Fixed chunkinfo and RAllocatorHelper crashes.
* Tidied leak docs
* Updated dialog command to workaround text windowserver bug and implement DIALOG_IMPL as an enum option. Also tried to support dismissing the dialog with CTRL-C but ended up just printing a warning as the notifier API is broken
* Fixed RAllocatorHelper::OpenChunkHeap() (and thus chunkinfo <address>) and took Adrian's latest changes.
* Fixed chunkinfo OOM problem
// wsp_request.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2002 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include "_windows.h"
#include "wsp_request.h"
#include "wsp_panic.h"
#include "wsp_log.h"
// TWin32Message.
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = NULL;
iWriteBuf = NULL;
iCompletionStatus = NULL;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = NULL;
iWriteBuf = NULL;
iCompletionStatus = &aCompletionStatus;
aCompletionStatus = KRequestPending;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, const TDesC8& aReadBuf)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = &aReadBuf;
iWriteBuf = NULL;
iCompletionStatus = NULL;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, const TDesC8& aReadBuf, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = &aReadBuf;
iWriteBuf = NULL;
iCompletionStatus = &aCompletionStatus;
aCompletionStatus = KRequestPending;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, TDes8& aWriteBuf)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = NULL;
iWriteBuf = &aWriteBuf;
iCompletionStatus = NULL;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, TDes8& aWriteBuf, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = NULL;
iWriteBuf = &aWriteBuf;
iCompletionStatus = &aCompletionStatus;
aCompletionStatus = KRequestPending;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, const TDesC8& aReadBuf, TDes8& aWriteBuf)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = &aReadBuf;
iWriteBuf = &aWriteBuf;
iCompletionStatus = NULL;
void TWin32Message::Set(TInt aOppCode, const TDesC8& aReadBuf, TDes8& aWriteBuf, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
iOppCode = aOppCode;
iReadBuf = &aReadBuf;
iWriteBuf = &aWriteBuf;
iCompletionStatus = &aCompletionStatus;
aCompletionStatus = KRequestPending;
TInt TWin32Message::OppCode() const
return iOppCode;
const TDesC8& TWin32Message::ReadBuffer() const
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iReadBuf, Panic(EWinSockPrtInvalidMessageReadBuffer));
return *iReadBuf;
TDes8& TWin32Message::WriteBuffer()
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWriteBuf, Panic(EWinSockPrtInvalidMessageWriteBuffer));
return *iWriteBuf;
void TWin32Message::Complete(TInt aReason)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCompletionStatus, Panic(EWinSockPrtInvalidCompletionStatus));
iParentThread.RequestComplete(iCompletionStatus, aReason);
void TWin32Message::SetParentThreadHandle(RThread aParentThread)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParentThread.Handle() == 0, Panic(EWinSockPrtInvalidMessageParentThreadHandle));
iParentThread = aParentThread;
// TWin32Request.
: iEvent(0), iMessage(NULL), iSubSession(0)
TInt TWin32Request::DuplicateParentThreadHandle(RThread aChildThread)
return iParentThread.Duplicate(aChildThread);
TInt TWin32Request::MakeRequest(TWin32Message& aMessage)
WSP_LOG(WspLog::Printf(_L("TWin32Request::MakeRequest: aMessage: 0x%x"), &aMessage));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMessage == NULL, Panic(EWinSockPrtMultipleRequests));
iMessage = &aMessage;
iSubSession = 0;
iRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
return MakeRequestAndWait();
TInt TWin32Request::MakeRequest(TWin32Message& aMessage, TInt aSubSession)
WSP_LOG(WspLog::Printf(_L("TWin32Request::MakeRequest: aMessage: 0x%x, aSubSession: 0x%x"), &aMessage, aSubSession));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMessage == NULL, Panic(EWinSockPrtMultipleRequests));
iMessage = &aMessage;
iSubSession = aSubSession;
iRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
return MakeRequestAndWait();
void TWin32Request::SetEventHandle(WIN32_HANDLE aEvent)
iEvent = aEvent;
void TWin32Request::Requested(TInt aReason)
WSP_LOG(WspLog::Printf(_L("TWin32Request::Requested: aReason: %d, iMessage: 0x%x, iSubSession: 0x%x"), aReason, iMessage, iSubSession));
TRequestStatus* requestStatusPtr = &iRequestStatus;
iParentThread.RequestComplete(requestStatusPtr, aReason);
TInt TWin32Request::SubSession() const
return iSubSession;
TWin32Message& TWin32Request::Message()
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMessage, Panic(EWinSockPrtInvalidMessage));
return *iMessage;
TInt TWin32Request::MakeRequestAndWait()
if (!SetEvent(iEvent))
return KErrBadHandle;
iMessage = NULL;
return iRequestStatus.Int();