Tidied iocli exports, build macro tweaks.
Removed 4 overloads of CCommandBase::RunCommand[L] that are no longer used at all, and changed one more to not be exported as it's only used internally to iocli.dll.
fixed builds on platforms that don't support btrace or any form of tracing.
# fsh-buildsis
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
# Description:
# fsh-buildsis - A tool that generates SIS files.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use fshu;
# Constants.
# Have to hard-code the old GCC CPP path, because SBS puts the new version in %PATH%, and that breaks our macros. Need to fix properly or fix the actual macros
#my $kCpp = "cpp -P -I../../include -I. -include ltk_makesis_defs.iby";
my $kCpp = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\gcc\\bin\\cpp -P -I../../include -I. -include fsh_makesis_defs.iby";
# Globals.
my %options = ();
# Main.
# Subs.
sub ProcessCommandLine {
my $help;
GetOptions('h|help' => \$help,
'k|keep-pkg-file' => \$options{keepPkgFile},
'u|keep-unsigned-sis' => \$options{keepUnsignedSis},
'v|verbose' => \$options{verbose}) or DisplayHelp();
DisplayHelp() if ($help);
warn "Invalid arguments\n" and DisplayHelp() unless ((@ARGV == 3) or (@ARGV == 5));
return @ARGV;
sub DisplayHelp {
require Pod::Text;
print "\n";
my $parser = Pod::Text->new();
sub BuildSis {
my $platform = shift;
my $ibyFileName = shift;
my $sisFileName = shift;
my $certFileName = shift;
my $keyFileName = shift;
# 1) Run the pre-processor over the supplied .iby file and capture the output
# to a temporary file.
my $tempFileName = "$ENV{TEMP}\\fsh-buildsis_temp.pkg";
if (-e $tempFileName) {
unlink $tempFileName;
my $ibyDirName = dirname($ibyFileName);
$ibyFileName = basename($ibyFileName);
my $cwd = cwd();
chdir ($ibyDirName) or die "Error: Couldn't chdir to \"$ibyDirName\": $!\n";
my $command = "$kCpp -D$platform $ibyFileName 2>&1 >$tempFileName |";
print "Running \"$command\"\n" if ($options{verbose});
open (CPP, $command) or die "Error: Couldn't run \"cpp.exe\": $!\n";
my $error = 0;
while (my $line = <CPP>) {
print STDERR $line;
$error = 1;
close (CPP);
chdir ($cwd) or die "Error: Couldn't chdir back to \"$cwd\": $!\n";
if ($error) {
die "Aborting due to the above error(s)\n";
# 2) Change the \n line endings in the temporary file to \r\n (that makesis.exe expects).
# Also, substitute some version information.
my $version = fshu::Version();
$version =~ s/[^\d]//g;
if ($version =~ /^\s*$/) {
$version = 0;
my $timestamp = int ((time() % (24*60*60)) / 4); # Number of seconds since midnight, munged to fit in the buildnum (max 2^16)
copy ($tempFileName, "$tempFileName.bak") or die "Error: Couldn't copy \"$tempFileName\" to \"$tempFileName.bak\": $!\n";
open (ORIG, "$tempFileName.bak") or die "Error: Couldn't open \"$tempFileName.bak\" for reading: $!\n";
open (NEW, ">$tempFileName") or die "Error: Couldn't open \"$tempFileName\" for writing: $!\n";
while (my $line = <ORIG>) {
$line =~ s/FSHELL_VERSION/$version/;
$line =~ s/FSHELL_TIMESTAMP/$timestamp/;
print NEW $line;
close (NEW);
close (ORIG);
unlink "$tempFileName.bak";
# 3) Run makesis.exe itself.
my $unsignedSisFileName = $sisFileName;
$unsignedSisFileName =~ s/\.sis/\.unsigned\.sis/i;
$command = "makesis -d$ENV{EPOCROOT} $tempFileName $unsignedSisFileName 2>&1";
print "Running \"$command\"\n" if ($options{verbose});
my $exitcode = system($command) >> 8;
print "\n"; # Makesis doesn't do this
print "Exit code from makesis: $exitcode\n" if ($options{verbose});
if ($exitcode) {
die "Aborting due to the above error(s) - check $tempFileName\n";
elsif ($options{keepPkgFile}) {
print "Kept \"$tempFileName\"\n";
else {
unlink $tempFileName;
# 4) Run signsis.exe.
if (defined $certFileName and defined $keyFileName) {
$command = "signsis $unsignedSisFileName $sisFileName $certFileName $keyFileName";
print "Running \"$command\"\n" if ($options{verbose});
system ($command);
unless ($options{keepUnsignedSis}) {
unlink $unsignedSisFileName;
=head1 NAME
fsh-buildsis - A tool that generates SIS files.
fsh-buildsis <platform> <input_iby_file_name> <output_sis_file_name> [<certificate_file_name> <private_key_file_name>]
-h (--help) Display this help page.
-v (--verbose) Verbose output.
-k (--keep-pkg-file) Don't delete the generated .pkg file.
-u (--keep-unsigned-sis) Keep a copy the .SIS file before it is signed.
Appends ".unsigned" to the base file name.
FShell uses pre-processor magic to allow its F<.iby> files to be used by both C<BUILDROM> and C<MAKESIS>. Because C<BUILDROM> runs the pre-processor over any files it reads, this arrangement just works when building ROMs. However, C<MAKESIS> doesn't use the pre-processor. This script is responsible for generating a temporary file that contains suitably pre-processed F<.iby> data. It then runs C<MAKESIS> on this temporary file.
The <platform> argument must be one of gcce or armv5.
None known.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.