--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commands/rconn/rconn.cpp Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// rconn.cpp
+// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Accenture - Initial contribution
+#undef SYMBIAN_ENABLE_SPLIT_HEADERS // Stopgap to handle TConnectionInfoV2 being moved in latest TB92
+#include <fshell/ioutils.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <es_enum.h>
+#include <nifvar.h>
+#include <commdbconnpref.h>
+using namespace IoUtils;
+class CCmdRconn : public CCommandBase
+ {
+ static CCommandBase* NewLC();
+ ~CCmdRconn();
+ CCmdRconn();
+ void ListConnectionsL();
+ void StartConnectionL();
+ void StopConnectionL();
+private: // From CCommandBase.
+ virtual const TDesC& Name() const;
+ virtual void DoRunL();
+ virtual void ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments);
+ virtual void OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions);
+ RSocketServ iSocketSession;
+ RConnection iConnection;
+ enum
+ {
+ EList, EStart, EStop
+ } iOperation;
+ TUint iIapId;
+ TUint iNetworkId;
+ };
+CCommandBase* CCmdRconn::NewLC()
+ {
+ CCmdRconn* self = new(ELeave) CCmdRconn();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->BaseConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ iConnection.Close();
+ iSocketSession.Close();
+ }
+ {
+ }
+const TDesC& CCmdRconn::Name() const
+ {
+ _LIT(KName, "rconn");
+ return KName;
+ }
+#define CASE_RETURN_LIT(XXX) case XXX: { _LIT(_KLit, #XXX); return &_KLit; }
+#define DEFAULT_RETURN_LIT(XXX) default: { _LIT(_KLit, XXX); return &_KLit; }
+const TDesC* StringifyConnectionType(TConnectionType aConnectionType)
+ {
+ enum TConnectionType_NotPresentInTB92
+ {
+ EConnectionCDMA = 2500,
+ EConnectionCDMA20001xRTT,
+ EConnectionCDMA20001xRTTDO,
+ EConnectionCDMA20001xRTTDV,
+ EConnectionCDMA20003xRTT,
+ };
+ switch (aConnectionType)
+ {
+ CASE_RETURN_LIT(EConnectionGeneric);
+ CASE_RETURN_LIT(EConnectionCDMA20001xRTT);
+ CASE_RETURN_LIT(EConnectionCDMA20003xRTT);
+ CASE_RETURN_LIT(EConnectionEthernet);
+ }
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::DoRunL()
+ {
+ LeaveIfErr(iSocketSession.Connect(), _L("Couldn't open socket server session"));
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.Open(iSocketSession), _L("Couldn't open connection handle"));
+ if (!iArguments.IsPresent(0)) iOperation = EList;
+ switch (iOperation)
+ {
+ case EList:
+ ListConnectionsL();
+ break;
+ case EStart:
+ StartConnectionL();
+ break;
+ case EStop:
+ StopConnectionL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::ListConnectionsL()
+ {
+ TUint numConnections;
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.EnumerateConnections(numConnections), _L("Couldn't enumerate connections"));
+ if (numConnections <= 0)
+ {
+ Write(_L("No connections currently up.\r\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IoUtils::CTextFormatter* formatter = CTextFormatter::NewLC(Stdout());
+ IoUtils::CTextBuffer* buf = IoUtils::CTextBuffer::NewLC(0x100);
+ buf->AppendFormatL(_L("IAP\tNetwork\tType\r\n"));
+ for (TInt i = 1; i <= numConnections; ++i)
+ {
+ TConnectionInfoV2Buf connectionInfoBuf;
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.GetConnectionInfo(i, connectionInfoBuf), _L("Couldn't get connection info (%d of %d)"), i, numConnections);
+ TConnectionInfoV2& info = connectionInfoBuf();
+ buf->AppendFormatL(_L("%d\t%d\t%S\r\n"), info.iIapId, info.iNetId, StringifyConnectionType(info.ConnectionType()));
+ }
+ formatter->TabulateL(0, 2, buf->Descriptor());
+ Write(formatter->Descriptor());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, formatter);
+ }
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::StartConnectionL()
+ {
+ TCommDbConnPref prefs;
+ if (iIapId > 0)
+ {
+ prefs.SetIapId(iIapId);
+ prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
+ }
+ if (iNetworkId > 0)
+ {
+ prefs.SetNetId(iNetworkId);
+ }
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.Start(prefs), _L("Failed to start connection"));
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::StopConnectionL()
+ {
+ TConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
+ if (iIapId > 0)
+ {
+ connectionInfo.iIapId = iIapId;
+ }
+ if (iNetworkId > 0)
+ {
+ connectionInfo.iNetId = iNetworkId;
+ }
+ TPckgC<TConnectionInfo> connectionInfoPckg(connectionInfo);
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.Attach(connectionInfoPckg, RConnection::EAttachTypeNormal), _L("Unable to attach to connection"));
+ LeaveIfErr(iConnection.Stop(), _L("Unable to stop connection"));
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions)
+ {
+ _LIT(KOptIapId, "iap");
+ aOptions.AppendUintL(iIapId, KOptIapId);
+ _LIT(KOptNetworkId, "network");
+ aOptions.AppendUintL(iNetworkId, KOptNetworkId);
+ }
+void CCmdRconn::ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments)
+ {
+ _LIT(KArgOperation, "operation");
+ aArguments.AppendEnumL((TInt&)iOperation, KArgOperation);
+ }