author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 10:11:55 +0100
changeset 89 ce94bcf3f672
parent 0 7f656887cf89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Re-enabled bytepair compression support in chkdeps. Seems it was a bug in the loader code, producing an incorrect error, that led me to disabole it originally. Commented out the apparently-incorrect check, which means theoretically some corrupt binaries won't get picked up during decompression. Which probably doesn't matter much.

// ConsoleWindow.h
// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution

#if !defined(AFX_CONSOLEWINDOW_H__F891F8FC_FA99_41C1_93FB_6C1BB31F655D__INCLUDED_)

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include "Window.h"

class CTextBuffer;
class CTextView;

class MConsoleCharHandler
	virtual void HandleConsoleChar(TCHAR aChar, UINT aModifiers) = 0;
	virtual void HandleConsoleString(LPCTSTR aString, int aLength) = 0;

class CConsoleWindow : public CWindow
	static CConsoleWindow* New(HINSTANCE aAppHandle, LPCTSTR aWindowClass, LPCTSTR aTitle, int aPosX, int aPosY, int aCharWidth, int aCharHeight, int aNumOverflowLines, MWindowObserver* aWindowObserver, MConsoleCharHandler* aCharHandler, bool aNoSelection);
	virtual ~CConsoleWindow();
	void Write(LPCTSTR aString);
	void Write(LPCTSTR aString, int aLength);
	void WriteFormat(LPCTSTR aFormat, ...);
	void GetCursorPos(int& aX, int& aY);
	void SetAbsCursorPos(int aX, int aY);
	void SetRelCursorPos(int aX, int aY);
	void SetCursorHeight(int aHeight);
	void GetConsoleSize(int& aWidth, int& aHeight);
	void ClearScreen();
	void ClearToEndOfLine();
	void CaptureToFile(LPCTSTR aFileName);
	void StopCaptureToFile();
	bool IsCapturingToFile() const;
	void PasteFromClipboard();
	void CopyToClipboard() const;
	void SetDimmed(bool aDimmed);
	CConsoleWindow(bool aNoSelection);
	void Construct(HINSTANCE aAppHandle, LPCTSTR aWindowClass, LPCTSTR aTitle, int aPosX, int aPosY, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aNumOverflowLines, MWindowObserver* aWindowObserver, MConsoleCharHandler* aCharHandler);
private: // From CWindow.
	virtual void Draw() const;
	virtual LRESULT HandleChar(TCHAR aChar, UINT aModifiers);
	virtual LRESULT HandleFocusChange(bool aFocused);
	virtual void HandleScrollEvent(UINT aMessage, WPARAM aWParam);
	virtual void HandleSizeChanged(int aWidth, int aHeight);
	virtual void HandleMouseEvent(UINT aMessage, WPARAM aWParam, LPARAM aLParam);
	virtual void HandleMenuPopUp(HMENU aMenu);
	MConsoleCharHandler* iCharHandler;
	CTextBuffer* iBuffer;
	CTextView* iView;
	bool iNoSelection;

#endif // !defined(AFX_CONSOLEWINDOW_H__F891F8FC_FA99_41C1_93FB_6C1BB31F655D__INCLUDED_)