Added fshell testexecute wrapper command. Fixed some uids.
# ps.cif
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
==name ps
List information relating to the currently running processes and threads.
L<kerninfo|kerninfo>, L<objinfo|objinfo>, L<chunkinfo|chunkinfo>, L<top|top>
==argument uint process_id optional
The identifier of the process to examine. If not specified, displays information on all processes.
==option bool v verbose
Verbose output. Prints warnings if threads couldn't be opened, and displays full thread names instead of short ones.
==option string m match
A pattern used to match processes by name (defaults to C<*>).
==option string M matchify
Like C<--match> but without the need for leading/trailing asterisks (see C<LtkUtils::Matchify>).
==option bool H human
Print human readable sizes.
==option bool p priority
Print process and thread priority information.
==option bool x exclude-dead
Does not list threads/processes that have exited or died (by default they will appear if anything still has a handle open to them).
==option bool o only-dead
Only list threads/processes that have exited or died.
==option bool n handle-count
Print the number of handles held by a given thread or process.
==option bool A addresses
Print kernel object addresses.
==option bool t threads
Print thread information.
==option bool s stacks
Print thread stack information (only valid with the C<--thread> option). Note, the term 'High water mark' is used to indicate the largest amount of stack a given thread has used in its lifetime.
==option bool a heaps
Print thread heap usage (only valid with the C<--thread> option).
==option bool c cpu-time
Print thread CPU time (only valid with the C<--thread> option).
==option bool k chunks
Print details about the chunks belonging to each process.
==option bool f filename
Print the executable's file name.
==option bool r memory
Print memory usage information.
==option bool d command_line
Print the command line arguments. Only available on non-emulated builds of EKA1.
==option bool l flags
Print C<System>, C<Protected> and C<LoadedFromRam> flag values. Only available on EKA1.
Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.