--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/consoles/guicons/inc/guicons.h Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+// guicons.h
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Accenture - Initial contribution
+#ifndef __GUICONS_H__
+#define __GUICONS_H__
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <fshell/consoleproxy.h>
+#include <fshell/consoleextensions.h>
+static const TInt KFontBitmapWidthChars = 8;
+static const TInt KFontBitmapHeightChars = 12;
+static const TInt KFontBitmapFirstCharCode = ' ';
+static const TInt KNumGlyphs = KFontBitmapWidthChars * KFontBitmapHeightChars;
+static const TInt KFontBitmapLastCharCode = KFontBitmapFirstCharCode + KNumGlyphs - 1;
+static const TInt KDefaultCursorHeightPercentage = 20;
+static const TInt KTabSize = 4;
+static const TInt KNumColors = 16;
+class CConsoleControl;
+class CConsoleLine;
+class CConsoleFont;
+class MGuiConsoleReader;
+class MConsoleUi;
+class TBufferPosition;
+class TConsCursorPosition;
+class TViewPosition;
+class CImageDecoder;
+class RImageDecodeThreadParams;
+IMPORT_C CServer2* StartGuiConsServerL(const TDesC& aServerName, MConsoleUi& aConsoleUi);
+class MConsoleUi
+ {
+ virtual void HandleNewConsoleL(CConsoleControl* aConsole) = 0;
+ virtual void HandleConsoleClosed(CConsoleControl* aConsole) = 0;
+ virtual void ConsoleTitleChangedL(const CConsoleControl*, const TDesC&){};
+ virtual TInt GetConsoleBufferSize() = 0;
+ virtual const TDesC& GetConsoleFont() = 0;
+ };
+Position relative to the text buffer. The cursor window and view window will be somewhere within this.
+class TBufferPosition
+ {
+ TBufferPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TPoint aPosition);
+ TBufferPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ TBufferPosition(const TConsCursorPosition& aCursorPosition);
+ TBufferPosition(const TViewPosition& aViewPosition);
+ const CConsoleControl& iConsole;
+ TPoint iPoint;
+ };
+Position relative to the cursor window - i.e. the area that the cursor can move around in
+class TConsCursorPosition
+ {
+ TConsCursorPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TPoint aPosition);
+ TConsCursorPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ TConsCursorPosition(const TBufferPosition& aBufferPosition);
+ TConsCursorPosition(const TViewPosition& aViewPosition);
+ const CConsoleControl& iConsole;
+ TPoint iPoint;
+ };
+Position relative to the view window - i.e. the area of the console seen on the screen
+class TViewPosition
+ {
+ TViewPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TPoint aPosition);
+ TViewPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ TViewPosition(const TConsCursorPosition& aCursorPosition);
+ TViewPosition(const TBufferPosition& aBufferPosition);
+ const CConsoleControl& iConsole;
+ TPoint iPoint;
+ };
+Position in pixels relative to CConsoleControl's rectangle.
+class TScreenPosition
+ {
+ TScreenPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TPoint aPosition);
+ TScreenPosition(const CConsoleControl& aConsole, TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ TScreenPosition(const TViewPosition& aViewPosition);
+ const CConsoleControl& iConsole;
+ TPoint iPoint;
+ };
+class TConsoleCursor
+ {
+ TConsoleCursor(CConsoleControl& aOwner);
+ void SetFont(const CConsoleFont& aFont);
+ TConsCursorPosition Position() const;
+ void SetPosAbs(TConsCursorPosition aPos);
+ void SetPosRel(TConsCursorPosition aPos);
+ void SetHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+ void Hide();
+ void operator++(int);
+ void operator--(int);
+ void operator+=(TUint aHowMuch);
+ void operator-=(TUint aHowMuch);
+ void Down();
+ void Up();
+ void Update();
+ void BoundsCheck();
+ CConsoleControl& iOwner;
+ TSize iGlyphSize;
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ TTextCursor iTextCursor;
+ TInt iTextCursorOffset;
+ };
+class MGuiConsoleReader
+ {
+ virtual void ReadComplete(TInt aStatus) = 0;
+ };
+class CGuiConsole : public CConsoleBase
+ , public MGuiConsoleReader
+ , public MProxiedConsole
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CGuiConsole(CConsoleControl& aControl);
+ IMPORT_C CConsoleControl& Control();
+ // from CConsoleBase
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt Create(const TDesC &aTitle,TSize aSize);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Read(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ReadCancel();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Write(const TDesC &aDes);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TPoint CursorPos() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint &aPoint);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint &aPoint);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetTitle(const TDesC &aTitle);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ClearScreen();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ClearToEndOfLine();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TSize ScreenSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TKeyCode KeyCode() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TUint KeyModifiers() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0, TAny* a1);
+ // from MGuiConsoleReader
+ virtual void ReadComplete(TInt aStatus);
+ // from MProxiedConsole:
+ virtual void Open();
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual CConsoleBase* Console();
+ virtual void Read(CConsoleProxySession& aSession);
+ ~CGuiConsole();
+ CConsoleControl& iControl;
+ TInt iRefCount;
+ TRequestStatus* iReadStatus;
+ CConsoleProxySession* iReader;
+ };
+class CConsoleControl : public CCoeControl
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CConsoleControl* NewL(TInt aBufferSize, MConsoleUi* aUi = NULL);
+ IMPORT_C static CConsoleControl* NewL(TInt aBufferSize, const TDesC& aFontFile, MConsoleUi* aUi = NULL);
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CConsoleControl();
+ IMPORT_C void Closed();
+ IMPORT_C void InjectKeysL(const TDesC& aKeys);
+ IMPORT_C TBool FivewayNavIsDisplaying() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetDisplayFivewayNav(TBool aShow);
+ // from CCoeControl:
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SizeChanged();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TCoeInputCapabilities InputCapabilities() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
+ // CConsoleBase API
+ IMPORT_C void Read(MGuiConsoleReader &aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadCancel();
+ IMPORT_C void Write(const TDesC &aDes);
+ IMPORT_C TPoint CursorPos() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint &aPoint);
+ IMPORT_C void SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint &aPoint);
+ IMPORT_C void SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+ IMPORT_C void SetTitle(const TDesC &aTitle);
+ IMPORT_C void ClearScreen();
+ IMPORT_C void ClearToEndOfLine();
+ IMPORT_C TSize ScreenSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C TKeyCode KeyCode() const;
+ IMPORT_C TUint KeyModifiers() const;
+ IMPORT_C void ViewScrollUp();
+ IMPORT_C void ViewScrollDown();
+ IMPORT_C void ViewPageUp();
+ IMPORT_C void ViewPageDown();
+ IMPORT_C void ViewHome();
+ IMPORT_C void ViewEnd();
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetAttributes(TUint aAttributes, ConsoleAttributes::TColor aForegroundColor, ConsoleAttributes::TColor aBackgroundColor);
+ // calls from CConsoleCursor:
+ void CursorWindowScrollDown();
+ TPoint ViewPosition() const;
+ TPoint CursorWindowPosition() const;
+ TSize GlyphSize() const;
+ void ActivateL();
+ void StartBlinking();
+ CConsoleControl(MConsoleUi* aUi, TInt aBufferSize);
+ void ConstructL(CConsoleFont* aFont);
+ void SizeChangedL();
+ void DrawLine(TViewPosition aLine, CBitmapContext& aDrawTo) const;
+ TRect LineRect(TViewPosition aLine) const;
+ TBool IsSpecialChar(TChar aChar) const;
+ void HandleSpecialChar(TChar aChar);
+ void SendKey();
+ CConsoleLine* GetLine(TBufferPosition aLine) const;
+ void ViewMoved();
+ void Invalidate5Way();
+ enum TButton { EUp, EDown, ELeft, ERight, ECenter, ENumButtons };
+ void SimulateKeyL(TButton aButton);
+ void WriteL(const TDesC &aDes);
+ static TInt BlinkCallback(TAny* aPtr);
+ MConsoleUi* iUi;
+ CConsoleFont* iFont;
+ RPointerArray<CConsoleLine> iBuffer;
+ CPeriodic* iBlinkTimer;
+ TSize iSizeChars;
+ TConsoleCursor iCursor;
+ TPoint iCursorWindow;
+ TPoint iViewWindow;
+ MGuiConsoleReader* iReader;
+ RArray<TKeyEvent> iKeyQueue;
+ TKeyEvent iCurrentKey;
+ TPoint iDragStart;
+ TBool iIgnoringDrags;
+ TRect iButtonRects[ENumButtons];
+ TBool iDrawNavigator;
+ ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes iCurrentAttributes;
+ TInt iBufferSize;
+ TBool iBlinkOn;
+ };
+class CConsoleFont : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CConsoleFont* NewL(const TDesC& aFontFile);
+ IMPORT_C static CConsoleFont* NewL(const TDesC8& aEncodedFontImage);
+ IMPORT_C ~CConsoleFont();
+ IMPORT_C TSize GlyphSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C void DrawChar(TChar aChar, CBitmapContext& aDrawTo, TPoint aPosPixels, TRgb aColor);
+ void PrepareForegroundColorL(TRgb aColor);
+ CConsoleFont();
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aFontFile);
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aEncodedFontImage);
+ void ConstructL(RImageDecodeThreadParams& aThreadParams);
+ CFbsBitmap* ForegroundBitmap(TRgb aColor);
+ TFixedArray<CFbsBitmap*, KNumGlyphs> iChars;
+ TFixedArray<CFbsBitmap*, KNumColors> iColors;
+ TRect iGlyphRect;
+ };
+class RAttributeMap
+ {
+ RAttributeMap();
+ void Close();
+ void Reset();
+ void AddL(TInt aPosition, TInt aLineWidth, const ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes& aAttributes);
+ void RemoveFrom(TInt aPosition);
+ TInt NumberOfBlocks() const;
+ void GetBlock(TInt aIndex, TInt aLineWidth, TInt& aStartPosition, TInt& aEndPosition, ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes& aAttributes) const;
+ class TAttributes
+ {
+ public:
+ TAttributes(TInt aPosition, const ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes& aAttributes);
+ TBool operator==(const TAttributes& aAttributes) const;
+ public:
+ TInt iPosition;
+ ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes iAttributes;
+ };
+ RArray<TAttributes> iAttributes;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CConsoleLine) : public CBase
+ {
+ static CConsoleLine* NewL(CConsoleControl& aControl, const CConsoleFont& aFont, TInt aWidth);
+ ~CConsoleLine();
+ void SetWidthL(TInt aNewWidth);
+ void SetL(TInt aIndex, TUint8 aChar, const ConsoleAttributes::TAttributes& aAttributes);
+ void Clear();
+ void ClearFrom(TBufferPosition aPosition);
+ void Draw(CBitmapContext& aDrawTo, TViewPosition aViewPosition) const;
+ TBool NeedToBlink(TBool aBlinkOn);
+ CConsoleLine(CConsoleControl& aControl, const CConsoleFont& aFont);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aWidth);
+ TUint16 At(TInt aPos) const;
+ CConsoleControl& iControl;
+ const CConsoleFont& iFont;
+ RBuf8 iText;
+ RAttributeMap iAttributeMap;
+ TInt iWidth;
+ TBool iBlinkOn;
+ };
+#endif //__GUICONS_H__