changeset 0 7f656887cf89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libraries/spcre/src/cregex.cpp	Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1522 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: Sanjay Ghemawat
+// Heavily refactored for Symbian OS by Accenture.
+#define PCRE_EXP_DECL IMPORT_C // We need to define this because the config.h that defines it when building libpcre isn't exported.
+#include <fshell/descriptorutils.h>
+#include "pcre.h"
+#include "cregex.h"
+#include "tregexarg.h"
+ * Maximum number of optional arguments supported by the matching interface.
+ * If more arguments are required then use the more generic DoMatchL() function.
+ */
+static const TInt KMaxArgs = 4;
+ * Multiplier used to calculate size of vector that stores results from PCRE.
+ * @see KVecSize
+ */
+static const TInt KPcreWorkspaceMultiplier = 3;
+* "The first two-thirds of the vector is used to pass back captured subpatterns,
+* each subpattern using a pair of integers. The remaining third of the vector
+* is used as workspace by pcre_exec() while matching capturing subpatterns,
+* and is not available for passing back information. The number passed in 
+* vecsize should always be a multiple of three. If it is not, it is rounded
+* down."
+static const TInt KVecSize = (1 + KMaxArgs) * KPcreWorkspaceMultiplier;
+ * Number of characters in a triplet escape sequence.
+ */
+static const TInt KEscapeTripletLength = 3;
+ * Number of characters to reserve for escape sequences
+ * Reserves enough room for several.
+ */
+static const TInt KReserveForEscapeChars = KEscapeTripletLength * 4;
+// Public Functions //
+ * 2-Phase constructor for CRegEx objects.
+ * @param aPattern regular expression pattern
+ * @return a pre-compiled regular expression object ready to perform matching.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CRegEx* CRegEx::NewL(const TDesC8& aPattern)
+	{
+	CRegEx* self = NewLC(aPattern);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+ * 2-Phase constructor for CRegEx objects.
+ * @param aPattern regular expression pattern.
+ * @param aOptions options to use when compiling regular expression.
+ * @return a pre-compiled regular expression object ready to perform matching.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CRegEx* CRegEx::NewL(const TDesC8& aPattern,
+	const TRegExOptions& aOptions)
+	{
+	CRegEx* self = NewLC(aPattern, aOptions);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+ * 2-Phase constructor for CRegEx objects. Object is left on the cleanup stack.
+ * @param aPattern regular expression pattern.
+ * @return a pre-compiled regular expression object ready to perform matching.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CRegEx* CRegEx::NewLC(const TDesC8& aPattern)
+	{
+	CRegEx* self = new(ELeave) CRegEx();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPattern);
+	return self;
+	}
+ * 2-Phase constructor for CRegEx objects. Object is left on the cleanup stack.
+ * @param aPattern regular expression pattern.
+ * @param aOptions options to use when compiling regular expression.
+ * @return a pre-compiled regular expression object ready to perform matching.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CRegEx* CRegEx::NewLC(const TDesC8& aPattern,
+	const TRegExOptions& aOptions)
+	{
+	CRegEx* self = new(ELeave) CRegEx(aOptions);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPattern);
+	return self;	
+	}
+EXPORT_C CRegEx* CRegEx::NewL(const TDesC16& aPattern, const TRegExOptions& aOptions)
+	{
+	CRegEx* self = new(ELeave) CRegEx(aOptions);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPattern);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+ * Standard destructor to free resources.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CRegEx::~CRegEx()
+	{
+	delete iNoArg;
+	delete iPattern;
+	Cleanup();
+	}
+// Public matching interface //
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches the supplied text entirely.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matches the supplied text entirely, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see PartialMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FullMatchL(const TDesC8& aText) const
+	{
+	return FullMatchL(aText, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches the supplied text entirely.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matches the supplied text entirely, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see PartialMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FullMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1) const
+	{
+	return FullMatchL(aText, aArg1, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches the supplied text entirely.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matches the supplied text entirely, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see PartialMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FullMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2) const
+	{
+	return FullMatchL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches the supplied text entirely.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matches the supplied text entirely, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see PartialMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FullMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3) const
+	{
+	return FullMatchL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches the supplied text entirely.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg4 contains the fourth extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matches the supplied text entirely, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see PartialMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FullMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg4) const
+	{
+	RPointerArray<const TRegExArg> args;
+	CleanupClosePushL(args);
+	args.ReserveL(KMaxArgs);
+	if (&aArg1 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg1);
+		}
+	if (&aArg2 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg2);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg3 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg3);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg4 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg4);		
+		}
+	TInt consumed = 0;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TBool r =  DoMatchImpl(aText, EAnchorBoth, consumed, args, vector, KVecSize);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&args);
+	return r;
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches any substring of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches any substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FullMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::PartialMatchL(const TDesC8& aText) const
+	{
+	return PartialMatchL(aText, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches any substring of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches any substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FullMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::PartialMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1) const
+	{
+	return PartialMatchL(aText, aArg1, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches any substring of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches any substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FullMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::PartialMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2) const
+	{
+	return PartialMatchL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches any substring of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches any substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FullMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::PartialMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3) const
+	{
+	return PartialMatchL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Checks if the regular expression (RE) matches any substring of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg4 contains the fourth extracted subpattern. 
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches any substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FullMatchL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::PartialMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg4) const
+	{
+	RPointerArray<const TRegExArg> args;
+	CleanupClosePushL(args);
+	args.ReserveL(KMaxArgs);
+	if (&aArg1 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg1);
+		}
+	if (&aArg2 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg2);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg3 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg3);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg4 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg4);		
+		}
+	TInt consumed = 0;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TBool r =  DoMatchImpl(aText, EUnanchored, consumed, args, vector,
+					KVecSize);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&args);
+	return r;
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed) const
+	{
+	return DoMatchL(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg,
+				*iNoArg);
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1) const
+	{
+	return DoMatchL(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, aArg1, *iNoArg, *iNoArg,
+				*iNoArg);
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2) const
+	{
+	return DoMatchL(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, aArg1, aArg2, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3) const
+	{
+	return DoMatchL(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg4 contains the fourth extracted subpattern. 
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg4) const
+	{
+	RPointerArray<const TRegExArg> args;
+	CleanupClosePushL(args);
+	args.ReserveL(KMaxArgs);
+	if (&aArg1 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg1);
+		}
+	if (&aArg2 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg2);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg3 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg3);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg4 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg4);		
+		}	
+	TInt r = DoMatchL(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, args);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&args);
+	return r;
+	}
+ * General function to perform a regular expression (RE) match on a substring
+ * of the text.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform
+ * @param array of arguments that will contain the extracted subpatterns.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE  matches a substring of the supplied text,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::DoMatchL(const TDesC8& aText,
+		  TAnchor aAnchor,
+		  TInt&	aConsumed,			
+		  const RPointerArray<const TRegExArg>& aArgs) const
+	{
+	const TInt vectorSize = (1 + aArgs.Count()) * KPcreWorkspaceMultiplier;
+	TInt* vector = new( ELeave ) TInt[ vectorSize ];
+	CleanupArrayDeletePushL( vector );	
+	TBool r =  DoMatchImpl(aText, aAnchor, aConsumed, aArgs, vector,
+					vectorSize);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vector);
+	return r;	
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Call this function repeatidly to
+ * match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over them as
+ * they match. 
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FindAndConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ConsumeL(TDes8& aText) const
+	{
+	return ConsumeL(aText, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over them as
+ * they match. 
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FindAndConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1) const
+	{
+	return ConsumeL(aText, aArg1, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over them as
+ * they match. 
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FindAndConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2) const
+	{
+	return ConsumeL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over them as
+ * they match. 
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FindAndConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3) const
+	{
+	return ConsumeL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over them as
+ * they match. 
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg4 contains the fourth extracted subpattern. 
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see FindAndConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg4) const
+	{
+	RPointerArray<const TRegExArg> args;
+	CleanupClosePushL(args);
+	args.ReserveL(KMaxArgs);
+	if (&aArg1 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg1);
+		}
+	if (&aArg2 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg2);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg3 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg3);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg4 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg4);		
+		}
+	TInt consumed = 0;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TBool r =  DoMatchImpl(aText, EAnchorStart, consumed, args, vector,
+					KVecSize);
+	if (r)
+		{
+		// Remove prefix
+		aText.Delete(0, consumed);		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&args);
+	return r;	
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match  regular expression in a string and extract them as they match.
+ * Unlike ConsumeL, your match is not anchored to the start of the string.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FindAndConsumeL(TDes8& aText) const
+	{
+	return FindAndConsumeL(aText, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match  regular expression in a string and extract them as they match.
+ * Unlike ConsumeL, your match is not anchored to the start of the string.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FindAndConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1) const
+	{
+	return FindAndConsumeL(aText, aArg1, *iNoArg, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match  regular expression in a string and extract them as they match.
+ * Unlike ConsumeL, your match is not anchored to the start of the string.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FindAndConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2) const
+	{
+	return FindAndConsumeL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, *iNoArg, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match  regular expression in a string and extract them as they match.
+ * Unlike ConsumeL, your match is not anchored to the start of the string.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FindAndConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3) const
+	{
+	return FindAndConsumeL(aText, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3, *iNoArg);
+	}
+ * Allows text to be scanned incrementally. Repeatidly call this function to
+ * match  regular expression in a string and extract them as they match.
+ * Unlike ConsumeL, your match is not anchored to the start of the string.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aArg1 contains the first extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg2 contains the second extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg3 contains the third extracted subpattern.
+ * @param aArg4 contains the fourth extracted subpattern. 
+ * @return ETrue if the RE matched and a substring was consumed,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ConsumeL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::FindAndConsumeL(TDes8& aText,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg1,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg2,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg3,
+		  const TRegExArg& aArg4) const
+	{
+	RPointerArray<const TRegExArg> args;
+	CleanupClosePushL(args);
+	args.ReserveL(KMaxArgs);
+	if (&aArg1 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg1);
+		}
+	if (&aArg2 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg2);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg3 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg3);		
+		}
+	if (&aArg4 != iNoArg)
+		{
+		args.AppendL(&aArg4);		
+		}	
+	TInt consumed = 0;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TBool r = DoMatchImpl(aText, EUnanchored, consumed, args, vector, KVecSize);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&args);
+	if (r)
+		{
+		// Remove prefix
+		aText.Delete(0, consumed);
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+ * The first match of the regular expression in aString is
+ * replaced by aRewrite.
+ * 
+ * Within aRewrite, backslash-escaped digits (\1 to \9) can be
+ * used to insert text matching a corresponding parenthesized group from
+ * the pattern. \0 in aRewrite refers to the entire matching text.
+ * @param aRewrite the text to replace the matching substring with.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if match occurred and replace was succsessful,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see GlobalReplaceL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ReplaceL(const TDesC8& aRewrite, TDes8& aString) const
+	{
+	TInt r = EFalse;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TInt matches = TryMatch(aString, 0, EUnanchored, vector, KVecSize);
+	if (matches == 0)
+		{
+		return r;
+		}		
+	HBufC8* s = HBufC8::NewLC(aString.MaxLength());
+	TPtr8 pS = s->Des();
+	if (!Rewrite(pS, aRewrite, aString, vector, KVecSize, matches))
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(s);
+		return r;
+		}		
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(vector[0] >= 0, Panic(EInvalidMatchResults));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(vector[1] >= 0, Panic(EInvalidMatchResults));
+	TInt replacementLength = vector[1] - vector[0];
+	if((aString.Length() + s->Length() - replacementLength) <= aString.MaxLength())
+		{
+		aString.Replace(vector[0], replacementLength, *s);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(s);
+		iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+		return r;
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(s);
+	r = ETrue;
+	return r;
+	}
+ * All matches of the regular expression in aString are
+ * replaced by aRewrite.
+ * 
+ * Within the rewrite string, backslash-escaped digits (\1 to \9) can be
+ * used to insert text matching a corresponding parenthesized group from
+ * the pattern. \0 in "aRewrite" refers to the entire matching text.
+ * @param aRewrite the text to replace the matching substring with.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if matches occurred and replace was succsessful,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ReplaceL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CRegEx::GlobalReplaceL(const TDesC8& aRewrite,
+	TDes8& aString) const	
+	{
+	TInt count = 0;
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	HBufC8* out = HBufC8::NewLC(aString.MaxLength());
+	TPtr8 pOut = out->Des();
+	TInt start = 0;
+	TInt lastend = -1;
+	while (start <= aString.Length())
+		{
+		TInt matches = TryMatch(aString, start, EUnanchored, vector, KVecSize);
+		if (matches <= 0)
+			{
+			break;
+			}			
+		TInt matchstart = vector[0];
+		TInt matchend = vector[1];
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(matchstart >= start, EInvalidMatchResults);
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(matchend >= matchstart, EInvalidMatchResults);
+		if (matchstart == matchend && matchstart == lastend)
+			{
+			// advance one character if we matched an empty string at the same
+			// place as the last match occurred
+			matchend = start + 1;
+			// If the current char is CR and we're in CRLF mode, skip LF too.
+			// Note it's better to call pcre_fullinfo() than to examine
+			// all_options(), since options_ could have changed bewteen
+			// compile-time and now, but this is simpler and safe enough.
+			// Modified by PH to add ANY and ANYCRLF.
+			if ((start + 1 < aString.Length()) &&
+					aString[start] == '\r' && aString[start+1] == '\n' &&
+					(NewlineMode(iOptions.AllOptions()) == PCRE_NEWLINE_CRLF ||
+					NewlineMode(iOptions.AllOptions()) == PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY ||
+					NewlineMode(iOptions.AllOptions()) == PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF))
+				{
+				matchend++;
+				}
+			// We also need to advance more than one char if we're in utf8 mode.
+			#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
+			if (iOptions.Utf8())
+				{
+				while ((matchend < aString.Length())
+					&& (aString[matchend] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
+					{
+					matchend++;
+					}					
+				}
+			#endif
+			if (matchend <= aString.Length())
+				{
+				if(pOut.Length() + (matchend - start) <= pOut.MaxLength())
+					{
+					pOut.Append(aString.Mid(start, matchend - start));
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+					return KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+					}
+				}				
+			start = matchend;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(pOut.Length() + (matchstart - start) <= pOut.MaxLength())
+				{
+				pOut.Append(aString.Mid(start, matchstart - start));
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+				return KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+				}
+			Rewrite(pOut, aRewrite, aString, vector, KVecSize, matches);
+			start = matchend;
+			lastend = matchend;
+			count++;
+			}
+		}
+	if (count == 0)
+		{
+		return count;
+		}	
+	if (start < aString.Length())
+		{
+		if((aString.Length() - start) + pOut.Length() <= pOut.MaxLength())
+			{
+			pOut.Append(aString.Mid(start, aString.Length() - start));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+			return KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+			}
+		}
+	aString.Swap(pOut);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(out);
+	return count;
+	}
+ * The first match of the regular expression in the supplied string is
+ * replaced by another supplied string and copied into aOut with substitutions.
+ * The non-matching portions of aString are ignored.
+ * 
+ * Within the rewrite string, backslash-escaped digits (\1 to \9) can be
+ * used to insert text matching a corresponding parenthesized group from
+ * the pattern. \0 in "aRewrite" refers to the entire matching text.
+ * @param aRewrite the text to replace the matching substring with.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @return ETrue if match occurred and extraction was succsessful,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ReplaceL()
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CRegEx::ExtractL(const TDesC8& aRewrite,
+					const TDesC8& aText, TDes8& aOut) const
+	{
+	TInt vector[KVecSize];
+	TInt matches = TryMatch(aText, 0, EUnanchored, vector, KVecSize);
+	if (matches == 0)
+		{
+		iErrorCode = KErrRegExZeroMatches;
+		return EFalse;
+		}	
+	aOut.Zero();
+	TBool r = Rewrite(aOut, aRewrite, aText, vector, KVecSize, matches);
+	return r;
+	}
+ * Returns EPcreNewlineAnyCrLf, EPcreNewlineAny, EPcreNewlineCrLf,
+ * EPcreNewlineLf or EPcreNewlineCr
+ * Note that EPcreNewlineCrLf is defined to be EPcreNewlineCr | EPcreNewlineLf.
+ * @param aOptions
+ * @return
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CRegEx::NewlineMode(TInt aOptions)
+	{
+	// TODO: if we can make it threadsafe, cache this var
+	TInt newlineMode = 0;
+	/* if (newlineMode) return newlineMode; */  // do this once it's cached
+	if (aOptions & (EPcreNewlineCrLf|EPcreNewlineCr|EPcreNewlineLf|
+			EPcreNewlineAny|EPcreNewlineAnyCrLf))
+		{
+		newlineMode = (aOptions &
+				(EPcreNewlineCrLf|EPcreNewlineCr|EPcreNewlineLf|
+						EPcreNewlineAny|EPcreNewlineAnyCrLf));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TInt newline;
+		pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_NEWLINE, &newline);
+		switch(newline)
+			{
+			case KNewLineAnyCrLf:
+				{
+				newlineMode = EPcreNewlineAnyCrLf;
+				break;
+				}			
+			case KNewLineAny:
+				{
+				newlineMode = EPcreNewlineAny;
+				break;
+				}	
+			case KNewLineLf:
+				{
+				newlineMode = EPcreNewlineLf;
+				break;
+				}			
+			case KNewLineCr:
+				{
+				newlineMode = EPcreNewlineCr;
+				break;
+				}
+			case KNewLineCrLf:
+				{
+				newlineMode = EPcreNewlineCrLf;
+				break;
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+				__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, EUnexpectedRetValFromPcre);				
+				}				
+			}		
+		}
+	return newlineMode;
+	}
+ * Escapes all potentially meaningful regular expression (RE) characters in
+ * aUnquoted.  The returned string, used as a regular expression,
+ * will exactly match the original string.  For example,
+ *           1.5-2.0?
+ * may become:
+ *           1\.5\-2\.0\?
+ * Note QuoteMeta behaves the same as perl's QuoteMeta function,
+ * *except* that it escapes the NUL character (\0) as backslash + 0,
+ * rather than backslash + NUL.
+ * @param aUnquoted unescaped string.
+ * @return string with all meaningful RE characters escaped.
+ */
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* CRegEx::QuoteMetaL(const TDesC8& aUnquoted)
+	{
+	HBufC8* result = HBufC8::NewLC(aUnquoted.Length() + KReserveForEscapeChars);
+	TPtr8 pResult = result->Des();
+	_LIT8(KEscapeNull, "\\0");
+	_LIT8(KEscapeOther, "\\%c");
+	// Escape any ascii character not in [A-Za-z_0-9].
+	//
+	// Note that it's legal to escape a character even if it has no
+	// special meaning in a regular expression -- so this function does
+	// that.  (This also makes it identical to the perl function of the
+	// same name; see `perldoc -f quotemeta`.)  The one exception is
+	// escaping NUL: rather than doing backslash + NUL, like perl does,
+	// we do '\0', because pcre itself doesn't take embedded NUL chars.
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < aUnquoted.Length(); ++ii)
+	  {
+	  // Always make sure we have enough room to escape at least one character
+	  if(pResult.MaxLength() <= pResult.Length() + KEscapeTripletLength)
+		  {
+		  result = result->ReAllocL(pResult.Length() + KReserveForEscapeChars);
+		  CleanupStack::Pop();
+		  CleanupStack::PushL(result);
+		  pResult.Set(result->Des());
+		  }
+	  if (aUnquoted[ii] == TChar('\0'))
+		  {
+		  pResult.Append(KEscapeNull());
+		  }
+	  else if ((aUnquoted[ii] < TChar('a') || aUnquoted[ii] > TChar('z')) &&
+			   (aUnquoted[ii] < TChar('A') || aUnquoted[ii] > TChar('Z')) &&
+			   (aUnquoted[ii] < TChar('0') || aUnquoted[ii] > TChar('9')) &&
+			   aUnquoted[ii] != TChar('_') &&
+			   // If this is the part of a UTF8 or Latin1 character, we need
+			   // to copy this byte without escaping.  Experimentally this is
+			   // what works correctly with the regexp library.
+			   !(aUnquoted[ii] & TChar(0x80)))
+		  {
+		  pResult.AppendFormat(KEscapeOther, aUnquoted[ii]);
+		  }
+	  else
+		  {
+		  pResult.Append(aUnquoted[ii]);
+		  }
+	}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(result);
+	return result;
+ * Returns the number of capturing subpatterns, or -1 if the
+ * regular expressions wasn't valid on construction.
+ * @return the number of capturing subpatterns or or -1 if the regular
+ * expressions wasn't valid on construction.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CRegEx::NumberOfCapturingGroups() const
+	{
+	if (iRePartial == NULL) return KErrNotFound;
+	TInt result;
+	TInt pcreRetVal = pcre_fullinfo(iRePartial, // The regular expression object
+								iExtraPartial,  // Study data
+                                PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT,
+                                &result);
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pcreRetVal == 0, Panic(EUnexpectedRetValFromPcre));
+	return result;
+	}
+ * Analyzes a regular expression (RE) pattern further. This is especially useful
+ * if an RE is going to be used several times to reduce the time taken for
+ * matching.
+ *  
+ * "At present, studying a pattern is useful only for non-anchored patterns that
+ * do not have a single fixed starting character." 
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CRegEx::Study()
+	{
+	// "At present, studying a pattern is useful only for non-anchored
+	// patterns that do not have a single fixed starting character."
+	if(iRePartial)
+		{
+		const char* compileError; // ignored
+		iExtraPartial = pcre_study(
+				iRePartial,     /* result of pcre_compile() */
+				0,              /* no options exist */
+				&compileError);	/* set to NULL or points to a message */		
+		}
+	}
+// Private Functions //
+ * Standard constructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ * Standard constructor
+ * @param aOptions options used when compiling regular expression.
+ */
+CRegEx::CRegEx(const TRegExOptions& aOptions)
+	: iOptions(aOptions)
+	{
+	}
+ * Second phase constructor.
+ */
+void CRegEx::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aPattern)
+	{
+	iPattern = HBufC8::NewL(aPattern.Length() + 1); // Leave room for \0
+	TPtr8 pPattern = iPattern->Des();
+	pPattern.Copy(aPattern);
+	pPattern.ZeroTerminate();
+	CommonConstructL();
+	}
+void CRegEx::CommonConstructL()
+	{
+	// The default value for an argument, to indicate no arg was passed in
+	iNoArg = new(ELeave) TRegExArg((TAny*)NULL);
+	// Compile patterns used for partial and full matches.	
+	iReFull = NULL;
+	iRePartial = NULL;
+	iRePartial = CompileL(EUnanchored);
+	if(iRePartial)
+		{
+		iReFull = CompileL(EAnchorBoth);
+		}	
+	User::LeaveIfError(iErrorCode);	
+	}	
+void CRegEx::ConstructL(const TDesC16& aPattern)
+	{
+	LtkUtils::RLtkBuf8 narrowBuf;
+	narrowBuf.CreateLC(aPattern.Length() + 1);
+	if (iOptions.Utf8())
+		{
+		narrowBuf.CopyAsUtf8L(aPattern);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		narrowBuf.Copy(aPattern);
+		}
+	narrowBuf.AppendL(0);
+	iPattern = narrowBuf.ToHBuf();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&narrowBuf);
+	CommonConstructL();
+	}
+ * Compile the regular expression (RE) pattern.
+ * @param aAnchor anchoring to use for the RE pattern.
+ * @return pointer to PCRE object with compiled RE data. 
+ */
+pcre* CRegEx::CompileL(TAnchor aAnchor)
+	{
+	// First, convert TRegExOptions into pcre options
+	TInt pcreOptions = iOptions.AllOptions();
+	// Special treatment for anchoring.  This is needed because at
+	// runtime pcre only provides an option for anchoring at the
+	// beginning of a string (unless you use offset).
+	//
+	// There are three types of anchoring we want:
+	//    EUnanchored      Compile the original pattern, and use
+	//                    a pcre unanchored match.
+	//    EAnchorStart    Compile the original pattern, and use
+	//                    a pcre anchored match.
+	//    EAnchorBoth     Tack a "\z" to the end of the original pattern
+	//                    and use a pcre anchored match.
+	pcre* re;
+	TInt errCode = 0;
+	TInt errOffset = 0;
+	const char* compileError; // ignored
+	if (aAnchor != EAnchorBoth)
+		{
+		re = pcre_compile2((const char *)iPattern->Ptr(), pcreOptions,
+				&errCode,&compileError, &errOffset, NULL);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Tack a '\z' at the end of RE.  Parenthesize it first so that
+		// the '\z' applies to all top-level alternatives in the regexp.
+		_LIT8(KWrapped, "(?:%S)\\z\x0");
+		HBufC8* wrapped = HBufC8::NewLC(KWrapped().Length()
+				+ iPattern->Length());
+		TPtr8 pWrapped = wrapped->Des();
+		pWrapped.Format(KWrapped(), iPattern);
+		re = pcre_compile2((const char *)pWrapped.Ptr(), pcreOptions,
+				&errCode, &compileError, &errOffset, NULL);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wrapped);
+		}
+	if (!re && (iErrorCode == KErrNone))
+		{
+		iErrorCode = KErrRegExCompileBase - errCode;
+		iErrorOffset = errOffset;
+		}
+	return re;
+	}
+ * Cleanup the compiled regular expression and study data.
+ * Separated out from destructor in case support for recompiling
+ * is introduced.
+ */
+void CRegEx::Cleanup()
+	{
+	if (iReFull)
+		{
+		(*pcre_free)(iReFull);
+		}
+	if (iRePartial)
+		{
+		(*pcre_free)(iRePartial);
+		}
+	if(iExtraPartial)
+		{
+		(*pcre_free)(iExtraPartial);
+		}
+	}
+// Internal matching and rewrite implementations //
+ * Match against aText, filling in aVector (up to aVector.Count() * 2/3) with
+ * pairs of integers for the beginning and end positions of matched
+ * text.  The first pair corresponds to the entire matched text;
+ * subsequent pairs correspond, in order, to parentheses-captured
+ * matches.  Returns the number of pairs (one more than the number of
+ * the last subpattern with a match) if matching was successful
+ * and zero if the match failed.
+ * I.e. for RE("(foo)|(bar)|(baz)") it will return 2, 3, and 4 when matching
+ * against "foo", "bar", and "baz" respectively.
+ * When matching RE("(foo)|hello") against "hello", it will return 1.
+ * But the values for all subpattern are filled in into "aVector".
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aStartPos position in aText to start matching from
+ * @param aAnchor  the type of match to perform.
+ * @param aVector vector that stores pairs of integers for the start and end
+ * positions of matched substrings.
+ * @param aVectorSize length of aVector
+ * @return the number of matched subpatterns.
+ */
+TInt CRegEx::TryMatch(const TDesC8& aText,
+                 TInt aStartPos,
+                 TAnchor aAnchor,
+   			   	TInt* aVector,
+   			    TInt aVectorSize) const
+    {
+	pcre* re = (aAnchor == EAnchorBoth) ? iReFull : iRePartial;
+	if (!re)
+		{
+		// Matching against invalid re
+		return 0;
+		}
+	pcre_extra extra = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+	if(iExtraPartial)
+		{
+		extra = *iExtraPartial;
+		}
+	if (iOptions.MatchLimit() > 0)
+		{
+		extra.flags |= PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT;
+		extra.match_limit = iOptions.MatchLimit();
+		}
+	if (iOptions.MatchLimitRecursion() > 0)
+		{
+		extra.match_limit_recursion = iOptions.MatchLimitRecursion();
+		}
+	TInt rc = pcre_exec(re,              // The regular expression object
+						&extra,
+						(const char *)aText.Ptr(),
+						aText.Length(),
+						aStartPos,
+						(aAnchor == EUnanchored) ? 0 : PCRE_ANCHORED,
+						aVector,
+						aVectorSize);
+	// Handle errors
+		{
+		return 0;
+		}
+	else if (rc < 0)
+		{
+		// Unexpected return code
+		return 0;
+		}
+	else if (rc == 0)
+		{
+		// pcre_exec() returns 0 as a special case when the number of
+		// capturing subpatterns exceeds the size of the vector.
+		// When this happens, there is a match and the output vector
+		// is filled, but we miss out on the positions of the extra subpatterns.
+		rc = aVectorSize / 2;
+		}
+	return rc;
+    }
+ * Internal implementation of rewrite functionality used by the replace &
+ * extract functions.
+ * Appends the aRewrite string, with backslash subsitutions from aText
+ * and aVector, to string aOut.
+ * @param aOut output descriptor
+ * @param aRewrite descriptor backslash subsitutions to append to aOut.
+ * @param aText descriptor containing substitutions.
+ * @param aVector vector that stores pairs of integers for the start and end
+ * positions of matched substrings.
+ * @param aVectorSize length of aVector.
+ * @param aMatches number of matches.
+ * @return ETrue if the operation was successfull, EFalse otherwise.
+ * @see ReplaceL()
+ * @see GlobalReplaceL()
+ * @see ExtractL()
+ */
+TBool CRegEx::Rewrite(TDes8& aOut, const TDesC8& aRewrite,
+                 const TDesC8& aText, TInt* aVector,
+                 TInt aVectorSize, TInt aMatches) const
+    {
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < aRewrite.Length(); i++)
+		{
+		TChar c = aRewrite[i];
+		if (c == '\\')
+			{
+			c = aRewrite[++i];
+			if (c.IsDigit())
+				{
+				TUint n = c - TChar('0');
+				if (n >= aMatches)
+					{
+					iErrorCode = KErrRegExBadBackslashSubsitution;
+					return EFalse;
+					}
+				__ASSERT_DEBUG(aVectorSize >= 2 * n + 1, Panic(EVectorTooSmall));
+				TInt start = aVector[2 * n];				
+				if (start >= 0)
+					{
+					TInt requiredLength = aVector[2 * n + 1] - start;
+					if((aOut.Length() + requiredLength) <= aOut.MaxLength())
+						{
+						aOut.Append(aText.Mid(start, requiredLength));
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+						return EFalse;
+						}						
+					}				
+				}
+				else if (c == '\\')
+					{
+					if((aOut.Length() + 1) <= aOut.MaxLength())
+						{
+						aOut.Append(c);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+						return EFalse;
+						}
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Invalid rewrite pattern
+					iErrorCode = KErrRegExInvalidRewritePattern;
+					return EFalse;
+					}
+			} 
+		else
+			{
+			if((aOut.Length() + 1) <= aOut.MaxLength())
+				{
+				aOut.Append(c);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iErrorCode = KErrRegExOutputTooBig;
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+ * Internal implementation of the match functionality.
+ * @param aText the text to match against the regular expression.
+ * @param aAnchor the type of match to perform.
+ * @param aConsumed the length of the matched substring.
+ * @param aArgs array of arguments that will contain the extracted subpatterns.
+ * @param aVector output vector that stores pairs of integers for the start and
+ * end positions of matched substrings.
+ * @param aVectorSize length of aVector
+ * @return
+ */
+TBool CRegEx::DoMatchImpl(const TDesC8& aText,
+                    TAnchor aAnchor,
+                    TInt& aConsumed,
+                    const RPointerArray<const TRegExArg>& aArgs,
+      			   	TInt* aVector,
+      			    TInt aVectorSize) const
+    {
+    // results + PCRE workspace
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((1 + aArgs.Count()) * KPcreWorkspaceMultiplier <= aVectorSize,Panic(EVectorTooSmall) );
+	TInt matches = TryMatch(aText, 0, aAnchor, aVector, aVectorSize);
+	// TryMatch never returns negatives
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(matches >= 0, Panic(EInvalidMatchResults));  
+	if (matches == 0)
+		{
+		iErrorCode = KErrRegExZeroMatches;
+		return EFalse;
+		}	
+	aConsumed = aVector[1];
+	if (aArgs.Count() == 0)
+		{
+		// We are not interested in results
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	if (NumberOfCapturingGroups() < aArgs.Count())
+		{
+		// RE has fewer capturing groups than number of arg pointers passed in
+		iErrorCode = KErrRegExFewerCaptureGroupsThanArgs;
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	// If we got here, we must have matched the whole pattern.
+	// We do not need (can not do) any more checks on the value of 'matches'
+	// here -- see the comment for TryMatch.
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < aArgs.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		const TInt start = aVector[2*(i+1)];
+		const TInt limit = aVector[2*(i+1)+1];
+		TBool r;
+		if(start == -1 || limit == -1)
+			{
+			r = aArgs[i]->Parse(KNullDesC8());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			r = aArgs[i]->Parse(aText.Mid(start, limit - start));
+			}
+		if(!r)
+			{
+			iErrorCode = KErrRegExFailedToParseArg;
+			return EFalse;			
+			}
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+ * Panic the current thread.
+ * @param aPanic panic code.
+ */
+void CRegEx::Panic(TRegExPanic aPanic)
+	{
+	User::Panic(KRegExPanic(), aPanic);
+	}