Fixed threadpool hang and added lots of smoketests.
* Fixed bug in threadpool logic when calling CleanupAnyWorkersSharingAllocator - this was deleting the worker's thread death notifier in the context of a worker thread (which is only allowed from the context of the main thread).
* Added lots more smoketests
* Added --overwrite option to fzip (previously unzipping would always overwrite)
// fzip.cpp// // Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".// // Initial Contributors:// Accenture - Initial contribution//#include <zipfile.h>#include <ezgzip.h>#include "fzip.h"_LIT(KGzExtension, ".gz");_LIT(KZipExtension, ".zip");CCommandBase* CCmdZip::NewLC() { CCmdZip* self = new (ELeave) CCmdZip(); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->BaseConstructL(); return self; }CCmdZip::~CCmdZip() { iFileToZip.Close(); }CCmdZip::CCmdZip() : CCommandBase(CCommandBase::EManualComplete) { }const TDesC& CCmdZip::Name() const { _LIT(KName, "fzip"); return KName; }void CCmdZip::DoRunL() { FsL(); if (iUnzip) { if (!iOptions.IsPresent(&iUnzipPath)) { iUnzipPath = Env().Pwd(); } if (iVerbose) { // command-line sanity checks if (iFileToZip.Count() > 0) { PrintWarning(_L("--file option is not relevant when unzipping.")); } if (iRecurse) { PrintWarning(_L("--recurse option is not relevant when unzipping.")); } } ExpandArchiveL(); } else { if (iVerbose) { // command-line sanity checks if (iUnzipPath.Length() > 0) { PrintWarning(_L("--directory option is not relevant when zipping.")); } } if (iFileToZip.Count() == 0) { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("Specify some files to zip up using --file option.")); } TRAPL(CreateArchiveL(), _L("Couldn't create %S"), &iArchive); } if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Done\r\n")); } Complete(KErrNone); }void CCmdZip::ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments) { _LIT(KArg1, "zipfile"); aArguments.AppendFileNameL(iArchive, KArg1); }void CCmdZip::OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions) { _LIT(KOptVerbose, "verbose"); aOptions.AppendBoolL(iVerbose, KOptVerbose); _LIT(KOptUnzip, "unzip"); aOptions.AppendBoolL(iUnzip, KOptUnzip); _LIT(KOptDirectory, "directory"); aOptions.AppendFileNameL(iUnzipPath, KOptDirectory); _LIT(KOptRecurse, "recurse"); aOptions.AppendBoolL(iRecurse, KOptRecurse); _LIT(KOptSource, "file"); aOptions.AppendFileNameL(iFileToZip, KOptSource); _LIT(KOptCompressionType, "compression-type"); aOptions.AppendEnumL((TInt&)iCompressionType, KOptCompressionType); _LIT(KOptOverwrite, "overwrite"); aOptions.AppendBoolL(iOverwrite, KOptOverwrite); }//// COMPRESSION FUNCTIONS////// CCmdZip::CreateArchiveL// determine which zip format to use and go ahead & create the archive//void CCmdZip::CreateArchiveL() { if (iArchive.Length() == 0) { iArchive = iFileToZip[0]; iArchive.Append(iCompressionType == EGZip ? KGzExtension() : KZipExtension()); } if (iArchive.Exists(FsL())) { if (iOverwrite) { FsL().Delete(iArchive); } else { LeaveIfErr(KErrAlreadyExists, _L("File %S already exists on disk. Use --overwrite or specify a different file"), &iArchive); } } if (iCompressionType == EGZip) { CreateGzArchiveL(); } else { CreateZipArchiveL(); } }//// CCmdZip::CreateGzArchiveL// create an archive, zipping up all the specified files//void CCmdZip::CreateGzArchiveL() { if (iRecurse) { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("GNU Zip format does not support recursion")); } if (iFileToZip.Count() > 1) { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("GNU Zip format can only handle a single file")); } if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Creating '%S'\r\n"), &iArchive); } // open the input file RFile input; User::LeaveIfError(input.Open(FsL(), iFileToZip[0], EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareAny)); CleanupClosePushL(input); CEZFileToGZip* zip = CEZFileToGZip::NewLC(FsL(), iArchive, input); while (zip->DeflateL()) { // do nothing } if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Deflating '%S'\r\n"), &iFileToZip[0]); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // zip, input }//// CCmdZip::CreateZipArchiveL// zip format archive creation//void CCmdZip::CreateZipArchiveL() { CZipItUp* zipArchive = CZipItUp::NewLC(Fs(), iArchive); for (TInt ii = 0 ; ii < iFileToZip.Count() ; ii++) { TFileName2& fileName = iFileToZip[ii]; fileName.SetTypeL(Fs()); AddFileL(*zipArchive, fileName); } zipArchive->CreateZipL(); if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Created '%S'\r\n"), &iArchive); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // zipArchive }//// CCmdZip::AddFileL// examines a file for wildcards, directories/recursion etc// if it finds an actual file, it'll add it to the zip archive// recursive function//void CCmdZip::AddFileL(CZipItUp& aZipArchive, const TFileName2& aFile) { if (aFile.IsDir()) { CDir* dir; LeaveIfErr(Fs().GetDir(aFile, KEntryAttMatchMask, EDirsLast, dir), _L("Unable to read directory '%S'"), &aFile); CleanupStack::PushL(dir); for (TInt ii = 0 ; ii < dir->Count() ; ii++) { const TEntry& entry = (*dir)[ii]; TFileName2* newFile = new(ELeave) TFileName2(entry.iName); CleanupStack::PushL(newFile); newFile->MakeAbsoluteL(aFile.DriveAndPath()); newFile->SetTypeL(Fs()); if (newFile->IsDir()) { if (iRecurse) { AddFileL(aZipArchive, *newFile); } } else { AddFileL(aZipArchive, *newFile); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newFile); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dir); } else { if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Adding '%S'\r\n"), &aFile); } aZipArchive.AddFileL(aFile); } }//// DECOMPRESSION FUNCTIONS////// CCmdZip::ExpandArchiveL// determine which zip format to use and go ahead & expand the archive//void CCmdZip::ExpandArchiveL() { if (iCompressionType == EGZip) { ExpandGzArchiveL(); } else { ExpandZipArchiveL(); } }//// CCmdZip::ExpandGzArchiveL// unzip an existing gzip compressed file//void CCmdZip::ExpandGzArchiveL() { // open the destination file, determine where it goes RFile newFile; TFileName2 dest(iUnzipPath); if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Opening\t\t\'%S\'\r\n"), &iArchive); } if (iArchive.Ext().CompareF(KGzExtension) != 0) { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("Compressed file must have '.gz' extension.")); } dest.AppendComponentL(iArchive.Name()); TInt err = Fs().MkDirAll(dest); if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists)) { LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Couldn't create path '%S'"), &dest); } if (iOverwrite) { err = newFile.Replace(FsL(), dest, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileWrite | EFileShareAny); } else { err = newFile.Create(FsL(), dest, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileWrite | EFileShareAny); } LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Couldn't create file %S"), &dest); CleanupClosePushL(newFile); // inflate the compressed file CEZGZipToFile* zip = CEZGZipToFile::NewLC(Fs(), iArchive, newFile); while (zip->InflateL()) { // do nothing } if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Inflating '%S'\r\n"), &dest); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // zip, newFile }//// CCmdZip::ExpandZipArchiveL// Unzip an existing archive iterating through each member file contained within the archive//void CCmdZip::ExpandZipArchiveL() { if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Opening\t\t\'%S\'\r\n"), &iArchive); } CZipFile* zip = NULL; TRAPL(zip = CZipFile::NewL(Fs(), iArchive), _L("Couldn't create CZipFile for %S"), &iArchive); CleanupStack::PushL(zip); CZipFileMemberIterator* zipIterator = zip->GetMembersL(); CleanupStack::PushL(zipIterator); CZipFileMember* zipMember = zipIterator->NextL(); while (zipMember) { CleanupStack::PushL(zipMember); ExtractZipFileL(*zip, *zipMember); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(zipMember); zipMember = zipIterator->NextL(); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // zipIterator, zip }//// CCmdZip::ExtractZipFileL// extracts a single file from within the zip archive//void CCmdZip::ExtractZipFileL(CZipFile& aZip, const CZipFileMember& aMember) { // prep. the destination file. // note if iUnzipPath is not specified, it'll stuff the extracted file in the current directory from which fzip.exe runs RFile newFile; TFileName2 dest(iUnzipPath); dest.AppendComponentL(*aMember.Name()); TInt err = Fs().MkDirAll(dest); if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists)) { LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Couldn't create directory for file %S"), &dest); } if (aMember.Name()->Right(1) == _L("\\")) return; // It's a directory entry, nothing more to be done // prep. the stream RZipFileMemberReaderStream* readStream; aZip.GetInputStreamL(&aMember, readStream); CleanupStack::PushL(readStream); if (iOverwrite) { err = newFile.Replace(Fs(), dest, EFileShareExclusive); } else { err = newFile.Create(Fs(), dest, EFileShareExclusive); } LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Couldn't create file %S"), &dest); CleanupClosePushL(newFile); if (iVerbose) { Printf(_L("Inflating '%S'\r\n\tcrc: 0x%x\r\n\tcompressed size: %d\r\n\tuncompressed size: %d\r\n"), &dest, aMember.CRC32(), aMember.CompressedSize(), aMember.UncompressedSize()); } // stream from the zip archive member into the destination file TInt bytesRead = 0; TInt length = KDefaultZipBufferLength; // 32Kb if (aMember.UncompressedSize() < KDefaultZipBufferLength) { length = aMember.UncompressedSize(); } HBufC8* data = HBufC8::NewLC(length); TPtr8 ptr = data->Des(); do { LeaveIfErr(readStream->Read(ptr, length), _L("Error reading from zip stream")); LeaveIfErr(newFile.Write(ptr), _L("Error writing to file %S"), &dest); bytesRead += length; if ((aMember.UncompressedSize() - bytesRead) < KDefaultZipBufferLength) { length = aMember.UncompressedSize() - bytesRead; } } while (length > 0); // cleanup CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // data, newfile, readstream }EXE_BOILER_PLATE(CCmdZip)