author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:43:12 +0100
changeset 86 849a0b46c767
parent 0 7f656887cf89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed lots of issues with installing a low-caps version of fshell from SIS file. * Fixed issue in CCommandFactory whereby some APIs like GetCommandInfoL could trigger allocations on the wrong heap or signals to the wrong thread. The symptoms were often seen as a crash in the which_00 thread when running ciftest. * Lots of build fixes for when FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS isn't defined and when all capabilities aren't available. * Added new platform.mmh macro FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED. * Open signing of fshell SIS files is now supported for production S60 handsets. Build fshell with the FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED macro defined (and without defining FSHELL_CAP_ALL or FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS) in your platform.mmh and submit \epoc32\fshell\fshell.unsigned.sis to . The following commands are not available when using Open Signing due to Platform Security restrictions: fdb; kerninfo; chunkinfo; svrinfo; objinfo; sudo; fsck; localdrive; ramdefrag; readmem; reboot; setcritical; setpriority. Others such as chkdeps, e32header, ps, and fshell itself will run but in a restricted capacity (for example, fshell will no longer allow you to modify files in the \sys\bin directory). * Removed commands objinfo, svrinfo, chunkinfo, readmem, fsck completely when memory access isn't present - previously they would still appear in the help but would give an error if you tried to run them.

// ffstraceplugin.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution

#include <fshell/extrabtrace.h>
#include <f32plugin.h>
#include <f32pluginutils.h>
#include <fshell/ltkutils.h>

//#define LOG_FUNC() RDebug::Printf(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
//#define LOG(args...) RDebug::Printf(args)
//#define LOGW(args...) RDebug::Print(args)
#define LOG_FUNC()
#define LOG(args...)
#define LOGW(args...)

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFfsTracerPluginFactory) : public CFsPluginFactory
	static CFfsTracerPluginFactory* NewL();

	// from CFsPluginFactory
	virtual TInt Install();
	virtual CFsPlugin* NewPluginL();
	virtual TInt UniquePosition();


NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFfsTracerFsPlugin) : public CFsPlugin
	static CFfsTracerFsPlugin* NewL();
	virtual ~CFfsTracerFsPlugin();
	// from CFsPlugin
	virtual void InitialiseL();
	TInt SessionDisconnect(CSessionFs* aSession);
	virtual TInt DoRequestL(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest);
	virtual CFsPluginConn* NewPluginConnL();
class CFfsTracerFsPluginConn : public CFsPluginConn

	// from CFsPluginConn
	virtual TInt DoControl(CFsPluginConnRequest& aRequest);
	virtual void DoRequest(CFsPluginConnRequest& aRequest);
	virtual void DoCancel(TInt aReqMask);

extern "C" EXPORT_C CFsPluginFactory* CreateFileSystem()
	return CFfsTracerPluginFactory::NewL();

CFfsTracerPluginFactory* CFfsTracerPluginFactory::NewL()
	return(new(ELeave) CFfsTracerPluginFactory());


_LIT(KFfsTracerPluginName, "FfsTracePlugin");

TInt CFfsTracerPluginFactory::Install()
	iSupportedDrives = 0x7FFFFFF; // KPluginSupportAllDrives | KPluginVersionTwo. Not specified symbolically to be compatible with fileservers that didn't support v2 plugins
	TInt err;
	err = SetName(&KFfsTracerPluginName);
	LOG(" returned %d", err);
	return err;

CFsPlugin* CFfsTracerPluginFactory::NewPluginL()
	return CFfsTracerFsPlugin::NewL();
TInt CFfsTracerPluginFactory::UniquePosition()
	return 1; // Isn't used, apparently



TInt CFfsTracerFsPluginConn::DoControl(CFsPluginConnRequest& /*aRequest*/)
	return KErrNone;

void CFfsTracerFsPluginConn::DoRequest(CFsPluginConnRequest& /*aRequest*/)

void CFfsTracerFsPluginConn::DoCancel(TInt /*aReqMask*/)


CFfsTracerFsPlugin* CFfsTracerFsPlugin::NewL()
	return new(ELeave) CFfsTracerFsPlugin();

static const TFsMessage KMessages[] =
static const TInt KMessageCount = sizeof(KMessages) / sizeof(TFsMessage);

	for (TInt i = 0; i < KMessageCount; i++)
		UnregisterIntercept(KMessages[i], CFsPlugin::EPrePostIntercept);

void CFfsTracerFsPlugin::InitialiseL()
	// intercept all calls at start
	for (TInt i = 0; i < KMessageCount; i++)
		RegisterIntercept(KMessages[i], CFsPlugin::EPrePostIntercept);

TInt CFfsTracerFsPlugin::SessionDisconnect(CSessionFs* /*aSession*/)
	// CSessionFs is a private class! It's in the main file server and 
	// has no exported methods!  What's the use of passing it here?
	return KErrNone;

CFsPluginConn* CFfsTracerFsPlugin::NewPluginConnL()
	return new(ELeave) CFfsTracerFsPluginConn();

TInt CFfsTracerFsPlugin::DoRequestL(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest)
	// This is where it all happens
	TInt subcat = 0;
	TInt fn = aRequest.Function();
	// Map from FS opcodes to the compacted btrace ones
	switch (fn)
		case EFsDelete: subcat = BTrace::EFfsDelete; break;
		case EFsRename: subcat = BTrace::EFfsRename; break;
		case EFsReplace: subcat = BTrace::EFfsReplace; break;
		case EFsEntry: subcat = BTrace::EFfsEntry; break;
		case EFsFileSubClose: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileSubClose; break;
		case EFsFileOpen: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileOpen; break;
		case EFsFileCreate: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileCreate; break;
		case EFsFileReplace: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileReplace; break;
		case EFsFileTemp: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileTemp; break;
		case EFsFileRename: subcat = BTrace::EFfsFileRename; break;
			// An operation we're not interested in
			return KErrNone;
	if (aRequest.IsPostOperation()) subcat |= BTrace::EFfsPost;

	TBuf<513> name; // Twice as big as a max filename because for renames we need it to fit two TFileNames
	GetName(&aRequest, name);

	if (fn == EFsRename || fn == EFsFileRename)
		TPtr newName((TUint16*)(name.Ptr() + name.Length()), 0, name.MaxLength() - name.Length());
		GetNewName(&aRequest, newName);
		LOGW(_L("new name is %S"), &newName);
		name.SetLength(name.Length() + newName.Length());

	// Only try to use request.Message() if it's a valid handle
	TUint threadId = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
	if(aRequest.Message().Handle() != KNullHandle)
		RThread clientThread;
		aRequest.Message().Client(clientThread, EOwnerThread);
		threadId = clientThread.Id();

	BTraceBig(BTrace::EFfsTrace, subcat, threadId, name.Ptr(), name.Size());
	return KErrNone;