUtility * CSsmLocaleObserverSup::NewL(void)
+ ?NewL@CSsmCollationObserver@@SAPAVMSsmUtility@@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; class MSsmUtility * CSsmCollationObserver::NewL(void)
+ ?NewL@CSsmRegionObserver@@SAPAVMSsmUtility@@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; class MSsmUtility * CSsmRegionObserver::NewL(void)
+ ?NewL@CSsmUiLanguageObserver@@SAPAVMSsmUtility@@XZ @ 4 NONAME ; class MSsmUtility * CSsmUiLanguageObserver::NewL(void)
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/eabi/ssmlocaleobserversupu.def Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/eabi/ssmlocaleobserversupu.def Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
_ZN21CSsmLocaleObserverSup4NewLEv @ 1 NONAME
+ _ZN18CSsmRegionObserver4NewLEv @ 2 NONAME
+ _ZN21CSsmCollationObserver4NewLEv @ 3 NONAME
+ _ZN22CSsmUiLanguageObserver4NewLEv @ 4 NONAME
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/group/ssmlocaleobserversup.mmp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/group/ssmlocaleobserversup.mmp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
SOURCE ssmlocaleobserversup.cpp
+SOURCE ssmcollationobserversup.cpp
+SOURCE ssmregionobserversup.cpp
+SOURCE ssmuilanguageobserversup.cpp
@@ -41,6 +44,8 @@
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY ssmcmn.lib
LIBRARY ssmmapperutility.lib
+LIBRARY centralrepository.lib
// >>> uncomment to enable function-level tracing
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/inc/ssmcollationobserversup.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declaration of CSsmCollationObserver class.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ssm/ssmutility.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+* SSM Utility plugin to observe the Collation code changes and load the new collation
+* when it is changed.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSsmCollationObserver ) : public CActive, public MSsmUtility
+ {
+ //From MSsmUtility
+ void InitializeL();
+ void StartL();
+ void Release();
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static MSsmUtility* NewL();
+ // from base class CActive
+ /**
+ * Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
+ * This RunL will never leave, so RunError not needed.
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CSsmCollationObserver();
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CSsmCollationObserver();
+ /**
+ * Activate the active object.
+ */
+ void Activate();
+ /**
+ * Loads the Collation set in the PS key.
+ */
+ void LoadCollation();
+ /**
+ * Store the Collation code to Central Repository.
+ * @param aCollation The Collation code to store.
+ */
+ void StoreCollationToCentRep( const TInt aCollation );
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Used for observing Collation code changes.
+ */
+ RProperty iCollationProperty;
+ };
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/inc/ssmlocaleobserversup.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/inc/ssmlocaleobserversup.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <ssm/ssmutility.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier;
@@ -75,34 +77,32 @@
* Copied fron SysLocale.
* SaveLocaleL saves TLocale class to the given directory
- * and initiates missing independent data, if any.
- * Note, that independent data is created only once and it is
- * shared by all the locales. Therefore, it is recommended
- * to call this method upon early boot phase of a device.
+ *
* @param aPath Directory path containing locale data files.
* (e.g. "c:\dir" or c:\dir\")
- void SaveLocaleL( const TDesC& aPath );
+ void SaveRegionL( const TDesC& aPath );
* Copied fron SysLocale.
- * LoadLocaleL restores TLocale class from the given directory.
- * If locale independent data (see note)
- * exists, its data overrides the restored TLocale data.
+ * LoadRegionL restores TLocale class from the given directory.
+ *
* @param aPath Directory path containing locale data files
* (e.g. "c:\dir" or c:\dir\")
- void LoadLocaleL( const TDesC& aPath );
+ void LoadRegionL( const TDesC& aPath );
- * Stores locale independent data.
+ * Initialize the language region mapping
+ *
- void SaveIndependentDataL( const TLocale& aLocale, const TDesC& aPath );
+ void InitializeRegionMappingL();
- * Loads locale independent data.
+ * Gets the associated region for the given language
+ *
- void LoadIndependentDataL( TLocale& aLocale, const TDesC& aPath );
+ TInt MappedRegionL(const TInt aLanguage);
private: // data
@@ -127,6 +127,10 @@
RFs iFs;
+ /**
+ * Array of language and region mappings.
+ */
+ RHashSet<TLanguageRegion> iLangRegionMappingHashSet;
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/inc/ssmregionobserversup.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declaration of CSsmRegionObserver class.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ssm/ssmutility.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include "trace.h"
+* SSM Utility plugin to observe the Region code changes and load the new Region
+* when it is changed.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSsmRegionObserver ) : public CActive, public MSsmUtility
+ {
+ //From MSsmUtility
+ void InitializeL();
+ void StartL();
+ void Release();
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static MSsmUtility* NewL();
+ // from base class CActive
+ /**
+ * Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
+ * This RunL will never leave, so RunError not needed.
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CSsmRegionObserver();
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CSsmRegionObserver();
+ /**
+ * Activate the active object.
+ */
+ void Activate();
+ /**
+ * Loads the Region set in the PS key.
+ */
+ void LoadRegion();
+ /**
+ * Store the Region code to Central Repository.
+ * @param aRegion The Region code to store.
+ */
+ void StoreRegionToCentRep( const TInt aRegion);
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Used for observing Region code changes.
+ */
+ RProperty iRegionProperty;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/inc/ssmuilanguageobserversup.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declaration of CSsmUiLanguageObserver class.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ssm/ssmutility.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include "trace.h"
+* SSM Utility plugin to observe the UI Language code changes and load the new UI Language
+* when it is changed.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSsmUiLanguageObserver ) : public CActive, public MSsmUtility
+ {
+ //From MSsmUtility
+ void InitializeL();
+ void StartL();
+ void Release();
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static MSsmUtility* NewL();
+ // from base class CActive
+ /**
+ * Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
+ * This RunL will never leave, so RunError not needed.
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CSsmUiLanguageObserver();
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CSsmUiLanguageObserver();
+ /**
+ * Activate the active object.
+ */
+ void Activate();
+ /**
+ * Loads the Language set in the PS key.
+ */
+ void LoadUILanguage();
+ /**
+ * Store the Language code to Central Repository.
+ * @param aUILanguage The Language code to store.
+ */
+ void StoreUILanguageToCentRep( const TInt aUILanguage);
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Used for observing UI Language code changes.
+ */
+ RProperty iUILanguageProperty;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/src/ssmcollationobserversup.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of CSsmCollationObserver class.
+#include "ssmcollationobserversup.h"
+#include "ssmlocalepskeys.h"
+#include "ssmmapperutilityinternalpskeys.h"
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::NewL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C MSsmUtility* CSsmCollationObserver::NewL()
+ {
+ CSsmCollationObserver* self = new( ELeave ) CSsmCollationObserver();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::InitializeL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::InitializeL()
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::StartL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::StartL()
+ {
+ TInt errorCode = iCollationProperty.Attach( KPSStarterUid, KSSMCollationPSKey );
+ ERROR_2( errorCode, "Failed to attach to property 0x%08x::0x%08x", KPSStarterUid.iUid, KSSMCollationPSKey );
+ Activate();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::Release()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::Release()
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::~CSsmCollationObserver()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iCollationProperty.Close();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::DoCancel()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iCollationProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::RunL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::RunL()
+ {
+ const TInt errorCode = iStatus.Int();
+ if (KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ Activate();
+ LoadCollation();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "CSsmCollationObserver::RunL()completed with: %d - not reactivating", iStatus.Int() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::LoadCollation()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::LoadCollation()
+ {
+ TInt collation(0);
+ TInt errorCode = iCollationProperty.Get( collation );
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode )
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to get KSSMCollationPSKey value with error %d", errorCode );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dot plus three digit locale
+ TBuf<KMaxDllExtensionLength> extension;
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, collation );
+ // Padd ".1" to ".001" for compatibility.
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
+ {
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition,
+ KDllExtensionPadding );
+ }
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> collationDllName( KCollationDllNameBase );
+ collationDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading Collation DLL named '%S'", &collationDllName );
+ TExtendedLocale extLocale;
+ extLocale.LoadSystemSettings();
+ errorCode = extLocale.LoadLocaleAspect( collationDllName );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = extLocale.SaveSystemSettings();
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to save locale (Collation) settings" );
+ TLocale().Set();
+ StoreCollationToCentRep( collation );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to load locale (Collation) with error %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::StoreCollationToCentRep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::StoreCollationToCentRep( const TInt aCollation )
+ {
+ CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( errorCode, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys ) );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to initialize cen rep %d", errorCode );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = cenrep->Set( KGSCollation, aCollation);
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to store collation code to CentRep, %d",
+ errorCode );
+ delete cenrep;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::CSsmCollationObserver()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsmCollationObserver::CSsmCollationObserver() : CActive( EPriorityStandard )
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmCollationObserver::Activate()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmCollationObserver::Activate()
+ {
+ ASSERT( !IsActive() );
+ iCollationProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
--- a/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/src/ssmlocaleobserversup.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/src/ssmlocaleobserversup.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <bautils.h>
#include <connect/sbdefs.h>
#include <s32file.h>
+#include <e32reg.h>
#include "ssmmapperutilitystatic.h"
#include "ssmlocaleobserversup.h"
@@ -30,9 +31,8 @@
_LIT( KLocaleDataDir, "\\private\\2000d766\\localedata\\" );
-/** Name is LocaleData.Dnn or CommonData.D00 */
-_LIT( KFileName, "LocaleData.D" );
-_LIT( KCommonFileName, "CommonData.D" );
+/** Name is RegionData.Dnn */
+_LIT( KFileName, "RegionData.D" );
* Version number from 1..255 to indicate data
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
const TInt KCurrentVersionNumber = 2; // For fixing TChar r/w
+/** The maximum number of regions to be appended to the hash set. */
+const TInt KMaxNumberOfRegions = 56;
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@
static HBufC* MakeFileNameL( const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aName, const TInt aCode )
- INFO_3( "Locale data dir: %S, file name base: %S, lang code: %d", &aPath, &aName, aCode );
+ INFO_3( "Region data dir: %S, file name base: %S, region code: %d", &aPath, &aName, aCode );
TInt length = aPath.Length();
@@ -84,11 +87,21 @@
ptr.AppendNum( aCode );
- INFO_1( "Locale data file: %S", buffer );
+ INFO_1( "Region data file: %S", buffer );
return buffer;
+inline TUint32 HashLangRegionMappingFunction(const TLanguageRegion& aMapping)
+ {
+ return aMapping.iLanguage;
+ }
+inline TBool HashLangRegionMappingIdentityRelation(const TLanguageRegion& aMapping1,
+ const TLanguageRegion& aMapping2)
+ {
+ return (aMapping1.iLanguage == aMapping2.iLanguage);
+ }
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
@@ -112,6 +125,7 @@
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.Close();
delete iEnvChangeNotifier;
@@ -133,7 +147,7 @@
if ( !iRestoreActive && ( changes & EChangesLocale ) )
TParsePtrC parse( KLocaleDataDir );
- SaveLocaleL( parse.FullName() );
+ SaveRegionL( parse.FullName() );
if( changes & EChangesSystemTime )
@@ -185,9 +199,9 @@
iRestoreActive = EFalse;
TParsePtrC parse( KLocaleDataDir );
- TRAP( err, LoadLocaleL( parse.FullName() ) );
+ TRAP( err, LoadRegionL( parse.FullName() ) );
ERROR( err, "Failed to load locale" );
- // Can not do anything about the error - just continue.
+ // Cannot do anything about the error - just continue.
@@ -218,6 +232,8 @@
ERROR( err, "Failed to connect to file server" );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ InitializeRegionMappingL();
TRAP( err, iEnvChangeNotifier = CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::NewL(
TCallBack( EnvChangeNotifierCallback, this ) ) );
@@ -235,8 +251,8 @@
TParsePtrC parse( KLocaleDataDir );
- TRAPD_ERR( err, LoadLocaleL( parse.FullName() ) );
- ERROR( err, "Failed to load locale data the first time" );
+ TRAPD_ERR( err, LoadRegionL( parse.FullName() ) );
+ ERROR( err, "Failed to load region data the first time" );
if ( iEnvChangeNotifier )
@@ -268,7 +284,8 @@
: CActive( EPriorityNormal ),
- iRestoreActive( EFalse )
+ iRestoreActive( EFalse ),
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet( &::HashLangRegionMappingFunction, &::HashLangRegionMappingIdentityRelation )
@@ -291,15 +308,16 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveLocaleL
+// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveRegionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveLocaleL( const TDesC& aPath )
+void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveRegionL( const TDesC& aPath )
- INFO( "Saving locale data" );
- HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KFileName, User::Language() );
+ INFO( "Saving region data" );
+ TInt region = MappedRegionL(User::Language());
+ HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KFileName, region);
CleanupStack::PushL( fName );
RFileWriteStream fStream;
@@ -365,9 +383,6 @@
fStream.WriteInt8L( locale.NegativeCurrencySymbolOpposite() );
fStream.WriteInt16L( locale.DigitType() );
- // Then save display language independent data
- SaveIndependentDataL( locale, aPath );
// If CommitL leaves it means probably full disk.
// It is here assumed that data has not been changed if this leaves.
@@ -378,15 +393,16 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadLocaleL
+// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadRegionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadLocaleL( const TDesC& aPath )
+void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadRegionL( const TDesC& aPath )
- INFO( "Loading locale data" );
+ INFO( "Loading region data" );
- HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KFileName, User::Language() );
+ TInt region = MappedRegionL(User::Language());
+ HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KFileName, region);
CleanupStack::PushL( fName );
TLocale locale; // copy current values
@@ -404,7 +420,7 @@
if ( err == KErrNone )
TInt version = fStream.ReadInt8L();
- INFO_1( "Locale file version: %d", version );
+ INFO_1( "Region file version: %d", version );
locale.SetCountryCode( fStream.ReadInt16L() );
fStream.ReadInt16L(); // obsolete
@@ -450,10 +466,6 @@
locale.SetDigitType( static_cast< TDigitType >( fStream.ReadInt16L() ) );
- // Then patch data with locale independent data (code 00)
- // No changes to locale if no independent data can be found (the very first boot)
- LoadIndependentDataL( locale, aPath );
// Save changes to the system.
@@ -461,93 +473,83 @@
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fName );
+void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::InitializeRegionMappingL()
+ {
+ //Reserve the memory for the number of mappings to be appended
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.ReserveL( KMaxNumberOfRegions );
+ //Insert the Language - Region mapping
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish, ERegGBR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFrench, ERegFRA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGerman, ERegDEU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSpanish, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangItalian, ERegITA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSwedish, ERegSWE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangDanish, ERegDNK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangNorwegian, ERegNOR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFinnish, ERegFIN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangAmerican, ERegUSA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPortuguese, ERegPRT ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTurkish, ERegTUR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangIcelandic, ERegISL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangRussian, ERegRUS ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHungarian, ERegHUN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangDutch, ERegNLD ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBelgianFlemish, ERegBEL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCzech, ERegCZE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSlovak, ERegSVK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPolish, ERegPOL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSlovenian, ERegSVN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTaiwanChinese, ERegTWN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHongKongChinese, ERegHKG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPrcChinese, ERegCHN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangJapanese, ERegJPN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangThai, ERegTHA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangArabic, ERegARE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTagalog, ERegPHL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBulgarian, ERegBGR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCatalan, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCroatian, ERegHRV ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEstonian, ERegEST ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFarsi, ERegIRN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCanadianFrench, ERegCAN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGreek, ERegGRC ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHebrew, ERegISR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHindi, ERegIND ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangIndonesian, ERegIDN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLatvian, ERegLVA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLithuanian, ERegLTU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangMalay, ERegMYS ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBrazilianPortuguese, ERegBRA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangRomanian, ERegROU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSerbian, ERegSCG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLatinAmericanSpanish, ERegMEX ));
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangUkrainian, ERegUKR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangUrdu, ERegPAK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangVietnamese, ERegVNM ) );
+#ifdef __E32LANG_H__
+ // 5.0
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBasque, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGalician, ERegESP ) );
+#endif //__E32LANG_H__
+#if !defined(__SERIES60_31__)
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Apac, ERegGBR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Taiwan, ERegTWN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_HongKong, ERegHKG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Prc, ERegCHN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Japan, ERegJPN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Thailand, ERegTHA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangMalay_Apac, ERegMYS ) );
+#endif //!defined(__SERIES60_31__)
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveIndependentDataL
+// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::MappedRegionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::SaveIndependentDataL(
- const TLocale& aLocale,
- const TDesC& aPath )
+TInt CSsmLocaleObserverSup::MappedRegionL(const TInt aLanguage)
- // Get old independent data, if any.
- TLocale savedLoc;
- TRAPD( err, LoadIndependentDataL( savedLoc, aPath ) );
- ERROR( err, "Failed to load locale independent data" );
- HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KCommonFileName, 0 );
- CleanupStack::PushL( fName );
- RFileWriteStream fStream;
- CleanupClosePushL( fStream );
- err = iFs.MkDirAll( *fName ); // Ignore errors
- err = fStream.Create( iFs, *fName, EFileWrite );
- if ( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
- {
- // Override
- err = fStream.Open( iFs, *fName, EFileWrite );
- ERROR_1( err, "Failed to create stream %S", fName );
- }
- User::LeaveIfError( err );
- // Write first the version number to enable support for file format changes.
- fStream.WriteInt8L( KCurrentVersionNumber );
- fStream.WriteInt32L( 0 ); // Universal time offset is not part of TLocale
- // any more. Write zero here to keep file structure.
- // Clock format is also common.
- fStream.WriteUint32L( aLocale.ClockFormat() );
- fStream.WriteUint32L( 0 ); // reserved 2
- fStream.WriteUint32L( 0 ); // reserved 3
- fStream.CommitL();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fStream );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fName );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadIndependentDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLocaleObserverSup::LoadIndependentDataL(
- TLocale& aLocale,
- const TDesC& aPath )
- {
- HBufC* fName = MakeFileNameL( aPath, KCommonFileName, 0 );
- CleanupStack::PushL( fName );
- RFileReadStream fStream;
- CleanupClosePushL( fStream );
- TInt err = fStream.Open( iFs, *fName, EFileRead );
- if ( err != KErrNotFound && err != KErrPathNotFound )
- {
- ERROR_1( err, "Failed to open stream %S", fName );
- // Data file is missing upon the first boot or when switching into a
- // language for the first time
- }
- if ( err == KErrNotFound || err == KErrPathNotFound )
- {
- // File not found --> Not an error because
- // this is a new file and older builds do not have this file.
- INFO( "No locale data found" );
- }
- else
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( err );
- fStream.ReadInt8L(); // Version.
- fStream.ReadInt32L(); // Universal time offset was stored here.
- aLocale.SetClockFormat( ( TClockFormat ) fStream.ReadUint32L() );
- fStream.ReadUint32L(); // reserved 2
- fStream.ReadUint32L(); // reserved 3
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fStream );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fName );
- }
+ TLanguageRegion langRegion = iLangRegionMappingHashSet.FindL(TLanguageRegion(aLanguage));
+ return langRegion.iRegion;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/src/ssmregionobserversup.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of CSsmRegionObserver class.
+#include "ssmregionobserversup.h"
+#include "ssmlocalepskeys.h"
+#include "ssmmapperutilityinternalpskeys.h"
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C MSsmUtility* CSsmRegionObserver::NewL()
+ {
+ CSsmRegionObserver* self = new( ELeave ) CSsmRegionObserver();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::InitializeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::InitializeL()
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::StartL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::StartL()
+ {
+ TInt errorCode = iRegionProperty.Attach( KPSStarterUid, KSSMRegionPSKey );
+ ERROR_2( errorCode, "Failed to attach to property 0x%08x::0x%08x", KPSStarterUid.iUid, KSSMRegionPSKey );
+ Activate();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::Release
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::Release()
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::~CSsmRegionObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iRegionProperty.Close();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iRegionProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::RunL()
+ {
+ const TInt errorCode = iStatus.Int();
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ Activate();
+ LoadRegion();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1("CSsmRegionObserver::RunL()completed with: %d - not reactivating", iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::LoadRegion
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::LoadRegion()
+ {
+ TInt region(0);
+ TInt errorCode = iRegionProperty.Get( region);
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode )
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to get KSSMRegionPSKey value with error %d", errorCode );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dot plus five digit locale
+ TBuf<KMaxDllExtensionLength> extension;
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, region);
+ // Padd ".1" to ".01" for compatibility.
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
+ {
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition,
+ KDllExtensionPadding );
+ }
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> regionDllName( KRegionDllNameBase );
+ regionDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading region DLL named '%S'", ®ionDllName );
+ TExtendedLocale extLocale;
+ extLocale.LoadSystemSettings();
+ errorCode = extLocale.LoadLocaleAspect(regionDllName );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load region" );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = extLocale.SaveSystemSettings();
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to set region" );
+ TLocale().Set();
+ StoreRegionToCentRep( region );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::StoreRegionToCentRep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::StoreRegionToCentRep( const TInt aRegion )
+ {
+ CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( errorCode, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys ) );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to initialize cen rep %d", errorCode );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = cenrep->Set( KGSRegion, aRegion);
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to store region code to CentRep, %d",
+ errorCode );
+ delete cenrep;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::CSsmRegionObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsmRegionObserver::CSsmRegionObserver() : CActive( EPriorityStandard )
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmRegionObserver::Activate
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmRegionObserver::Activate()
+ {
+ ASSERT( !IsActive() );
+ iRegionProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/ssmutilityplugins/ssmlocaleobserversup/src/ssmuilanguageobserversup.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of CSsmUiLanguageObserver class.
+#include "ssmuilanguageobserversup.h"
+#include "ssmlocalepskeys.h"
+#include "ssmmapperutilityinternalpskeys.h"
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C MSsmUtility* CSsmUiLanguageObserver::NewL()
+ {
+ CSsmUiLanguageObserver* self = new( ELeave ) CSsmUiLanguageObserver();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::InitializeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::InitializeL()
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::StartL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::StartL()
+ {
+ TInt errorCode = iUILanguageProperty.Attach( KPSStarterUid, KSSMUILanguagePSKey );
+ ERROR_2( errorCode, "Failed to attach to property 0x%08x::0x%08x", KPSStarterUid.iUid, KSSMUILanguagePSKey );
+ Activate();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::Release
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::Release()
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::~CSsmUiLanguageObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iUILanguageProperty.Close();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iUILanguageProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::RunL()
+ {
+ const TInt errorCode = iStatus.Int();
+ if (KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ Activate();
+ LoadUILanguage();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1("CSsmUiLanguageObserver::RunL()completed with: %d - not reactivating", iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::LoadUILanguage
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::LoadUILanguage()
+ {
+ TInt uiLanguage(0);
+ TInt errorCode = iUILanguageProperty.Get( uiLanguage );
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode )
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to get KSSMUILanguagePSKey value with error %d", errorCode );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dot plus five digit locale
+ TBuf<KMaxDllExtensionLength> extension;
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, uiLanguage );
+ // Padd ".1" to ".001" for compatibility.
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
+ {
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition,
+ KDllExtensionPadding );
+ }
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> uiLanguageDllName( KLanguageDllNameBase );
+ uiLanguageDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading UI Language DLL named '%S'", &uiLanguageDllName );
+ TExtendedLocale extLocale;
+ extLocale.LoadSystemSettings();
+ errorCode = extLocale.LoadLocaleAspect( uiLanguageDllName );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load locale" );
+ if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
+ {
+ errorCode = extLocale.SaveSystemSettings();
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to set locale" );
+ TLocale().Set();
+ StoreUILanguageToCentRep( uiLanguage );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::StoreUILanguageToCentRep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::StoreUILanguageToCentRep( const TInt aUILanguage )
+ {
+ CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( errorCode, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys ) );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to initialize cen rep %d", errorCode );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = cenrep->Set( KGSDisplayTxtLang, aUILanguage);
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to store UI Language code to CentRep, %d",
+ errorCode );
+ delete cenrep;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::CSsmUiLanguageObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsmUiLanguageObserver::CSsmUiLanguageObserver() : CActive( EPriorityStandard )
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmUiLanguageObserver::Activate
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmUiLanguageObserver::Activate()
+ {
+ ASSERT( !IsActive() );
+ iUILanguageProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
--- a/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/rom/syslangutil.iby Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/rom/syslangutil.iby Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -22,4 +22,20 @@
file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ssmlangselcmd.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\ssmlangselcmd.dll
file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\syslangutil.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\syslangutil.dll
+//If elocl.iby changes doesnt come on time then the epoc will not boot. Hence adding
+//these dlls temporarily to avoid such problems
+//Remove this once elocl.iby is updated with these dlls
+#ifdef EKA2
+file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\elocl_lan.001 SHARED_LIB_DIR\elocl_lan.001
+file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\elocl_reg.826 SHARED_LIB_DIR\elocl_reg.826
+file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\elocl_col.001 SHARED_LIB_DIR\elocl_col.001
+file=\epoc32\release\armi\DEBUG_DIR\elocl_lan.001 System\libs\elocl_lan.001
+file=\epoc32\release\armi\DEBUG_DIR\elocl_reg.826 System\libs\elocl_reg.826
+file=\epoc32\release\armi\DEBUG_DIR\elocl_col.001 System\libs\elocl_col.001
+#endif //EKA2
--- a/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/inc/ssmlangselcmd.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/inc/ssmlangselcmd.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <ssm/ssmcustomcommand.h>
#include <ssm/ssmadaptationcli.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
class CSsmMapperUtility;
@@ -157,6 +159,97 @@
void UseLanguage(const TInt aLang);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the language region mapping
+ *
+ */
+ void InitializeRegionMappingL();
+ /**
+ * Used to check whether the region is valid or not
+ *
+ * @param aRegion Region to be validated
+ *
+ * @return ETrue if the region code was found in the list, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool IsRegionValidL(const TInt aRegion) const;
+ /**
+ * Get the stored Region and Collation code from Central Repository
+ *
+ * @param aRegion On return, will store the Region code fetched from CR
+ * @param aCollation On return, will store the Collation code fetched from CR
+ *
+ */
+ void GetIndividualSettingsFromCentRepL(TInt& aRegion, TInt& aCollation);
+ /**
+ * Store the given Region and Collation code to Central Repository
+ *
+ * @param aRegion Region code to be stored in CR
+ * @param aCollation Collation code to be stored in CR
+ *
+ * @return Success code, Contains any of the error code in case of any error.
+ */
+ TInt SetIndividualSettingsToCentRep(const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation);
+ /**
+ * Gets the selected Region and Collation codes. If not set will get the asscoiated codes
+ * for the language
+ *
+ * @param aLastSelectedLang Contains the seleted Language code
+ * @param aLastSelectedRegion On success contains the Region code
+ * @param aLastSelectedCollation On success contains the Collation code
+ *
+ * @return ETrue If the Region and Collation codes are valid or found the mapped Region
+ * incase of auto selection, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool ValidateAndGetSettings(const TInt aLastSelectedLang, TInt& aLastSelectedRegion, TInt& aLastSelectedCollation);
+ /**
+ * Gets the selected Region and Collation codes. If not set will get the asscoiated codes
+ * for the language
+ *
+ * @param aLastSelectedLang Contains the seleted Language code
+ * @param aLastSelectedRegion On success contains the Region code
+ * @param aLastSelectedCollation On success contains the Collation code
+ *
+ * @return ETrue If the Region and Collation codes are valid or found the mapped Region
+ * incase of auto selection, EFalse otherwise. Leaves with any of error code incase of any error
+ */
+ TBool ValidateAndGetSettingsL(const TInt aLastSelectedLang, TInt& aLastSelectedRegion, TInt& aLastSelectedCollation);
+ /**
+ * Loads the default language setting if it is valid
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone if the default language settings are valid and loaded successfully,
+ * any of the error code otherwise.
+ */
+ TInt ValidateAndUseDefaultLanguage();
+ /**
+ * Loads the corresponsing locale codes
+ *
+ * @param aLang Language code to be loaded
+ * @param aRegion Region code to be loaded
+ * @param aCollation Collation code to be loaded
+ *
+ * @return Success code, Contains any of the error code in case of any error.
+ */
+ TInt UseLocale( const TInt aLang, const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation );
+ /**
+ * Gets the region mapped with the given language after validating
+ *
+ * @param aLanguage Language code for getting associated Region code
+ * @param aRegion On return contains the Region code associated with
+ * the given language code
+ *
+ * @return ETrue if the region code was found in the list, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool ValidateAndGetMappedRegion( const TInt aLanguage, TInt& aRegion );
private: // data
/** Custom command environment. Not owned. Set in Initialise. */
@@ -191,14 +284,20 @@
/** Internal state of the object. */
enum TState
+ EQueryListNone = 0,
EQueryListSize = 1,
- EQueryListContent
+ EQueryListContent = 2
TState iState;
// The mapper utility instance, owned.
CSsmMapperUtility* iMapperUtility;
+ /** Array of language and region mappings. */
+ RHashSet<TLanguageRegion> iLangRegionMappingHashSet;
+ /** Array of valid regions. */
+ RArray<TLanguageRegion> iRegionsArray;
--- a/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/inc/ssmlanguageloader.h Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/inc/ssmlanguageloader.h Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Declaration of SsmLanguageLoader class.
+* Description: Declaration of SsmLanguageLoader class.
@@ -34,15 +33,15 @@
- * Store language code to HAL and load corresponding locale DLL.
+ * Store language code to HAL and load corresponding Language, Region and Collation DLLs.
- * @since S60 3.2
- * @param aLanguage Language code identifying which locale DLL to load.
+ * @param aLanguage Language code identifying which language DLL to load.
+ * @param aRegion Region code identifying which region DLL to load.
+ * @param aCollation Collation code identifying which collation DLL to load.
* @return KErrNone if loading was successful, one of Symbian error codes
* otherwise.
- static TInt LoadLanguage( const TInt aLanguage );
+ static TInt LoadLocale( const TInt aLanguage, const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation);
@@ -55,23 +54,13 @@
static TInt StoreLanguageToHal( const TInt aLanguage );
- * Find the correct locale DLL to use by language code and take it to
- * use.
+ * Loads the given Language, Region and Collation DLLs and saves the settings
- * @param aLanguageCode The language code to find a locale dll for.
+ * @param aLanguageDllName The name of the Language DLL to load.
+ * @param aRegionDllName The name of the Region DLL to load.
+ * @param aCollationDllName The name of the Collation DLL to load.
* @return KErrNone if successful, one of Symbian error codes otherwise.
- static TInt LoadLocaleDll( const TInt aLanguage );
- /**
- * Take a locale DLL to use by name.
- *
- * @param aLocaleDllName The name of the locale DLL to load.
- * @return KErrNone if successful, one of Symbian error codes otherwise.
- */
- static TInt ChangeLocale( const TDesC& aLocaleDllName );
+ static TInt ChangeLocale( const TDesC& aLanguageDllName, const TDesC& aRegionDllName, const TDesC& aCollationDllName );
--- a/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/src/ssmlangselcmd.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/src/ssmlangselcmd.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@
#include "ssmlanguageloader.h"
#include "syslangutilprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "trace.h"
+#include "ssmlocalepskeys.h"
+#include "ssmmapperutilityinternalpskeys.h"
+#include <e32property.h>
#include <syslangutil.h>
#include <CommonEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
@@ -31,6 +34,55 @@
/** Default granularity for list of installed languages. */
const TInt KLanguageListGranularity( 4 );
+/** Any of the code set to zero means auto selection is enabled. */
+const TInt KSettingAutomatic = 0;
+/** The maximum number of regions to be appended to the hash set. */
+const TInt KMaxNumberOfRegions = 56;
+// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// HashLangRegionMappingFunction
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TUint32 HashLangRegionMappingFunction(const TLanguageRegion& aMapping)
+ {
+ return aMapping.iLanguage;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LangRegionMappingIdentityRelation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TBool LangRegionMappingIdentityRelation(const TLanguageRegion& aMapping1,
+ const TLanguageRegion& aMapping2)
+ {
+ return (aMapping1.iLanguage == aMapping2.iLanguage);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RegionLangMappingIdentityRelation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TBool RegionLangMappingIdentityRelation(const TLanguageRegion& aMapping1,
+ const TLanguageRegion& aMapping2)
+ {
+ return (aMapping1.iRegion == aMapping2.iRegion);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CompareLanguageMapping
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static TInt CompareLanguageMapping(TLanguageRegion const &aLanguage1, TLanguageRegion const &aLanguage2)
+ {
+ if( aLanguage1.iLanguage == aLanguage2.iLanguage )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ( aLanguage1.iLanguage < aLanguage2.iLanguage ) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
@@ -48,6 +100,18 @@
return self;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::CSsmLangSelCmd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsmLangSelCmd::CSsmLangSelCmd() : CActive( EPriorityNormal ),
+ iState( EQueryListNone ),
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet( &::HashLangRegionMappingFunction, &::LangRegionMappingIdentityRelation )
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::~CSsmLangSelCmd
@@ -56,11 +120,501 @@
+ Cancel();
delete iLangList;
delete iMapperUtility;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iMapperUtility = CSsmMapperUtility::NewL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::Initialize
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::Initialize( CSsmCustomCommandEnv* aCmdEnv )
+ {
+ iEnv = aCmdEnv;
+ TRAPD( errorCode, InitializeL() );
+ return errorCode;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeL()
+ {
+ iValidLanguages = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( KLanguageListGranularity );
+ RFs* fsSession = &( const_cast<RFs&>( iEnv->Rfs() ) );
+ //Get the list of installed languages
+ TInt errorCode = SysLangUtil::GetInstalledLanguages( iValidLanguages,
+ fsSession );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to get installed languages" );
+ User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
+ //Initialize the Language and Region mapping hash set
+ InitializeRegionMappingL();
+ //Get the number of installed languages
+ const TInt validLangCount = iValidLanguages->Count();
+ TLinearOrder<TLanguageRegion> order(&CompareLanguageMapping);
+ //Get the mapped regions for the installed languages
+ for(TInt index = 0; index < validLangCount; ++index)
+ {
+ TLanguageRegion region = iLangRegionMappingHashSet.FindL(TLanguageRegion(iValidLanguages->At(index)));
+ INFO_2( "Found Region code = %d for language %d", region.iRegion, region.iLanguage );
+ iRegionsArray.InsertInOrderL(region, order);
+ }
+ //Connect to Misc adaptation
+ errorCode = iAdaptation.Connect();
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to connect to RSsmMiscAdaptation" );
+ User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeRegionMappingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeRegionMappingL()
+ {
+ //Reserve the memory for the number of mappings to be appended
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.ReserveL( KMaxNumberOfRegions );
+ //Insert the Language - Region mapping
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish, ERegGBR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFrench, ERegFRA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGerman, ERegDEU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSpanish, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangItalian, ERegITA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSwedish, ERegSWE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangDanish, ERegDNK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangNorwegian, ERegNOR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFinnish, ERegFIN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangAmerican, ERegUSA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPortuguese, ERegPRT ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTurkish, ERegTUR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangIcelandic, ERegISL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangRussian, ERegRUS ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHungarian, ERegHUN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangDutch, ERegNLD ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBelgianFlemish, ERegBEL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCzech, ERegCZE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSlovak, ERegSVK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPolish, ERegPOL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSlovenian, ERegSVN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTaiwanChinese, ERegTWN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHongKongChinese, ERegHKG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangPrcChinese, ERegCHN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangJapanese, ERegJPN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangThai, ERegTHA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangArabic, ERegARE ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangTagalog, ERegPHL ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBulgarian, ERegBGR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCatalan, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCroatian, ERegHRV ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEstonian, ERegEST ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangFarsi, ERegIRN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangCanadianFrench, ERegCAN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGreek, ERegGRC ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHebrew, ERegISR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangHindi, ERegIND ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangIndonesian, ERegIDN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLatvian, ERegLVA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLithuanian, ERegLTU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangMalay, ERegMYS ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBrazilianPortuguese, ERegBRA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangRomanian, ERegROU ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangSerbian, ERegSCG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangLatinAmericanSpanish, ERegMEX ));
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangUkrainian, ERegUKR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangUrdu, ERegPAK ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangVietnamese, ERegVNM ) );
+#ifdef __E32LANG_H__
+ // 5.0
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangBasque, ERegESP ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangGalician, ERegESP ) );
+#endif //__E32LANG_H__
+#if !defined(__SERIES60_31__)
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Apac, ERegGBR ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Taiwan, ERegTWN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_HongKong, ERegHKG ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Prc, ERegCHN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Japan, ERegJPN ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangEnglish_Thailand, ERegTHA ) );
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.InsertL( TLanguageRegion( ELangMalay_Apac, ERegMYS ) );
+#endif //!defined(__SERIES60_31__)
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::Execute
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::Execute( const TDesC8& /*aParams*/, TRequestStatus& aRequest )
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRACE( !iClientStatus );
+ ASSERT_TRACE( !IsActive() );
+ aRequest = KRequestPending;
+ iClientStatus = &aRequest;
+ RFs* fsSession = &( const_cast<RFs&>( iEnv->Rfs() ) );
+ //Get the default language
+ TInt errorCode = SysLangUtil::GetDefaultLanguage( iDefaultLanguage, fsSession );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to get default language" );
+ //Get the language selected
+ TInt lastSelectedLang = GetLastSelectedLang();
+ TInt lastSelectedRegion ( KErrNotFound );
+ TInt lastSelectedCollation ( KErrNotFound );
+ //Reset error code to KErrNotFound
+ errorCode = KErrNotFound;
+ if ( KSettingAutomatic == lastSelectedLang )
+ {
+ //Auto selection is enabled
+ SetIndividualSettingsToCentRep( KSettingAutomatic, KSettingAutomatic );
+ PrepareNextList();
+ }
+ else if ( ValidateAndGetSettings( lastSelectedLang, lastSelectedRegion, lastSelectedCollation ) )
+ {
+ //Validate and get the selected Language, Region and Collation code
+ errorCode = UseLocale( lastSelectedLang , lastSelectedRegion, lastSelectedCollation );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load selected Language, Region and Collation" );
+ }
+ //Load the default Language, Region and Collation in case of loading selected codes failed
+ //and auto selection is disabled.
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode && KSettingAutomatic != lastSelectedLang )
+ {
+ //Validate and use the default codes
+ errorCode = ValidateAndUseDefaultLanguage();
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load default Language, Region and Collation" );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLastSelectedLang
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLastSelectedLang()
+ {
+ TInt value( 0 );
+ TInt errorCode = iMapperUtility->CrValue( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys,
+ KGSDisplayTxtLang,
+ value );
+ if( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ errorCode = RProperty::Set( KPSStarterUid, KSSMUILanguagePSKey, value );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to set read KSSMUILanguagePSKey PS key %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed read KGSDisplayTxtLang CenRep key with error= %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ INFO_1( "Last selected language is %d", value );
+ return value;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::SetIndividualSettingsToCentRep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::SetIndividualSettingsToCentRep( const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation )
+ {
+ CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( errorCode, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys ) );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ //Set the Region CR with the given value
+ errorCode = cenrep->Set( KGSRegion, aRegion );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ //Set the Region PS key which is used in Region SUP
+ TInt err = RProperty::Set( KPSStarterUid, KSSMRegionPSKey, aRegion );
+ ERROR( err, "Failed to Set Region PS key");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to Set Region code to CentRep, %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to initialize cen rep %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ //Set the Collation CR with the given value
+ errorCode = cenrep->Set( KGSCollation, aCollation );
+ if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
+ {
+ //Set the Collation PS key which is used in Collation SUP
+ errorCode = RProperty::Set( KPSStarterUid, KSSMCollationPSKey, aCollation );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to Set Collation PS key " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to Set Collation code to CentRep, %d", errorCode );
+ }
+ }
+ delete cenrep;
+ return errorCode;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndGetSettings
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndGetSettings( const TInt aLastSelectedLang, TInt& aLastSelectedRegion, TInt& aLastSelectedCollation )
+ {
+ TBool isValid( EFalse );
+ //Validate and get the selected settings
+ TRAPD( errorCode, isValid = ValidateAndGetSettingsL( aLastSelectedLang, aLastSelectedRegion, aLastSelectedCollation ) );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Validation failed for the selected Language, region and Collation with error %d", errorCode );
+ return isValid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndGetSettingsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndGetSettingsL( const TInt aLastSelectedLang, TInt& aLastSelectedRegion, TInt& aLastSelectedCollation )
+ {
+ TBool isValid( EFalse );
+ //Get the selected Region and Collation
+ GetIndividualSettingsFromCentRepL( aLastSelectedRegion, aLastSelectedCollation );
+ //Check whether the selected Language is valid or not
+ if( IsValid( aLastSelectedLang ) )
+ {
+ if (KSettingAutomatic >= aLastSelectedRegion )
+ {
+ //Selected Region is Automatic. Get the Region associated
+ //with the Language being loaded
+ if( ValidateAndGetMappedRegion( aLastSelectedLang, aLastSelectedRegion ) )
+ {
+ isValid = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsRegionValidL( aLastSelectedRegion ) )
+ {
+ //Selected Region is a valid Region
+ isValid = ETrue;
+ }
+ if ( KSettingAutomatic >= aLastSelectedCollation )
+ {
+ //Collation is not set. Use the language code as the collation code
+ aLastSelectedCollation = aLastSelectedLang;
+ }
+ }
+ return isValid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::IsValid
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::IsValid( const TInt aLanguage ) const
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRACE( iValidLanguages );
+ TBool valid( EFalse );
+ TKeyArrayFix keyProp( 0, ECmpTInt );
+ TInt index( KErrNotFound );
+ // Returns zero if element is found.
+ if ( 0 == iValidLanguages->Find( aLanguage, keyProp, index ) )
+ {
+ valid = ETrue;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLanguageFromCentRep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLanguageFromCentRep()
+ {
+ TInt lang = iDefaultLanguage;
+ TInt errorCode = iMapperUtility->CrValue( KCRUidSysLangUtil,
+ KSysLangUtilSimLanguage,
+ lang );
+ ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to read language code from CenRep %d",
+ errorCode );
+ return lang;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::IsRegionValidL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::IsRegionValidL( const TInt aRegion ) const
+ {
+ TInt index = iRegionsArray.FindL(TLanguageRegion(0, aRegion), &::RegionLangMappingIdentityRelation);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidRegionAndGetMappedLanguage
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndGetMappedRegion( const TInt aLanguage, TInt& aRegion )
+ {
+ TBool valid( EFalse );
+ TLanguageRegion lang( aLanguage );
+ //Find the Language - Region mapping for the given Language
+ TInt index = iRegionsArray.Find( lang, &::LangRegionMappingIdentityRelation );
+ if( 0 <= index )
+ {
+ //Set the Region associated with the given Language
+ aRegion = iRegionsArray[index].iRegion;
+ INFO_1( "ValidRegionAndGetMappedLanguage:: Found region %d", aRegion);
+ valid = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "ValidRegionAndGetMappedLanguage:: Not Found region for lang %d", aLanguage);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::GetIndividualSettingsFromCentRepL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::GetIndividualSettingsFromCentRepL( TInt& aRegion, TInt& aCollation )
+ {
+ CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( cenrep );
+ //Get the last selected Region from central repository
+ User::LeaveIfError(cenrep->Get( KGSRegion, aRegion));
+ //Set the Region PS key which is used in Region SUP
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set( KPSStarterUid, KSSMRegionPSKey, aRegion ));
+ //Get the last selected Collation from central repository
+ User::LeaveIfError(cenrep->Get( KGSCollation, aCollation));
+ //Set the Collation PS key which is used in Collation SUP
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set( KPSStarterUid, KSSMCollationPSKey, aCollation ));
+ INFO_2( "Last selected region %d and collation %d", aRegion, aCollation );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndUseDefaultLanguage
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::ValidateAndUseDefaultLanguage()
+ {
+ TLanguageRegion langRegion;
+ //Get the Region associated with default Language
+ TRAPD( error, langRegion = iLangRegionMappingHashSet.FindL( TLanguageRegion( iDefaultLanguage ) ) );
+ if( KErrNone == error )
+ {
+ //Load the settings for default Language
+ error = UseLocale( iDefaultLanguage, langRegion.iRegion, iDefaultLanguage );
+ ERROR_1( error, "Failed to load default language setting %d", error );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Failed to find the Region associated with default Language %d", error );
+ }
+ if ( iClientStatus )
+ {
+ ERROR_1( error, "Language selection custom command completed with error %d", error );
+ User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, error );
+ iClientStatus = NULL;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLocale
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLocale( const TInt aLang, const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation )
+ {
+ TInt errorCode(KErrNotFound);
+ //Load the given Language, Region and Collation DLLs
+ errorCode = SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocale( aLang, aRegion, aCollation );
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode )
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Loading failed with error %d", errorCode);
+ }
+ else if ( iClientStatus )
+ {
+ User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, errorCode );
+ iClientStatus = NULL;
+ }
+ return errorCode;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::RunL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -86,74 +640,41 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::DoCancel
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLanguage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLangSelCmd::DoCancel()
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::Initialize
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::Initialize( CSsmCustomCommandEnv* aCmdEnv )
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLanguage( const TInt aLang )
- iEnv = aCmdEnv;
- TRAPD( errorCode, InitializeL() );
- return errorCode;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::Execute
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLangSelCmd::Execute(
- const TDesC8& /*aParams*/,
- TRequestStatus& aRequest )
- {
- ASSERT_TRACE( !iClientStatus );
- ASSERT_TRACE( !IsActive() );
+ TInt errorCode = KErrNotFound;
+ TInt region = KErrNotFound;
- aRequest = KRequestPending;
- iClientStatus = &aRequest;
- RFs* fsSession = &( const_cast<RFs&>( iEnv->Rfs() ) );
- TInt errorCode = SysLangUtil::GetDefaultLanguage( iDefaultLanguage,
- fsSession );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to get default language" );
- TInt lastSelectedLang = GetLastSelectedLang();
- // Revert to automatic selection if fetching last used language
- // fails, last used language is not valid (and obviously when last
- // selection is automatic).
- if ( lastSelectedLang == 0 )
+ //Validate and get associated Region
+ if( ValidateAndGetMappedRegion( aLang, region ) )
- PrepareNextList();
- }
- else if ( IsValid( lastSelectedLang ) )
- {
- UseLanguage( lastSelectedLang );
+ errorCode = SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocale( aLang, region, aLang );
- UseLanguage( iDefaultLanguage );
- }
+ INFO_1( "Validation failed for the language (auto) %d", aLang );
+ }
+ if( KErrNone != errorCode )
+ {
+ INFO_1( "Loading the auto settings failed with error %d", errorCode );
+ //Use the default setting as the selected one failed
+ errorCode = ValidateAndUseDefaultLanguage();
+ }
+ else if ( iClientStatus )
+ {
+ User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, errorCode );
+ iClientStatus = NULL;
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::ExecuteCancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -165,6 +686,27 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsmLangSelCmd::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsmLangSelCmd::DoCancel()
+ {
+ //Cancel the pending request with misc adaptation
+ if( EQueryListNone != iState )
+ {
+ iAdaptation.Cancel();
+ }
+ if ( iClientStatus )
+ {
+ User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCancel );
+ iClientStatus = NULL;
+ }
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::Close
@@ -175,7 +717,8 @@
delete iValidLanguages;
iValidLanguages = NULL;
+ iRegionsArray.Close();
+ iLangRegionMappingHashSet.Close();
@@ -190,95 +733,6 @@
delete this;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::CSsmLangSelCmd
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : CActive( EPriorityNormal )
- {
- CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLangSelCmd::ConstructL()
- {
- iMapperUtility = CSsmMapperUtility::NewL();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLangSelCmd::InitializeL()
- {
- iValidLanguages = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(
- KLanguageListGranularity );
- RFs* fsSession = &( const_cast<RFs&>( iEnv->Rfs() ) );
- TInt errorCode = SysLangUtil::GetInstalledLanguages( iValidLanguages,
- fsSession );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to get installed languages" );
- User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
- errorCode = iAdaptation.Connect();
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to connect to RSsmMiscAdaptation" );
- User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLastSelectedLang
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLastSelectedLang()
- {
- TInt value( 0 );
- TInt errorCode = iMapperUtility->CrValue( KCRUidCommonEngineKeys,
- KGSDisplayTxtLang,
- value );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed read KGSDisplayTxtLang CenRep key" );
- INFO_1( "Last selected language = %d", value );
- return value;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::IsValid
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CSsmLangSelCmd::IsValid( const TInt aLanguage ) const
- {
- ASSERT_TRACE( iValidLanguages );
- TBool valid( EFalse );
- TKeyArrayFix keyProp( 0, ECmpTInt );
- TInt index( KErrNotFound );
- // Returns zero if element is found.
- if ( 0 == iValidLanguages->Find( aLanguage, keyProp, index ) )
- {
- valid = ETrue;
- }
- return valid;
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::PrepareNextList
@@ -329,7 +783,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::InterpretResult
@@ -437,7 +890,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsmLangSelCmd::StoreLanguageToCentRep
@@ -459,49 +911,3 @@
delete cenrep;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLanguageFromCentRep
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CSsmLangSelCmd::GetLanguageFromCentRep()
- {
- TInt lang = iDefaultLanguage;
- TInt errorCode = iMapperUtility->CrValue( KCRUidSysLangUtil,
- KSysLangUtilSimLanguage,
- lang );
- ERROR_1( errorCode, "Failed to read language code from CenRep %d",
- errorCode );
- return lang;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLanguage
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSsmLangSelCmd::UseLanguage( const TInt aLang )
- {
- TInt errorCode = aLang;
- if ( aLang > KErrNone )
- {
- errorCode = SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLanguage( aLang );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load language" );
- }
- ERROR( errorCode, "Language selection failed" );
- if ( iClientStatus )
- {
- User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, errorCode );
- }
- }
--- a/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/src/ssmlanguageloader.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/syslangutil/ssmlangselcmd/src/ssmlanguageloader.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -20,39 +20,11 @@
#include <hal.h>
#include "ssmlanguageloader.h"
+#include "ssmcommonlocale.h"
#include "trace.h"
-_LIT( KLocaleDllNameBase, "ELOCL" );
-_LIT( KLocaleDllExtensionFormat, ".%u" );
-_LIT( KLocaleDllExtensionPadding, "0" );
-_LIT( KDefaultLocaleDllNameExtension, ".LOC" );
-const TInt KMaxLocaleDllNameLength = 16;
-const TInt KMaxLocaleDllExtensionLength = 6;
-const TInt KMinLocaleDllExtensionLength = 3;
-const TInt KLocaleDllExtensionPaddingPosition = 1;
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLanguage
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLanguage( const TInt aLanguage )
- {
- INFO_1( "Loading language %d", aLanguage );
- TInt errorCode = StoreLanguageToHal( aLanguage );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to store language code to HAL" );
- errorCode = LoadLocaleDll( aLanguage );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load locale DLL" );
- return errorCode;
- }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SsmLanguageLoader::StoreLanguageToHal
@@ -67,70 +39,96 @@
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocaleDll
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocale
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocaleDll( const TInt aLanguage )
+TInt SsmLanguageLoader::LoadLocale( const TInt aLanguage, const TInt aRegion, const TInt aCollation)
- // Dot plus five digit locale
- TBuf<KMaxLocaleDllExtensionLength> extension;
- extension.Format( KLocaleDllExtensionFormat, aLanguage );
- // Padd ".1" to ".01" for compatibility.
- if ( extension.Length() < KMinLocaleDllExtensionLength )
+ TInt errorCode = StoreLanguageToHal( aLanguage );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to store language code to HAL" );
+ //Format the language dll to be loaded
+ //Dot plus four to six digit locale
+ TBuf<KMaxDllExtensionLength> extension;
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, aLanguage );
+ //Padd with zero to make the file extension length to be minimum of four
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
- extension.Insert( KLocaleDllExtensionPaddingPosition,
- KLocaleDllExtensionPadding );
- }
- TBuf<KMaxLocaleDllNameLength> localeDllName;
- localeDllName = KLocaleDllNameBase;
- localeDllName.Append( extension );
- INFO_1( "Loading DLL named '%S'", &localeDllName );
- TInt errorCode = ChangeLocale( localeDllName );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNotFound ) // Try default locale
- {
- INFO( "SsmLanguageLoader: Loading default locale" );
- localeDllName = KLocaleDllNameBase;
- localeDllName.Append( KDefaultLocaleDllNameExtension );
- errorCode = ChangeLocale( localeDllName );
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition, KDllExtensionPadding );
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> languageDllName( KLanguageDllNameBase );
+ languageDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading language DLL named '%S'", &languageDllName );
+ //Format the region dll to be loaded
+ //Dot plus four to six digit locale
+ extension.Zero();
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, aRegion );
+ //Padd with zero to make the file extension length to be minimum of four
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
+ {
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition, KDllExtensionPadding );
+ }
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> regionDllName( KRegionDllNameBase );
+ regionDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading Region DLL named '%S'", ®ionDllName );
+ //Format the collation file to be loaded
+ //Dot plus four to six digit locale
+ extension.Zero();
+ extension.Format( KDllExtensionFormat, aCollation );
+ //Padd with zero to make the file extension length to be minimum of four
+ for( ; extension.Length() < KMinDllExtensionLength ;)
+ {
+ extension.Insert( KDllExtensionPaddingPosition, KDllExtensionPadding );
+ }
+ TBuf<KMaxDllNameLength> collationDllName( KCollationDllNameBase );
+ collationDllName.Append( extension );
+ INFO_1( "Loading Collation DLL named '%S'", &collationDllName );
+ //Load the given Language, Region and Collation dlls
+ errorCode = ChangeLocale( languageDllName, regionDllName, collationDllName );
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
return errorCode;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SsmLanguageLoader::ChangeLocale
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt SsmLanguageLoader::ChangeLocale( const TDesC& aLocaleDllName )
+TInt SsmLanguageLoader::ChangeLocale( const TDesC& aLanguageDllName, const TDesC& aRegionDllName, const TDesC& aCollationDllName )
+ TExtendedLocale extLocale;
- TExtendedLocale extLocale;
- TInt errorCode = extLocale.LoadLocale( aLocaleDllName );
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to load locale" );
+ INFO_3( "Loading Language dll '%S', Region dll '%S' and Collation dll '%S'",
+ &aLanguageDllName, &aRegionDllName, &aCollationDllName );
+ TInt errorCode = extLocale.LoadLocale( aLanguageDllName, aRegionDllName, aCollationDllName);
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
+ //Save the loaded locale settings
errorCode = extLocale.SaveSystemSettings();
- ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to set locale" );
+ ERROR( errorCode, "Failed to save locale settings" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_3( "Failed to load Language dll '%S', Region dll '%S' and Collation dll '%S'",
+ &aLanguageDllName, &aRegionDllName, &aCollationDllName );
return errorCode;
Binary file sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/documentation/9.5/SSA HowTo Diagrams.ppt has changed
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/group/app-framework_sysstart.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/group/app-framework_sysstart.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component app-framework_sysstart
source \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstarter
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstarter\group all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/test/testappgood/testappgood_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/test/testappgood/testappgood_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/test/tsysstart/inc/appfwk_sysstart_test_dll.rh Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstarter/test/tsysstart/inc/appfwk_sysstart_test_dll.rh Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -41,5 +41,3 @@
WORD arg2 = 22;
WORD arg3 = 23;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/cle/src/cmdlistexecutor.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/cle/src/cmdlistexecutor.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
if (iCommandList)
+ iCommandList = NULL;
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/cmd/src/ssmcommandfactory.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/cmd/src/ssmcommandfactory.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@
CSsmCommandBase* cmd = NULL;
TSsmCommandType const cmdType = aSsmCommand.Type();
+ DEBUGPRINT2A("Adding command type in CLE commandlist: %d", cmdType);
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/group/app-framework_ssma.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/group/app-framework_ssma.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component app-framework_ssma
source \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatemgr
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatemgr\group all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/tcmd/resource/tcmd_cmdlist_swp_builtincmd.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/tcmd/resource/tcmd_cmdlist_swp_builtincmd.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -347,4 +347,4 @@
severity = ECmdMediumSeverity;
power_state = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmcletestapplication_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmcletestapplication_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
newfile = KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappgood_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappgood_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
newfile = KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappnorv_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappnorv_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapppanic_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapppanic_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapppaniczero_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapppaniczero_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapprvafterretry_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapprvafterretry_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapprverror_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestapprverror_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappslow_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappslow_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatemgr/test/testapps/src/ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/group/app-framework_ssplugins.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/group/app-framework_ssplugins.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component app-framework_ssplugins
source \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstateplugins
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstateplugins\group all
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/testapps/src/gsatestappgood_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/testapps/src/gsatestappgood_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/tunitconditionevaluator/resource/tunitconditionevaluator.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/tunitconditionevaluator/resource/tunitconditionevaluator.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -176,4 +176,5 @@
key = 0x2;
bitmask = 0x0010;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/tunitutilityplugin/src/tutilityplugin_step.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/test/tunitutilityplugin/src/tutilityplugin_step.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -157,27 +157,27 @@
// OOM tests start here
- TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&doTest1L));
+ TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&CUtilityPluginTest::doTest1L));
TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&doTest2L));
+ TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&CUtilityPluginTest::doTest2L));
TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&doTest3L));
+ TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&CUtilityPluginTest::doTest3L));
TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&doTest5L));
+ TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&CUtilityPluginTest::doTest5L));
TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&doTest6L));
+ TRAP(err, doOOMTestL(&CUtilityPluginTest::doTest6L));
TEST(err == KErrNone);
--- a/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/group/app-framework_ssrefplugins.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstatereferenceplugins/group/app-framework_ssrefplugins.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component app-framework_ssrefplugins
source \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatereferenceplugins
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatereferenceplugins\group all
--- a/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/group/app-framework_shma.mrp Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/group/app-framework_shma.mrp Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
component app-framework_shma
source \sf\os\devicesrv\systemhealthmanagement\systemhealthmgr
binary \sf\os\devicesrv\systemhealthmanagement\systemhealthmgr\group all
--- a/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/test/testappgood/shmatestappgood_reg.rss Fri Mar 19 09:58:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/test/testappgood/shmatestappgood_reg.rss Fri Apr 16 16:18:45 2010 +0300
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
// filename of application binary (minus extension)
\ No newline at end of file