--- a/documentation/getting_started.pod Wed Jul 28 18:43:05 2010 +0100
+++ b/documentation/getting_started.pod Wed Jul 28 18:43:53 2010 +0100
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
+=head1 Getting started with FShell
=head1 Retreiving the FShell Source Code
I<Todo - add instructions for accessing the Mercurial repository.>
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@
-Each of these platforms have a separate directory with F<\fshell\build>. In some platforms there may be further separate sub-directories for specific variants of the platform. You need to identify a suitable directory (that contains a file named F<bld.inf>) from which to build from. Open a command prompt and C<cd> to this directory.
+Each of these platforms have a separate directory with F<\fshell\build>. In some platforms there may be further separate sub-directories for specific variants of the platform. You need to identify a suitable directory (that contains a file named F<bld.inf>) from which to build from. For example to build for the Symbian^3 release you need to build from F<\fshell\build\sf\3>. Open a command prompt and C<cd> to this directory.
You also need to identify the type of binaries you want to build. Common ones are:
@@ -48,11 +50,11 @@
=item * C<gcce>
-Used for running fshell on either physical or simulated ARM hardware. Requires an installation of the GCC-E. I<Todo - does the SF provide builds of GCC-E?>
+Used for running fshell on either physical or simulated ARM hardware. Requires an installation of the GCC crosscompiler (for arm-none-symbianelf) - see here for more information: http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/The_GCCE_toolchain_initiative.
-Lastly, you need to identify the build variant you plan to use, either debug (C<udeb>) or release (C<urel>). Commonly, C<udeb> is used on the emulator whereas C<urel> is used on target hardward. For the purposes of this introduction we will assume that you will be building C<winscw udeb> and C<armv5 urel>.
+Lastly, you need to identify the build variant you plan to use, either debug (C<udeb>) or release (C<urel>). Commonly, C<udeb> is used on the emulator whereas C<urel> is used on target hardware. For the purposes of this introduction we will assume that you will be building C<winscw udeb> and C<armv5 urel>.
=head2 SBSv1 (aka abld)
@@ -62,7 +64,25 @@
=head2 SBSv2 (aka Raptor)
- M:\fshell\build\sf\2>sbs -c armv5_urel -c winscw_udeb
+ M:\fshell\build\sf\2>sbs -c armv5_urel
+ M:\fshell\build\sf\2>sbs -c winscw_udeb
+I<Note:> There are currently some concurrency issues in the build process that mean we don't recommend building multiple platforms in a single invocation of sbs. Ie do the above rather than C<sbs -c armv5_urel -c winscw_udeb>. In some cases you may even need to add the option C<-j 1> to sbs to have it run completely single-threaded. We'll fix this as soon as we can!
+=head2 Notes on building for GCC
+Fshell has only been tested to build with GCC-E 4.4.1, and the legacy 3.4.2.
+I<Note:> The SF website appears to be out of date with regards to how to build with GCC-E on Raptor - at the time of writing the way to build is as follows:
+ S:\fshell\build\sf\3>set SBS_GCCE432BIN=Nothing
+ S:\fshell\build\sf\3>set SBS_GCCE433BIN=Nothing
+ S:\fshell\build\sf\3>set SBS_GCCE441BIN=c:/apps/gcce/bin
+ S:\fshell\build\sf\3>sbs -c arm.v5.urel.gcce4_4_1
+You may also need to update the compiler support libraries - I had to unzip rt_3_1_bin.zip from \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\compsupp from a different baseline. (Unzip over \epoc32\release\armv5). The working libraries I used had datestamp of 28/1/2009, the non-working ones were 1/1/2009.
+There's one final gotcha if you want to build with GCC-E - at the time of writing the makefiles produced by SBS for PIPS executables is incorrect, therefore you need to add C<#define FSHELL_NO_PIPS_SUPPORT> to \fshell\build\sf\platform_shared.mmh. Hopefully this is a temporary measure.
=head1 Installation