changeset 0 7f656887cf89
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-1:000000000000 0:7f656887cf89
     1 // PropertyAccess.cpp
     2 // 
     3 // Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "".
     8 // 
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Accenture - Initial contribution
    11 //
    12 #include <fshell/common.mmh>
    13 #include <e32cmn.h>
    14 #include <fshell/extrabtrace.h>
    16 #include <kernel.h>
    17 #include <kern_priv.h>
    18 #include "memoryaccess.h"
    19 #include "PropertyAccess.h"
    21 DPropertyAccess::DPropertyAccess(DThread* aClient)
    22 	: iClient(aClient)
    23 	{
    24 	}
    26 TInt DPropertyAccess::HandleProperty(TInt aFunction, TAny* aParams, TAny* aVal)
    27 	{
    28 	return DoHandleProperty(iClient, aFunction, aParams, aVal);
    29 	}
    31 TInt DPropertyAccess::DoHandleProperty(DThread* aClient, TInt aFunction, TAny* aParams, TAny* aVal)
    32 	{
    33 	if (aFunction == RMemoryAccess::EControlPropertyNotify)
    34 		{
    35 		if (iNotifyClientStatus) return KErrAlreadyExists;
    36 		iNotifyClientStatus = (TRequestStatus*)aVal;
    37 		iClientNotifyPtr = aParams;
    38 		return KErrNone;
    39 		}
    40 	else if (aFunction == RMemoryAccess::EControlPropertyNotifyCancel)
    41 		{
    42 		CancelNotifys();
    43 		return KErrNone;
    44 		}
    46 	TInt err;
    47 	TProp clientParams;
    48 	err = Kern::ThreadRawRead(aClient, aParams, &clientParams, sizeof(TProp));
    49 	if (err)
    50 		{
    51 		return err;
    52 		}
    53 	//Kern::Printf("HandleProperty %d, iDefine=%d iCat=0x%x iKey=%d", aFunction, clientParams.iDefine, clientParams.iCategory, clientParams.iKey);
    55 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
    56 	RPropertyRef property;
    57 	err = property.Open(clientParams.iCategory, clientParams.iKey);
    58 	//Kern::Printf("HandleProperty Open ret=%d", err);
    59 	if (!err)
    60 		{
    61 		// Check if it exists but isn't defined (and if it isn't, treat it the same as if it didn't exist)
    62 		TPropertyStatus stat;
    63 		NKern::LockSystem();
    64 		TBool defined = property.GetStatus(stat);
    65 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
    66 		if (!defined)
    67 			{
    68 			property.Close();
    69 			err = KErrNotFound;
    70 			}
    71 		}
    73 	if (err == KErrNotFound && clientParams.iDefine && (aFunction == RMemoryAccess::EControlSetPropertyDesc || aFunction == RMemoryAccess::EControlSetPropertyInt))
    74 		{
    75 		err = property.Attach(clientParams.iCategory, clientParams.iKey);
    76 		TInt attr = (aFunction == RMemoryAccess::EControlSetPropertyInt) ? RProperty::EInt : RProperty::EByteArray;
    78 		if (!err) err = property.Define(attr, KPass, KPass);
    79 		}
    80 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
    81 	if (err)
    82 		{
    83 		return err;
    84 		}
    86 	switch (aFunction)
    87 		{
    88 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlGetPropertyInt:
    89 			{
    90 			TInt val;
    91 			err = property.Get(val);
    92 			if (!err)
    93 				{
    94 				TPckg<TInt> valBuf(val);
    95 				err = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(aClient, aVal, valBuf, 0);
    96 				}
    97 			break;
    98 			}
    99 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlGetPropertyDesc:
   100 			{
   101 			err = Kern::ThreadGetDesMaxLength(aClient, aVal);
   102 			TInt size = err;
   103 			if (size < 0) break;
   105 			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   106 			HBuf8* buf = HBuf8::New(size);
   107 			if (!buf)
   108 				{
   109 				err = KErrNoMemory;
   110 				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   111 				break;
   112 				}
   113 			err = property.Get(*buf);
   114 			if (!err || err == KErrOverflow)
   115 				{
   116 				TInt writeerr = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(aClient, aVal, *buf, 0, NULL);
   117 				if (writeerr) err = writeerr;
   118 				}
   119 			delete buf;
   120 			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   121 			if (err == KErrOverflow)
   122 				{
   123 				NKern::LockSystem();
   124 				TPropertyStatus status;
   125 				property.GetStatus(status);
   126 				NKern::UnlockSystem();
   128 				clientParams.iActualSize = status.iSize;
   129 				err = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(aClient, aParams, (TAny*)&clientParams, sizeof(TProp));
   130 				}
   131 			break;
   132 			}
   133 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlSetPropertyInt:
   134 			{
   135 			err = property.Set((TInt)aVal);
   136 			break;
   137 			}
   138 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlSetPropertyDesc:
   139 			{
   140 			err = Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(aClient, aVal);
   141 			TInt size = err;
   142 			if (size < 0) break;
   144 			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   145 			HBuf8* buf = HBuf8::New(size);
   146 			if (!buf)
   147 				{
   148 				err = KErrNoMemory;
   149 				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   150 				break;
   151 				}
   152 			buf->SetLength(size);
   153 			err = Kern::ThreadDesRead(aClient, aVal, *buf, 0);
   154 			if (!err)
   155 				{
   156 				err = property.Set(*buf);
   157 				}
   158 			delete buf;
   159 			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   160 			break;
   161 			}
   162 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlDeleteProperty:
   163 			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   164 			err = property.Delete();
   165 			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   166 			break;
   167 		case RMemoryAccess::EControlSubscribeToProperty:
   168 			{
   169 			TBool useBtrace = (TBool)aVal;
   170 			TNotifyRequest* req = new TNotifyRequest(&PropertyChanged, clientParams.iCategory, clientParams.iKey, this, useBtrace);
   171 			err = req->iProperty.Attach(clientParams.iCategory, clientParams.iKey); // Allow non-existant properties
   172 			if (!err)
   173 				{
   174 				err = req->iProperty.Subscribe(req->iRequest);
   175 				if (err)
   176 					{
   177 					// Don't think this will ever happen
   178 					req->iProperty.Close();
   179 					req->iRequest.iPtr = NULL;
   180 					}
   181 				}
   182 			if (err)
   183 				{
   184 				delete req;
   185 				}
   186 			else
   187 				{
   188 				iRequests.Add(&req->iLink);
   189 				}
   190 			}
   191 			break;			
   192 		default:
   193 			break;
   194 		}
   196 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   197 	property.Close();
   198 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   199 	return err;
   200 	}
   202 DPropertyAccess::~DPropertyAccess()
   203 	{
   204 	CancelNotifys();
   205 	}
   207 void DPropertyAccess::CancelNotifys()
   208 	{
   209 	for (SDblQueLink* link = iRequests.First(); link != NULL && link != &iRequests.iA;)
   210 		{
   211 		TNotifyRequest* request = _LOFF(link, TNotifyRequest, iLink);
   212 		link=link->iNext; // Do this before anything else because we'll be deleting the TNotifyRequest
   213 		request->iProperty.Cancel(request->iRequest);
   214 		request->iProperty.Close();
   215 		delete request;
   216 		}
   218 	if (iNotifyClientStatus)
   219 		{
   220 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iNotifyClientStatus, KErrCancel);
   221 		}
   222 	iClientNotifyPtr = NULL;
   223 	}
   225 void DPropertyAccess::PropertyChanged(TAny* aPtr, TInt aReason)
   226 	{
   227 	TNotifyRequest* req = static_cast<TNotifyRequest*>(aPtr);
   228 	req->iPropertyAccess->DoPropertyChanged(*req, aReason);
   229 	}
   231 void DPropertyAccess::DoPropertyChanged(TNotifyRequest& aRequest, TInt aReason)
   232 	{
   233 	// First, rerequest
   234 	if (aReason == KErrNone)
   235 		{
   236 		aRequest.iProperty.Subscribe(aRequest.iRequest);
   237 		}
   238 	// Then try and notify
   239 	if (iNotifyClientStatus && !aRequest.iBtrace)
   240 		{
   241 		TPropNotifyResult result;
   242 		result.iCategory = aRequest.iCat.iUid;
   243 		result.iKey = aRequest.iKey;
   244 		result.iMissedChanges = iMissedChanges;
   245 		result.iError = aReason;
   246 		iMissedChanges = 0; // No need to lock/safeswap because we run in the context of the pubsub DFC
   247 		TInt err = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, iClientNotifyPtr, &result, sizeof(TPropNotifyResult));
   248 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iNotifyClientStatus, err);
   249 		}
   250 	else if (aRequest.iBtrace)
   251 		{
   253 		TUint cat = aRequest.iCat.iUid;
   254 		TUint key = aRequest.iKey;
   256 		TInt intVal;
   257 		TInt err = aRequest.iProperty.Get(intVal);
   258 		if (err == KErrNone)
   259 			{
   260 			BTrace12(ExtraBTrace::EPubSub, ExtraBTrace::EPubSubIntPropertyChanged, cat, key, intVal);
   261 			}
   262 		else if (err == KErrArgument)
   263 			{
   264 			TBuf8<KMaxBTraceDataArray> buf; // No point using larger buffer, as this is the max we can output over btrace (80 bytes)
   265 			err = aRequest.iProperty.Get(buf);
   266 			if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrOverflow)
   267 				{
   268 				BTraceN(ExtraBTrace::EPubSub, ExtraBTrace::EPubSubDataPropertyChanged, cat, key, buf.Ptr(), buf.Length());
   269 				}
   270 			}
   271 #endif
   272 		}
   273 	else
   274 		{
   275 		iMissedChanges++;
   276 		}
   277 	}