author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:43:12 +0100
changeset 86 849a0b46c767
parent 63 ea6622dea85a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed lots of issues with installing a low-caps version of fshell from SIS file. * Fixed issue in CCommandFactory whereby some APIs like GetCommandInfoL could trigger allocations on the wrong heap or signals to the wrong thread. The symptoms were often seen as a crash in the which_00 thread when running ciftest. * Lots of build fixes for when FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS isn't defined and when all capabilities aren't available. * Added new platform.mmh macro FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED. * Open signing of fshell SIS files is now supported for production S60 handsets. Build fshell with the FSHELL_OPEN_SIGNED macro defined (and without defining FSHELL_CAP_ALL or FSHELL_PROTECTED_UIDS) in your platform.mmh and submit \epoc32\fshell\fshell.unsigned.sis to . The following commands are not available when using Open Signing due to Platform Security restrictions: fdb; kerninfo; chunkinfo; svrinfo; objinfo; sudo; fsck; localdrive; ramdefrag; readmem; reboot; setcritical; setpriority. Others such as chkdeps, e32header, ps, and fshell itself will run but in a restricted capacity (for example, fshell will no longer allow you to modify files in the \sys\bin directory). * Removed commands objinfo, svrinfo, chunkinfo, readmem, fsck completely when memory access isn't present - previously they would still appear in the help but would give an error if you tried to run them.

	__9TKeyPress8TKeyCodeUi @ 1 NONAME R3UNUSED ; TKeyPress::TKeyPress(TKeyCode, unsigned int)
	ClearScreen__15CVtcConsoleBase @ 2 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ClearScreen(void)
	ClearToEndOfLine__15CVtcConsoleBase @ 3 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ClearToEndOfLine(void)
	ConstructL__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC7TDesC16 @ 4 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ConstructL(TDesC16 const &)
	Create__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC7TDesC16G5TSize @ 5 NONAME ; CVtcConsoleBase::Create(TDesC16 const &, TSize)
	CursorPos__C15CVtcConsoleBase @ 6 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::CursorPos(void) const
	Extension___15CVtcConsoleBaseUiRPvPv @ 7 NONAME ; CVtcConsoleBase::Extension_(unsigned int, void *&, void *)
	GetKeyPress__25CVtConsoleInputControllerR9TKeyPressR14TRequestStatus @ 8 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::GetKeyPress(TKeyPress &, TRequestStatus &)
	KeyCode__C15CVtcConsoleBase @ 9 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::KeyCode(void) const
	KeyModifiers__C15CVtcConsoleBase @ 10 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::KeyModifiers(void) const
	Message__15CVtcConsoleBaseQ215CVtcConsoleBase10TVerbosityGt11TRefByValue1ZC7TDesC16e @ 11 NONAME ABSENT ; CVtcConsoleBase::Message(CVtcConsoleBase::TVerbosity, TRefByValue<TDesC16 const>,...)
	NewLC__25CVtConsoleInputControllerR13MConsoleInputRQ28LtkUtils8CIniFile @ 12 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::NewLC(MConsoleInput &, LtkUtils::CIniFile &)
	NewL__25CVtConsoleInputControllerR13MConsoleInputRQ28LtkUtils8CIniFile @ 13 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::NewL(MConsoleInput &, LtkUtils::CIniFile &)
	NewL__26CVtConsoleOutputControllerR14MConsoleOutputRQ28LtkUtils8CIniFileRC5TSize @ 14 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleOutputController::NewL(MConsoleOutput &, LtkUtils::CIniFile &, TSize const &)
	New__25CVtConsoleInputControllerR13MConsoleInputRQ28LtkUtils8CIniFile @ 15 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::New(MConsoleInput &, LtkUtils::CIniFile &)
	New__26CVtConsoleOutputControllerR14MConsoleOutputRQ28LtkUtils8CIniFileRC5TSize @ 16 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleOutputController::New(MConsoleOutput &, LtkUtils::CIniFile &, TSize const &)
	ResetAttributes__26CVtConsoleOutputController @ 17 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleOutputController::ResetAttributes(void)
	SetAttributes__26CVtConsoleOutputControllerUiQ217ConsoleAttributes6TColorT2 @ 18 NONAME ; CVtConsoleOutputController::SetAttributes(unsigned int, ConsoleAttributes::TColor, ConsoleAttributes::TColor)
	ReadCancel__15CVtcConsoleBase @ 19 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ReadCancel(void)
	Read__15CVtcConsoleBaseR14TRequestStatus @ 20 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::Read(TRequestStatus &)
	ScreenSize__C15CVtcConsoleBase @ 21 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ScreenSize(void) const
	SetCursorHeight__15CVtcConsoleBasei @ 22 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::SetCursorHeight(int)
	SetCursorPosAbs__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC6TPoint @ 23 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::SetCursorPosAbs(TPoint const &)
	SetCursorPosRel__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC6TPoint @ 24 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::SetCursorPosRel(TPoint const &)
	SetMode__25CVtConsoleInputControllerQ211ConsoleMode5TMode @ 25 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::SetMode(ConsoleMode::TMode)
	SetTitle__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC7TDesC16 @ 26 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::SetTitle(TDesC16 const &)
	Write__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC7TDesC16 @ 27 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::Write(TDesC16 const &)
	"_._15CVtcConsoleBase" @ 28 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::~CVtcConsoleBase(void)
	"_._26CVtConsoleOutputController" @ 29 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleOutputController::~CVtConsoleOutputController(void)
	__15CVtcConsoleBase @ 30 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::CVtcConsoleBase(void)
	__9TKeyPress @ 31 NONAME R3UNUSED ; TKeyPress::TKeyPress(void)
	CancelGetKeyPress__25CVtConsoleInputController @ 32 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtConsoleInputController::CancelGetKeyPress(void)
	Debug__15CVtcConsoleBase @ 33 NONAME R3UNUSED ABSENT ; CVtcConsoleBase::Debug(void)
	SetDebug__15CVtcConsoleBasei @ 34 NONAME R3UNUSED ABSENT ; CVtcConsoleBase::SetDebug(int)
	ReadKeywordValuePair__15CVtcConsoleBaseR6TLex16R7TPtrC16T2 @ 35 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ReadKeywordValuePair(TLex16 &, TPtrC16 &, TPtrC16 &)
	ConstructL__15CVtcConsoleBaseRC7TDesC16i @ 36 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CVtcConsoleBase::ConstructL(TDesC16 const &, int)