Quick hack for timing issue with USB enumeration.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Accenture - modified for fshell's btincomingserial.dll
// Description:
// Name : CBtService.h
// Part of : ex_btsocket
// Created : 17/11/2004 by Shane Kearns
// Server "smart connector" class
// Version :
#include <e32std.h>
#include <bt_sock.h>
#include <btsdp.h>
class CBluetoothIncomingSerialConnection;
This class implements a simple bluetooth application service
Its responsibility is to advertise and accept incoming bluetooth connections
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBtService) : public CBase, MBluetoothSocketNotifier
static CBtService* NewL(const TUUID& aServiceUUID,
RSdp& aSdpSession,
RSocketServ& aSocketServer,
CBluetoothIncomingSerialConnection& aOwner,
TUint aProtocol,
const TBTServiceSecurity* aSecurity=NULL);
void AcceptConnection(CBluetoothSocket& aBlankSocket);
CBtService(RSocketServ& aSocketServer,
CBluetoothIncomingSerialConnection& aOwner,
TUint aProtocol
void ConstructL(const TUUID& aServiceUUID,
RSdp& aSdpSession,
const TBTServiceSecurity* aSecurity=NULL);
//Virtual functions from MBluetoothSocketNotifier
virtual void HandleConnectCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleAcceptCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleShutdownCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleSendCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleReceiveCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleIoctlCompleteL(TInt aErr);
virtual void HandleActivateBasebandEventNotifierCompleteL(TInt aErr, TBTBasebandEventNotification& aEventNotification);
//Data members
RSocketServ& iSocketServer;
CBluetoothSocket *iAcceptorSocket;
CBluetoothSocket *iConnectionSocket; //not owned
RSdpDatabase iServiceRecord;
TSdpServRecordHandle iServiceRecordHandle;
CBluetoothIncomingSerialConnection& iOwner;
TUint iProtocol;