changeset 0 7f656887cf89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/consoles/consoleproxy/inc/consoleproxy.h	Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// consoleproxy.h
+// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Accenture - Initial contribution
+#ifndef __CONSOLEPROXY_H__
+#define __CONSOLEPROXY_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <fshell/consoleextensions.h>
+class CConsoleProxyServer;
+class TServerParams;
+typedef CConsoleBase* (*TConsoleCreateFunction)();
+typedef CConsoleProxyServer* (*TServerNewL)(TAny*);
+enum TConsoleProxyPanic
+	{
+	EConsoleAlreadyCreated = 0,
+	ENoConsoleInstatiated = 1,
+	};
+void Panic(TConsoleProxyPanic aReason);
+class RConsoleProxy : public RSessionBase
+	{
+	enum TOpCode
+		{
+		EGetServer,
+		ECreate,
+		ERead,
+		EReadKey,
+		EReadCancel,
+		EWrite,
+		EGetCursorPos,
+		ESetCursorPosAbs,
+		ESetCursorPosRel,
+		ESetCursorHeight,
+		ESetTitle,
+		EClearScreen,
+		EClearToEndOfLine,
+		EGetScreenSize,
+		EGetKeyCode,
+		EGetKeyModifiers,
+		ESetAttributes,
+		EIsConstructed,
+		EOpCodeCustomBase = 1000,
+		};
+	/**
+	Create a new sub-thread to host a console and connect to it.
+	@param aConsoleCreate Function pointer to create the console in the new thread
+	@param aServer On return, the handle of the server running in the sub thread. Ownership is NOT returned
+			to the caller.
+	@param aServerThread On return, the handle to the thread that the server is running in. Ownership is
+			returned to the caller.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TConsoleCreateFunction aConsoleCreate, const TDesC& aThreadNameBase,
+							TInt aStackSize, TInt aHeapMinSize, TInt aHeapMaxSize,
+							RServer2& aServer, RThread& aServerThread);
+	/**
+	Create a new sub-thread to host a console and connect to it, using a custom CConsoleProxyServer derived
+	server.
+	@param aServerConstructor NewL of the server class
+	@param aServerParams Parameters to pass into the server NewL.
+	@param aServer On return, the handle of the server running in the sub thread. Ownership is NOT returned
+			to the caller.
+	@param aServerThread On return, the handle to the thread that the server is running in. Ownership is
+			returned to the caller.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TServerNewL aServerConstructor, TAny* aServerParams, const TDesC& aThreadNameBase,
+							TInt aStackSize, TInt aHeapMinSize, TInt aHeapMaxSize,
+							RServer2& aServer, RThread& aServerThread);
+	/**
+	Connects to a console hosted with the given server.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(RServer2 aServer);
+	/**
+	Connect to a console created within another process. 
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(const TDesC& aServerName, const TDesC& aServerArgs = KNullDesC);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Server(RServer2& aServer);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Create(const TDesC& aConsoleTitle, TSize aSize);
+	IMPORT_C void Read(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void Read(TPckg<TKeyCode>& aKeyCode, TPckg<TUint>& aKeyModifiers, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void ReadCancel();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Write(const TDesC& aDescriptor);
+	IMPORT_C TInt CursorPos(TPoint& aPos) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint& aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint& aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetTitle(const TDesC& aTitle);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ClearScreen();
+	IMPORT_C TInt ClearToEndOfLine();
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetScreenSize(TSize& aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetKeyCode(TKeyCode& aCode) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetKeyModifiers(TUint& aModifiers) const;
+	IMPORT_C void Create(const TDesC& aConsoleTitle, TSize aSize, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void Write(const TDesC& aDescriptor, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void CursorPos(TPckg<TPoint>& aPoint, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint& aPoint, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint& aPoint, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void SetTitle(const TDesC& aTitle, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void ClearScreen(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void ClearToEndOfLine(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void GetScreenSize(TPckg<TSize>& aSize, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetAttributes(TUint aAttributes, ConsoleAttributes::TColor aForegroundColor, ConsoleAttributes::TColor aBackgroundColor, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C TInt IsConstructed(TBool& aLazy);
+	TInt DoConnect(TServerParams* aParams, const TDesC& aThreadNameBase,
+			TInt aStackSize, TInt aHeapMinSize, TInt aHeapMaxSize,
+			RServer2& aServer, RThread& aServerThread);
+	};
+class CConsoleProxy : public CConsoleBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Create a CConsoleBase wrapper around an RConsoleProxy.
+	@param aProxySession A connected session. The handle will be duplicated by this class,
+			so ownership is  not transferred.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CConsoleProxy* NewL(const RConsoleProxy& aProxySession);
+	IMPORT_C ~CConsoleProxy();
+public: // from CConsoleBase
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Create(const TDesC &aTitle,TSize aSize);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ReadCancel();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Write(const TDesC &aDes);
+	IMPORT_C virtual TPoint CursorPos() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint &aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint &aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetTitle(const TDesC &aTitle);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ClearScreen();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ClearToEndOfLine();
+	IMPORT_C virtual TSize ScreenSize() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TKeyCode KeyCode() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TUint KeyModifiers() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0, TAny* a1);
+	IMPORT_C CConsoleProxy();
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const RConsoleProxy& aProxySession);
+	RConsoleProxy iConsole;
+	TKeyCode iKeyCode;
+	TUint iKeyModifiers;
+	TPckg<TKeyCode> iKeyCodePckg;
+	TPckg<TUint> iKeyModifiersPckg;
+	};
+class CConsoleProxySession;
+class MProxiedConsole
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static MProxiedConsole* DefaultL(CConsoleBase* aConsole);
+	virtual void Open() = 0;
+	virtual void Close() = 0;
+	virtual CConsoleBase* Console() = 0;
+	virtual void Read(CConsoleProxySession& aSession) = 0;
+	virtual void ReadCancel() = 0;
+	};
+class TConsoleProxyServerNewLParams
+	{
+	TConsoleProxyServerNewLParams(const TDesC& aName, TInt aAoPriority, TConsoleCreateFunction aConsoleCreate = NULL)
+		: iName(aName), iAoPriority(aAoPriority), iConsoleCreate(aConsoleCreate) {}
+	const TDesC& iName;
+	TInt iAoPriority;
+	TConsoleCreateFunction iConsoleCreate;
+	};
+class CShutdownTimer;
+class CConsoleProxyServer : public CServer2
+	{
+	static CConsoleProxyServer* NewL(TAny* aParams); // aParams is TConsoleProxyServerNewLParams*
+	IMPORT_C static CConsoleProxyServer* NewL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aAoPriority, TConsoleCreateFunction aConsoleCreate = NULL);
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CConsoleProxyServer();
+	void AddSession();
+	void DropSession();
+	IMPORT_C CConsoleProxyServer(TConsoleCreateFunction aConsoleCreate, TInt aAoPriority);
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const TDesC& aName);
+	/**
+	Called after a timeout when
+	- no session connects to the server after startup
+	- the last session disconnects
+	and stops the active scheduler. Can be over-ridden to change the behaviour in these cases.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ShutdownTimerExpired();
+	// from CServer2:
+	IMPORT_C virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+	TConsoleCreateFunction iConsoleCreate;
+	TInt iSessionCount;
+	CShutdownTimer* iShutdownTimer;
+	friend class CShutdownTimer;
+	};
+class CConsoleProxySession	: public CSession2
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CConsoleProxySession(TConsoleCreateFunction aConsoleCreate);
+	IMPORT_C CConsoleProxySession(MProxiedConsole* aConsole);
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CConsoleProxySession();
+	CConsoleProxyServer* Server() { return (CConsoleProxyServer*)CSession2::Server();}
+	// from CSession2:
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void CreateL();
+	// callback from from MProxiedConsole:
+	IMPORT_C void ReadComplete(TInt aStatus);
+	/**
+	Creates the console using the given title and size. The console must not already have
+	been created.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void DoCreateL(const TDesC& aTitle, const TSize& aSize);
+	/**
+	Instantiate the CConsoleBase class, but don't call Create() on it; return it wrapped up
+	inside a MProxiedConsole derived class.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual MProxiedConsole* InstantiateConsoleL();
+	/**
+	Called just after a console has been successfully Create()'d, to perform any extra
+	configuration necessary. Default implementation does nothing.
+	Note, iConsole will not have been set yet. If this leaves, it causes construction
+	of the console to fail.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ConsoleCreatedL(MProxiedConsole* aConsole);
+	void CreateL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	TConsoleCreateFunction iConsoleCreate;
+	MProxiedConsole* iConsole;
+	RMessagePtr2 iReadMessage;
+	enum 
+		{
+		EReadBasic,
+		EReadKeys,
+		} iReadType;
+	TKeyCode iKeyCode;
+	TUint iKeyModifiers;
+	};
+#endif //__CONSOLEPROXY_H__