Fixed chunkinfo and RAllocatorHelper crashes.
* Tidied leak docs
* Updated dialog command to workaround text windowserver bug and implement DIALOG_IMPL as an enum option. Also tried to support dismissing the dialog with CTRL-C but ended up just printing a warning as the notifier API is broken
* Fixed RAllocatorHelper::OpenChunkHeap() (and thus chunkinfo <address>) and took Adrian's latest changes.
* Fixed chunkinfo OOM problem
?WriteStdErr@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@MAEHABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 1 NONAME ; int MIosrvConsoleHelper::WriteStdErr(class TDesC16 const &)
?Message@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IAAXW4TVerbosity@1@V?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 2 NONAME ; void MIosrvConsoleHelper::Message(enum MIosrvConsoleHelper::TVerbosity, class TRefByValue<class TDesC16 const >, ...)
?Debug@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IBEHXZ @ 3 NONAME ; int MIosrvConsoleHelper::Debug(void) const
?SetDebug@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IAEXH@Z @ 4 NONAME ; void MIosrvConsoleHelper::SetDebug(int)
?HandleConsoleCreationError@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IAEXABVTDesC16@@H@Z @ 5 NONAME ; void MIosrvConsoleHelper::HandleConsoleCreationError(class TDesC16 const &, int)
?MIosrvConsoleHelper_Extension@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IAEHIAAPAXPAX@Z @ 6 NONAME ; int MIosrvConsoleHelper::MIosrvConsoleHelper_Extension(unsigned int, void * &, void *)
?CleanupUnderlyingConsole@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IAEXXZ @ 7 NONAME ; void MIosrvConsoleHelper::CleanupUnderlyingConsole(void)
?UnderlyingConsole@MIosrvConsoleHelper@@IBEPAVCConsoleBase@@XZ @ 8 NONAME ; class CConsoleBase * MIosrvConsoleHelper::UnderlyingConsole(void) const