--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libraries/memoryaccess/fdebuggerkernel.h Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// fdebuggerkernel.h
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Accenture - Initial contribution
+#include <nkern.h>
+#include <kernel.h>
+#include <kern_priv.h>
+#include <fshell/common.mmh>
+#include "memoryaccess.h"
+class TDynDfcQueWrapper;
+class MDebuggerEventClient
+ {
+ virtual void BreakpointHit(TDes& aPkg) =0;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DDebuggerEventHandler) : public DKernelEventHandler
+ {
+ static DDebuggerEventHandler* New(TDfcQue* aQue);
+ TInt GetZombieMode();
+ TInt SetZombieMode(TInt aMode);
+ HBuf* GetZombieThreadIds();
+ TInt ReleaseZombie(DThread* aThread);
+ TInt SuspendThread(DThread* aThread);
+ TInt RegisterForBreakpointNotification(MDebuggerEventClient* aClient);
+ void UnregisterForBreakpointNotification(MDebuggerEventClient* aClient);
+ TInt SetBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress, const RMemoryAccess::TPredicate& aCondition);
+ TInt SetSymbolicBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, HBuf* aCodesegName, TUint32 aOffset, const RMemoryAccess::TPredicate& aCondition);
+ TInt RegisterPersistantBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress);
+ TInt SetBreakpointEnabled(TInt aBreakpointId, TBool aEnabled);
+ TInt ClearBreakpoint(TInt aBreakpointId);
+ TInt ContinueFromBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aExceptionAddress);
+ HBuf* GetBreakpoints();
+ TUint GetCreatorThread(TUint aThreadId); // Returns 0 if not known
+ DDebuggerEventHandler(TDfcQue* aQue);
+ ~DDebuggerEventHandler();
+ static TUint Event(TKernelEvent aEvent, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TAny* aPrivateData);
+ TUint DoEvent(TKernelEvent aEvent, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+ void CompleteZombies();
+ void Lock();
+ void Unlock();
+ void BreakpointLock();
+ void BreakpointUnlock();
+ struct SZombie;
+ SZombie* FindZombie(DThread* aThread);
+ void ReleaseZombie(SZombie* aZombie);
+ void ReleaseZombieAndUnlock(SZombie* aZombie);
+ void UnsuspendThread(SZombie* aZombie);
+ TInt Zombify(TLinAddr aBreakpointAddr=0);
+ struct SBreakpoint;
+ SBreakpoint* FindBreakpointByAddress(/*DThread* aThread,*/ TLinAddr aAddress);
+ SBreakpoint* FindBreakpointById(TInt aId);
+ SBreakpoint* FindBreakpointUsingHardwareContextRegister(TInt aRegister);
+ SBreakpoint* FindHardwareBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress);
+ enum TBreakpointPolicy
+ {
+ EWhatever,
+ EHardwareOnly,
+ ESoftwareOnly,
+ };
+ TInt ApplyBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint, TBreakpointPolicy aPolicy=EWhatever);
+ void UnapplyBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint);
+ void ClearBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint, TBool aResumeAllBlocked=EFalse);
+ TInt SetProgramCounter(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress);
+ void ClearAllBreakpoints();
+ void RemoveAllHardwareBreakpointsForThread(DThread* aThread);
+ void HandleRestoreCode(TLinAddr aAddress);
+ static void HandleCodesegRemoved(TAny* aPtr);
+ void DoHandleCodesegRemoved();
+ TInt ReadInstructions(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress, TInt aLength, TDes8& aData);
+ TInt ApplyHardwareBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint);
+ TInt DoApplyHardwareBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint, TInt aContextReg);
+ static TUint32 GetArmContextIdForThread(DThread* aThread);
+ TInt MoveBreakpointToNextInstructionForThread(DThread* aThread, SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint);
+#ifdef __EABI__
+ void DoClearHardwareBreakpoint(SBreakpoint* aBreakpoint);
+ void SetDscr(TUint32 aVal);
+ void SetBreakpointPair(TInt aRegister, TUint aBvrValue, TUint aBcrValue);
+ TUint ReadBcr(TInt aRegister);
+ void SetContextIdBrp(TInt aRegister, TUint aContextId);
+ // Ones from the-TLA-that-dare-not-speak-its-name
+ TInt ReadKernelRegisterValue(DThread* aThread, TInt aRegister, TUint32& aResult);
+ TInt DoReadMemory(DThread* aThread, TLinAddr aAddress, TInt aLength, TDes8& aResult);
+ TBool IsPreviousInstructionMovePCToLR(DThread *aThread);
+ TInt CurrentInstructionArm(DThread* aThread, TUint32& aInstruction);
+ TInt CurrentInstructionThumb(DThread* aThread, TUint32& aInstruction);
+ TUint32 PCAfterInstructionExecutes(DThread *aThread, TUint32 aCurrentPC, TUint32 /*aStatusRegister*/, TInt aInstSize, TUint32 &aNewRangeEnd, TBool &aChangingModes);
+ TUint32 ShiftedRegValue(DThread *aThread, TUint32 aInstruction, TUint32 aCurrentPC, TUint32 aStatusRegister);
+ TInt CurrentPC(DThread* aThread, TUint32& aPC);
+ TInt CurrentCPSR(DThread* aThread, TUint32& aCPSR);
+ TInt ReadMem32(DThread* aThread, const TUint32 aAddress, TUint32& aValue);
+ TInt ReadMem16(DThread* aThread, const TUint32 aAddress, TUint16& aValue);
+ TInt RegisterValue(DThread *aThread, const TUint32 aKernelRegisterId, TUint32 &aValue);
+ TUint32 ReadRegister(TInt aRegisterOffset);
+ void WriteRegister(TInt aRegisterOffset, TUint32 aValue);
+ enum TZombieMode
+ {
+ EDisabled = 0,
+ EAbnormalExit = 1,
+ EAllExits = 2,
+ };
+ TZombieMode iZombieMode;
+ struct SZombie
+ {
+ DThread* iThread;
+ SDblQueLink iLink;
+ DSemaphore* iBlocker; // Null if thread manually suspended via SuspendThread
+ TLinAddr iBreakpointAddress; // > 0 if the thread is blocked on a breakpoint
+ };
+ SDblQue iZombies;
+ TInt iZombieCount;
+ NFastMutex iLock; // For iZombies and other non-breakpoint-related structures
+ struct SBreakpoint
+ {
+ SBreakpoint(DThread* aThread, TInt aBreakpointId, TLinAddr aAddress, const RMemoryAccess::TPredicate& aCondition);
+ void SetThreadMatchPattern(HBuf* aMatch);
+ TBool MatchesThread(DThread* aThread) const;
+ ~SBreakpoint(); // Note this DOESNT deque from the breakpoint list - do that first!
+ TBool HasModifiedCode() const;
+ TBool IsHardware() const;
+ DThread* iThread;
+ TInt iBreakpointId;
+ TLinAddr iAddress; // If the breakpoint is pending, this is actually the codeseg offset
+ TBuf8<4> iOrigInstruction;
+ SDblQueLink iLink;
+ TAny* iCodeSeg; // If the breakpoint is pending, an HBuf* which is the name of the codeseg. For a persistant breakpoint, NULL. For anything that HasModifiedCode(), the DCodeSeg* that the address is in
+ enum TFlags
+ {
+ EDisabledPendingCodesegLoad = 1,
+ EDisabledByUser = 2,
+ EDisabledDuringContinue = 4,
+ EDisabled = EDisabledPendingCodesegLoad|EDisabledByUser|EDisabledDuringContinue,
+ EPersistant = 8, // Meaning the actual code has an invalid instruction, so hasn't been ModifyCoded, so we should resume to the next instruction.
+ EThumb = 16,
+ EHardware = 32, // Implies EThreadSpecific
+ ETempContinue = 64,
+ EThreadSpecific = 128, // Only match a single specified thread.
+ };
+ TUint iFlags;
+ SBreakpoint* iRealBreakpoint; // If iFlags&ETempContinue, points to the breakpoint we're temping for. Otherwise, this indicates that the breakpoint hasn't called ModifyCode because (currently) there is another breakpoint (in a different thread) at the same address that has done it for us.
+ TInt iHardwareBreakpointId; // Only relevant if iFlags&EHardware
+ TInt iHardwareBreakpointContextReg; // Ditto. Value is either 4 or 5
+ //TInt iContinueCount;
+ HBuf* iMatch;
+ RMemoryAccess::TPredicate iCondition;
+ private:
+ SBreakpoint(); // No copying allowed
+ };
+ TBool iCodeModifierInited;
+ SDblQue iBreakpoints;
+ TInt iNextBreakpointId;
+ MDebuggerEventClient* iBreakpointNotifyClient;
+ /* Rules for the breakpoint lock: Any manipulation of iBreakpoints, or of any breakpoint on the iBreakpoints list, must be protected by this lock.
+ * Ditto iFreeHwBreakpoints. SBreakpoint objects not on the list can be manipulated without needing the lock held
+ */
+ DMutex* iBreakpointMutex;
+ TDfc iHandleCodesegRemovedDfc;
+ struct SRemovedCodeseg
+ {
+ DProcess* iProcess;
+ DCodeSeg* iCodeseg;
+ SDblQueLink iLink;
+ };
+ SDblQue iRemovedCodesegs; // Protected by iLock
+ TUint32 iFreeHwBreakpoints;
+ DPlatChunkHw* iDebugRegistersChunk;
+ class TCreatorInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ TCreatorInfo(TUint aThreadId, TUint aCreatorThreadId)
+ : iThreadId(aThreadId), iCreatorThreadId(aCreatorThreadId)
+ {}
+ TUint iThreadId;
+ TUint iCreatorThreadId;
+ };
+ RArray<TCreatorInfo> iCreatorInfo;
+ };