Integrated AdrianI's fixes & updates to kernel-side RAllocatorHelper. Fixed terminalkeyboardcons build on TB9.2 baselines.
// variant.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include <hal.h>
#include "variant.h"
#include <fshell/common.mmh>
#include <fshell/descriptorutils.h>
// CCmdVariant
CCommandBase* CCmdVariant::NewLC()
CCmdVariant* self = new (ELeave) CCmdVariant();
return self;
CCmdVariant::CCmdVariant() :
const TDesC& CCmdVariant::Name() const
_LIT(KName, "variant");
return KName;
// CCmdVariant::DoRunL
// looks for a match between the variant uids specified via the command line and the
// actual variant uid of the device
struct TVariant
TInt iUid;
LtkUtils::SLitC iName;
// Only shipping products or established reference hardware platforms in here please.
// Unannounced protos should have their platform build its own variant.exe to identify their hardware,
// alternatively people have to rely on doing a "variant --uid xyz" whichever is preferred by the platform
const TVariant KMachineIdVariants[] = {
{ 0x102734E3, DESC("h4") },
{ 0x10286564, DESC("h6") },
{ 0x102864F7, DESC("naviengine") },
{ 0x20002D82, DESC("n96") },
{ 0x20002496, DESC("e90") },
{ 0x20002D7E, DESC("6120") },
{ 0x20002D83, DESC("n81") },
{ 0x2000DA56, DESC("5800") },
{ 0x2001F0A1, DESC("satio") }, // I assume this is what it shipped with...
{ 0x20029a73, DESC("n8") }, // Likewise...
{ 0x102734e3, DESC("qemu") },
const TInt KMachineIdVariantCount = sizeof(KMachineIdVariants) / sizeof(TVariant);
// This is a list of things configured in or out at compile time based on the platform.mmh macros and similar
const LtkUtils::SLitC KOtherSupportedVariants[] =
#ifdef __WINS__
const TInt KOtherSupportedVariantsCount = sizeof(KOtherSupportedVariants) / sizeof(LtkUtils::SLitC);
void CCmdVariant::DoRunL()
TInt localMachineUid = GetMachineUidL();
if (iMachineId.Count() == 0 && iVariant.Count() == 0)
Printf(_L("Variant names understood by this command: "));
for (TInt i = 0; i < KMachineIdVariantCount; i++)
Printf(_L("%S, "), &KMachineIdVariants[i].iName);
// Finally add the ones which can appear in KOtherSupportedVariants
Printf(_L("wins, target, tracecore-support\r\n"));
Printf(_L("Variant names supported by this device: "));
for (TInt i = 0; i < KMachineIdVariantCount; i++)
if (localMachineUid == KMachineIdVariants[i].iUid)
Printf(_L("%S, "), &KMachineIdVariants[i].iName);
for (TInt i = 0; i < KOtherSupportedVariantsCount; i++)
if (i > 0) Printf(_L(", "));
TBool match = EFalse;
if (iMachineId.Count())
for (TInt i = 0; i < iMachineId.Count(); i++)
if (iMachineId[i] == (TUint)localMachineUid)
match = ETrue;
if (iVariant.Count())
for (TInt i = 0; match == EFalse && i < iVariant.Count(); i++)
for (TInt j = 0; match == EFalse && j < KMachineIdVariantCount; j++)
if (iVariant[i]->CompareF(KMachineIdVariants[j].iName) == 0 && localMachineUid == KMachineIdVariants[j].iUid)
match = ETrue;
for (TInt j = 0; match == EFalse && j < KOtherSupportedVariantsCount; j++)
if (iVariant[i]->CompareF(KOtherSupportedVariants[j]) == 0)
match = ETrue;
if (iVerbose)
if (match)
Printf(_L("Specified variant supported\r\n"));
PrintError(KErrNotSupported, _L("Specified variant not supported"));
SetErrorReported(ETrue); // Don't show the error
Complete(match ? KErrNone : KErrNotSupported);
void CCmdVariant::ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments)
aArguments.AppendStringL(iVariant, _L("variantname"));
void CCmdVariant::OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions)
_LIT(KCmdOptUid, "uid");
aOptions.AppendUintL(iMachineId, KCmdOptUid);
_LIT(KOptVerbose, "verbose");
aOptions.AppendBoolL(iVerbose, KOptVerbose);
_LIT(KOptList, "list");
aOptions.AppendBoolL(iList, KOptList);
// CCmdVariant::GetMachineUidL
// retrieve the variant's machine uid
TInt CCmdVariant::GetMachineUidL()
TInt value = KErrNotSupported;
User::LeaveIfError(HAL::Get(HALData::EMachineUid, value));
return value;