Added --codeseg option to ps to list the codesegs loaded into a given process.
Also tweaked some docs, added support to date to handle kernel TTimeK (epoc=0AD)
// screenmngr.h
// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include "common.h"
class MViewController;
Class responsible for arranging windows on the screen. For now it handles only one main window and one command window.
New windows can be added by calling AddViewL. The class should rearrange visible windows and resize appropriate views.
Many views can be shown in the same window - switching between visible views is done by calling AttachViewL. The class
automatically disables old views and activates new views. If more than one window is supported then there may be
another function necessary which attaches a provided view to a particular window, not just the default one.
class CScreenManager : public CBase
//Returns the TWindow occupied by the command window
const TWindow& GetCommandWindow() {return iCmdWnd;}
//Sets new coordinates of the screen available to this screen manager
void ResizeScreenL(const TWindow& aWindow);
//Resizes all Views to make space (if possible) for the new size of the command window.
//Returns the new size of the command window.
const TWindow& ResizeCommandWindowL(TInt aHeight);
//Opens a new window and attaches the view provided to it. The new view becomes active.
void AddViewL(MViewController& aView);
//Attaches the provided view to the currently active window. The attached view becomes active.
void AttachViewL(MViewController& aView);
void RefreshScreenL();
void UnsetCurrentView();
TWindow iScreenWnd;
TWindow iCmdWnd;
TWindow iMainWnd;
MViewController* iCurrentView;
#endif /*SCREENMNGR_H_*/