changeset 0 7f656887cf89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f656887cf89
     1 // memsamplerdd.cpp
     2 // 
     3 // Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "".
     8 // 
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Accenture - Initial contribution
    11 //
    13 #include <fshell/extrabtrace.h>
    14 #include <platform.h>
    15 #include <kern_priv.h>
    16 #include "memsamplerdd.h"
    17 #include <fshell/common.mmh>
    19 const TInt KMinRate = 10;
    20 const TInt KMaxRate = 10000;
    21 const TInt KMajorVersionNumber = 1;
    22 const TInt KMinorVersionNumber = 0;
    23 const TInt KBuildVersionNumber = 0;
    24 const TInt KArrayGranularity = 32;
    25 const TInt KDfcThreadPriority = 26;
    26 _LIT(KDfcThreadName, "MemSamplerDD");
    28 class DDeviceMemSampler : public DLogicalDevice
    29 	{
    30 public:
    31 	DDeviceMemSampler();
    32 	virtual TInt Install();
    33 	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
    34 	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
    35 	};
    37 class TChunkInfo
    38 	{
    39 public:
    40 	TChunkInfo(DChunk& aChunk);
    41 	TBool operator==(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo);
    42 public:
    43 	DChunk* iAddress;
    44 	TInt iSize;
    45 	TInt iHighWaterMark;
    46 	TBool iSeen;
    47 	};
    49 TChunkInfo::TChunkInfo(DChunk& aChunk)
    50 	: iAddress(&aChunk), iSize(aChunk.Size()), iHighWaterMark(aChunk.Size()), iSeen(ETrue)
    51 	{
    52 	}
    54 TBool TChunkInfo::operator==(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo)
    55 	{
    56 	return (iSize == aChunkInfo.iSize);
    57 	}
    59 class DMemSamplerChannel : public DLogicalChannel
    60 	{
    61 public:
    62 	DMemSamplerChannel();
    63 	~DMemSamplerChannel();
    64 protected:
    65 	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
    66 	virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
    67 private:
    68 	TInt StartSampling(TInt aRate);
    69 	TInt StopSampling();
    70 	TInt ResetSampling();
    71 	TInt ReadChunks();
    72 	void TraceNewChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const;
    73 	void TraceChangedChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const;
    74 	void TraceDeletedChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const;
    75 	void TraceNewSample() const;
    76 #if FSHELL_PLATFORM_SYMTB >= 92
    77 	inline TBool Running()
    78 		{return iTimer.IsPending();}
    79 #else
    80 	inline TBool Running()
    81 		{return iTimer.iState!=NTimer::EIdle;}
    82 #endif
    83 private:
    84 	static void Sample(TAny*);
    85 	static void DoSample(TAny*);
    86 	static void ExitDfcThread(TAny*);
    87 private:
    88 	RArray<TChunkInfo> iChunkInfo;
    89 	NTimer iTimer;
    90 	TInt iPeriod;
    91 	TInt iPeriodNumber;
    92 	TDfcQue iPrivateDfcQ;
    93 	TDfc iDoSampleDfc;
    94 	TDfc iExitDfc;
    95 	DThread* iClient;
    96 	mutable TBool iNewSampleTraced;
    97 	};
   100 	{
   101 	return new DDeviceMemSampler;
   102 	}
   104 DDeviceMemSampler::DDeviceMemSampler()
   105 	{
   106 	iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber, KBuildVersionNumber);
   107 	}
   109 TInt DDeviceMemSampler::Install()
   110 	{
   111 	TInt r = SetName(&KMemSamplerName);
   112 	return r;
   113 	}
   115 void DDeviceMemSampler::GetCaps(TDes8&) const
   116 	{
   117 	}
   119 TInt DDeviceMemSampler::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
   120 	{
   121 	aChannel = new DMemSamplerChannel;
   122 	return aChannel ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
   123 	}
   125 DMemSamplerChannel::DMemSamplerChannel()
   126 	: iChunkInfo(KArrayGranularity, _FOFF(TChunkInfo, iAddress)), iTimer(Sample, this), iPeriodNumber(-1), iDoSampleDfc(DoSample, this, 1), iExitDfc(ExitDfcThread, this, 0), iNewSampleTraced(EFalse)
   127 	{
   128 	}
   130 DMemSamplerChannel::~DMemSamplerChannel()
   131 	{
   132 	Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient, NULL);
   133 	iExitDfc.Enque(); 
   134 	}
   136 void DMemSamplerChannel::ExitDfcThread(TAny*)
   137 	{
   138 	Kern::Exit(KErrNone);
   139 	} 
   141 TInt DMemSamplerChannel::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
   142 	{
   143 	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(1,0,0),aVer))
   144 		{
   145 		return KErrNotSupported;
   146 		}
   147 	iClient=&Kern::CurrentThread();
   148 	iClient->Open();
   149 	TInt err = Kern::DfcQInit(&iPrivateDfcQ, KDfcThreadPriority, &KDfcThreadName);
   150 	if (err == KErrNone)
   151 		{
   152     	SetDfcQ(&iPrivateDfcQ);
   153 		iDoSampleDfc.SetDfcQ(&iPrivateDfcQ);
   154 		iExitDfc.SetDfcQ(&iPrivateDfcQ);
   155     	iMsgQ.Receive();		
   156 		}
   158 	return err;
   159 	}
   161 TInt DMemSamplerChannel::StartSampling(TInt aRate)
   162 	{
   163 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("START");)
   164 	ReadChunks();
   165 	aRate = Min(KMaxRate, Max(KMinRate, aRate));
   166 	iPeriod = NKern::TimerTicks(aRate);
   167 	if (!Running())
   168 		{
   169 		iTimer.OneShot(iPeriod, EFalse);
   170 		}
   171 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("START end");)
   172 	return KErrNone;
   173 	}
   175 TInt DMemSamplerChannel::StopSampling()
   176 	{
   177 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("STOP");)
   178 	if (Running())
   179 		{
   180 		iTimer.Cancel();
   181 		}
   182 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("STOP end");)
   183 	return KErrNone;
   184 	}
   186 TInt DMemSamplerChannel::ResetSampling()
   187 	{
   188 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("RESET");)
   189 	iChunkInfo.Reset();
   190 	DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("RESET end");)
   191 	return KErrNone;
   192 	}
   194 TInt DMemSamplerChannel::ReadChunks()
   195 	{
   196 	++iPeriodNumber;
   197 	iNewSampleTraced = EFalse;
   199 	for (TInt i = (iChunkInfo.Count() - 1); i >= 0; --i)
   200 		{
   201 		iChunkInfo[i].iSeen = EFalse;
   202 		}
   204 	DObjectCon* const * containers = Kern::Containers();
   205 	DObjectCon& container = *containers[EChunk];
   206 	container.Wait();
   208 	for (TInt i = (container.Count() - 1); i >= 0; --i)
   209 		{
   210 		TChunkInfo thisChunk(*(DChunk*)container[i]);
   211 		TInt pos;
   212 		TInt err = iChunkInfo.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(thisChunk, pos);
   213 		if (err == KErrNotFound)
   214 			{
   215 			if (pos < iChunkInfo.Count())
   216 				{
   217 				iChunkInfo.Insert(thisChunk, pos);
   218 				}
   219 			else
   220 				{
   221 				TInt err = iChunkInfo.Append(thisChunk);
   222 				if (err)
   223 					{
   224 					container.Signal();
   225 					return err;
   226 					}
   227 				}
   228 			TraceNewChunk(thisChunk);
   229 			}
   230 		else
   231 			{
   232 			if (thisChunk == iChunkInfo[pos])
   233 				{
   234 				// Chunk size hasn't changed - ignore.
   235 				iChunkInfo[pos].iSeen = ETrue;
   236 				}
   237 			else
   238 				{
   239 				TChunkInfo& c = iChunkInfo[pos];
   240 				if (thisChunk.iSize > c.iHighWaterMark)
   241 					{
   242 					c.iHighWaterMark = thisChunk.iSize;
   243 					}
   244 				c.iSize = thisChunk.iSize;
   245 				c.iSeen = ETrue;
   246 				TraceChangedChunk(c);
   247 				}
   248 			}
   249 		}
   251 	container.Signal();
   253 	for (TInt i = (iChunkInfo.Count() - 1); i >= 0; --i)
   254 		{
   255 		const TChunkInfo& chunkInfo = iChunkInfo[i];
   256 		if (!chunkInfo.iSeen)
   257 			{
   258 			TraceDeletedChunk(chunkInfo);
   259 			iChunkInfo.Remove(i);
   260 			}
   261 		}
   263 	return KErrNone;
   264 	}
   266 void DMemSamplerChannel::TraceNewChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const
   267 	{
   268 	TraceNewSample();
   269 	TFullName nameBuf;
   270 	aChunkInfo.iAddress->FullName(nameBuf);				
   271 	BTraceN(RMemSampler::EBtraceCategory, RMemSampler::ENewChunk, aChunkInfo.iAddress, aChunkInfo.iAddress->MaxSize(), nameBuf.Ptr(), nameBuf.Size());
   272 	TraceChangedChunk(aChunkInfo);
   273 	}
   275 void DMemSamplerChannel::TraceChangedChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const
   276 	{
   277 	TraceNewSample();
   278 	BTraceContext12(RMemSampler::EBtraceCategory, RMemSampler::EChangedChunk, aChunkInfo.iAddress, aChunkInfo.iSize, aChunkInfo.iHighWaterMark);
   279 	}
   281 void DMemSamplerChannel::TraceDeletedChunk(const TChunkInfo& aChunkInfo) const
   282 	{
   283 	TraceNewSample();
   284 	BTraceContext4(RMemSampler::EBtraceCategory, RMemSampler::EDeletedChunk, aChunkInfo.iAddress);
   285 	}
   287 void DMemSamplerChannel::TraceNewSample() const
   288 	{
   289 	if (!iNewSampleTraced)
   290 		{
   291 		iNewSampleTraced = ETrue;
   292 		BTraceContext8(RMemSampler::EBtraceCategory, RMemSampler::ENewSample, iPeriod, iPeriodNumber);
   293 		}
   294 	}
   296 void DMemSamplerChannel::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
   297 	{
   298 	TInt r=KErrNone;
   299 	TThreadMessage& m=*(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
   300 	TInt id=m.iValue;
   301 	if (id==(TInt)ECloseMsg)
   302 		{
   303 		DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("CLOSE");)
   304 		iTimer.Cancel();
   305 		m.Complete(KErrNone,EFalse);
   306 		iMsgQ.CompleteAll(KErrServerTerminated);
   307 		DEBUG_MEMSAMPLER(Kern::Printf("CLOSE end");)
   308 		return;
   309 		}
   310 	else
   311 		{
   312 		switch(id)
   313 			{
   314 			case RMemSampler::EControlStartProfile:
   315 				r = StartSampling(m.Int0());
   316 				break;
   317 			case RMemSampler::EControlStopProfile:
   318 				r = StopSampling();
   319 				break;
   320 			case RMemSampler::EControlResetProfile:
   321 				r = ResetSampling();
   322 				break;
   323 			default:
   324 				r = KErrNotSupported;
   325 				break;
   326 			}
   327 		}
   328 	m.Complete(r,ETrue);
   329 	}
   331 void DMemSamplerChannel::Sample(TAny* aPtr)
   332 	{
   333 	DMemSamplerChannel& d = *(DMemSamplerChannel*)aPtr;
   334 	d.iTimer.Again(d.iPeriod);
   335 	d.iDoSampleDfc.Add(); 
   336 	}
   338 void DMemSamplerChannel::DoSample(TAny* aPtr)
   339 	{
   340 	DMemSamplerChannel& d = *(DMemSamplerChannel*)aPtr;
   341 	d.ReadChunks();
   342 	}