Makefile fixes.
Fixed and reenabled it
Updated fshell version generation to better work with multiple platforms including winscw
Updated other extension makefiles to better work with sbs --what
# sms.cif
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
==name sms
Send or receive text messages.
The send functionality simply sends a text message to the specified mobile phone number. The receive functionality is intended to allow the handset it's running on to be remotely controlled. Any SMS that is received which started with C<#!fshell> or C<#!perl> is intercepted from the user's messaging inbox and instead is executed as a script. The script can make use of the environment variable SMS_SENDER with is set to the phone number that sent the message.
Note, use of receive mode represents a significant security risk. It is recommended that the C<--match> option be used to restrict which sending parties the handset will allow control from.
==argument enum command
The action to perform.
==enum-value send
Send an SMS.
==enum-value receive
Receive, intercept and execute all SMSs that start with C<#!fshell> or C<#!perl>.
==argument string message optional last
The text to send. If not specified, C<send> will read from C<STDIN>.
==option string d destination
The destination of the SMS. This option is required when sending an SMS, and ignored otherwise.
==option bool n no-delete
Scripts that are received are stored in F<C:\shared\fshellN.script> (and F<>) while they are being executed. By default they are deleted when the script completes. Specify this option to not delete them - useful if you need to debug or examine a script.
==option string m match multiple
A match string to limit the numbers from which shebang messages will be processed. Shebang messages from numbers that do not match will be discarded. Supports C<TDesC::Match> style wildcards.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.