Migrated from FCL: foreach bugfix, ConsoleSize::ReportedCorrectly() and ConsoleSize::NotifySizeChanged() console extensions
# fzip.cif
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
==name fzip
Compress and decompress files.
Generates compressed archives of files or extracts files from a compressed archive. Both 'zip' and 'gzip' file formats are support ('zip' is used by default).
==argument filename zipfile optional
The zip archive to create or extract. If the zipfile argument is not specified when creating a zip, the first C<file> argument's name is used with a .zip or .gz extension appended.
==option bool v verbose
Enables additional reporting of information regarding the zip/unzip process.
==option bool u unzip
Extract files from the specified zipfile.
==option filename d directory
The directory to extract files into. Must be used in conjunction with C<--unzip>. If not specified, the current working directory is used.
==option bool r recurse
Include sub-directories and any files contained therein when archiving.
==option filename f file multiple
A file or directory to add to the zipfile. Only applicable when creating a new archive. If a directory is specified then it and any files contained immediately within that directory are archived. Use --recurse to archive all sub-directories and files within the directory.
==option enum t compression-type
==enum-value zip
PK Zip format (the default if not specified).
==enum-value gzip
GNU Zip format. Note, this format can only handle a single file.
==option bool o overwrite
By default fzip will exit with an error if a file it is creating already exists on disk. Use this flag to silently overwrite instead.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
export TESTDATA "This is some test data for fzip"
echo -n "$TESTDATA" > test.txt
rm test.txt.zip $Silent &| echo -n ""
# Test zip
fzip --file test.txt
exists test.txt.zip || $Error
rm test.txt
# Test unzip
fzip --unzip test.txt.zip
exists test.txt || $Error
cat -b test.txt | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == "$TESTDATA" || $Error
# Test that we don't overwrite files unless --overwrite is specified
fzip --file test.txt $Silent &| var ? == "-11" || $Error
fzip --file test.txt --overwrite
fzip --unzip test.txt.zip $Silent &| var ? == "-11" || $Error
fzip --unzip test.txt.zip --overwrite
rm test.txt
rm test.txt.zip