Makefile fixes.
Fixed and reenabled it
Updated fshell version generation to better work with multiple platforms including winscw
Updated other extension makefiles to better work with sbs --what
// pubsub.cpp// // Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".// // Initial Contributors:// Accenture - Initial contribution//#include <fshell/common.mmh>#include <fshell/memoryaccesscmd.h>#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORT#include <fshell/extrabtrace.h>#include <fshell/btrace_parser.h>#endif#include <fshell/ltkutils.h>#include <fshell/qr3dll.h>using namespace IoUtils;#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORTclass CCmdPubsub : public CMemoryAccessCommandBase, public MBtracePubSubObserver {private: // From MBtracePubSubObserver void HandlePropertyChangedL(const TBtraceTickCount& aTickCount, TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aNewValue); void HandlePropertyChangedL(const TBtraceTickCount& aTickCount, TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, const TDesC8& aNewValue);#elseclass CCmdPubsub : public CMemoryAccessCommandBase {#endifpublic: static CCommandBase* NewLC(); ~CCmdPubsub();private: CCmdPubsub(); void PrintKey(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TBool aFull=EFalse); template <class KEYTYPE> void SetKeyL(const KEYTYPE& aVal); static TInt PropertyChanged(TAny* aSelf); void GetAllL(TBool aNotify); TBool IsExcluded(TUint aCat, TUint aKey) const;private: // From CCommandBase. virtual const TDesC& Name() const; virtual void DoRunL(); virtual void ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments); virtual void OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions); void DoCancel(); void RunL();private: // Arguments enum TCmd { EGet, ESet, EDefine, ENotify }; TCmd iCommand; TUid iCategory; TUint iKey; // Options HBufC* iStringVal; TInt iIntVal; TBool iForce; TBool iNotify; TBool iDefine; // Other assorted stuff#ifdef FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT TPropNotifyResult iNotifyResult;#endif#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORT CBtraceReader* iReader; CBtracePubSub* iPubSub;#endif TBool iUseBtrace; CPropertyManager* iPropertyManager; RBuf8 iValDescription; };CCommandBase* CCmdPubsub::NewLC() { CCmdPubsub* self = new(ELeave) CCmdPubsub(); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->BaseConstructL(); return self; }CCmdPubsub::~CCmdPubsub() { Cancel(); delete iStringVal;#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORT delete iPubSub; delete iReader;#endif delete iPropertyManager; iValDescription.Close(); }CCmdPubsub::CCmdPubsub() : CMemoryAccessCommandBase(EManualComplete) { }const TDesC& CCmdPubsub::Name() const { _LIT(KName, "pubsub"); return KName; }void CCmdPubsub::DoRunL() {#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) if (iForce || iUseBtrace) { // In order to implement the --force option, we talk to the memaccess device driver, which uses an RPropertyRef // that isn't subject to security checks LoadMemoryAccessL(); }#endif iValDescription.CreateL(RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize); /* if (iDelete) { if (!iArgList->IsPresent(1)) { // Delete all not supported for pubsub PrintError(KErrArgument, _L("You must specify a key for the delete option")); User::Leave(KErrArgument); } else {#ifdef FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT if (iForce) { err = iMemAccess.DeleteProperty(iCategory, iKey); } else#endif { err = RProperty::Delete(iCategory, iKey); } } if (err == KErrPermissionDenied) { PrintError(err, _L("Delete failed, retry with --force")); } User::LeaveIfError(err); } */ if (iCommand == EDefine) iDefine = ETrue; if (iCommand == ENotify) iNotify = ETrue; if ((iCommand == ESet) || iDefine) { if (iOptions.IsPresent(&iIntVal)) { // Set int SetKeyL(iIntVal); } else if (iOptions.IsPresent(&iStringVal)) { // Set string TPtrC8 data((TUint8*)iStringVal->Ptr(), iStringVal->Size()); SetKeyL(data); } else { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("set/define command requires --int or --string arguments")); } } else if ((iCommand == EGet) || iNotify) { // Get if (!iArguments.IsPresent(1)) LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("get command requires key and category")); PrintKey(iCategory.iUid, iKey, ETrue); if (iNotify) {#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) if (iForce || iUseBtrace) { //TPckgBuf<SKeyPair> key; //key().iCat = iCategory.iUid; //key().iKey = iKey; //LeaveIfErr(iMemAccess.SetupMassPropertyNotify(key), _L("Couldn't set up notification")); LeaveIfErr(iMemAccess.SubscribeToProperty(iCategory, iKey, iUseBtrace), _L("Couldn't subscribe to property"));#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORT if (iUseBtrace) { const TInt KFlushInterval = 1000000; // 1s const TInt KBtraceBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; TRAPL(iReader = CBtraceReader::NewL(CBtraceReader::EFlushOnBtraceThreshold, KBtraceBufferSize, KBtraceBufferSize / 2), _L("Couldn't create btrace reader")); TRAPL(iPubSub = CBtracePubSub::NewL(*iReader), _L("Couldn't create CBtracePubSub")); TBtraceTickCount now; now.SetToNow(); iReader->Start(now, KFlushInterval); iPubSub->NotifyPropertyChangedL(*this); return; // iPubSub will take it from here } else#endif { iMemAccess.NotifyPropertyChange(iNotifyResult, iStatus); SetActive(); } } else#endif { iPropertyManager = CPropertyManager::NewL(TCallBack(&PropertyChanged, this)); iPropertyManager->ChangeProperty(iCategory.iUid, iKey); } return; // Don't complete } } Complete(); }template <class KEYTYPE>void CCmdPubsub::SetKeyL(const KEYTYPE& aVal) { if (!iArguments.IsPresent(1)) { LeaveIfErr(KErrArgument, _L("You must specify a key to set")); } TInt err = KErrNone;#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) if (iForce) { err = iMemAccess.SetProperty(iCategory, iKey, aVal); } else#endif { err = RProperty::Set(iCategory, iKey, aVal); if (err == KErrArgument) { LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Key does not appear to be of the right type")); } }#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) if (err == KErrNotFound && iDefine) { if (!iForce) { LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Key does not exist, cannot define it unless --force is also specified")); } err = iMemAccess.SetProperty(iCategory, iKey, aVal, ETrue); }#endif if (err) { LeaveIfErr(err, _L("Error setting key")); } }void CCmdPubsub::PrintKey(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TBool aFull) { TUid cat = { aCategory }; TInt valInt; RBuf8& valDes = iValDescription; valDes.Zero(); enum TType { EUnknown, EInt, EDes }; TType type = EUnknown; TInt reallen = 0; TInt err = KErrNotFound;#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) if (iForce) { err = iMemAccess.GetProperty(cat, aKey, valInt); if (err == KErrNone) { type = EInt; } else { err = iMemAccess.GetProperty(cat, aKey, valDes, reallen); type = EDes; } } else#endif { // Guess the value type // Int? if (type == EUnknown) { err = RProperty::Get(cat, aKey, valInt); if (err != KErrArgument) { type = EInt; } } if (type == EUnknown) { // Des? err = RProperty::Get(cat, aKey, valDes); if (err != KErrArgument) { type = EDes; } } } switch(err) { case KErrNotFound: PrintError(err, _L("Key 0x%x 0x%x not found"), aCategory, aKey); break; case KErrArgument: PrintError(err, _L("Unknown key type, not int, des8 or des16")); break; case KErrPermissionDenied: PrintError(err, _L("Permission denied on 0x%x 0x%x, retry with --force"), aCategory, aKey); break; case KErrNone: // do nothing break; default: PrintError(err, _L("Unrecognised error returned from RProperty")); break; } if (err == KErrNone) { switch (type) { case EInt: Printf(_L("0x%08x 0x%08x TInt: %d (0x%x)\r\n"), aCategory, aKey, valInt, valInt); break; case EDes: { TPtrC8 des(valDes); if (!aFull) des.Set(valDes.Left(32)); // Don't print the whole thing, only 2 lines max Printf(_L("0x%08x 0x%08x TDesC8 hex dump:\r\n"), aCategory, aKey); LtkUtils::HexDumpToOutput(des, Stdout()); if (des.Length() < valDes.Length()) Write(_L("...\r\n")); break; } default: break; } } }void CCmdPubsub::ArgumentsL(RCommandArgumentList& aArguments) { aArguments.AppendEnumL((TInt&)iCommand, _L("command")); aArguments.AppendUintL((TUint&)iCategory.iUid, _L("category")); aArguments.AppendUintL(iKey, _L("key")); }void CCmdPubsub::OptionsL(RCommandOptionList& aOptions) { aOptions.AppendIntL(iIntVal, _L("int")); aOptions.AppendStringL(iStringVal, _L("string"));#ifdef FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT aOptions.AppendBoolL(iForce, _L("force"));#endif#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORT aOptions.AppendBoolL(iUseBtrace, _L("btrace"));#endif //aOptions.AppendStringL(iStringVal, '8', _L("set-data"), _L("Sets the specified key to this 8-bit value")); //aOptions.AppendBoolL(iDelete, 'l', _L("delete"), _L("Deletes the specified property")); }TInt CCmdPubsub::PropertyChanged(TAny* aSelf) { CCmdPubsub* self = static_cast<CCmdPubsub*>(aSelf); self->PrintKey(self->iCategory.iUid, self->iKey); return 0; }EXE_BOILER_PLATE(CCmdPubsub)void CCmdPubsub::DoCancel() {#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) iMemAccess.CancelPropertyChange();#endif }void CCmdPubsub::RunL() {#if defined (FSHELL_MEMORY_ACCESS_SUPPORT) TPropNotifyResult notifyResult = iNotifyResult; // rerequest asap if (iStatus == KErrNone) { iMemAccess.NotifyPropertyChange(iNotifyResult, iStatus); SetActive(); } if (notifyResult.iMissedChanges) { PrintWarning(_L("Missed %d publish and subscribe notifications"), notifyResult.iMissedChanges); } if (notifyResult.iError) { Printf(_L("NotifyChange for 0x%08x 0x%x completed with error %d\r\n"), notifyResult.iCategory, notifyResult.iKey, notifyResult.iError); } else { //Printf(_L("P&S Key changed:\r\n")); PrintKey(notifyResult.iCategory, notifyResult.iKey); }#endif }#ifdef FSHELL_TRACE_SUPPORTvoid CCmdPubsub::HandlePropertyChangedL(const TBtraceTickCount&, TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt /*aNewValue*/) { PrintKey(aCategory, aKey); }void CCmdPubsub::HandlePropertyChangedL(const TBtraceTickCount&, TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, const TDesC8& /*aNewValue*/) { PrintKey(aCategory, aKey); }#endif