Re-enabled bytepair compression support in chkdeps.
Seems it was a bug in the loader code, producing an incorrect error, that led me to disabole it originally. Commented out the apparently-incorrect check, which means theoretically some corrupt binaries won't get picked up during decompression. Which probably doesn't matter much.
// RemoteConsole.h
// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#if !defined(AFX_REMOTECONSOLE_H__EE1B18FE_34CC_42EE_8102_A6C62658E7EA__INCLUDED_)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "Base.h"
#include "ClientSocket.h"
#include "SocketCommandHandler.h"
#include "Server.h"
#include "ConsoleWindow.h"
class CRemoteConsole : public CBase, public MSocketClosureObserver, public MWindowObserver, public MConsoleCharHandler, public MSocketCommandHandler
static CRemoteConsole* Instance(int aId);
static CRemoteConsole* New(HINSTANCE aAppHandle, CSocketCommandReader& aCommandReader, LPCTSTR aTitle, int aWidth, int aHeight, TPreferences& aPreferences);
virtual ~CRemoteConsole();
int Id() const;
void AttachKeyEventSocket(CClientSocket& aSocket);
CRemoteConsole(CSocketCommandReader& aCommandReader, TPreferences& aPreferences);
void Construct(HINSTANCE aAppHandle, LPCTSTR aTitle, int aWidth, int aHeight);
private: // From MSocketClosureObserver.
virtual void HandleSocketClosure(CSocket& aSocket);
private: // From MWindowObserver.
virtual void HandleWindowClosure(CWindow& aWindow);
virtual LRESULT HandleWindowCommand(UINT aMessage, WPARAM aWParam, LPARAM aLParam);
private: // From MConsoleCharHandler.
virtual void HandleConsoleChar(TCHAR aChar, UINT aModifiers);
virtual void HandleConsoleString(LPCTSTR aString, int aLength);
private: // From MSocketCommandHandler.
virtual void HandleSocketCommand(TPacketHeader::TPacketType aCommand, const char* aPacket, int aPacketLength, CSocketCommandReader& aReader);
virtual void HandleSocketClosure(CSocketCommandReader& aReader);
bool GetCaptureFileName(LPTSTR aFileName) const;
void GetDefaultCaptureFileName(LPTSTR aFileName) const;
void SetDefaultCaptureFilePath(LPCTSTR aFileName) const;
static bool sWindowClassRegistered;
static int sNextId;
static CRemoteConsole* sFirst;
static CRemoteConsole* sLast;
int iId;
CRemoteConsole* iNext;
CRemoteConsole* iPrevious;
CSocketCommandReader* iCommandReader;
CClientSocket* iKeyEventSocket;
CConsoleWindow* iConsole;
bool iClosing;
TPreferences& iPreferences;
#endif // !defined(AFX_REMOTECONSOLE_H__EE1B18FE_34CC_42EE_8102_A6C62658E7EA__INCLUDED_)