Added fshell testexecute wrapper command. Fixed some uids.
# createsrc
# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
use FindBin;
# forward decls
sub homeDir();
sub processCommandLine();
sub Usage();
sub make4CharId($);
sub caseRename($$$);
sub renameFileCopy($$);
sub GetMacroValue($);
sub PromptMacro($);
sub CheckMacro($$);
sub CheckUid($);
sub CheckIdentifier($);
sub listTemplates($);
sub getTemplates();
sub query($$);
sub getConfigFileName();
sub getConfig($);
sub setConfig($$);
sub setCopyright($);
my $template;
my $newName;
my $templateDir;
my $templateName = "SkeletonTemplate";
my $dest;
my $help;
my $verbose = 0;
my %macroValue;
my %macroDescription = ( 'UID' => 'a UID', 'COPYRIGHT' => 'a copyright notice' );
my $homeDir;
my $listTemplates;
my $overwrite = 0;
my $addToPerforce = 0;
my $addToMercurial = 0;
my $interactive = 0;
unless (defined $macroValue{'COPYRIGHT'}) {
$macroValue{'COPYRIGHT'} = getConfig('copyright');
$macroValue{'COPYRIGHT'} = "Copyright (c) [[YEAR]] Accenture. All rights reserved." unless $macroValue{'COPYRIGHT'};
$homeDir = homeDir() unless defined ($homeDir);
my $year = [localtime()]->[5]+1900;
$macroValue{'COPYRIGHT'} =~ s|\[\[YEAR\]\]|$year|g;
if ($interactive) {
my $templates = getTemplates();
print "Available Templates:\n";
my $count = 1;
my $options="";
foreach my $template (@$templates) {
print "$count) $template->[0] - $template->[1]\n";
$options=$options . $count;
do {
print "Which template do you want to use? ";
my $in = <>;
chomp $in;
my $choice;
$choice = eval "int($in)";
unless ($@) {
if (($choice>0) && ($choice <= scalar(@$templates))) {
$template = $templates->[$choice-1]->[0];
my $max = $count-1;
print "Please enter a number between 1 and $max\n" unless defined $template;
} until (defined $template);
print "Using template $template\n" if $verbose;
do {
print "Name for the new code? ";
$newName = <>;
chomp $newName;
unless (CheckIdentifier($newName)) {
print "$newName is not a valid C++ identifier\n";
undef $newName;
} until ((defined $newName) && (length $newName));
my $cwd = cwd();
print "Directoy to create new code in? [$cwd] ";
$dest = <>;
chomp $dest;
$dest = $cwd unless (length $dest);
} else {
$dest = cwd() unless $dest;
$templateDir = $homeDir."/createsrc-templates/$template";
die "ERROR: Template $template not found at $templateDir\n" unless -d $templateDir;
$dest =~ s|\\|/|g;
$dest =~ s|/$||;
print "Creating $newName at $dest from template $template at $templateDir\n" if ($verbose);
# read [[MACRO]] descriptions from .txt file
my $infoFile;
my $infoFileName = "$templateDir.txt";
if ((-f $infoFileName) && (open $infoFile, $infoFileName)) {
print "Reading $infoFileName\n" if ($verbose);
<$infoFile>; # skip template description
while (my $line = <$infoFile>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s|#.*||; # remove perl style comments
if ($line =~ m|^\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*\:\s*(.*)$|) {
my ($macro, $desc) = ($1, $2);
print "Macro '$macro': '$desc'\n" if ($verbose>1);
$macroDescription{$macro} = $desc;
} elsif ($line =~ m|^\s*$|) {
# blank line
} else {
die "Error: cannot parse line $. of $infoFileName\n";
close $infoFile;
unless (-d $dest) {
mkdir($dest) or die "ERROR: Couldn't create directory $dest: $!\n";
print "Created directory $dest\n" if ($verbose>1);
my @dirStack;
push @dirStack, "";
while ($#dirStack>=0) {
my $dir = pop(@dirStack);
my $dirName = $dir;
$dir = "/$dir" unless ($dir eq "") || ($dir =~ m|^/|);
# create destination directory
unless (-d "$dest$dir") {
mkdir "$dest$dir" or die "ERROR: cannot create directory $dest$dir: $!\n";
print "Created directory $dest$dir\n" if ($verbose);
# read template directory contents
opendir DIR, "$templateDir$dir";
my @dirContents = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $f (@dirContents) {
if (-f "$templateDir$dir/$f") {
my $newFile = caseRename($f, $templateName, $newName);
print "Renaming from $templateDir$dir/$f to $dest$dir/$newFile\n" if ($verbose);
renameFileCopy("$templateDir$dir/$f", "$dest$dir/$newFile");
} elsif (-d "$templateDir$dir/$f") {
unless ($f =~ m|^\.\.?$|) {
print "Adding $dirName/$f to stack\n" if ($verbose);
push @dirStack, "$dirName/$f";
} else {
print "WARNING: $templateDir$dir/$f is neither a file nor a directory";
sub homeDir() {
my $homeDir = $FindBin::Bin;
print "homeDir=$homeDir\n" if ($verbose > 1);
return $homeDir;
sub processCommandLine() {
my $setCopyright = undef;
my @macroDefs;
GetOptions('h' => \$help,
'v+' => \$verbose,
'd=s' => \$dest,
's=s' => \$homeDir,
't=s' => \$templateName,
'l' => \$listTemplates,
'o' => \$overwrite,
'p' => \$addToPerforce,
'm' => \$addToMercurial,
'i' => \$interactive,
'c=s' => \$setCopyright,
'D=s' => \@macroDefs);
Usage() if ($help);
listTemplates(1) if ($listTemplates);
setCopyright($setCopyright) if (defined $setCopyright);
unless ($interactive) {
if ($#ARGV < 1) {
print "Insufficient arguments; entering interactive mode\n";
$interactive = 1;
} else {
$template = shift(@ARGV);
$newName = shift(@ARGV);
die "$newName is not a valid C++ identifier\n" unless CheckIdentifier($newName);
foreach my $d (@macroDefs) {
if ($d =~ m|^(\w[\w\d]*)=(.*)$|) {
my ($macro, $value) = ($1, $2);
print "Got macro '$macro'='$value' from command line\n" if ($verbose>1);
die "Error: '$value' is not a valid value for $macro\n" unless CheckMacro($macro, $value);
$macroValue{$macro} = $value;
} else {
die "Error: Incorrect usage of -D: $d: expected a string of the format 'id=value'\n";
print "Warning: ignoring " . scalar(@ARGV) . " extra arguments\n" if scalar(@ARGV);
sub Usage() {
require Pod::Text;
my $parser = Pod::Text->new();
sub make4CharId($) {
my $longId = shift;
while (length($longId)<2) {
$longId = $longId . '_';
return uc( substr($longId, 0, 2) . substr($longId, length($longId)-2, 2) );
sub caseRename($$$) {
my $string = shift;
my $oldName = shift;
my $newName = shift;
my $oldUpper = $oldName;
$oldUpper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
my $oldLower = $oldName;
$oldLower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $oldLowerFirst = "\l$oldName;\E";
my $uppercase = $newName;
$uppercase =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
my $lowercase = $newName;
$lowercase =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $lowerFirst = "\l$newName\E";
my $old4Char = make4CharId($oldName);
my $new4Char = make4CharId($newName);
$string =~ s/$oldName/$newName/g;
$string =~ s/$oldUpper/$uppercase/g;
$string =~ s/$oldLower/$lowercase/g;
$string =~ s/$oldLowerFirst/$lowerFirst/g;
$string =~ s/$old4Char/$new4Char/g;
return $string;
sub renameFileCopy($$) {
my $src = shift;
my $dest = shift;
open SOURCE, "<$src" or die "ERROR: can't open $src for reading: $!\n";
unless ($overwrite) {
die "ERROR: $dest already exists. Use -o to overwrite. Aborting.\n" if (-f $dest);
open DEST, ">$dest" or die "ERROR: can't open $dest for writing: $!\n";
while (my $line = <SOURCE>) {
while ($line =~ m|\[\[(\w[\w\d]*)\]\]|) {
my $id = $1;
my $value = GetMacroValue($id);
$line =~ s|\[\[$id\]\]|$value|g;
print DEST caseRename($line, $templateName, $newName);
close (SOURCE);
close (DEST);
if ($addToPerforce) {
print "p4 add $dest\n";
`p4 add $dest` ;
if ($addToMercurial) {
print "hg add $dest\n";
`hg add $dest` ;
sub GetMacroValue($) {
my $macro = shift;
if (!defined($macroValue{$macro})) {
$macroValue{$macro} = PromptMacro($macro);
return $macroValue{$macro};
sub PromptMacro($) {
my $macro = shift;
my $description = $macroDescription{$macro};
$description = $macro unless defined $description;
print "Enter $description for $newName: ";
my $value;
do {
$value = <>;
chomp $value;
} while (!CheckMacro($macro, $value));
return $value;
sub CheckMacro($$) {
my ($macro, $value) = @_;
if ($macro eq 'UID') {
return CheckUid($value);
return 1;
sub CheckUid($) {
my $uid = shift;
return 1 if ($uid =~ m|^0x[0-9a-f]{1,8}$|i);
return 1 if ($uid =~ m|^[0-9]{1,10}$|);
return 0;
sub CheckIdentifier($) {
my $id = shift;
return ($id =~ m|[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*|);
sub getTemplates() {
$homeDir = homeDir() unless defined ($homeDir);
opendir TEMPLATES, "$homeDir/createsrc-templates" or die "Can't read directory $homeDir/createsrc-templates: $!\n";
my @templateNames = grep((-d "$homeDir/createsrc-templates/$_")&&!(m|\.\.?|), readdir(TEMPLATES));
die "No templates found at $homeDir/createsrc-templates\n" unless scalar(@templateNames);
my @templates = ();
foreach my $template (@templateNames) {
my $desc;
my $descFile = "$homeDir/createsrc-templates/$template.txt";
if ((-f $descFile)&&(open DESC, $descFile)) {
$desc = <DESC>;
chomp $desc;
close DESC;
} else {
$desc = "<no description>";
push @templates, [$template, $desc];
@templates = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @templates;
return \@templates;
sub listTemplates($) {
my $exitWhenDone = shift;
my $templates = getTemplates();
foreach my $template (@$templates) {
print $template->[0] . " - " . $template->[1] . "\n";
exit if $exitWhenDone;
sub getConfigFileName() {
my $fn;
if (defined $ENV{'USERPROFILE'}) {
} else {
$fn = homeDir();
$fn =~ s|[/\\]$||;
$fn .= "\\createsrc.cfg";
return $fn;
sub getConfig($) {
my $findKey = shift;
my $cfg = getConfigFileName();
my $foundValue = undef;
open CFGFILE, "<$cfg" or return undef;
print "Reading $cfg\n" if ($verbose);
while (my $line = <CFGFILE>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m|^(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)$|) {
my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
print "Read '$key'='$value'\n" if ($verbose>1);
$foundValue = $value if ($key eq $findKey);
} else {
print "ignoring line '$line'\n" if ($verbose>1);
return $foundValue;
close CFGFILE;
sub setConfig($$) {
my ($key, $value) = @_;
my $cfg = getConfigFileName();
my @lines;
if (open CFGFILE, "<$cfg") {
print "Reading $cfg\n";
@lines = <CFGFILE>;
close CFGFILE;
open CFGFILE, ">$cfg" or die "Cannot write to $cfg: $!\n";
print "Writing $cfg\n" if ($verbose);
my $written = 0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ m|^(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)$|) {
my ($foundKey, $foundValue) = ($1, $2);
print "Read '$foundKey'='$foundValue'\n" if ($verbose>1);
if ($key eq $foundKey) {
$foundValue = $value;
$written = 1;
print "Updated key $foundKey to '$foundValue'\n" if ($verbose>1);
print CFGFILE "$foundKey=$foundValue\n";
} else {
print "ignoring line '$line'\n" if ($verbose>1);
print CFGFILE $line;
unless ($written) {
print "Adding $key=$value\n";
print CFGFILE "$key=$value\n";
close CFGFILE;
sub setCopyright($) {
my $copyright = shift;
print "Setting copyright notice to '$copyright'\n" if ($verbose);
setConfig('copyright', $copyright);
=head1 NAME
createsrc - creates new code from templates
createsrc [options] [TemplateName NewName]
=item -i
Use L<Interactive mode>. This will be the default if C<TemplateName> and C<NewName> are not given.
=item -d <directory>
Put the new code in the specified directory. Defaults to current directory.
=item -DMACRO=value
Specfies a value for a macro. See "Macros" section below.
=item -c "Copyright Notice"
Sets the default copyright to use when none other is specified. See L<Copyright Notices> below.
=item -o
Overwrites any existing files when creating the new code.
=item -p
Add the new files to perforce as they are created.
=item -m
Add the new files to mercurial as they are created.
=item -s <directory>
Specifies the home directory of the script, where the templates are located. Defaults to the directory where the script is located.
=item -t <TemplateText>
Specified the text to be replaced in the template. Defaults to C<SkeletonTemplate>. It's not usually necessary to change this.
=item -l
List available templates, then exits.
=item -h
Shows this help.
=item -v
Verbose mode (-vv very verbose).
This script creates new projects or code snippets from templates. For example, assuming you have a template C<UiqBasic> that consists of a basic UIQ application, you could create a HelloWorld application as follows:
createsrc UiqBasic HelloWorld
When creating the new code, it performs the following steps:
=item 1.
Copies and renames the files as appropriate.
=item 2.
Replaces text within the files as appropriate.
=item 3.
Substitutes macros enclosed in double square brackets, C<[[MACRO]]>.
When renaming files or substituting text withing the files, case is preseved as follows:
=item 1.
C<MixedCaseText> is preserved - i.e. C<TemplateText> becomes C<NewText>.
=item 2.
C<lowercasetext> is preserved - i.e. C<templatetext> becomes C<newtext>.
=item 3.
C<UPPERCASETEXT> is preserved - i.e. C<TEMPLATETEXT> becomes C<NEWTEXT>.
=item 4.
C<lowerCaseFirst> is preserved - i.e. C<templateText> becomes C<newText>.
This should cover all forms of capitalisation used within normal Symbian code.
In addition, the capitalised first and last two letters of C<TemplateText> is replaced with the same letters of C<NewText> - i.e. C<TEXT> becomes C<NEXT>. This is to support the C<NAME> value in an applications resource file, which must always have 4 letters.
If the new text has less than 4 characters, it will be padded with underscores. For example, an application called C<A> will be given a C<NAME> of C<A_A_>; C<Ap> becomes C<APAP>; C<HelloWorld> becomes C<HELD> and so on.
=head2 Interactive mode
If the C<-i> option is given, of if no C<TemplateName> and C<TemplateText> are given, interactive mode will be used:
Insufficient arguments; entering interactive mode
Available Templates:
1) UiqBasic - Basic UIQ application
2) UiqImaging - Basic UIQ application with one large control, suitable for displaying an image, a video, etc.
3) UiqList - Basic UIQ application with a list in the view.
4) server - Symbian 9 transient server
Which template do you want to use? 1
Name for the new code? HelloWorld
Directoy to create new code in? [D:/work/new]
Enter a UID for HelloWorld: 0x10002000
When prompted for the directory to create the code in, simply hit enter to use the suggestion in square brackets. Or you can enter a relative or absolute path name to use instead.
=head2 Macros
Macros allow extra custom strings to be inserted into the generate code. Macro values can be specified on the command line using the C<-D> option; if no value is specified then it will be prompted for at runtime.
There are two macros that are used by all (or most) templates:
Defines a copyright notice for the code, usually inserted in a comment at the top of each source file. See L<Copyright Notices> below.
=item C<UID>
Specifies a UID for the new code. This will be verified as a valid integer.
Some templates may define other, custom macros. To define a macro value on the command line, use -D syntax in a similar way the a C preprocessor:
createsrc -DUID=0x01234567
=head2 Copyright Notices
Copyright notices are automatically inserted into the source files, including the current year. When using the C<-DCOPYRIGHT=...> and C<-c> options, the copyright text may include C<[[YEAR]]>, which will be replaced with the current year when the code was created.
For example,
createsrc -DCOPYRIGHT="Copyright (c) [[YEAR]] Joe Bloggs. All rights reserved"
The default copyright notice is C<Copyright (c) [[YEAR]] Accenture. All rights reserved.>
When the C<-c> option is used, the copyright notice is stored in C<%USERPROFILE%\createsrc.cfg> and so is persisted for future runs of C<createsrc>.
=head2 Templates
The templates are located in F<\epoc32\tools\Templates\TemplateName>. Each template usually contains an entire buildable project, but this may vary depending upon the nature of the template. The text that is replaced in template filenames and files is C<SkeletonTemplate> by default, but this can be modified with the C<-t TemplateText> option (although it is not recommended).
In the template, macros are enclosed in double square brackets, for example C<[[UID]]>. Templates should make use of the standard C<[[UID]]> and C<[[COPYRIGHT]]> macros and can use others if necessary.
If a F<TemplateName.txt> file is found in F<\epoc32\tools\Templates>, the first line of this file will be used as the description of the template when the C<-l> flag is given. The remainder of the file is expected to contain lines of the format:
MACRO: description
giving descriptions for any custom macros used in the project. The descriptions will be used instead of the macro name when prmopting the user for a value at runtime.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.