changeset 0 7f656887cf89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libraries/spcre/libpcre/pcre/testdata/testoutput7	Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,7257 @@
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    ac
+ 0: ac
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abbbbbbc
+ 0: abbbbbbc
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    ac
+No match
+    ab
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 2: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 5: aaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 6: aaaaaaaaaaa
+ 7: aaaaaaaaaa
+ 8: aaaaaaaaa
+ 9: aaaaaaaa
+10: aaaaaaa
+11: aaaaaa
+12: aaaaa
+13: aaaa
+14: aaa
+15: aa
+16: a
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 
+Matched, but too many subsidiary matches
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 2: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 5: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 6: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 7: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 8: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ 9: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+10: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+11: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+12: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+13: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+14: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+15: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+16: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+17: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
+18: aaaaaaaaaaaa
+19: aaaaaaaaaaa
+20: aaaaaaaaaa
+21: aaaaaaaaa
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\F 
+ 0: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+ 1: a
+    african
+ 0: african
+ 1: a
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc
+No match
+    xyz\nabc    
+No match
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\nabc    
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc
+No match
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc
+No match
+    xyz\nabc    
+No match
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc
+No match
+    xyz\nabc    
+No match
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\>3
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc    
+No match
+    xyzabc\>2 
+No match
+    x9yzz
+ 0: x9yzz
+    x0y+z
+ 0: x0y+z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz
+No match
+    xxy0z     
+No match
+    x yzz
+ 0: x yzz
+    x y+z
+ 0: x y+z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz
+No match
+    xxyyz
+No match
+    xxy+z
+ 0: xxy+z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xxy0z
+No match
+    x+y+z         
+No match
+    x+y
+ 0: x+y
+    x-y
+ 0: x-y
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    x\ny
+No match
+    x+y
+ 0: x+y
+    x-y
+ 0: x-y
+    x\ny
+ 0: x\x0ay
+    a+bc+dp+q
+ 0: a+bc+dp+q
+    a+bc\ndp+q
+ 0: a+bc\x0adp+q
+    x\nyp+q 
+ 0: x\x0ayp+q
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    a\nbc\ndp+q
+No match
+    a+bc\ndp\nq
+No match
+    x\nyp\nq 
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ba0\n
+No match
+    ba0\ncd   
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ba0\n
+No match
+    ba0\ncd   
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    ba0\n
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ba0\ncd   
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    ba0\n
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ba0\ncd   
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    ba0\n
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ba0\ncd   
+No match
+    ba0
+ 0: a0
+    ba0\n
+ 0: a0
+    ba0\ncd   
+ 0: a0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aBc
+ 0: aBc
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    abcd
+ 0: b
+    abz
+ 0: abz
+ 1: ab
+    abbz
+ 0: abb
+ 1: ab
+    azz  
+ 0: az
+    ayzq
+ 0: yz
+    axyzq
+ 0: xyz
+    axxyz
+ 0: xxyz
+    axxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    axxxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ax
+No match
+    axx     
+No match
+    axxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    axxxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ax
+No match
+    axx     
+No match
+    ayzq
+No match
+    axyzq
+No match
+    axxyz
+No match
+    axxyz
+ 0: xxyz
+    axxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    axxxxyzq
+ 0: xxxyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ax
+No match
+    axx     
+No match
+    ayzq
+No match
+    axyzq
+No match
+    bac
+ 0: b
+    bcdefax
+ 0: bcdef
+ 1: bcde
+ 2: bcd
+ 3: bc
+ 4: b
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** F
+ 1: *** 
+ 2: ***
+ 3: **
+ 4: *
+    aaaaa   
+No match
+    bac
+ 0: b
+ 1: 
+    bcdefax
+ 0: bcdef
+ 1: bcde
+ 2: bcd
+ 3: bc
+ 4: b
+ 5: 
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** F
+ 1: *** 
+ 2: ***
+ 3: **
+ 4: *
+ 5: 
+    aaaaa   
+ 0: 
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    awxyza
+ 0: wxyz
+ 1: wxy
+    abcdefa
+ 0: bcdef
+ 1: bcde
+ 2: bcd
+    abcdefghijk
+ 0: bcdef
+ 1: bcde
+ 2: bcd
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** F
+ 1: *** 
+ 2: ***
+    axya
+No match
+    axa
+No match
+    aaaaa         
+No match
+    1234b567
+ 0: 1234
+ 1: 123
+ 2: 12
+ 3: 1
+ 4: 
+    xyz
+ 0: 
+    a1234b567
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+ 1: xy
+ 2: x
+ 3: 
+    ab1234c56
+ 0: 1234
+ 1: 123
+ 2: 12
+ 3: 1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz
+No match
+    ab123c56
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** Failers
+ 1: *** Failer
+ 2: *** Faile
+ 3: *** Fail
+ 4: *** Fai
+ 5: *** Fa
+ 6: *** F
+ 7: *** 
+ 8: ***
+ 9: **
+10: *
+    789
+No match
+    045ABC
+ 0: 5A
+    ABC
+ 0: A
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    XYZ
+No match
+    ABC
+ 0: A
+    BAC
+ 0: BA
+    9ABC             
+ 0: A
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    ggggggggxyz
+ 0: ggggggggxyz
+    abcdxyz
+ 0: abcdxyz
+    axyz
+ 0: axyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz
+No match
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    cxyz       
+ 0: cxyz
+    12X
+ 0: 12X
+    123X
+ 0: 123X
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    X
+No match
+    1X
+No match
+    1234X     
+No match
+    a45
+ 0: a4
+    b93
+ 0: b9
+    c99z
+ 0: c9
+    d04
+ 0: d0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    e45
+No match
+    abcd      
+No match
+    abcd1234
+No match
+    1234  
+No match
+    a45
+ 0: a4
+    b93
+ 0: b9
+    c99z
+ 0: c9
+    d04
+ 0: d0
+    abcd1234
+ 0: abcd1
+    1234  
+ 0: 1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    e45
+No match
+    abcd      
+No match
+    a45
+ 0: a4
+    b93
+ 0: b9
+    c99z
+ 0: c9
+    d04
+ 0: d0
+    abcd1234
+ 0: abcd1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    1234  
+No match
+    e45
+No match
+    abcd      
+No match
+    aX
+ 0: aX
+    aaX 
+ 0: aaX
+    a45
+ 0: a4
+    b93
+ 0: b9
+    c99z
+ 0: c9
+    d04
+ 0: d0
+    1234  
+ 0: 1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcd1234
+No match
+    e45
+No match
+    ab45
+ 0: ab4
+    bcd93
+ 0: bcd9
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    1234 
+No match
+    a36 
+No match
+    abcd1234
+No match
+    ee45
+No match
+    abc45
+ 0: abc4
+    abcabcabc45
+ 0: abcabcabc4
+    42xyz 
+ 0: 4
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc45
+ 0: abc4
+    abcabcabc45
+ 0: abcabcabc4
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    42xyz 
+No match
+    abc45
+ 0: abc4
+    42xyz 
+ 0: 4
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcabcabc45
+No match
+    abcabc45
+ 0: abcabc4
+    abcabcabc45
+ 0: abcabcabc4
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcabcabcabc45
+No match
+    abc45
+No match
+    42xyz 
+No match
+    1abc2abc3456
+ 0: 1abc2abc3
+    1abc2xyz3456 
+ 0: 1abc2xyz3
+    ab=ab
+ 0: ab=ab
+ 1: ab=a
+    ab=ab
+ 0: ab=ab
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    a(b)c
+ 0: a(b)c
+    a(b(c))d  
+ 0: a(b(c))d
+    *** Failers)
+No match
+    a(b(c)d  
+No match
+    >abc>123<xyz<
+ 0: >abc>123<xyz<
+    >abc>1(2)3<xyz<
+ 0: >abc>1(2)3<xyz<
+    >abc>(1(2)3)<xyz<
+ 0: >abc>(1(2)3)<xyz<
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9876
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+No match
+/< (?: (?(R) \d++  | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >/x
+    <>
+ 0: <>
+    <abcd>
+ 0: <abcd>
+    <abc <123> hij>
+ 0: <abc <123> hij>
+    <abc <def> hij>
+ 0: <def>
+    <abc<>def> 
+ 0: <abc<>def>
+    <abc<>      
+ 0: <>
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    <abc
+No match
+    abc:                          
+ 0: abc:
+    12                             
+ 0: 12
+    *** Failers                     
+No match
+    123                       
+No match
+    xyz                        
+No match
+    abc:                        
+ 0: abc:
+    12         
+ 0: 12
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    xyz    
+No match
+    abcde:                          
+ 0: abcde:
+    *** Failers                     
+No match
+    abc.. 
+No match
+    123                       
+No match
+    vwxyz                        
+No match
+    12         
+ 0: 12
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcde:
+No match
+    abc..  
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    vwxyz    
+No match
+    abc12345
+ 0: 123
+    wxy123z
+ 0: 123
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123abc
+No match
+    123abc
+ 0: 123
+    mno123456 
+ 0: 123
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc12345
+No match
+    wxy123z
+No match
+    abcxyz
+  1 ^  ^       x
+ 0: abcxyz
+    123abcxyz999 
+  1    ^  ^          x
+ 0: abcxyz
+  ababab
+ +0 ^          (ab|cd){3,4}
+ +1 ^          a
+ +4 ^          c
+ +2 ^^         b
+ +3 ^ ^        |
+ +1 ^ ^        a
+ +4 ^ ^        c
+ +2 ^  ^       b
+ +3 ^   ^      |
+ +1 ^   ^      a
+ +4 ^   ^      c
+ +2 ^    ^     b
+ +3 ^     ^    |
++12 ^     ^    
+ +1 ^     ^    a
+ +4 ^     ^    c
+ 0: ababab
+  abcdabcd
+ +0 ^            (ab|cd){3,4}
+ +1 ^            a
+ +4 ^            c
+ +2 ^^           b
+ +3 ^ ^          |
+ +1 ^ ^          a
+ +4 ^ ^          c
+ +5 ^  ^         d
+ +6 ^   ^        )
+ +1 ^   ^        a
+ +4 ^   ^        c
+ +2 ^    ^       b
+ +3 ^     ^      |
++12 ^     ^      
+ +1 ^     ^      a
+ +4 ^     ^      c
+ +5 ^      ^     d
+ +6 ^       ^    )
++12 ^       ^    
+ 0: abcdabcd
+ 1: abcdab
+  abcdcdcdcdcd  
+ +0 ^                (ab|cd){3,4}
+ +1 ^                a
+ +4 ^                c
+ +2 ^^               b
+ +3 ^ ^              |
+ +1 ^ ^              a
+ +4 ^ ^              c
+ +5 ^  ^             d
+ +6 ^   ^            )
+ +1 ^   ^            a
+ +4 ^   ^            c
+ +5 ^    ^           d
+ +6 ^     ^          )
++12 ^     ^          
+ +1 ^     ^          a
+ +4 ^     ^          c
+ +5 ^      ^         d
+ +6 ^       ^        )
++12 ^       ^        
+ 0: abcdcdcd
+ 1: abcdcd
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcdef\B  
+No match
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    aaabcd
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: aa
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+ 1: 
+    xyz\N  
+ 0: xyz
+    *** Failers
+ 0: 
+    bcd\N   
+No match
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    xyz\n
+ 0: xyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz\Z
+No match
+    xyz\n\Z    
+No match
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    xyz\n 
+ 0: xyz
+    abcxyz\npqr 
+ 0: xyz
+    abcxyz\npqr\Z 
+ 0: xyz
+    xyz\n\Z    
+ 0: xyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyz\Z
+No match
+    abcdef
+ 0: abc
+    defabcxyz\>3 
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    defabcxyz
+No match
+    ab\P
+Partial match: ab
+    abcde\P
+Partial match: abcde
+    abcdef\P
+ 0: abcdef
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abx\P    
+No match
+    a\P
+Partial match: a
+    aa\P
+Partial match: aa
+    aa2\P 
+Partial match: aa2
+    aaa\P
+Partial match: aaa
+    aaa23\P 
+Partial match: aaa23
+    aaaa12345\P
+Partial match: aaaa12345
+    aa0z\P
+ 0: aa0z
+    aaaa4444444444444z\P 
+ 0: aaaa4444444444444z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    az\P 
+No match
+    aaaaa\P 
+No match
+    a56\P 
+No match
+   abc\P
+Partial match: abc
+   def\R 
+ 0: def
+   xyzfo\P 
+No match
+   foob\P\>2 
+Partial match: b
+   foobar...\R\P\>4 
+ 0: ar
+   xyzfo\P
+No match
+   foobar\>2  
+ 0: bar
+   *** Failers
+No match
+   xyzfo\P
+No match
+   obar\R   
+No match
+    adfadadaklhlkalkajhlkjahdfasdfasdfladsfjkj\P\Z
+No match
+    lkjhlkjhlkjhlkjhabbbbbbcdaefabbbbbbbefa\P\B\Z
+Partial match: abbbbbbcdaefabbbbbbbefa
+    cdabbbbbbbb\P\R\B\Z
+Partial match: cdabbbbbbbb
+    efabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\P\R\B\Z
+Partial match: efabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+    bbbbbbbbbbbbcdXyasdfadf\P\R\B\Z    
+ 0: bbbbbbbbbbbbcdX
+Compiled regex written to testsavedregex
+Study data written to testsavedregex
+Compiled regex (byte-inverted) loaded from testsavedregex
+Study data loaded from testsavedregex
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    ** Failers
+ 0: a
+    def  
+No match
+/the quick brown fox/
+    the quick brown fox
+ 0: the quick brown fox
+    The quick brown FOX
+No match
+    What do you know about the quick brown fox?
+ 0: the quick brown fox
+    What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?
+No match
+/The quick brown fox/i
+    the quick brown fox
+ 0: the quick brown fox
+    The quick brown FOX
+ 0: The quick brown FOX
+    What do you know about the quick brown fox?
+ 0: the quick brown fox
+    What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?
+    abcd\t\n\r\f\a\e9;\$\\?caxyz
+ 0: abcd\x09\x0a\x0d\x0c\x07\x1b9;$\?caxyz
+    abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz
+    aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz
+    aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz
+ 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz
+    >>>aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    >aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    >>>>abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+ 0: abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abxyzpqrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+No match
+    abxyzpqrrrrabbxyyyypqAzz
+No match
+    abxyzpqrrrabxyyyypqAzz
+No match
+    aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyyypqAzz
+No match
+    aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyypqAzz
+No match
+    aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqqAzz
+No match
+    abczz
+ 0: abczz
+    abcabczz
+ 0: abcabczz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    zz
+No match
+    abcabcabczz
+No match
+    >>abczz
+No match
+    bc
+ 0: bc
+    bbc
+ 0: bbc
+    bbbc
+ 0: bbbc
+    bac
+ 0: bac
+    bbac
+ 0: bbac
+    aac
+ 0: aac
+    abbbbbbbbbbbc
+ 0: abbbbbbbbbbbc
+    bbbbbbbbbbbac
+ 0: bbbbbbbbbbbac
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaac
+No match
+    abbbbbbbbbbbac
+No match
+    bc
+ 0: bc
+    bbc
+ 0: bbc
+    bbbc
+ 0: bbbc
+    bac
+ 0: bac
+    bbac
+ 0: bbac
+    aac
+ 0: aac
+    abbbbbbbbbbbc
+ 0: abbbbbbbbbbbc
+    bbbbbbbbbbbac
+ 0: bbbbbbbbbbbac
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaac
+No match
+    abbbbbbbbbbbac
+No match
+    bbc
+ 0: bbc
+    babc
+ 0: babc
+    bbabc
+ 0: bbabc
+    bababc
+ 0: bababc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bababbc
+No match
+    babababc
+No match
+    babc
+ 0: babc
+    bbabc
+ 0: bbabc
+    bababc
+ 0: bababc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bababbc
+No match
+    babababc
+No match
+    \x01\x01\e;z
+ 0: \x01\x01\x1b;z
+    athing
+ 0: a
+    bthing
+ 0: b
+    ]thing
+ 0: ]
+    cthing
+ 0: c
+    dthing
+ 0: d
+    ething
+ 0: e
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    fthing
+No match
+    [thing
+No match
+    \\thing
+No match
+    ]thing
+ 0: ]
+    cthing
+ 0: c
+    dthing
+ 0: d
+    ething
+ 0: e
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    athing
+No match
+    fthing
+No match
+    fthing
+ 0: f
+    [thing
+ 0: [
+    \\thing
+ 0: \
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    athing
+No match
+    bthing
+No match
+    ]thing
+No match
+    cthing
+No match
+    dthing
+No match
+    ething
+No match
+    athing
+ 0: a
+    fthing
+ 0: f
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    ]thing
+No match
+    cthing
+No match
+    dthing
+No match
+    ething
+No match
+ 0: \x81
+    ÿ
+ 0: \xff
+    0
+ 0: 0
+    1
+ 0: 1
+    2
+ 0: 2
+    3
+ 0: 3
+    4
+ 0: 4
+    5
+ 0: 5
+    6
+ 0: 6
+    7
+ 0: 7
+    8
+ 0: 8
+    9
+ 0: 9
+    10
+ 0: 10
+    100
+ 0: 100
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    enter
+ 0: enter
+    inter
+ 0: inter
+    uponter
+ 0: uponter
+    xxx0
+ 0: xxx0
+    xxx1234
+ 0: xxx1234
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xxx
+No match
+    x123
+ 0: x123
+    xx123
+ 0: xx123
+    123456
+ 0: 123456
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    x1234
+ 0: x1234
+    x123
+ 0: x123
+    xx123
+ 0: xx123
+    123456
+ 0: 123456
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    x1234
+ 0: x1234
+    abc!
+ 0: abc!
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    !
+No match
+    abc!
+No match
+    abc!
+No match
+    abc!
+No match
+    Well, we need a colon: somewhere
+ 0: :
+    *** Fail if we don't
+No match
+    0abc
+ 0: 0abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    fed
+ 0: fed
+    E
+ 0: E
+    ::
+ 0: ::
+    5f03:12C0::932e
+ 0: 5f03:12C0::932e
+    fed def
+ 0: def
+    Any old stuff
+ 0: ff
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    0zzz
+No match
+    gzzz
+No match
+    fed\x20
+No match
+    Any old rubbish
+No match
+    .1.2.3
+ 0: .1.2.3
+    A.12.123.0
+ 0: A.12.123.0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    .1.2.3333
+No match
+    1.2.3
+No match
+    1234.2.3
+No match
+    1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2(
+ 0: 1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2(
+    1    IN    SOA    non-sp1    non-sp2   (
+ 0: 1    IN    SOA    non-sp1    non-sp2   (
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    1IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2(
+No match
+    a.
+ 0: a.
+    Z.
+ 0: Z.
+    2.
+ 0: 2.
+    ab-c.pq-r.
+ 0: ab-c.pq-r.
+ 0:
+    x-.y-.
+ 0: x-.y-.
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    -abc.peq.
+No match
+    *.a
+ 0: *.a
+    *.b0-a
+ 0: *.b0-a
+    *.c3-b.c
+ 0: *.c3-b.c
+    *.c-a.b-c
+ 0: *.c-a.b-c
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    *.0
+No match
+    *.a-
+No match
+    *.a-b.c-
+No match
+    *.c-a.0-c
+No match
+    abde
+ 0: abde
+    abdf
+ 0: abdf
+    abcd
+ 0: ab
+    a.b.c.d
+ 0: a.b.c.d
+    A.B.C.D
+ 0: A.B.C.D
+    a.b.c.1.2.3.C
+ 0: a.b.c.1.2.3.C
+    \"1234\"
+ 0: "1234"
+    \"abcd\" ;
+ 0: "abcd" ;
+    \"\" ; rhubarb
+ 0: "" ; rhubarb
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    \"1234\" : things
+No match
+    \
+ 0: 
+    *** Failers
+No match
+/   ^    a   (?# begins with a)  b\sc (?# then b c) $ (?# then end)/x
+    ab c
+ 0: ab c
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    ab cde
+No match
+/(?x)   ^    a   (?# begins with a)  b\sc (?# then b c) $ (?# then end)/
+    ab c
+ 0: ab c
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    ab cde
+No match
+/^   a\ b[c ]d       $/x
+    a bcd
+ 0: a bcd
+    a b d
+ 0: a b d
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcd
+No match
+    ab d
+No match
+    abcdefhijklm
+ 0: abcdefhijklm
+    abcdefhijklm
+ 0: abcdefhijklm
+    a+ Z0+\x08\n\x1d\x12
+ 0: a+ Z0+\x08\x0a\x1d\x12
+    .^\$(*+)|{?,?}
+ 0: .^$(*+)|{?,?}
+ 1: .^$(*+)|{?,?
+ 2: .^$(*+)|{?,
+ 3: .^$(*+)|{?
+ 4: .^$(*+)|{
+ 5: .^$(*+)|
+ 6: .^$(*+)
+ 7: .^$(*+
+ 8: .^$(*
+ 9: .^$(
+10: .^$
+11: .^
+12: .
+    z
+ 0: z
+    az
+ 0: az
+ 1: a
+    aaaz
+ 0: aaaz
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    a
+ 0: a
+    aa
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    a+
+ 0: a
+    aa+
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    z
+ 0: z
+    az
+ 0: az
+ 1: a
+    aaaz
+ 0: aaaz
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    a
+ 0: a
+    aa
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    a+
+ 0: a
+    aa+
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    az
+ 0: az
+    aaaz
+ 0: aaaz
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+    aa
+ 0: aa
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+    aa+
+ 0: aa
+    az
+ 0: az
+    aaaz
+ 0: aaaz
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+    aa
+ 0: aa
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+    aa+
+ 0: aa
+    1234567890
+ 0: 1234567890
+    12345678ab
+ 0: 12345678ab
+    12345678__
+ 0: 12345678__
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    1234567
+No match
+    uoie
+ 0: uoie
+    1234
+ 0: 1234
+    12345
+ 0: 12345
+    aaaaa
+ 0: aaaaa
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123456
+No match
+    uoie
+ 0: uoie
+    1234
+ 0: 1234
+    12345
+ 0: 12345
+ 1: 1234
+    aaaaa
+ 0: aaaaa
+ 1: aaaa
+    123456
+ 0: 12345
+ 1: 1234
+/^From +([^ ]+) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/
+    From abcd  Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997
+ 0: From abcd  Mon Sep 01 12:33
+    From abcd  Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997
+ 0: From abcd  Mon Sep 01 12:33
+    From abcd  Mon Sep  1 12:33:02 1997
+ 0: From abcd  Mon Sep  1 12:33
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    From abcd  Sep 01 12:33:02 1997
+No match
+    12\n34
+ 0: 12\x0a34
+    12\r34
+ 0: 12\x0d34
+    the quick brown\t fox
+ 0: brown
+    foobar is foolish see?
+ 0: foolish see?
+ 1: foolish see
+ 2: foolish se
+ 3: foolish s
+ 4: foolish 
+ 5: foolish
+ 6: foolis
+ 7: fooli
+ 8: fool
+ 9: foo
+    foobar crowbar etc
+ 0: rowbar etc
+ 1: rowbar et
+ 2: rowbar e
+ 3: rowbar 
+ 4: rowbar
+    barrel
+ 0: barrel
+ 1: barre
+ 2: barr
+ 3: bar
+    2barrel
+ 0: 2barrel
+ 1: 2barre
+ 2: 2barr
+ 3: 2bar
+    A barrel
+ 0: A barrel
+ 1: A barre
+ 2: A barr
+ 3: A bar
+    abc456
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc123
+No match
+/^1234(?# test newlines
+  inside)/
+    1234
+ 0: 1234
+/^1234 #comment in extended re
+  /x
+    1234
+ 0: 1234
+  abcd/x
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    the abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    the abc
+No match
+    aabbbbb
+ 0: aabbbbb
+ 1: aabbbb
+ 2: aabbb
+ 3: aabb
+ 4: aab
+ 5: aa
+    aabbbbb
+ 0: aabbbbb
+ 1: aabbbb
+ 2: aabbb
+ 3: aabb
+ 4: aab
+ 5: aa
+    aabbbbb
+ 0: aabbbbb
+ 1: aabbbb
+ 2: aabbb
+ 3: aabb
+ 4: aab
+ 5: aa
+    aabbbbb
+ 0: aabbbbb
+ 1: aabbbb
+ 2: aabbb
+ 3: aabb
+ 4: aab
+ 5: aa
+/  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*                          # optional leading comment
+(?:    (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+)                    # initial word
+(?:  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+)  )* # further okay, if led by a period
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  @  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*    (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                           # initial subdomain
+(?:                                  #
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.                        # if led by a period...
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                     #   ...further okay
+# address
+|                     #  or
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+)             # one word, optionally followed by....
+[^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037]  |  # atom and space parts, or...
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)       |  # comments, or...
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+# quoted strings
+<  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*                     # leading <
+(?:  @  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*    (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                           # initial subdomain
+(?:                                  #
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.                        # if led by a period...
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                     #   ...further okay
+(?:  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  ,  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  @  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*    (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                           # initial subdomain
+(?:                                  #
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.                        # if led by a period...
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                     #   ...further okay
+)* # further okay, if led by comma
+:                                # closing colon
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  )? #       optional route
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+)                    # initial word
+(?:  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+" (?:                      # opening quote...
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"]                #   Anything except backslash and quote
+|                     #    or
+\\ [^\x80-\xff]           #   Escaped something (something != CR)
+)* "  # closing quote
+)  )* # further okay, if led by a period
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  @  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*    (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                           # initial subdomain
+(?:                                  #
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  \.                        # if led by a period...
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*   (?:
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+|   \[                         # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*    #    stuff
+\]                        #           ]
+)                     #   ...further okay
+#       address spec
+(?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*  > #                  trailing >
+# name and address
+)  (?: [\040\t] |  \(
+(?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |  \( (?:  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()]  |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )* \)  )*
+\)  )*                       # optional trailing comment
+    Alan Other <user\@dom.ain>
+ 0: Alan Other <user@dom.ain>
+    <user\@dom.ain>
+ 0: user@dom.ain
+ 1: user@dom
+    user\@dom.ain
+ 0: user@dom.ain
+ 1: user@dom
+    \"A. Other\" <user.1234\@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 0: "A. Other" <user.1234@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 1: "A. Other" <user.1234@dom.ain> 
+ 2: "A. Other" <user.1234@dom.ain>
+    A. Other <user.1234\@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 0:  Other <user.1234@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 1:  Other <user.1234@dom.ain> 
+ 2:  Other <user.1234@dom.ain>
+    \"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"\@x400-re.lay
+ 0: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re.lay
+ 1: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re
+    A missing angle <user\@some.where
+ 0: user@some.where
+ 1: user@some
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    The quick brown fox
+No match
+/[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional leading comment
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Atom
+|                       #  or
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+# Quoted string
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Atom
+|                       #  or
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+# Quoted string
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# additional words
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+# address
+|                             #  or
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Atom
+|                       #  or
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+# Quoted string
+# leading word
+[^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037] *               # "normal" atoms and or spaces
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+) # "special" comment or quoted string
+[^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037] *            #  more "normal"
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# <
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+(?: ,
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+)*  # additional domains
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+)?     #       optional route
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Atom
+|                       #  or
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+# Quoted string
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+# Atom
+|                       #  or
+"                                     # "
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] *                            #   normal
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )*        #   ( special normal* )*
+"                                     #        "
+# Quoted string
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# additional words
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+[^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+    # some number of atom characters...
+(?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom
+\[                            # [
+(?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] |  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  )*     #    stuff
+\]                           #           ]
+[\040\t]*                    # Nab whitespace.
+\(                              #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                             #     normal*
+(?:                                 #       (
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]  |
+\(                            #  (
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                            #     normal*
+(?:  \\ [^\x80-\xff]   [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )*        #     (special normal*)*
+\)                           #                       )
+)    #         special
+[^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] *                         #         normal*
+)*                                  #            )*
+\)                             #                )
+[\040\t]* )*    # If comment found, allow more spaces.
+# optional trailing comments
+#       address spec
+>                    #                 >
+# name and address
+    Alan Other <user\@dom.ain>
+ 0: Alan Other <user@dom.ain>
+    <user\@dom.ain>
+ 0: user@dom.ain
+ 1: user@dom
+    user\@dom.ain
+ 0: user@dom.ain
+ 1: user@dom
+    \"A. Other\" <user.1234\@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 0: "A. Other" <user.1234@dom.ain>
+    A. Other <user.1234\@dom.ain> (a comment)
+ 0:  Other <user.1234@dom.ain>
+    \"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"\@x400-re.lay
+ 0: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re.lay
+ 1: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re
+    A missing angle <user\@some.where
+ 0: user@some.where
+ 1: user@some
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    The quick brown fox
+No match
+    abc\0def\00pqr\000xyz\0000AB
+ 0: abc\x00def\x00pqr\x00xyz\x000AB
+    abc456 abc\0def\00pqr\000xyz\0000ABCDE
+ 0: abc\x00def\x00pqr\x00xyz\x000AB
+    abc\x0def\x00pqr\x000xyz\x0000AB
+ 0: abc\x0def\x00pqr\x000xyz\x0000AB
+    abc456 abc\x0def\x00pqr\x000xyz\x0000ABCDE
+ 0: abc\x0def\x00pqr\x000xyz\x0000AB
+    \0A
+ 0: \x00
+    \01B
+ 0: \x01
+    \037C
+ 0: \x1f
+    \0\0\0\0
+ 0: \x00\x00\x00\x00
+ 1: \x00\x00\x00
+ 2: \x00\x00
+ 3: \x00
+ 4: 
+    The A\x0\x0Z
+ 0: A\x00\x00Z
+    An A\0\x0\0Z
+ 0: A\x00\x00\x00Z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    A\0Z
+No match
+    A\0\x0\0\x0Z
+No match
+    \040abc
+ 0:  
+    \x0cabc
+ 0: \x0c
+    \nabc
+ 0: \x0a
+    \rabc
+ 0: \x0d
+    \tabc
+ 0: \x09
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+/^a	b
+      c/x
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbbc
+ 0: abbbc
+    abbc
+ 0: abbc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    abbbbbc
+No match
+/([^.]*)\.([^:]*):[T ]+(.*)/
+    track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 0: track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 1: track1.title:TBlah blah bla
+ 2: track1.title:TBlah blah bl
+ 3: track1.title:TBlah blah b
+ 4: track1.title:TBlah blah 
+ 5: track1.title:TBlah blah
+ 6: track1.title:TBlah bla
+ 7: track1.title:TBlah bl
+ 8: track1.title:TBlah b
+ 9: track1.title:TBlah 
+10: track1.title:TBlah
+11: track1.title:TBla
+12: track1.title:TBl
+13: track1.title:TB
+14: track1.title:T
+/([^.]*)\.([^:]*):[T ]+(.*)/i
+    track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 0: track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 1: track1.title:TBlah blah bla
+ 2: track1.title:TBlah blah bl
+ 3: track1.title:TBlah blah b
+ 4: track1.title:TBlah blah 
+ 5: track1.title:TBlah blah
+ 6: track1.title:TBlah bla
+ 7: track1.title:TBlah bl
+ 8: track1.title:TBlah b
+ 9: track1.title:TBlah 
+10: track1.title:TBlah
+11: track1.title:TBla
+12: track1.title:TBl
+13: track1.title:TB
+14: track1.title:T
+/([^.]*)\.([^:]*):[t ]+(.*)/i
+    track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 0: track1.title:TBlah blah blah
+ 1: track1.title:TBlah blah bla
+ 2: track1.title:TBlah blah bl
+ 3: track1.title:TBlah blah b
+ 4: track1.title:TBlah blah 
+ 5: track1.title:TBlah blah
+ 6: track1.title:TBlah bla
+ 7: track1.title:TBlah bl
+ 8: track1.title:TBlah b
+ 9: track1.title:TBlah 
+10: track1.title:TBlah
+11: track1.title:TBla
+12: track1.title:TBl
+13: track1.title:TB
+14: track1.title:T
+    WXY_^abc
+ 0: WXY_^abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    wxy
+No match
+    WXY_^abc
+ 0: WXY_^abc
+    wxy_^ABC
+ 0: wxy_^ABC
+    WXY_^abc
+ 0: WXY_^abc
+    wxy_^ABC
+ 0: wxy_^ABC
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    qqq\nabc
+ 0: abc
+    abc\nzzz
+ 0: abc
+    qqq\nabc\nzzz
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    qqq\nabc
+No match
+    abc\nzzz
+No match
+    qqq\nabc\nzzz
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc\n 
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    qqq\nabc
+No match
+    abc\nzzz
+No match
+    qqq\nabc\nzzz
+No match
+    abc\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0adef
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** Failers
+    abc\ndef
+No match
+    b::c
+ 0: b
+    c::b
+ 0: ::
+ 1: :
+    az-
+ 0: az-
+ 1: az
+ 2: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    b
+No match
+    za-
+ 0: za-
+ 1: za
+ 2: z
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    b
+No match
+    a-z
+ 0: a-z
+ 1: a-
+ 2: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    b
+No match
+    abcdxyz
+ 0: abcdxyz
+ 1: abcdxy
+ 2: abcdx
+ 3: abcd
+ 4: abc
+ 5: ab
+ 6: a
+    12-34
+ 0: 12-34
+ 1: 12-3
+ 2: 12-
+ 3: 12
+ 4: 1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaa
+No match
+    12-34z
+ 0: 12-34z
+ 1: 12-34
+ 2: 12-3
+ 3: 12-
+ 4: 12
+ 5: 1
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaa
+No match
+    \\
+ 0: \
+    the Zoo
+ 0:  Z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Zulu
+No match
+    ab{3cd
+ 0: ab{3cd
+    ab{3,cd
+ 0: ab{3,cd
+    ab{3,4a}cd
+ 0: ab{3,4a}cd
+    {4,5a}bc
+ 0: {4,5a}bc
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a\nb
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc\n
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc\ndef
+No match
+    abc\x53
+ 0: abcS
+    abc\x93
+ 0: abc\x93
+    abc\xd3
+ 0: abc\xd3
+    abc\x40
+ 0: abc@
+    abc\100
+ 0: abc@
+    abc\x400
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\x40\x30
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\1000
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\100\x30
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\100\060
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\100\60
+ 0: abc@0
+    abc\081
+ 0: abc\x0081
+    abc\0\x38\x31
+ 0: abc\x0081
+    abc\091
+ 0: abc\x0091
+    abc\0\x39\x31
+ 0: abc\x0091
+    abcdefghijk\12S
+ 0: abcdefghijk\x0aS
+    abidef
+ 0: abidef
+    bc
+ 0: bc
+    xyz
+ 0: xyz
+    abc\010de
+ 0: abc\x08de
+    abc\1de
+ 0: abc\x01de
+    abc\1de
+ 0: abc\x01de
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    baNOTccccd
+ 0: baNOTcccc
+ 1: baNOTccc
+ 2: baNOTcc
+ 3: baNOTc
+ 4: baNOT
+    baNOTcccd
+ 0: baNOTccc
+ 1: baNOTcc
+ 2: baNOTc
+ 3: baNOT
+    baNOTccd
+ 0: baNOTcc
+ 1: baNOTc
+ 2: baNOT
+    bacccd
+ 0: baccc
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *** Failers
+ 1: *** Failer
+ 2: *** Faile
+ 3: *** Fail
+ 4: *** Fai
+ 5: *** Fa
+ 6: *** F
+    anything
+No match
+    b\bc   
+No match
+    baccd
+No match
+    Abc
+ 0: A
+    Abc 
+ 0: b
+    AAAaAbc
+ 0: AAA
+ 1: AA
+ 2: A
+    AAAaAbc 
+ 0: bc
+ 1: b
+    bbb\nccc
+ 0: bbb\x0accc
+ 1: bbb\x0acc
+ 2: bbb\x0ac
+ 3: bbb\x0a
+ 4: bbb
+ 5: bb
+ 6: b
+    abc
+ 0: c
+    *** Failers
+ 0: s
+    abk   
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    kbc
+ 0: bc
+    kabc 
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+ 0: ers
+    abk
+No match
+    akb
+No match
+    akk 
+No match
+    12345678\@a.b.c.d
+ 0: 12345678@a.b.c.d
+    123456789\@x.y.z
+ 0: 123456789@x.y.z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    12345678\
+No match
+    1234567\@a.b.c.d       
+No match
+    aaaabcd
+ 0: b
+    aaAabcd 
+ 0: A
+    aaaabcd
+ 0: b
+    aaAabcd 
+ 0: b
+    aaaabcd
+ 0: b
+    aaAabcd 
+ 0: A
+    aaaabcd
+ 0: b
+    aaAabcd 
+ 0: b
+ \000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037\040\041\042\043\044\045\046\047\050\051\052\053\054\055\056\057\060\061\062\063\064\065\066\067\070\071\072\073\074\075\076\077\100\101\102\103\104\105\106\107\110\111\112\113\114\115\116\117\120\121\122\123\124\125\126\127\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137\140\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\150\151\152\153\154\155\156\157\160\161\162\163\164\165\166\167\170\171\172\173\174\175\176\177\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\210\211\212\213\214\215\216\217\220\221\222\223\224\225\226\227\230\231\232\233\234\235\236\237\240\241\242\243\244\245\246\247\250\251\252\253\254\255\256\257\260\261\262\263\264\265\266\267\270\271\272\273\274\275\276\277\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\377
+ 0: \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff
+    xxxxxxxxxxxPSTAIREISLLxxxxxxxxx
+    xxxxxxxxxxxPSTAIREISLLxxxxxxxxx
+    1.230003938
+ 0: .230003938
+ 1: .23000393
+ 2: .2300039
+ 3: .230003
+ 4: .23000
+ 5: .2300
+ 6: .230
+    1.875000282   
+ 0: .875000282
+ 1: .87500028
+ 2: .8750002
+ 3: .875000
+ 4: .87500
+ 5: .8750
+ 6: .875
+    1.235  
+ 0: .235
+    1.230003938      
+ 0: .230
+ 1: .23
+    1.875000282
+ 0: .875
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    1.235 
+No match
+    ab 
+ 0: ab
+    Food is on the foo table
+ 0: foo table
+ 1: foo tabl
+ 2: foo tab
+ 3: foo ta
+ 4: foo t
+    The food is under the bar in the barn.
+ 0: food is under the bar in the bar
+ 1: food is under the bar
+    The food is under the bar in the barn.
+ 0: food is under the bar in the bar
+ 1: food is under the bar
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+Matched, but too many subsidiary matches
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314
+ 2: I have 2 numbers: 531
+ 3: I have 2 numbers: 53
+ 4: I have 2 numbers: 5
+ 5: I have 2 numbers: 
+ 6: I have 2 numbers:
+ 7: I have 2 numbers
+ 8: I have 2 number
+ 9: I have 2 numbe
+10: I have 2 numb
+11: I have 2 num
+12: I have 2 nu
+13: I have 2 n
+14: I have 2 
+15: I have 2
+16: I have 
+17: I have
+18: I hav
+19: I ha
+20: I h
+21: I 
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314
+ 2: I have 2 numbers: 531
+ 3: I have 2 numbers: 53
+ 4: I have 2 numbers: 5
+ 5: I have 2
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+Matched, but too many subsidiary matches
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314
+ 2: I have 2 numbers: 531
+ 3: I have 2 numbers: 53
+ 4: I have 2 numbers: 5
+ 5: I have 2 numbers: 
+ 6: I have 2 numbers:
+ 7: I have 2 numbers
+ 8: I have 2 number
+ 9: I have 2 numbe
+10: I have 2 numb
+11: I have 2 num
+12: I have 2 nu
+13: I have 2 n
+14: I have 2 
+15: I have 2
+16: I have 
+17: I have
+18: I hav
+19: I ha
+20: I h
+21: I 
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314
+ 2: I have 2 numbers: 531
+ 3: I have 2 numbers: 53
+ 4: I have 2 numbers: 5
+ 5: I have 2
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+    I have 2 numbers: 53147
+ 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147
+    ABC123
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+ 2: 
+    ABC445
+ 0: ABC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ABC123
+No match
+    W46]789 
+ 0: W46]
+    -46]789
+ 0: -46]
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Wall
+No match
+    Zebra
+No match
+    42
+No match
+    [abcd] 
+No match
+    ]abcd[
+No match
+    W46]789 
+ 0: W
+    Wall
+ 0: W
+    Zebra
+ 0: Z
+    Xylophone  
+ 0: X
+    42
+ 0: 4
+    [abcd] 
+ 0: [
+    ]abcd[
+ 0: ]
+    \\backslash 
+ 0: \
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    -46]789
+No match
+    well
+No match
+    01/01/2000
+ 0: 01/01/2000
+/word (?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,10}otherword/
+  word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword
+ 0: word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword
+  word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark
+No match
+/word (?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,300}otherword/
+  word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope
+No match
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: 
+    aab     
+ 0: 
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aab  
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aab  
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+ 2: 
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aab
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+ 2: 
+    aaa   
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: aa
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    bcd
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aab
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+ 2: 
+    aaa
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: aa
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    aaaaaaaa    
+ 0: aaaaaaaa
+ 1: aaaaaaa
+ 2: aaaaaa
+ 3: aaaaa
+ 4: aaaa
+ 5: aaa
+ 6: aa
+ 7: a
+ 8: 
+    bcd
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    aab  
+ 0: a
+    bcd
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    aab  
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    bcd
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    aab
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    aaa   
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: aa
+ 2: a
+    bcd
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    aab
+ 0: aa
+ 1: a
+    aaa
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: aa
+ 2: a
+    aaaaaaaa    
+ 0: aaaaaaaa
+ 1: aaaaaaa
+ 2: aaaaaa
+ 3: aaaaa
+ 4: aaaa
+ 5: aaa
+ 6: aa
+ 7: a
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: bib.gif
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: bib.gif
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: bib.gif
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: no
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: borfle
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano
+ 1: borfle\x0abib.gif
+ 2: borfle
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n
+ 0: no
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n
+ 0: borfle
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano\x0a
+ 1: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano
+    borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n
+ 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano\x0a
+ 1: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano
+ 2: borfle\x0abib.gif
+ 3: borfle
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: 1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcde\nBar  
+No match
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: 1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    abcde\nBar  
+ 0: B
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: abcde\x0a1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcde\nBar  
+No match
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: abcde\x0a1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    abcde\nBar  
+ 0: B
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: abcde\x0a1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    abcde\nBar  
+No match
+    abcde\n1234Xyz
+ 0: abcde\x0a1234X
+    BarFoo 
+ 0: B
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    abcde\nBar  
+No match
+    **** Failers
+No match
+    abc\nB
+No match
+    abc\nB
+ 0: abc\x0aB
+    abc\nB
+ 0: B
+    abc\nB
+ 0: abc\x0aB
+    abc\nB
+ 0: B
+    B\n
+ 0: B
+    123456654321
+ 0: 123456654321
+    123456654321 
+ 0: 123456654321
+    123456654321
+ 0: 123456654321
+    abcabcabcabc
+ 0: abcabcabcabc
+    abcabcabcabc
+ 0: abcabcabcabc
+    abcabcabcabc 
+ 0: abcabcabcabc
+    n
+ 0: n
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    z 
+No match
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abce  
+No match
+    abe
+ 0: abe
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcde 
+No match
+    abd
+ 0: abd
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcd   
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+    abbbb
+ 0: abbbb
+ 1: abbb
+ 2: abb
+ 3: ab
+ 4: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    bbbbb    
+No match
+    abe
+ 0: abe
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ab1e   
+No match
+    the \"quick\" brown fox
+ 0: "quick"
+    \"the \\\"quick\\\" brown fox\" 
+ 0: "the \"quick\" brown fox"
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+ 0+ 
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+ 0: 
+ 0+ 
+    abc 
+ 0: 
+ 0+ abc
+ 0: 
+ 0+ 
+    abc 
+ 0: 
+ 0+ abc
+ 0: 
+ 0+ 
+    abc
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+  <TR BGCOLOR='#DBE9E9'><TD align=left valign=top>43.<a href='joblist.cfm?JobID=94 6735&Keyword='>Word Processor<BR>(N-1286)</a></TD><TD align=left valign=top>Lega</TD><TD align=left valign=top>CA - Statewide</TD></TR>
+ 0: <TR BGCOLOR='#DBE9E9'><TD align=left valign=top>43.<a href='joblist.cfm?JobID=94 6735&Keyword='>Word Processor<BR>(N-1286)</a></TD><TD align=left valign=top>Lega</TD><TD align=left valign=top>CA - Statewide</TD></TR>
+    acb
+ 0: acb
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    acb
+ 0: acb
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    a\nb   
+No match
+    acb
+ 0: acb
+    a\nb  
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    acb
+ 0: acb
+    a\nb  
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    bac
+ 0: bac
+    bbac
+ 0: bbac
+    bbbac
+ 0: bbbac
+    bbbbac
+ 0: bbbbac
+    bbbbbac 
+ 0: bbbbbac
+    bac
+ 0: bac
+    bbac
+ 0: bbac
+    bbbac
+ 0: bbbac
+    bbbbac
+ 0: bbbbac
+    bbbbbac 
+ 0: bbbbbac
+    x\nb\n
+No match
+    a\bx\n  
+ 0: x
+    \0{ab} 
+ 0: \x00{ab}
+    CD 
+ 0: CD
+    CD 
+ 0: CD
+    foo
+ 0: foo
+    catfood
+ 0: foo
+    arfootle
+ 0: foo
+    rfoosh
+ 0: foo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    barfoo
+No match
+    towbarfoo
+No match
+    catfood
+ 0: catfoo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    foo
+No match
+    barfoo
+No match
+    towbarfoo
+No match
+    fooabar
+ 0: bar
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bar
+No match
+    foobbar
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc\n   
+No match
+    qqq\nabc
+No match
+    abc\nzzz
+No match
+    qqq\nabc\nzzz
+No match
+    /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/it/you/see/
+No match
+    /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo
+ 0: /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo
+    1.230003938
+ 0: .230003938
+ 1: .23000393
+ 2: .2300039
+ 3: .230003
+ 4: .23000
+ 5: .2300
+ 6: .230
+    1.875000282
+ 0: .875000282
+ 1: .87500028
+ 2: .8750002
+ 3: .875000
+ 4: .87500
+ 5: .8750
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    1.235 
+No match
+    now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party
+ 0: now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    this is not a line with only words and spaces!
+No match
+    12345a
+ 0: 12345a
+ 1: 12345
+ 2: 1234
+ 3: 123
+ 4: 12
+    12345+ 
+ 0: 12345
+ 1: 1234
+ 2: 123
+ 3: 12
+    12345a
+ 0: 12345a
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    12345+ 
+No match
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    aaabbbccc
+ 0: bbb
+ 1: bb
+ 2: b
+    aaabbbbccccd
+ 0: aaabbbbcccc
+ 1: aaabbbbc
+    aaabbbbccccd
+ 0: aaabbbbcccc
+ 1: aaabbbbccc
+ 2: aaabbbbcc
+ 3: aaabbbbc
+    ((abc(ade)ufh()()x
+ 0: abc(ade)ufh()()x
+ 1: abc(ade)ufh()()
+ 2: abc(ade)ufh()
+ 3: abc(ade)ufh
+ 4: abc(ade)
+ 5: abc
+    (abc)
+ 0: (abc)
+    (abc(def)xyz)
+ 0: (abc(def)xyz)
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ((()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    Ab
+ 0: Ab
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    aB
+No match
+    AB
+No match
+/(a (?x)b c)d e/
+    a bcd e
+ 0: a bcd e
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a b cd e
+No match
+    abcd e   
+No match
+    a bcde 
+No match
+/(a b(?x)c d (?-x)e f)/
+    a bcde f
+ 0: a bcde f
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcdef  
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aBc
+ 0: aBc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abC
+No match
+    aBC  
+No match
+    Abc
+No match
+    ABc
+No match
+    ABC
+No match
+    AbC
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aBc
+ 0: aBc
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    ABC
+No match
+    abC
+No match
+    aBC
+No match
+    aBc
+ 0: aBc
+    aBBc
+ 0: aBBc
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    aBC
+No match
+    aBBC
+No match
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    abCd
+ 0: abCd
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aBCd
+No match
+    abcD     
+No match
+    more than million
+ 0: more than million
+    more than MILLION
+ 0: more than MILLION
+    more \n than Million 
+ 0: more \x0a than Million
+    *** Failers
+No match
+No match
+    more \n than \n million 
+No match
+    more than million
+ 0: more than million
+    more than MILLION
+ 0: more than MILLION
+    more \n than Million 
+ 0: more \x0a than Million
+    *** Failers
+No match
+No match
+    more \n than \n million 
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aBbc
+ 0: aBbc
+    aBBc 
+ 0: aBBc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Abc
+No match
+    abAb    
+No match
+    abbC 
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aBc
+ 0: aBc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Ab 
+No match
+    abC
+No match
+    aBC     
+No match
+    abxxc
+ 0: xxc
+    aBxxc
+ 0: xxc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Abxxc
+No match
+    ABxxc
+No match
+    abxxC      
+No match
+    abc:
+ 0: abc:
+    12
+ 0: 12
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    xyz    
+No match
+    abc:
+ 0: abc:
+    12
+ 0: 12
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123
+No match
+    xyz    
+No match
+    foobar
+ 0: bar
+    cat
+ 0: cat
+    fcat
+ 0: cat
+    focat   
+ 0: cat
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    foocat  
+No match
+    foobar
+ 0: bar
+    cat
+ 0: cat
+    fcat
+ 0: cat
+    focat   
+ 0: cat
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    foocat  
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aa
+ 0: aa
+ 1: 
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: 
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+ 1: 
+    abcabc
+ 0: abcabc
+ 1: abc
+ 2: 
+    abcabcabc
+ 0: abcabcabc
+ 1: abcabc
+ 2: abc
+ 3: 
+    xyz      
+ 0: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aaaaa 
+ 0: aaaaa
+ 1: aaaa
+ 2: aaa
+ 3: aa
+ 4: a
+ 5: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    b
+ 0: b
+ 1: 
+    ababab
+ 0: ababab
+ 1: ababa
+ 2: abab
+ 3: aba
+ 4: ab
+ 5: a
+ 6: 
+    aaaabcde
+ 0: aaaab
+ 1: aaaa
+ 2: aaa
+ 3: aa
+ 4: a
+ 5: 
+    bbbb    
+ 0: bbbb
+ 1: bbb
+ 2: bb
+ 3: b
+ 4: 
+    b
+ 0: b
+ 1: 
+    bbbb
+ 0: bbbb
+ 1: bbb
+ 2: bb
+ 3: b
+ 4: 
+    aaa   
+ 0: 
+    cccc
+ 0: cccc
+ 1: ccc
+ 2: cc
+ 3: c
+ 4: 
+    abab  
+ 0: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aaaa 
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+ 4: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    b
+ 0: b
+ 1: 
+    abab
+ 0: abab
+ 1: aba
+ 2: ab
+ 3: a
+ 4: 
+    baba   
+ 0: baba
+ 1: bab
+ 2: ba
+ 3: b
+ 4: 
+    b
+ 0: b
+ 1: 
+    bbbb
+ 0: bbbb
+ 1: bbb
+ 2: bb
+ 3: b
+ 4: 
+    aaa   
+ 0: 
+    c
+ 0: c
+ 1: 
+    cccc
+ 0: cccc
+ 1: ccc
+ 2: cc
+ 3: c
+ 4: 
+    baba   
+ 0: 
+    a
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    aaabcde 
+ 0: aaa
+ 1: 
+    aaaaa
+ 0: aaaaa
+ 1: 
+    aabbaa 
+ 0: aa
+ 1: 
+    aaaaa
+ 0: aaaaa
+ 1: 
+    aabbaa 
+ 0: aa
+ 1: 
+/(?(?=[^a-z]+[a-z])  \d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{2}  |  \d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2} ) /x
+    12-sep-98
+ 0: 12-sep-98
+    12-09-98
+ 0: 12-09-98
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    sep-12-98
+No match
+    saturday
+ 0: saturday
+    sunday
+ 0: sunday
+    Saturday
+ 0: Saturday
+    Sunday
+ 0: Sunday
+    SunDay
+ 0: SunDay
+    abcx
+ 0: abcx
+    aBCx
+ 0: aBCx
+    bbx
+ 0: bbx
+    BBx
+ 0: BBx
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcX
+No match
+    aBCX
+No match
+    bbX
+No match
+    BBX               
+No match
+    ac
+ 0: ac
+    aC
+ 0: aC
+    bD
+ 0: bD
+    elephant
+ 0: e
+    Europe 
+ 0: E
+    frog
+ 0: f
+    France
+ 0: F
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Africa     
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    aBd
+ 0: aBd
+    xy
+ 0: xy
+    xY
+ 0: xY
+    zebra
+ 0: z
+    Zambesi
+ 0: Z
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aCD  
+No match
+    XY  
+No match
+    foo\nbar
+ 0: bar
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bar
+No match
+    baz\nbar   
+No match
+    barbaz
+ 0: baz
+    barbarbaz 
+ 0: baz
+    koobarbaz 
+ 0: baz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    baz
+No match
+    foobarbaz 
+No match
+/The following tests are taken from the Perl 5.005 test suite; some of them/
+/are compatible with 5.004, but I'd rather not have to sort them out./
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    xabcy
+ 0: abc
+    ababc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xbc
+No match
+    axc
+No match
+    abx
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abbc
+ 0: abbc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: a
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbb
+ 1: abb
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbc
+ 0: abbc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    abq
+No match
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    abbbbc
+ 0: abbbbc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abq
+No match
+    abbbbc
+No match
+    abbc
+ 0: abbc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abbbbc
+No match
+    abcc
+No match
+    abcc
+ 0: abc
+    aabc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aabc
+ 0: abc
+    aabcd
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: 
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    axc
+ 0: axc
+    axyzc
+ 0: axyzc
+    abd
+ 0: abd
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    axyzd
+No match
+    abc
+No match
+    ace
+ 0: ace
+    aac
+ 0: ac
+    a-
+ 0: a-
+    a-
+ 0: a-
+    a]
+ 0: a]
+    a]b
+ 0: a]b
+    aed
+ 0: aed
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abd
+No match
+    abd
+No match
+    adc
+ 0: adc
+    adc
+ 0: adc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a-c
+ 0: a-c
+    a]c
+No match
+    a-
+ 0: a
+    -a
+ 0: a
+    -a-
+ 0: a
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xy
+No match
+    yz
+No match
+    xyz
+No match
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    a-
+No match
+    -a
+No match
+    -a-
+No match
+    xy
+ 0: y
+    yz
+ 0: y
+    xyz
+ 0: y
+    a
+ 0: a
+    -
+ 0: -
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    -
+ 0: -
+    a
+No match
+    a b
+ 0: a b
+    a-b
+ 0: a-b
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a-b
+ 0: a-b
+    a b
+No match
+    1
+ 0: 1
+    -
+ 0: -
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    -
+ 0: -
+    1
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+    -
+ 0: -
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    -
+ 0: -
+    a
+No match
+    a b
+ 0: a b
+    a-b
+ 0: a-b
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a-b
+ 0: a-b
+    a b
+No match
+    1
+ 0: 1
+    -
+ 0: -
+    *** Failers
+ 0: *
+    -
+ 0: -
+    1
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: ab
+    abcd
+ 0: ab
+    def
+ 0: ef
+    a(b
+ 0: a(b
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    a((b
+ 0: a((b
+    a\b
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    aabbabc
+ 0: abc
+    aabbabc
+ 0: abc
+    abcabc
+ 0: abcabc
+ 1: abc
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+ 2: 
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+ 2: 
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+    ab
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    ab
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+    cde
+ 0: cde
+ 1: cd
+ 2: c
+ 3: 
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    b
+No match
+    abbbcd
+ 0: abbbcd
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    e
+ 0: e
+    ef
+ 0: ef
+    abcdefg
+ 0: abcdefg
+    xabyabbbz
+ 0: ab
+ 1: a
+    xayabbbz
+ 0: a
+    abcde
+ 0: cde
+    hij
+ 0: hij
+    abcdef
+ 0: ef
+    abcd
+ 0: bcd
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    adcdcde
+ 0: adcdcde
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcde
+No match
+    adcdcde
+No match
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    alpha
+ 0: alpha
+ 1: alph
+ 2: alp
+ 3: al
+ 4: a
+    abh
+ 0: bh
+    effgz
+ 0: effgz
+    ij
+ 0: ij
+    reffgz
+ 0: effgz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    effg
+No match
+    bcdd
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+    a
+ 0: a
+/multiple words of text/
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aa
+No match
+    uh-uh
+No match
+/multiple words/
+    multiple words, yeah
+ 0: multiple words
+    abcde
+ 0: abcde
+ 1: abcd
+ 2: abc
+/\((.*), (.*)\)/
+    (a, b)
+ 0: (a, b)
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    ac
+ 0: ac
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    XABCY
+ 0: ABC
+    ABABC
+ 0: ABC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaxabxbaxbbx
+No match
+    XBC
+No match
+    AXC
+No match
+    ABX
+No match
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABBC
+ 0: ABBC
+    ABBC
+ 0: ABBC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ABC
+No match
+    ABQ
+No match
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ABQ
+No match
+No match
+    ABBC
+ 0: ABBC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+No match
+    ABCC
+No match
+    ABCC
+ 0: ABC
+    AABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: 
+    ABC
+ 0: 
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    AXC
+ 0: AXC
+    AXYZC
+ 0: AXYZC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    AABC
+ 0: AABC
+    AXYZD
+No match
+    ABD
+ 0: ABD
+    ACE
+ 0: ACE
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ABC
+No match
+    ABD
+No match
+    AAC
+ 0: AC
+    A-
+ 0: A-
+    A-
+ 0: A-
+    A]
+ 0: A]
+    A]B
+ 0: A]B
+    AED
+ 0: AED
+    ADC
+ 0: ADC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    ABD
+No match
+    A-C
+No match
+    ADC
+ 0: ADC
+    ABC
+ 0: AB
+    ABCD
+ 0: AB
+    DEF
+ 0: EF
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    A]C
+No match
+    B
+No match
+    A(B
+ 0: A(B
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    A((B
+ 0: A((B
+    A\B
+No match
+    ABC
+ 0: A
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+ 0: ABC
+ 0: ABC
+ 1: ABC
+ 1: ABC
+ 1: ABC
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+ 2: 
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+ 2: 
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+    AB
+ 0: A
+ 1: 
+    AB
+ 0: A
+ 1: 
+    AB
+ 0: A
+ 1: 
+    CDE
+ 0: CDE
+ 1: CD
+ 2: C
+ 3: 
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    E
+ 0: E
+    EF
+ 0: EF
+ 0: AB
+ 1: A
+ 0: A
+    ABCDE
+ 0: CDE
+    HIJ
+ 0: HIJ
+    ABCDE
+No match
+ 0: EF
+    ABCD
+ 0: BCD
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+ 1: AB
+ 2: A
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    ABC
+ 0: ABC
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    ALPHA
+ 0: ALPHA
+ 1: ALPH
+ 2: ALP
+ 3: AL
+ 4: A
+    ABH
+ 0: BH
+    EFFGZ
+ 0: EFFGZ
+    IJ
+ 0: IJ
+ 0: EFFGZ
+    *** Failers
+No match
+No match
+    EFFG
+No match
+    BCDD
+No match
+    A
+ 0: A
+    A
+ 0: A
+    A
+ 0: A
+    C
+ 0: C
+/multiple words of text/i
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    AA
+No match
+    UH-UH
+No match
+/multiple words/i
+    ABCDE
+ 0: ABCDE
+ 1: ABCD
+ 2: ABC
+/\((.*), (.*)\)/i
+    (A, B)
+ 0: (A, B)
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    ABCD
+ 0: ABCD
+    AC
+ 0: AC
+    abad
+ 0: ad
+    abad
+ 0: ad
+    abad
+ 0: ad
+    ace
+ 0: ace
+    ace
+ 0: ace
+ 1: ac
+    ace
+ 0: ace
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+ 2: acdbcd
+ 3: acdbc
+ 4: acdb
+ 5: acd
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+ 2: acdbcd
+ 3: acdbc
+ 4: acdb
+ 5: acd
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdb
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdb
+ 1: acdbcd
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdb
+ 1: acdbcd
+    foobar
+ 0: foobar
+ 1: foo
+ 2: 
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+    acdbcdbe
+ 0: acdbcdbe
+ 1: acdbcdb
+    ace
+ 0: ace
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    .
+ 0: .
+    <&OUT
+ 0: <&
+    foobar
+ 0: foobar
+ 1: foo
+ 2: 
+    ab
+ 0: b
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    cb
+No match
+    b
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: b
+    b
+ 0: b
+    b
+ 0: b
+    aba
+ 0: aba
+ 1: a
+    aba
+ 0: aba
+ 1: a
+    abc
+ 0: 
+    aax
+ 0: aax
+    aax
+ 0: aax
+    aax
+ 0: aax
+    cab
+ 0: ab
+    cab
+ 0: ab
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    Ab
+ 0: Ab
+    Ab
+ 0: Ab
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    cb
+No match
+    aB
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    Ab
+ 0: Ab
+    Ab
+ 0: Ab
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aB
+No match
+    aB
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    Ab
+No match
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Ab
+No match
+    AB
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    AB
+No match
+    Ab
+No match
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    aB
+ 0: aB
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    Ab
+No match
+    AB
+No match
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    AB
+No match
+    a\nB
+No match
+    a\nB
+ 0: a\x0aB
+    cabbbb
+ 0: cabbbb
+    caaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ 0: caaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+    foobar1234baz
+ 0: foobar1234baz
+    x~~
+ 0: x~~
+ 1: x
+    aaac
+ 0: aaac
+/^a (?#xxx) (?#yyy) {3}c/x
+    aaac
+ 0: aaac
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    B\nB
+No match
+    dbcb
+No match
+    dbaacb
+ 0: a
+    dbaacb
+ 0: a
+    cdaccb
+ 0: b
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    dbcb
+No match
+    a--
+No match
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: b
+    a\nb\n
+ 0: b
+    a\nb\n
+ 0: b
+    a\nb\n
+ 0: b
+    a\nb\n
+ 0: \x0ab
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: \x0ac
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: \x0ac
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: b\x0ac
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: b\x0ac
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a\nb\nc\n
+No match
+    a\nb\nc\n
+No match
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: b
+    a
+ 0: a
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a
+No match
+    a
+No match
+    a
+ 0: a
+    one:
+ 0: one:
+    a
+ 0: 
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    xy:z:::abcd
+ 0: xy:z:::abcd
+    aexycd
+ 0: aexyc
+    caab
+ 0: aab
+    abcd
+ 0: abcd
+    xy:z:::abcd
+ 0: xy:z:::abcd
+    *** Failers
+ 0: Failers
+    abcd:
+No match
+    abcd:
+No match
+    aexycd
+ 0: aexyc
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    a:[b]:
+ 0: :[
+ 1: :
+    a=[b]=
+ 0: =[
+ 1: =
+    a.[b].
+ 0: .[
+ 1: .
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    aaab
+ 0: aaab
+    ((abc(ade)ufh()()x
+ 0: abc(ade)ufh()()x
+ 1: abc(ade)ufh()()
+ 2: abc(ade)ufh()
+ 3: abc(ade)ufh
+ 4: abc(ade)
+ 5: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    aaab
+No match
+    a\nb\n
+No match
+    a\nb\n
+ 0: b
+    a\nb
+ 0: b
+    a\nb
+ 0: b
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    alphabetabcd
+ 0: alphabetabcd
+    endingwxyz
+ 0: endingwxyz
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    a rather long string that doesn't end with one of them
+No match
+/word (?>(?:(?!otherword)[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30})otherword/
+    word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword
+ 0: word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword
+    word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark
+No match
+/word (?>[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30}otherword/
+    word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope
+No match
+    999foo
+ 0: foo
+    123999foo 
+ 0: foo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123abcfoo
+No match
+    999foo
+ 0: foo
+    123999foo 
+ 0: foo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123abcfoo
+No match
+    123abcfoo
+ 0: foo
+    123456foo 
+ 0: foo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123999foo  
+No match
+    123abcfoo   
+ 0: foo
+    123456foo 
+ 0: foo
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    123999foo  
+No match
+ 0: ZA
+ 1: Z
+ 2: 
+ 0: ZA
+ 1: Z
+ 2: 
+ 0: ZA
+ 1: Z
+ 2: 
+ 0: ZA
+ 1: Z
+ 2: 
+ 0: 
+    abbab
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: a
+ 1: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+    abcde
+ 0: a
+    -things
+ 0: -
+    0digit
+ 0: 0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bcdef    
+No match
+    abcde
+ 0: a
+    -things
+ 0: -
+    0digit
+ 0: 0
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bcdef    
+No match
+    > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b<
+ 0:  \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b
+ 1:  \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d
+ 2:  \x09\x0a\x0c
+ 3:  \x09\x0a
+ 4:  \x09
+ 5:  
+    > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b<
+ 0:  \x09
+ 1:  
+    > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b<
+ 0:  \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d
+ 1:  \x09\x0a\x0c
+ 2:  \x09\x0a
+ 3:  \x09
+ 4:  
+    > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b<
+ 0:  \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d
+ 1:  \x09\x0a\x0c
+ 2:  \x09\x0a
+ 3:  \x09
+ 4:  
+    ab
+No match
+  a\nxb\n
+ 0: x
+  a\nxb\n
+No match
+    abcabcabc
+ 0: abcabcabc
+    abc(*+|abc 
+ 0: abc(*+|abc
+/   abc\Q abc\Eabc/x
+    abc abcabc
+ 0: abc abcabc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcabcabc  
+No match
+    \Q#not comment
+    literal\E/x
+    abc#not comment\n    literal     
+ 0: abc#not comment\x0a    literal
+    \Q#not comment
+    literal/x
+    abc#not comment\n    literal     
+ 0: abc#not comment\x0a    literal
+    \Q#not comment
+    literal\E #more comment
+    /x
+    abc#not comment\n    literal     
+ 0: abc#not comment\x0a    literal
+    \Q#not comment
+    literal\E #more comment/x
+    abc#not comment\n    literal     
+ 0: abc#not comment\x0a    literal
+    abc\\\$xyz
+ 0: abc\$xyz
+    abc\$xyz
+ 0: abc$xyz
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc  
+No match
+    abc1abc2xyzabc3
+ 0: abc1
+ 0: abc2
+    abc1abc2xyzabc3 
+ 0: abc1
+ 0: abc2
+ 0: abc3
+/a(?x: b c )d/
+    XabcdY
+ 0: abcd
+    *** Failers 
+No match
+    Xa b c d Y 
+No match
+/((?x)x y z | a b c)/
+    XabcY
+ 0: abc
+    AxyzB 
+ 0: xyz
+    XabCY
+ 0: abC
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    XabcY  
+No match
+    abCE
+ 0: abCE
+    DE
+ 0: DE
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    abcE
+No match
+    abCe  
+No match
+    dE
+No match
+    De    
+No match
+    z
+ 0: z
+    a
+ 0: a
+    -
+ 0: -
+    d
+ 0: d
+    ] 
+ 0: ]
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    b     
+No match
+    z
+ 0: z
+    C 
+ 0: C
+    M 
+ 0: M
+    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 
+No match
+    REGular
+ 0: REGular
+    regulaer
+ 0: regulaer
+    Regex  
+ 0: Regex
+    regulär 
+ 0: regul\xe4r
+    Åæåäà
+ 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xe0
+    Åæåäÿ
+ 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xff
+    ÅæåäÀ
+ 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xc0
+    Åæåäß
+ 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xdf
+    \x84XAZXB
+ 0: XB
+    123a
+Error -17
+    ac
+ 0: c
+    bbbbc
+ 0: c
+Compiled regex written to testsavedregex
+Compiled regex loaded from testsavedregex
+No study data
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bca
+No match
+Compiled regex written to testsavedregex
+Compiled regex (byte-inverted) loaded from testsavedregex
+No study data
+    abc
+ 0: abc
+    *** Failers
+No match
+    bca
+No match
+Compiled regex written to testsavedregex
+Study data written to testsavedregex
+Compiled regex loaded from testsavedregex
+Study data loaded from testsavedregex
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    def  
+No match
+Compiled regex written to testsavedregex
+Study data written to testsavedregex
+Compiled regex (byte-inverted) loaded from testsavedregex
+Study data loaded from testsavedregex
+    abc
+ 0: a
+    *** Failers
+ 0: a
+    def  
+No match
+    this is a line\nbreak
+ 0: line\x0abreak
+    line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line 
+ 0: line\x0abreak
+    this is a line\nbreak
+ 0: line\x0abreak
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line 
+No match
+    this is a line\nbreak
+ 0: line\x0abreak
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line 
+No match
+    123\P
+Partial match: 123
+    a4\P\R
+No match
+    123\P
+Partial match: 123
+    4\P\R
+ 0: 4
+    a\nb\nc\n
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+ 0: 
+    \ 
+ 0: 
+    A\nC\nC\n 
+ 0: 
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    aB  
+ 0: B
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    aB  
+ 0: B
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    aB  
+ 0: B
+    AB
+ 0: AB
+    aB  
+ 0: B
+    Content-Type:xxxxxyyy 
+ 0: Content-Type:xxxxxyyy
+ 1: Content-Type:xxxxxyy
+ 2: Content-Type:xxxxxy
+    Content-Type:xxxxxyyyz
+ 0: Content-Type:xxxxxyyyz
+    Content-Type:xxxyyy 
+ 0: Content-Type:xxxyyy
+    Content-Type:xxxyyyz
+ 0: Content-Type:xxxyyyz
+    xyz\nabc
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\nabc\<lf>
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\r\nabc\<lf>
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\rabc\<cr>
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\r\nabc\<crlf>
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    xyz\nabc\<cr>
+No match
+    xyz\r\nabc\<cr>
+No match
+    xyz\nabc\<crlf>
+No match
+    xyz\rabc\<crlf>
+No match
+    xyz\rabc\<lf>
+No match
+    xyzabc
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\n 
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\npqr 
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\r\<cr> 
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\rpqr\<cr> 
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\r\n\<crlf> 
+ 0: abc
+    xyzabc\r\npqr\<crlf> 
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    xyzabc\r 
+No match
+    xyzabc\rpqr 
+No match
+    xyzabc\r\n 
+No match
+    xyzabc\r\npqr 
+No match
+    xyz\rabcdef
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\nabcdef\<lf>
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers  
+No match
+    xyz\nabcdef
+No match
+    xyz\nabcdef
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\rabcdef\<cr>
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers  
+No match
+    xyz\rabcdef
+No match
+    xyz\r\nabcdef
+ 0: abc
+    xyz\rabcdef\<cr>
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers  
+No match
+    xyz\rabcdef
+No match
+    abc\ndef
+ 0: abc
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    abc\rdef
+ 0: abc\x0ddef
+ 1: abc\x0dde
+ 2: abc\x0dd
+ 3: abc\x0d
+ 4: abc
+ 5: ab
+ 6: a
+ 7: 
+    abc\r\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0d
+ 1: abc
+ 2: ab
+ 3: a
+ 4: 
+    \<cr>abc\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0adef
+ 1: abc\x0ade
+ 2: abc\x0ad
+ 3: abc\x0a
+ 4: abc
+ 5: ab
+ 6: a
+ 7: 
+    \<cr>abc\rdef
+ 0: abc
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    \<cr>abc\r\ndef
+ 0: abc
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    \<crlf>abc\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0adef
+ 1: abc\x0ade
+ 2: abc\x0ad
+ 3: abc\x0a
+ 4: abc
+ 5: ab
+ 6: a
+ 7: 
+    \<crlf>abc\rdef
+ 0: abc\x0ddef
+ 1: abc\x0dde
+ 2: abc\x0dd
+ 3: abc\x0d
+ 4: abc
+ 5: ab
+ 6: a
+ 7: 
+    \<crlf>abc\r\ndef
+ 0: abc
+ 1: ab
+ 2: a
+ 3: 
+    abc\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0adef
+    abc\rdef
+ 0: abc\x0ddef
+    abc\r\ndef
+ 0: abc\x0d\x0adef
+    abc=xyz\\\npqr
+ 0: abc=xyz\\x0apqr
+ 1: abc=xyz\\x0apq
+ 2: abc=xyz\\x0ap
+ 3: abc=xyz\\x0a
+ 4: abc=xyz\
+ 5: abc=xyz
+ 6: abc=xy
+ 7: abc=x
+ 8: abc=
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+ 4: 
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+ 4: 
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+    aaaa
+ 0: aaaa
+ 1: aaa
+ 2: aa
+ 3: a
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+No match
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+No match
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+No match
+  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+ 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\nb\<cr> 
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\nb
+No match
+    a\nb\<any>
+No match
+    a\rb\<cr>   
+No match
+    a\rb\<any>   
+No match
+    abc1 \x0aabc2 \x0babc3xx \x0cabc4 \x0dabc5xx \x0d\x0aabc6 \x85abc7 JUNK
+ 0: abc1
+ 0: abc2
+ 0: abc3
+ 0: abc4
+ 0: abc5
+ 0: abc6
+ 0: abc7
+    abc1\x0a abc2\x0b abc3\x0c abc4\x0d abc5\x0d\x0a abc6\x85 abc9
+ 0: abc1
+ 0: abc2
+ 0: abc3
+ 0: abc4
+ 0: abc5
+ 0: abc6
+ 0: abc9
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\x0bb
+ 0: a\x0bb
+    a\x0cb
+ 0: a\x0cb
+    a\x85b   
+ 0: a\x85b
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\n\rb    
+No match
+    ab
+ 0: ab
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\x0bb
+ 0: a\x0bb
+    a\x0cb
+ 0: a\x0cb
+    a\x85b   
+ 0: a\x85b
+    a\n\rb    
+ 0: a\x0a\x0db
+    a\n\r\x85\x0cb 
+ 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85\x0cb
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\x0bb
+ 0: a\x0bb
+    a\x0cb
+ 0: a\x0cb
+    a\x85b   
+ 0: a\x85b
+    a\n\rb    
+ 0: a\x0a\x0db
+    a\n\r\x85\x0cb 
+ 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85\x0cb
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab  
+No match
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\n\rb
+ 0: a\x0a\x0db
+    a\n\r\x85b
+ 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85b
+    a\r\n\r\nb 
+ 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\r\n\r\n\r\nb 
+ 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\n\r\n\rb
+ 0: a\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0db
+    a\n\n\r\nb 
+ 0: a\x0a\x0a\x0d\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\n\n\n\rb
+No match
+    a\r
+No match
+    aRb
+ 0: aRb
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\nb  
+No match
+    afoo
+ 0: afoo
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    \r\nfoo 
+No match
+    \nfoo 
+No match
+    afoo
+ 0: afoo
+    \nfoo 
+ 0: \x0afoo
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    \r\nfoo 
+No match
+    afoo
+ 0: afoo
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    \nfoo 
+No match
+    \r\nfoo 
+No match
+    afoo
+ 0: afoo
+    \r\nfoo 
+ 0: \x0d\x0afoo
+    \nfoo 
+ 0: \x0afoo
+    abc\r\rxyz
+ 0: 
+    abc\n\rxyz  
+ 0: 
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    abc\r\nxyz
+No match
+    XABC
+ 0: X
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    XABC\B
+No match
+    abc\r\n\r\n
+ 0: 
+ 0+ \x0d\x0a
+    abc\r\n\r\n
+ 0: \x0d\x0a
+ 0+ 
+ 1: 
+    abc\r\n\r\n
+ 0: 
+ 0+ \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a
+ 0: 
+ 0+ \x0d\x0a
+ 0: 
+ 0+ 
+   >abc<
+ 0: abc
+   >xyz< 
+ 0: xyz
+    xabcx
+ 0: xabcx
+    xxyzx 
+ 0: xxyzx
+    xabcpqrx
+ 0: xabcpqrx
+    xxyzx 
+ 0: xxyzx
+    abcabc
+ 0: abcabc
+    xyzabc 
+ 0: xyzabc
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    xyzxyz 
+No match
+    X X\x0a
+ 0: X X\x0a
+    X\x09X\x0b
+ 0: X\x09X\x0b
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    \xa0 X\x0a   
+No match
+    \x09\x20\xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a
+ 0: \x09 \xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d
+ 1: \x09 \xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c
+    \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a
+ 0: \x09 \xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d
+ 1: \x09 \xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c
+    \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c
+ 0: \x09 \xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b
+No match
+    XY  ABCDE
+ 0: ABCD
+ 1: ABC
+    XY  PQR ST 
+ 0: PQR
+    XY  AB    PQRS
+ 0: B    P
+ 1: B    
+    >XNNNYZ
+    >  X NYQZ
+ 0:   X NYQZ
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    >XYZ   
+No match
+    >  X NY Z
+No match
+    >XY\x0aZ\x0aA\x0bNN\x0c
+ 0: XY\x0aZ\x0aA\x0bNN\x0c
+    >\x0a\x0dX\x0aY\x0a\x0bZZZ\x0aAAA\x0bNNN\x0c
+ 0: \x0a\x0dX\x0aY\x0a\x0bZZZ\x0aAAA\x0bNNN\x0c
+    \r\nA
+No match
+    \r\nA 
+ 0: \x0aA
+    \r\nA 
+ 0: \x0aA
+    \r\nA 
+ 0: \x0aA
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: bsr_anycrlf
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\x85b
+No match
+    a\x0bb     
+No match
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: bsr_unicode
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\x85b
+ 0: a\x85b
+    a\x0bb     
+ 0: a\x0bb
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    a\x85b\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+    a\x0bb\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: bsr_anycrlf
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\x85b
+No match
+    a\x0bb     
+No match
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: bsr_unicode
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\rb
+ 0: a\x0db
+    a\nb
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    a\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0ab
+    a\x85b
+ 0: a\x85b
+    a\x0bb     
+ 0: a\x0bb
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    a\x85b\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+    a\x0bb\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Partial matching not supported
+Options: bsr_anycrlf
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\r\n\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0ab
+    a\n\r\rb
+ 0: a\x0a\x0d\x0db
+    a\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    a\x85\85b
+No match
+    a\x0b\0bb     
+No match
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Partial matching not supported
+Options: bsr_unicode
+First char = 'a'
+Need char = 'b'
+    a\r\rb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0db
+    a\n\n\nb
+ 0: a\x0a\x0a\x0ab
+    a\r\n\n\r\rb
+ 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0a\x0d\x0db
+    a\x85\85b
+No match
+    a\x0b\0bb     
+No match
+    ** Failers 
+No match
+    a\r\r\r\r\rb 
+No match
+    a\x85\85b\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+    a\x0b\0bb\<bsr_anycrlf>
+No match
+    abc 
+ 0: abc
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab
+No match
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab 
+No match
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab 
+No match
+    aXb
+ 0: aXb
+    a\nb 
+ 0: a\x0ab
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab  
+No match
+    aXb
+ 0: aXb
+    a\nX\nXb 
+ 0: a\x0aX\x0aXb
+    ** Failers
+No match
+    ab  
+No match
+/ End of testinput7 /