Fixed lots of issues with installing a low-caps version of fshell from SIS file.
* Fixed issue in CCommandFactory whereby some APIs like GetCommandInfoL could trigger allocations on the wrong heap or signals to the wrong thread. The symptoms were often seen as a crash in the which_00 thread when running ciftest.
* Lots of build fixes for when FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS isn't defined and when all capabilities aren't available.
* Added new platform.mmh macro FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED.
* Open signing of fshell SIS files is now supported for production S60 handsets. Build fshell with the FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED macro defined (and without defining FSHELL_CAP_ALL or FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS) in your platform.mmh and submit \epoc32\fshell\fshell.unsigned.sis to . The following commands are not available when using Open Signing due to Platform Security restrictions: fdb; kerninfo; chunkinfo; svrinfo; objinfo; sudo; fsck; localdrive; ramdefrag; readmem; reboot; setcritical; setpriority. Others such as chkdeps, e32header, ps, and fshell itself will run but in a restricted capacity (for example, fshell will no longer allow you to modify files in the \sys\bin directory).
* Removed commands objinfo, svrinfo, chunkinfo, readmem, fsck completely when memory access isn't present - previously they would still appear in the help but would give an error if you tried to run them.
// settings.h
// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <fshell/ioutils.h>
namespace LtkUtils
_LIT(KSettingPanic, "FSHELL_settings");
enum TSettingPanic
Class for encapsulating the context of an error within a text file that is being processed.
Note, the valid lifetime of this class is tied to the lifetime of the decriptor it refers to.
Often, this is a descriptor on the stack and so copies of this class must not be kept.
class TErrorContext
IMPORT_C TErrorContext();
IMPORT_C TErrorContext(const TDesC& aFilename);
IMPORT_C void NextLine();
IMPORT_C TInt LineNumber();
IMPORT_C const TDesC& StringLC();
const TPtrC iFilename;
TInt iLineNumber;
class MValueHandler
virtual void HandleValueL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext, TBool aOverwrite) = 0;
virtual void HandleCommentL(const TDesC& aComment, TErrorContext aErrorContext) = 0;
class CIniReader;
enum TFileNotFoundAction
IMPORT_C void ReadIniFileL(const TDesC& aFilename, MValueHandler& aValueHandler, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext(), TFileNotFoundAction aNotFoundAction = EFailIfFileNotFound);
IMPORT_C void ReadIniFileL(RIoReadHandle& aReadHandle, MValueHandler& aValueHandler);
IMPORT_C void WriteIniFileL(const TDesC& aFilename, CIniReader& aValues);
class CValue : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CValue* NewL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C static CValue* NewLC(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C ~CValue();
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Id() const;
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Value() const;
IMPORT_C virtual void SetL(const TDesC& aNewValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
IMPORT_C TInt LineNumber() const;
IMPORT_C virtual TInt AsInt(TInt& aInt) const;
IMPORT_C virtual TInt AsBool(TBool& aBool) const;
IMPORT_C TInt AsIntL() const;
IMPORT_C TBool AsBoolL() const;
CValue(TErrorContext aErrorContext);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue);
RBuf iId;
RBuf iValue;
TInt iLineNumber;
Class for reading an fshell style INI file. This class is intended to be robust, and should always
read the file even if it has errors in it.
The class CIniFile is more strict and will validate the contents of the file as it is read.
class CIniReader : public CBase
, public MValueHandler
IMPORT_C static CIniReader* NewL(const TDesC& aFilename, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C ~CIniReader();
IMPORT_C const TDesC* GetValue(const TDesC& aId) const;
IMPORT_C void GetValuesL(RPointerArray<CValue>& aValues);
IMPORT_C void GetValuesL(RPointerArray<const CValue>& aValues) const;
IMPORT_C void GetIdsL(RArray<const TPtrC>& aIds) const;
IMPORT_C void SetValueL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue);
IMPORT_C void RemoveValueL(const TDesC& aId);
void AppendFirstLineL(IoUtils::CTextFormatter* aFormatter);
protected: // from MValueHandler
virtual void HandleValueL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext, TBool aOverwrite);
virtual void HandleCommentL(const TDesC& aComment, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
virtual CValue* CreateValueLC(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
virtual void HandleFirstLineCommentL(const TDesC&, TErrorContext) {};
virtual TBool IncludeValue(const CValue*) const { return ETrue; }
virtual void DoRemoveL(CValue* aValue);
RPtrHashMap<TDesC, CValue> iValues;
RBuf iFirstLineComment;
enum TSettingType
class CSetting : public CValue
IMPORT_C static CSetting* NewL(TSettingType aType, const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aDescription, const TDesC& aDefault = KNullDesC, const TDesC& aEnumValues = KNullDesC, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C static CSetting* NewLC(TSettingType aType, const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aDescription, const TDesC& aDefault = KNullDesC, const TDesC& aEnumValues = KNullDesC, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C ~CSetting();
IMPORT_C virtual void SetL(const TDesC& aNewValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
IMPORT_C void SetL(TInt aNewValue);
IMPORT_C virtual TInt AsInt(TInt& aInt) const;
IMPORT_C virtual TInt AsBool(TBool& aBool) const;
IMPORT_C TInt AsInt() const;
IMPORT_C TBool AsBool() const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsSet() const;
IMPORT_C void ClearL();
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name();
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Description();
CSetting(TSettingType aType);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aDescription, const TDesC& aDefault, const TDesC& aEnumValues, TErrorContext aErrorContext = TErrorContext());
TInt ParseL(const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
const TSettingType iType;
RBuf iName;
RBuf iDescription;
RBuf iDefault;
RBuf iEnumValues;
TInt iIntValue;
TInt iDefaultInt;
TBool iIsSet;
IoUtils::TEnum iEnum;
Class for validating an fshell style ini file. This class will fail (and reports useful errors) if the
file is corrupt of invalid in any way. The file will be validated using an INI description file (IDF).
class CIniFile : public CIniReader
Read and validate an INI file.
If an IDF file is given, it will be used to validate the INI file regardless of any #!iniedit
line at the start of the file. Also, if the INI file given does not exist, this function will
still succeed and can then be used to create the INI file by calling WriteIniFileL().
If no IDF file is specified here, then an IDF file specified in the #!iniedit comment on the
first line will be used. Note, if the INI file does not exist this function will fail in this
IMPORT_C static CIniFile* NewL(const TDesC& aIniFile, const TDesC& aInfoFile = KNullDesC);
IMPORT_C ~CIniFile();
IMPORT_C CSetting* GetSetting(const TDesC& aId);
IMPORT_C const TDesC& GetString(const TDesC& aId);
IMPORT_C TInt GetInt(const TDesC& aId);
IMPORT_C TBool GetBool(const TDesC& aId);
IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aString);
IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC& aId, TInt aInt);
IMPORT_C void WriteL();
protected:// from CIniReader
virtual CValue* CreateValueLC(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
virtual void HandleFirstLineCommentL(const TDesC& aComment, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
virtual TBool IncludeValue(const CValue* aValue) const;
virtual void DoRemoveL(CValue* aValue);
protected: // from MValueHandler
virtual void HandleValueL(const TDesC& aId, const TDesC& aValue, TErrorContext aErrorContext, TBool aOverwrite);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aIniFile, const TDesC& aInfoFile);
void ReadInfoFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TErrorContext aErrorContext);
CIniReader* iInfoFile;
RBuf iFilename;
} // namespace LtkUtils