author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Sat, 28 Aug 2010 00:12:38 +0100
changeset 50 e81b4e28b3e2
parent 0 7f656887cf89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added sf\3tshell platform with support for building beagle textshell+fshell ROMs. As part of that: * Added baserom command and tweaked it to be more friendly with SF baselines. * Lots of build fixes Also cd now makes sure the current working directory matches the file system with respect to case.

// bufferbase.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#include "bufferbase.h"
#include "filebuffer.h" // for CFileBlock::CountNewLines

	: CActive(EPriorityStandard), iRefCount(1)

TInt CFedBufferBase::RefCount() const
	return iRefCount;

void CFedBufferBase::IncRef()

TInt CFedBufferBase::DecRef()
	TInt refCount = iRefCount;
	if (refCount == 0) delete this; 
	return refCount;

void StaticDecRef(TAny* aPtr)

void CFedBufferBase::PushL()
	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(&StaticDecRef, this));

void CFedBufferBase::DoCancel()

void CFedBufferBase::RunL()

TInt CFedBufferBase::FindClientRequest(MSharedCacheClient& aClient)
	TPtrC dummy;
	TRange dummyRange;
	TInt dummyLine;
	return iClientRequests.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(TClientRequest(&aClient, dummy, dummyRange, dummyLine));

TInt CFedBufferBase::RegisterClient(MSharedCacheClient& aClient, TPtrC& aDes, TRange& aRange, TInt& aRangeStartLineNumber)
	TInt err = iClientRequests.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(TClientRequest(&aClient, aDes, aRange, aRangeStartLineNumber));
	return err;

void CFedBufferBase::UnregisterClient(MSharedCacheClient& aClient)
	TInt res = FindClientRequest(aClient);
	if (res >= 0) iClientRequests.Remove(res);

	ASSERT(iRefCount == 0); // Otherwise someone has deleted us directly rather than going through the reference counting

void CFedBufferBase::InsertTextL(TInt /*aDocumentPosition*/, const TDesC& /*aText*/)

void CFedBufferBase::DeleteTextL(TRange /*aRange*/)

void CFedBufferBase::SaveL(const TDesC& /*aNewName*/, TBool /*aReplace*/)

TBool CFedBufferBase::Modified() const
	return EFalse;

TBool CFedBufferBase::Editable() const
	return EFalse;

TBool CFedBufferBase::IsOpen() const
	return EFalse;


CConstDataBuffer::CConstDataBuffer(const TDesC& aTitle, const TDesC& aText)
: iTitle(aTitle), iText(aText)

CConstDataBuffer::CConstDataBuffer(const TDesC& aTitle, HBufC* aTextPtr)
	: iTitle(aTitle), iText(*aTextPtr), iOwnedTextPtr(aTextPtr)

	delete iOwnedTextPtr;

const TDesC& CConstDataBuffer::Title() const
	return iTitle;

TDelimiterType CConstDataBuffer::DelimiterType() const
	return EDelimLF;

TEncodingType CConstDataBuffer::Encoding() const
	return EEncodingUtf16Native;

TInt CConstDataBuffer::GetData(MSharedCacheClient& aClient, TInt aDocumentPosition)
	TInt idx = FindClientRequest(aClient);
	if (idx < 0)
		return idx;

	TClientRequest& client = iClientRequests[idx];
	ASSERT(aDocumentPosition >= 0);

	client.iRange = TRange(aDocumentPosition, iText.Length()-aDocumentPosition);
	TInt lines = KMaxTInt;
	CFileBlock::CountNewLines(iText.Left(aDocumentPosition), lines, KMaxTInt);
	client.iRangeStartLineNumber = lines;
	return KErrNone;

TInt CConstDataBuffer::SeekFromOffset(MSharedCacheClient& aClient, TInt aOffset, TInt aNumLinesFromOffset, TInt aLineLength)
	TInt idx = FindClientRequest(aClient);
	if (idx < 0)
		return idx;
	TClientRequest& client = iClientRequests[idx];

	TInt lineDelta = aNumLinesFromOffset;
	TInt bufPos = -1;
	if (lineDelta > 0)
		TPtrC ptr = iText.Mid(aOffset);
		bufPos = CFileBlock::CountNewLines(ptr, lineDelta, aLineLength);
		if (bufPos == KErrNotFound)
			aOffset = 0;
			lineDelta = -1;
			bufPos = CFileBlock::CountNewLines(ptr, lineDelta, aLineLength);
		TPtrC ptr = iText.Left(aOffset);
		aOffset = 0;
		bufPos = CFileBlock::CountNewLines(ptr, lineDelta, aLineLength);
		if (bufPos == KErrNotFound) bufPos = 0;

	client.iRange = TRange(bufPos + aOffset, client.iDes.Length());
	TInt lines = KMaxTInt;
	CFileBlock::CountNewLines(iText.Left(bufPos + aOffset), lines, KMaxTInt);
	client.iRangeStartLineNumber = lines;
	return KErrNone;

TBool CConstDataBuffer::DocumentPositionIsEof(TInt aDocumentPosition) const
	return (aDocumentPosition == iText.Length());

TInt CConstDataBuffer::Find(TInt aStartingPosition, const TDesC& aSearchString, TBool aBackwards)
	TInt res = iText.Mid(aStartingPosition).Find(aSearchString);
	if (res >= 0) res += aStartingPosition;
	return res;