--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commands/fzip/fzipup.cpp Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+// fzipup.cpp
+// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Accenture - Initial contribution
+#include <ezstream.h>
+#include <ezcompressor.h>
+#include <ezdecompressor.h>
+#include <ezfilebuffer.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "fzipup.h"
+const TInt KDefaultDiskNumber = 0;
+const TInt CZipEntry::iOffset = _FOFF(CZipEntry, iLink);
+const TUint16 KFZipVersion = 0x0014;
+TInt KWindowBits = -CEZCompressor::EMaxWBits; // negative value is an undocumented feature of our zlib implementation, ensuring we do not include the zlib header in the compressed data (which we must do for zip-file format support)
+const TInt KCompressedSizeRelativePosition = 18; // iCompressedSize is 18 bytes in from the current entry's LFH
+// CBufferManager
+CBufferManager *CBufferManager::NewLC(RFileReadStream& aInput, RFileWriteStream& aOutput, TInt aInputStreamBytes, TInt aBufferSize)
+ {
+ CBufferManager *bm = new (ELeave) CBufferManager(aInput, aOutput, aInputStreamBytes, aBufferSize);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bm);
+ bm->ConstructL();
+ return bm;
+ }
+CBufferManager::CBufferManager(RFileReadStream& aInput, RFileWriteStream& aOutput, TInt aInputStreamBytes, TInt aBufferSize)
+:iInput(aInput), iOutput(aOutput), iInputStreamBytes(aInputStreamBytes), iBufferSize(aBufferSize), iInputDescriptor(NULL,0), iOutputDescriptor(NULL,0)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete[] iInputBuffer;
+ delete[] iOutputBuffer;
+ }
+void CBufferManager::ConstructL()
+ {
+ if (iInputStreamBytes < iBufferSize)
+ iBufferSize = iInputStreamBytes;
+ if (iBufferSize <=0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+ }
+ iInputBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[iBufferSize];
+ iOutputBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[iBufferSize];
+ iInputDescriptor.Set(iInputBuffer,0,iBufferSize);
+ iOutputDescriptor.Set(iOutputBuffer,0,iBufferSize);
+ iReadLength = iBufferSize;
+ }
+void CBufferManager::InitializeL(CEZZStream &aZStream)
+ {
+ ReadInputL();
+ aZStream.SetInput(iInputDescriptor);
+ aZStream.SetOutput(iOutputDescriptor);
+ }
+void CBufferManager::NeedInputL(CEZZStream &aZStream)
+ {
+ ReadInputL();
+ aZStream.SetInput(iInputDescriptor);
+ }
+void CBufferManager::NeedOutputL(CEZZStream &aZStream)
+ {
+ WriteOutputL(aZStream);
+ aZStream.SetOutput(iOutputDescriptor);
+ }
+void CBufferManager::FinalizeL(CEZZStream &aZStream)
+ {
+ WriteOutputL(aZStream);
+ }
+void CBufferManager::ReadInputL()
+ {
+ iInput.ReadL(iInputDescriptor, iReadLength);
+ iInputStreamBytes -= iReadLength;
+ if (iInputStreamBytes < iBufferSize)
+ {
+ iReadLength = iInputStreamBytes;
+ }
+ if (iReadLength < 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
+ }
+ }
+void CBufferManager::WriteOutputL(CEZZStream& aZStream)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 od = aZStream.OutputDescriptor();
+ iOutput.WriteL(od);
+ iBytesWritten += od.Size();
+ }
+// CZipEntry
+CZipEntry* CZipEntry::NewLC(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFilename, const TInt aUid)
+ {
+ CZipEntry* self = new (ELeave) CZipEntry(aFs, aUid);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aFilename);
+ return self;
+ }
+CZipEntry::CZipEntry(RFs& aFs, const TInt aUid):
+iFs(aFs), iUid(aUid)
+ {
+ iLFH.iCRC32 = crc32(iLFH.iCRC32, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ if (iFileData)
+ delete iFileData;
+ if (iInput.SubSessionHandle() > 0)
+ iInput.Close();
+ }
+void CZipEntry::ConstructL(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iInput.Open(iFs, aFilename, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
+ // ensure aFileName is stored in accordance with zip file-format specification
+ TFileName2 file(aFilename);
+ if (file.HasDriveLetter())
+ {
+ file.Delete(0, 3); // remove '<drive>:\'
+ }
+ if (file.HasLeadingSlash())
+ {
+ file.Delete(0, 1); // remove '\'
+ }
+ iAsciiName.Copy(file);
+ TUint8* ptr = const_cast<TUint8*> (iAsciiName.Ptr());
+ TInt count = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if (*ptr == '\\')
+ {
+ *ptr = '/';
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ } while (count++ < iAsciiName.Length());
+ // config. local file header
+ iLFH.iSignature = KLocalHeaderSignature;
+ iLFH.iVersionNeeded = KFZipVersion;
+ iLFH.iFlags = 0x0002; // best (-exx/-ex) compression was used
+ iLFH.iCompressionMethod = EDeflated;
+ TTime time;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iInput.Modified(time));
+ TDateTime td = time.DateTime();
+ TUint16 param1 = td.Year() - 1980;
+ TUint16 param2 = td.Month() + 1;
+ TUint16 param3 = td.Day() + 1;
+ iLFH.iLastModifiedFileDate = (param1 << 9) | (param2 << 5) | param3;
+ param1 = td.Hour() + 1;
+ param2 = td.Minute() + 1;
+ param3 = td.Second() + 1;
+ iLFH.iLastModifiedFileTime = (param1 << 11) | (param2 << 5) | (param3 >> 1);
+ TInt uSize = 0;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iInput.Size(uSize));
+ if (uSize <= 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAbort);
+ }
+ iLFH.iUncompressedSize = uSize;
+ iLFH.iCompressedSize = uSize; // note: to be adjusted later once the compression is performed
+ CalcCRCL();
+ iLFH.iFileNameLength = iAsciiName.Size();
+ iLFH.iExtraFieldLength = 0;
+ // config. file header
+ iFH.iSignature = KCentralDirectoryHeaderSignature;
+ iFH.iMadeBy = KFZipVersion;
+ iFH.iRequired = KFZipVersion;
+ iFH.iFlags = iLFH.iFlags;
+ iFH.iCompressionMethod = iLFH.iCompressionMethod;
+ iFH.iLastModifiedFileTime = iLFH.iLastModifiedFileTime;
+ iFH.iLastModifiedFileDate = iLFH.iLastModifiedFileDate;
+ iFH.iCRC32 = iLFH.iCRC32;
+ iFH.iCompressedSize = iLFH.iCompressedSize; // note: to be adjusted later once the compression is performed
+ iFH.iUncompressedSize = iLFH.iUncompressedSize;
+ iFH.iFileNameLength = iLFH.iFileNameLength;
+ iFH.iExtraFieldLength = iLFH.iExtraFieldLength;
+ iFH.iFileCommentLength = 0x0000;
+ iFH.iDiskNumberStart = KDefaultDiskNumber;
+ iFH.iInternalFileAttributes = 0x0001;
+ iFH.iExternalFileAttributes = 0x00000020; // hardcoded to 'Archive'
+ iFH.iLocalHeaderOffset = 0x00000000; // to be adjusted later (if necessary)
+ }
+void CZipEntry::SetOffset(TUint32 aOffset)
+ {
+ iFH.iLocalHeaderOffset = aOffset;
+ }
+TUint32 CZipEntry::ReturnOffset()
+ {
+ TUint32 result = iFH.iLocalHeaderOffset; // start with the offset of the LFH
+ result += KLocalHeaderFixedLength; // add the size of the LFH itself
+ result += iAsciiName.Size(); // add the size of the filename
+ result += iLFH.iCompressedSize; // add any compressed data
+ return result;
+ }
+TUint32 CZipEntry::FileHeaderSize()
+ {
+ TUint32 result = KCentralDirectoryHeaderFixedLength;
+ result += iAsciiName.Size();
+ return result;
+ }
+// CZipEntry::CalcCRCL
+// mem. efficient means of calculating the crc on uncompressed data
+// we require a maximum of KDefaultZipBufferLength heap space regardless size of data
+void CZipEntry::CalcCRCL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iInput.SubSessionHandle() > 0);
+ TInt bytesRead = 0;
+ TInt length = KDefaultZipBufferLength; // 32Kb
+ if (iLFH.iUncompressedSize < KDefaultZipBufferLength)
+ {
+ length = iLFH.iUncompressedSize;
+ }
+ iLFH.iCRC32 = crc32(0, NULL, 0);
+ HBufC8* crc = HBufC8::NewLC(length);
+ TPtr8 crcPtr = crc->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iInput.Seek(ESeekStart, bytesRead));
+ do
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iInput.Read(crcPtr, length));
+ iLFH.iCRC32 = crc32(iLFH.iCRC32, crcPtr.Ptr(), length);
+ bytesRead += length;
+ if ((iLFH.iUncompressedSize - bytesRead) < KDefaultZipBufferLength)
+ {
+ length = iLFH.iUncompressedSize - bytesRead;
+ }
+ } while (length > 0);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // crc
+ }
+// CZipItUp
+CZipItUp* CZipItUp::NewLC(RFs& aFs, TDesC& aArchive)
+ {
+ CZipItUp* self = new (ELeave) CZipItUp(aFs, aArchive);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+CZipItUp::CZipItUp(RFs& aFs, TDesC& aArchive):
+iFs(aFs), iFileName(aArchive), iZipMemberLinkedList(CZipEntry::iOffset), iZipMemberLinkedListIter(iZipMemberLinkedList)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if (iFile.SubSessionHandle() > 0)
+ {
+ iFile.Close();
+ }
+ while (!iZipMemberLinkedList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CZipEntry* entry = iZipMemberLinkedList.First();
+ iZipMemberLinkedList.Remove(*entry);
+ delete entry;
+ }
+ iZipMemberLinkedList.Reset();
+ }
+void CZipItUp::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Create(iFs, iFileName, EFileStream | EFileShareExclusive));
+ }
+// CZipItUp::AddFileL
+void CZipItUp::AddFileL(const TDesC& aFile)
+ {
+ if (!DuplicateEntryL(aFile))
+ {
+ // spawn a new zip entry, compress the file, add it to the list of zip file contained in the archive
+ CZipEntry* zipEntry = CZipEntry::NewLC(iFs, aFile, ++iEntryUid);
+ AddEntryL(*zipEntry);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(zipEntry);
+ }
+ }
+// CZipItUp::DuplicateEntryL
+// run a check against the zip archive's current entries (if any!) for duplicate files
+// return ETrue if a duplicate is found
+TBool CZipItUp::DuplicateEntryL(const TDesC& aFile)
+ {
+ if (iZipMemberLinkedList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // turn aFile into a zip-file format filename
+ TFileName2 file(aFile);
+ if (file.HasDriveLetter())
+ {
+ file.Delete(0, 3); // remove '<drive>:\'
+ }
+ if (file.HasLeadingSlash())
+ {
+ file.Delete(0, 1); // remove '\'
+ }
+ TBuf8<KMaxFileName> ascii;
+ ascii.Copy(file);
+ TUint8* ptr = const_cast<TUint8*> (ascii.Ptr());
+ TInt count = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if (*ptr == '\\')
+ {
+ *ptr = '/';
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ } while (count++ < ascii.Length());
+ // iterate through zip archive entries looking for a duplicate
+ iZipMemberLinkedListIter.SetToFirst();
+ CZipEntry* entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ while (entry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (entry->iAsciiName == ascii)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// CZipItUp::AddEntryL
+// Add an entry to the zip archive.
+void CZipItUp::AddEntryL(CZipEntry& aEntry)
+ {
+ // append the new entry to the queue
+ if (!iZipMemberLinkedList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // prior entries in the list therefore need to adjust this entry's local file header offset
+ CZipEntry* lastEntry = iZipMemberLinkedList.Last();
+ User::LeaveIfNull(lastEntry);
+ }
+ iZipMemberLinkedList.AddLast(aEntry);
+ }
+// CZipItUp::CreateZipL
+// Creates the actual file, including all the previously compressed zip files in the archive
+void CZipItUp::CreateZipL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iFile.SubSessionHandle() > 0);
+ if (iZipMemberLinkedList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ RFileWriteStream stream(iFile);
+ stream.PushL();
+ // initialise central directory header
+ iCDT.iSignature = CZipArchive::KCentralDirectorySignature;
+ iCDT.iDiskNumber = KDefaultDiskNumber;
+ iCDT.iStartDiskNumber = KDefaultDiskNumber;
+ iCDT.iLocalEntryCount = 0;
+ iCDT.iTotalEntryCount = 0;
+ iCDT.iSize = 0;
+ iCDT.iCommentLength = 0;
+ // iterate through each zip entry, appending local file header (LFH), file data (FD) to file
+ iZipMemberLinkedListIter.SetToFirst();
+ CZipEntry* entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ CZipEntry* prior = NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfNull(entry);
+ do
+ {
+ if (prior)
+ {
+ // adjust file header local offset if necessary
+ entry->SetOffset(prior->ReturnOffset());
+ }
+ // insert entry's Local File Header
+ AppendLocalFileHeaderL(stream, *entry);
+ // insert entry's File Data
+ AppendCompressedDataL(stream, *entry);
+ // adjust cdt parameters
+ iCDT.iLocalEntryCount++;
+ iCDT.iTotalEntryCount++;
+ iCDT.iSize += entry->FileHeaderSize();
+ // move onto the next entry
+ prior = entry;
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ } while (entry != NULL);
+ // adjust cdt offset parameter
+ iCDT.iOffset = iZipMemberLinkedList.Last()->ReturnOffset();
+ // iterate through each zip entry, appending the central directory File Headers to file (these must go after LFH, FD entries)
+ iZipMemberLinkedListIter.SetToFirst();
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ do
+ {
+ // central directory File Header
+ AppendCentralDirectoryFileHeaderL(stream, *entry);
+ // move onto the next entry
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ } while (entry != NULL);
+ // append the central directory trailer
+ AppendCentralDirectoryTrailerL(stream);
+ // commit the transaction
+ stream.CommitL();
+ stream.Pop();
+ stream.Close();
+ // go back through & adjust compressed size values for each zip entry post-mortem
+ ASSERT(iFile.SubSessionHandle() == 0);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Open(iFs, iFileName, EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive));
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ const TInt remainder = 8; // CZipArchive::KLocalHeaderFixedLength - KCompressedSizeRelativePosition
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, pos));
+ iZipMemberLinkedListIter.SetToFirst();
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ do
+ {
+ pos += KCompressedSizeRelativePosition; // step to iCompressedSize location in the current entry's LFH
+ TUint32 cs = entry->iLFH.iCompressedSize;
+ TUint32 KMyByte = 0x000000FF;
+ TInt bytecount = 0;
+ TBuf8<8> compSize;
+ do
+ {
+ TUint32 csChar((cs & KMyByte));
+ compSize.Append(csChar);
+ cs >>= 8;
+ } while (++bytecount < 4); // zip-file format allows us 4 bytes only for the compressed size value
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Write(pos, compSize));
+ pos += bytecount; // the 4 bytes we just wrote
+ // step over remaing bytes to the beginning of the next entry's LFH
+ pos += remainder;
+ pos += entry->iAsciiName.Size();
+ pos += entry->iLFH.iCompressedSize;
+ // we're now positioned at the next entry's LFH
+ entry = iZipMemberLinkedListIter++;
+ } while (entry != NULL);
+ }
+void CZipItUp::AppendLocalFileHeaderL(RFileWriteStream& aStream, CZipEntry& aZipEntry)
+ {
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iSignature);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iVersionNeeded);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iFlags);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iCompressionMethod);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iLastModifiedFileTime);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iLastModifiedFileDate);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iCRC32);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iCompressedSize);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iUncompressedSize);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iFileNameLength);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aZipEntry.iLFH.iExtraFieldLength);
+ aStream.WriteL(aZipEntry.iAsciiName);
+ }
+void CZipItUp::AppendCompressedDataL(RFileWriteStream& aStream, CZipEntry& aZipEntry)
+ {
+ // compress data & stream it to the zip archive (aStream)
+ RFileReadStream inStream;
+ inStream.Attach(aZipEntry.iInput); // note takes ownership of iInput subsession handle
+ CBufferManager* fb = CBufferManager::NewLC(inStream, aStream, aZipEntry.iLFH.iUncompressedSize, KDefaultZipBufferLength);
+ CEZCompressor* compressor = CEZCompressor::NewLC(*fb, CEZCompressor::EBestCompression, KWindowBits, CEZCompressor::EDefMemLevel, CEZCompressor::EDefaultStrategy);
+ while (compressor->DeflateL()){/* do nothing */}
+ // update the entry's LocalFileHeader and FileHeader
+ aZipEntry.iLFH.iCompressedSize = fb->TotalBytesOut();
+ aZipEntry.iFH.iCompressedSize = aZipEntry.iLFH.iCompressedSize;
+ // cleanup
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, fb); // compressor, fb
+ inStream.Close();
+ }
+void CZipItUp::AppendCentralDirectoryFileHeaderL(RFileWriteStream& aStream, CZipEntry& aEntry)
+ {
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iSignature);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iMadeBy);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iRequired);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iFlags);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iCompressionMethod);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iLastModifiedFileTime);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iLastModifiedFileDate);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iCRC32);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iCompressedSize);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iUncompressedSize);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iFileNameLength);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iExtraFieldLength);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iFileCommentLength);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iDiskNumberStart);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(aEntry.iFH.iInternalFileAttributes);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iExternalFileAttributes);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(aEntry.iFH.iLocalHeaderOffset);
+ aStream.WriteL(aEntry.iAsciiName);
+ }
+void CZipItUp::AppendCentralDirectoryTrailerL(RFileWriteStream& aStream)
+ {
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(iCDT.iSignature);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(iCDT.iDiskNumber);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(iCDT.iStartDiskNumber);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(iCDT.iLocalEntryCount);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(iCDT.iTotalEntryCount);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(iCDT.iSize);
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(iCDT.iOffset);
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(iCDT.iCommentLength);
+ }