Integrated AdrianI's fixes & updates to kernel-side RAllocatorHelper. Fixed terminalkeyboardcons build on TB9.2 baselines.
// btrace_pubsub.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include "btrace_parser.h"
EXPORT_C CBtracePubSub* CBtracePubSub::NewL(CBtraceReader& aReader)
CBtracePubSub* self = new(ELeave) CBtracePubSub(aReader);
return self;
CBtracePubSub::CBtracePubSub(CBtraceReader& aReader)
: iReader(aReader)
EXPORT_C CBtracePubSub::~CBtracePubSub()
iReader.RemoveObserver(ExtraBTrace::EPubSub, *this);
void CBtracePubSub::ConstructL()
iReader.AddObserverL(ExtraBTrace::EPubSub, *this);
EXPORT_C void CBtracePubSub::NotifyPropertyChangedL(MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver)
iNotifs.AppendL(TPubSubNotif(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, aObserver, ENotificationOneShot));
EXPORT_C void CBtracePubSub::NotifyPropertyChangedL(TUint* aCategory, TUint* aKey, MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver, TBtraceNotificationPersistence aPersistence)
iNotifs.AppendL(TPubSubNotif(aCategory, aKey, NULL, NULL, aObserver, aPersistence));
EXPORT_C void CBtracePubSub::NotifyIntegerPropertyChangedL(TUint* aCategory, TUint* aKey, TInt* aValue, MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver, TBtraceNotificationPersistence aPersistence)
iNotifs.AppendL(TPubSubNotif(aCategory, aKey, aValue, NULL, aObserver, aPersistence));
EXPORT_C void CBtracePubSub::NotifyDataPropertyChangedL(TUint* aCategory, TUint* aKey, const TDesC8* aValue, MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver, TBtraceNotificationPersistence aPersistence)
iNotifs.AppendL(TPubSubNotif(aCategory, aKey, NULL, aValue, aObserver, aPersistence));
EXPORT_C void CBtracePubSub::CancelNotifyPropertyChanged(MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver)
for (TInt i = (iNotifs.Count() - 1); i >= 0; --i)
if (&iNotifs[i].iObserver == &aObserver)
void CBtracePubSub::HandleBtraceFrameL(const TBtraceFrame& aFrame)
if (aFrame.iCategory != ExtraBTrace::EPubSub) return;
const TUint8* data = aFrame.iData.Ptr();
TUint cat = *(TUint32*)data;
TUint key = *((TUint32*)data + 1);
switch (aFrame.iSubCategory)
case ExtraBTrace::EPubSubIntPropertyChanged:
TInt val = *((TUint32*)data + 2);
for (TInt i = 0; i < iNotifs.Count(); i++)
if (iNotifs[i].Matches(cat, key, val))
iNotifs[i].iObserver.HandlePropertyChangedL(aFrame.iTickCount, cat, key, val);
case ExtraBTrace::EPubSubDataPropertyChanged:
TPtrC8 val = aFrame.iData.Mid(8);
for (TInt i = 0; i < iNotifs.Count(); i++)
if (iNotifs[i].Matches(cat, key, val))
iNotifs[i].iObserver.HandlePropertyChangedL(aFrame.iTickCount, cat, key, val);
CBtracePubSub::TPubSubNotif::TPubSubNotif(TUint* aCategory, TUint* aKey, TInt* aIntegerValue, const TDesC8* aDataValue, MBtracePubSubObserver& aObserver, TBtraceNotificationPersistence aPersistence)
: iCategory(aCategory), iKey(aKey), iIntegerValue(aIntegerValue), iDataValue(aDataValue), iObserver(aObserver), iPersistence(aPersistence)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(iIntegerValue && iDataValue), Panic(EBtpPanicIncompatiblePubSubArgs));
TBool CBtracePubSub::TPubSubNotif::Matches(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aIntegerValue) const
if ((iCategory == NULL) || (*iCategory == aCategory))
if ((iKey == NULL) || (*iKey == aKey))
if (((iIntegerValue == NULL) && (iDataValue == NULL)) || (*iIntegerValue == aIntegerValue))
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool CBtracePubSub::TPubSubNotif::Matches(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, const TDesC8& aDataValue) const
if ((iCategory == NULL) || (*iCategory == aCategory))
if ((iKey == NULL) || (*iKey == aKey))
if (((iIntegerValue == NULL) && (iDataValue == NULL)) || (*iDataValue == aDataValue))
return ETrue;
return EFalse;