Merge from SFTP.
Removed the --diag-supress ifdef, as it was only due to me not being able to spell --diag_suppress! (which is supported on all versions of RVCT)
?CreateLogicalDevice@@YAPAVDLogicalDevice@@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; class DLogicalDevice * CreateLogicalDevice(void)
?KIsrBufSize@@3HB @ 2 NONAME ; int const KIsrBufSize
?KChunkSize@@3HB @ 3 NONAME ; int const KChunkSize
?DebugPortChanged@CloggerDebugRouter@@YAXXZ @ 4 NONAME ; void CloggerDebugRouter::DebugPortChanged(void)
?SetCrashDumpFunctions@CloggerDebugRouter@@YAXP6AXPAXIAAUSCrashDumpArea@1@@ZP6AX1@Z@Z @ 5 NONAME ; void CloggerDebugRouter::SetCrashDumpFunctions(void (*)(void *, unsigned int, struct CloggerDebugRouter::SCrashDumpArea &), void (*)(struct CloggerDebugRouter::SCrashDumpArea &))
?KEnableEarlyRdebug@@3HB @ 6 NONAME ; int const KEnableEarlyRdebug